Cold Hearted

By kitkate1331

3.3K 211 83

You are an aspiring actress working at a club until you make your big break. One night at work is super busy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20-Final

Chapter 3

198 17 12
By kitkate1331

You wake up to your phone ringing. Letting out a groan, you stretch and grab your phone.

Groggily you answer without looking at the caller id, "Hello?"

"Sorry for the early phone call Y/n. I know you worked late last night but the director has requested you for another audition. Is there any way you can get to the theater in an hour?"

You are wide awake now. This is good news. You could get the role without Yoongi. There for might be able to get out of this precarious situation you found yourself in last night.

"Of course, Jun. I will get ready and be there as soon as I can."

"Okay, great. See you when you get here. A second audition is amazing. This could your big break!"

"I sure hope so."

After hanging up with Jun, you quickly throw off the covers and hurry to get dressed. Throwing on some make up. You look at your reflection.

You let out a sigh, "This will have to do."

Then you make your way out to the living room. You see that JK and Jimin are still fast asleep on your tiny couch. The two of them cuddled together. You have to hold back your laughter at the sight of the two grown men smushed together on your tiny couch. Quickly you pull out your phone and snap a picture of them.

"Perfect for teasing them with later," You whisper.

You go to the kitchen and start your coffee maker. Making sure to add enough water so the three of you can have coffee. Then you go back to the living room to wake them up.

"Jimin. JK. I need you two to wake up." You call out.

They don't budge. So, you move closer to them and call out again. Again, neither of them move to wake up. So, this time you poke Jimin and JK in the face.

"Guys I need you to wake up. I have to leave in a few minu...." Your words die in your throat as you are pulled on to the couch with the men. You land on top of them. Your face just inches away from theirs.

You repeat, "I need you to wake up."

Jimin and JK both let out yawns and stretch.

"Good morning, Y/n," Jimin yawns with eyes still closed.


JK grumbles with eyes closed, "Where do you have to go so early?"

You huff, "Can you let me go please?"

Both men's eyes shoot open, locking with yours. Both move their arms from around you. Finally, being free you stand back up and fix your clothes.

"My friend at the theater just called me and the director wants me to come in for another audition. It's for the lead and I have to be there in...." You look at your watch, "twenty-five minutes."

Jimin smiles, "Well that is a good thing."

"Jimin and I will give you a ride. Besides I would love to see you act. Jimin has seen you and say you are amazing."

You blush at his comment, "Well, I don't know about amazing, but I like to think that I'm pretty good."

Jimin laughs, "I would say you are more than pretty good."

This makes your blush deepen.

"Jimin goes to a lot of plays so if he says you are amazing then I would take him for his word."

On the drive over, JK is on his phone texting someone while Jimin is driving. You tried to see who he was texting discreetly, but the angle wasn't right in the car.

Man, my skills are really rusty.

Jimin and Jk take a seat a few rows form the back of the theater. You are about to walk up on the stage when the side door opens. Everyone looks to who is walking in. Your mouth drops open when you realize that it is Yoongi.

How on earth did he know? You look back at Jimin and JK, both are giving you thumbs up and smiling. JK shoots you a wink.

You whisper to yourself, "I should have known they were up to something. So that is who he was texting this morning."

I'm so screwed now.

The director notices him and makes his way over to him, "Ah, Mr. Min. What brings you here?"

"A little birdy told me that my fiancé was having an audition today. I figured I could stop by and see her at work. Since she never wants me to see her act."

"Loerli isn't auditioning today."

You watch as Yoongi slightly cringes at the mention of her name. This makes you giggle. Oh, Mr. tough guy can't handle little Loreli. That's priceless.

He clears his throat, "Despite what Loreli has told everyone here. She is not my fiancé."

"My apologies. Who are you here to see then?"

Yoongi looks over the director's shoulder and smirks, "Y/n."

You get hit on the shoulder and you let out a yelp, "Why didn't you tell me you snagged the most eligible bachelor in the city?"

You rub your arm, "We were keeping things private."

You give Yoongi a sided glare and you swear you see him smirk even bigger. Asshole.

"Well, the cat is out of the bag now. Maybe no Loreli will stop getting roles she doesn't deserve."

"I don't want to get roles just because he is my fiancé." Jun spins you to look at her.

"Y/n, lighten up. You deserve the roles. This is just giving the leg up you need to be able to beat the girls like Loreli. Who only have their fathers name to get them roles."

"I guess."

You look back over at Yoongi and notice the scowl on his face. You wonder what made him have that look for. I hope I didn't do anything to piss him off.

You shake your head to refocus your thoughts and then walk up on stage.

"Y/n, you can begin whenever you want. Same scene as yesterday."

You nod your head. Closing your eyes for a second to get into character and after letting out a deep breath you begin reciting the lines. After thirty minutes and doing different scenes than yesterday, the director dismisses you.

"I will call you tomorrow to let you know." Says before he walks over to talk with Yoongi, Jimin and JK.

"Y/n, you were amazing today!" Jun exclaims.

"Probably because her fiancé was here watching her." One costar says.

"Y/N why didn't you tell us you were dating a total hunk." Another adds.

"She said they were keeping it private." Jun mocks what you said earlier to her.

"Well, it's not private now." The first costar says.

"Maybe this will put Loreli in her place." The second prays.

"I hope so. She's a nightmare." The first costar groans.

"Calling her a nightmare is putting it too nicely." You joke.

"What are you all talking about?" A screechy voice calls out, making you all cringe.

"Speak of the devil." The second costar mumbles.

Jun's eyes light up and your eyes widen. Trying to plead with her to keep her mouth shut. But she ignores your protest.

"Oh, just how Y/n's fiancé came to watch her audition today."

"Who is that?"

"Oh, he's talking to the director right now." One costar says.

"That can't be right. There's no way he is your fiancé."

Jun winks at you. Oh, hell. Here we go.

"Well, he announced it when he walked in here earlier in front of everyone. Including the director."

You flinch at that part. Hating that maybe the reason you get the role. You shake it off. Time to piss off the princess.

"Loreli, jealousy isn't very flattering on you."

Loreli scoffs, "Who says I would be jealous of you."

She stalks towards you, the two of you staring face to face.

"You need to back off Loreli."

Loