Homesick | Charles Leclerc

Por tonysnarky

361K 8K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... Más

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


2.1K 42 2
Por tonysnarky

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A true catfish (We're having a sleepover while Charles is in Maranello)


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Tagged: LexiHeroux

@CharlesLeclerc: Mi Amor


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Tagged: CharlesLeclerc

@LexiHeroux: Help! I forgot to cancel my 30-day trial, and now I'm stuck with him. 


The cozy living room was illuminated by the glow of the horror movie playing on the TV screen. Lexi and Max were nestled on the couch, sharing a bowl of popcorn. Kelly and Charles were both away for work, and so the two friends had decided to keep each other company. 

 They watched the on-screen protagonist stumble into a fireplace mantel, knocking themselves unconscious in an awfully acted-out fall. Laughter filled the room, a release from the tension that horror movies inevitably brought.

Lexi couldn't hold back her chuckles. "Oh my God, that happened to me once."

Max joined in her laughter, his voice filled with amusement. "No way, really? You fell into a fireplace?"

Lexi grinned, her eyes dancing with mirth. "Yeah, but it wasn't as funny as this. I mean, it was for a moment until..."

Max's laughter started to taper off, his curiosity piqued by the sudden shift in Lexi's tone. "Until what?"

Lexi's smile faded, replaced by a distant look in her eyes. She hesitated as if weighing whether to share what lay beneath the surface. "Until I realized it was my father who pushed me."

The room fell into an uneasy silence. The movie continued to play in the background, but its sounds were distant and irrelevant now. Max's gaze shifted from the TV to Lexi, his brows furrowing with concern.

Max's voice was gentle, his words a cautious inquiry. "He did what?"

Lexi's eyes remained fixed on some distant memory, her voice strained as she responded. "It was... a long time ago. I was just a kid, and my dad... he had his issues. I don't even remember what I did to set him off that time. He pushed me away from my Mum and I fell. Knocked myself out...Here-,"

Alexandra turned to face the wall and lifted her hair, showing a tiny scar that started at the base of her skull. Max's heart ached for Lexi as he tried to grasp the weight of her words. He knew all too well the impact of parental abuse, but hearing Lexi's story brought a fresh wave of empathy and sadness.

"You know one time, my dad stabbed a mechanic with a fork," Max said nonchalantly. 

"God, we're fucked up." Alexandra laughed hollowly. "How did we manage to get Charles and Kelly to fall in love with us?" 

"Speak for yourself, I'm a catch." Max joked. 

The jumpscares continued, and each one met with a chorus of laughter and yelps. It was as if the horror on the screen had become a shared adventure, a rollercoaster they were riding together. The movie no longer held the power to fully terrify them, not when they had faced their own demons and lived to tell the tale.

At one particularly intense moment, Lexi buried her face in her hands, letting out a high-pitched scream. Max playfully imitated her, his scream just as exaggerated. They dissolved into laughter again, and their fear transformed into something almost enjoyable.

The horror movie had escalated to a climax, and the tension in the room was palpable. Lexi and Max sat in silence, their eyes glued to the TV screen as the characters faced their final confrontation with the malevolent force. Occasional screams punctuated the room as jumpscares made them jump in unison, their hearts racing from a mixture of fear and anticipation.

Suddenly, a hand landed on both Max's and Lexi's shoulders simultaneously. Their bodies tensed, their hearts skipping a beat as they glanced at each other with wide eyes. Before they could react, instinct took over, and they simultaneously pushed each other toward the source of the touch, their own survival instincts kicking in.

"What the-,"


The room echoed with a shared scream, a chorus of terror that reverberated through the air. Lexi's heart pounded in her chest as she collided with Max, the two of them stumbling awkwardly as they tried to distance themselves from the unknown intruder.

In that moment of chaos, Lexi's mind focused on one thing: escape. She shoved Max forward with surprising strength, her instincts overriding any rational thought. Max, caught off guard, stumbled back onto the sofa before regaining his balance. In a retaliatory move, he pushed back, his hands making contact with Lexi's shoulders. Lexi, unable to maintain her footing, lost her balance and fell to the floor with a surprised yelp.

Amid the disarray, the light flickered on, revealing the faces of Daniel, Lando, and Carlos. Their laughter, genuine and infectious, filled the room as the tension that had gripped Lexi and Max was released in a collective exhale.

"You guys!" Lexi exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and relief in her voice.

Max's lips curved into a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You really got us good."

Lando chuckled, raising his hands in a mock surrender. "Hey, we didn't mean to terrify you that much. We just wanted to join the movie night. Although seeing Lexi sacrifice you to the demons was a great start, Max."

Carlos nodded a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, we figured a good scare was the best way to announce our presence."

Lexi's heart rate was slowly returning to normal as she looked at her friends, a mixture of fondness and exasperation in her gaze. "Well, congratulations, you definitely succeeded in that."

Daniel stepped forward, a genuine smile on his face. "It's good to see you guys."

Max let out a relieved laugh, his previous fear replaced by the warmth of camaraderie. "Yeah, it's good to see you too. Even if you did almost give us a heart attack."

"Bastards." Lexi groaned. 

Lando hopped over the back of the sofa, landing with a playful thud, while Carlos and Daniel settled onto the other couch. Lexi and Max reclaimed their seats, trying their best to salvage the popcorn that had been thrown into the air in their panic.

Daniel's eyes were lit up with excitement as he surveyed the movie playing on the TV screen. "So, what are we watching, guys?"

Lexi glanced at Max, exchanging a knowing look before turning her attention back to Daniel. "We're watching 'Annabelle'."

Lando's face contorted into an exaggerated expression of horror, and he let out a dramatic groan. "Oh, come on! Not 'Annabelle'! That movie gives me the creeps!"

Carlos joined in with a smirk, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "Aw, poor Lando, scared of a little doll?"

Lando shot Carlos an indignant look. "You know how I feel about possessed dolls, Carlos! Can we watch something else? Like a Disney movie?"

Lexi and Max exchanged amused glances, then turned their attention to Lando. "Lando, we agreed on 'Annabelle', and we're sticking to it," Lexi said, her tone firm but lighthearted.

Lando let out a theatrical sigh, but it was clear he was outnumbered. "Fine, fine. But I'm watching with one eye closed!"

As Max pressed play on the movie, Lexi leaned over to Carlos and Daniel. "So, how did you guys know we were having a movie night?"

Carlos held up his phone, a mischievous grin on his face. "Well, we have Charles to thank for that. He let it slip that you two were keeping each other company while he and Kelly were away."

Lexi chuckled, shaking her head. "Leave it to Charles to spill the beans."

Lando's grin turned mischievous, and he pulled out his phone with a theatrical flourish. "Oh, by the way, I've got something you two might find interesting."

Lexi and Max exchanged intrigued glances, their curiosity piqued. "What is it?" Lexi asked, her eyebrows raised.

Lando's grin widened as he showed them a video on his phone. It was a recording of the earlier scare, capturing the moment Max and Lexi had pushed each other towards the source of the touch. Lando had caught their reactions perfectly.

Lexi's jaw dropped in disbelief, and Max's face turned a shade of red that almost matched the pillow he had thrown earlier. "Lando, you didn't!" Lexi exclaimed, a mix of embarrassment and amusement in her voice.

Lando's laughter was triumphant as he nodded. "Oh, I did. And you won't believe what I did next."

With a flourish, he revealed that he had sent the video to their driver's group chat. Their friends, including the rest of the racing team, were all part of the chat. Lando's grin turned wicked as he continued, "Let's just say everyone's rinsing you guys."

Max let out a groan that was equal parts embarrassment and frustration. He grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at Lando, who easily dodged it with a laugh. "Lando, you're unbelievable!"

Lexi joined in the laughter, her face still flushed with embarrassment. "I can't believe you'd do that!"

Lando's laughter was infectious, and the room was soon filled with the shared amusement of the group. Even Carlos and Daniel were chuckling, having seen the video firsthand.

Amid the laughter, Max playfully grabbed another pillow and pointed it at Lando. "I swear, one of these days, I'm going to get you back."

Lando held his hands up in mock surrender, his laughter still echoing. "Hey, it's all in good fun, right?"

Lexi nodded, a smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, you're right. but we'll get back at you eventually."

As the laughter subsided and the group settled down, the camaraderie was stronger than ever. The unexpected turn of events had brought a new level of connection, and even in the midst of embarrassment, there was a shared understanding that they were all in it together.


A gentle breeze rustled through the air, carrying with it the scent of flowers and the soft whispers of the late afternoon. The balcony was bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, casting a gentle glow over the space. Charles stepped onto the balcony, his heart aflutter as he took in the scene before him.

There, swaying softly in the hammock, was Alexandra. She was fast asleep, her book still resting in her grasp, the pages gently flipping in the breeze. Her peaceful expression, illuminated by the soft light, was a sight to behold. Charles couldn't help but pause, his heart swelling with a mixture of love and longing.

He moved closer, his steps cautious so as not to wake her. The sound of her even breathing, the way her hair cascaded over her shoulder, and the warmth of her presence created an image that he had missed dearly during his time away. The days of being apart had only intensified his appreciation for every detail, every moment they shared.

As Charles gazed at her, he found himself reveling in the beauty of the moment. It was as though time had stopped, and all that mattered was the sight of the woman he loved, lost in her dreams. He couldn't help but let a soft smile grace his lips, the ache of their separation finally easing as he realized he was home.

With a gentle touch, he brushed a strand of hair away from Alexandra's face, his fingers lingering against her skin. Her features softened even more in her sleep, and Charles felt a rush of tenderness that overwhelmed him. He had missed her laugh, her warmth, and the feeling of her presence beside him.

Sitting down on the edge of the hammock, Charles continued to watch her, his heart brimming with emotion. His fingers traced the lines of her open book, a reminder of the interests they shared and the conversations that flowed effortlessly between them.

In that quiet moment, as the sun dipped lower on the horizon, Charles felt a deep sense of gratitude. He was grateful for their love, for the moments they had shared, and for the knowledge that no matter how far apart they were, their connection remained unbreakable.

As the sky turned a deeper shade of orange, Alexandra stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. Her gaze met Charles's, and a drowsy smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Hey there," she murmured, her voice a soft melody.

Charles returned her smile, his heart swelling at the sound of her voice. "Hey, you."

She shifted in the hammock, making room for him. With a gentle ease, he settled beside her, their bodies touching, the hammock swaying gently beneath them.

"I missed you," Alexandra whispered, her fingers finding his intertwining with them.

Charles leaned in, his forehead resting against hers. "I missed you too, more than words can express."

The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a serene twilight over the balcony where Charles and Alexandra sat, their fingers intertwined. The soft breeze continued to caress their skin, creating a comforting cocoon around them. In the midst of the tranquil atmosphere, Alexandra turned to Charles with a curious look in her eyes.

"So, how was Maranello?" she asked, her tone filled with genuine interest.

Charles let out a sigh, his gaze shifting as if trying to put his thoughts into words. "It was... it was good to be back, of course. The team is as dedicated as ever, and there's a lot of hard work being put in. But..."

He trailed off, a hint of uncertainty in his expression. Alexandra's brow furrowed slightly, sensing that there was something more he wanted to say.

"But?" she prompted gently, giving him the space to share his thoughts.

Charles met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and concern. "But I'm not confident in the car this year, from what I've seen so far. There's a lot of work that needs to be done, and I can't shake this feeling that we might be facing some challenges."

Alexandra's smile softened into a sympathetic one. She squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Charles, you've faced challenges before, and you've always managed to come through. You and the team have what it takes to overcome whatever comes your way."

Charles offered a small smile in return, grateful for her support. "I know, it's just... you know how important this is to me. And to the team."

She nodded, her gaze unwavering. "I do. But remember, challenges are a part of the journey. And sometimes, they lead to unexpected breakthroughs."

He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "You always know how to put things into perspective."

As they sat in silence for a moment, Alexandra's expression grew pensive. "You know, I'm sure this year's car will be better than my AlphaTauri."

Charles chuckled softly, his fingers tracing patterns on her hand. "Oh, really? You're that skeptical about your car?"

Alexandra's smile was both playful and rueful. "Well, I haven't even seen it yet. And considering my luck with cars in the past..."

Charles laughed a warm sound that filled the air between them. "I have a feeling your luck is about to change. And maybe we can both have a season full of surprises."

He gazed at her, his eyes softening as he took in her features. Alexandra's optimism was a balm to his concerns, reminding him that even in the face of uncertainty, there was room for hope and positivity.

"You're right," he admitted, his voice tinged with a newfound determination. "We'll work hard, and who knows? Maybe we'll surprise ourselves and everyone else."

As they continued to sit on the balcony, their hands intertwined, the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, mirroring the potential and possibilities that lay ahead. Together, they faced the unknown with a shared resolve, their connection a beacon of support and strength that would guide them through the challenges that awaited.

Under the twinkling stars and the soft glow of the balcony lights, Charles and Alexandra sat in comfortable silence, their hands still intertwined. The evening had grown quiet and serene, the perfect backdrop for their conversation to deepen.

With a soft smile, Charles turned to Alexandra. "You know, I love you, Mon Ange."

Alexandra's heart skipped a beat at his words, her smile blossoming into one of pure happiness. "I love you too, Amor."

Their words hung in the air, charged with the depth of their emotions. The connection they shared had only grown stronger during their time apart, and those three words held a world of promise and commitment.

Charles shifted his gaze, looking out at the city lights in the distance. "So, what have you been up to while I've been away?"

Alexandra chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, you know, the usual. I've been for runs with Lewis, and played padel with George, Alex, and Esteban."

Charles raised an eyebrow, a playful grin forming on his lips. "And how did your padel matches go?"

Alexandra leaned in, her tone conspiratorial. "Let's just say that George and I make a pretty unbeatable team. We might have challenged Alex and Esteban to a rematch."

Charles laughed, the image of Alexandra in competitive spirit painting a vivid picture in his mind. "I have no doubt you'd be a force to be reckoned with."

As the conversation flowed, Alexandra's voice softened as she recounted the unexpected movie night with Max. "Oh, and there was this movie night with Max. It was meant to be just the two of us, but it turned into a bit of a chaotic gathering."

Charles raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Chaotic? How so?"

Alexandra's smile turned mischievous as she described how Lando, Carlos, and Daniel had surprised them during their movie night and turned it into an impromptu sleepover at Max's house.

"I did see the video." Charles laughed. "How did that turn into a sleepover?"

"Lando almost cried when Max tried to tell him to go home."

Charles burst into laughter, his amusement evident. "Lando was too scared to go home?"

Alexandra nodded, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Oh, you have no idea. It was quite the sight to see."

The memory of that eventful night painted a vivid picture in their minds, filling the air with shared laughter and camaraderie. As they continued to talk, their voices carried a sense of warmth and intimacy, a reminder that even when they were apart, they were always connected by shared experiences and a deep affection for each other.

Under the soft glow of the balcony lights, Charles and Alexandra's conversation had flowed effortlessly, punctuated by laughter and shared stories. The connection between them was palpable, a reminder of the depth of their love.

With a playful glint in his eyes, Charles leaned in, capturing Alexandra's lips in a teasing kiss. It was a kiss filled with the unspoken affection and longing that had built up during their time apart. Their lips met with a sweet familiarity, igniting a spark that had never truly dimmed.

As the kiss deepened, they lost themselves in the sensation of being reunited, their hands gently exploring each other's skin. The world around them faded, leaving only the two of them and the shared joy of being together again.

When they finally broke the kiss, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, Alexandra's eyes sparkled with affection. "I missed you," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.

Charles stood up from the hammock, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He extended his hand to her. "Come with me."

Alexandra giggled, taking his hand and allowing him to lift her in the air. "Where are we going?"

With a smile that held a promise of intimacy, Charles swooped down, effortlessly picking her up in his arms. "I'm carrying you inside."

Alexandra's laughter filled the air as Charles carried her across the threshold and into the warmth of their home. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the feeling of being held close to him. "And what's the occasion for this grand entrance?"

Charles met her gaze, his eyes full of tenderness. "You'll see."

As they moved through the familiar space of their home, the sense of closeness between them deepened. Alexandra's heart swelled with love and contentment, knowing that no matter where they were or what they were doing, they were always connected by a bond that was unbreakable.

As Charles carried her toward their bedroom, Alexandra playfully nuzzled her nose against his neck. "So, what's the plan once we're in the bedroom?"

Charles chuckled, his voice a warm whisper. "I'm going to show you how much I missed you."

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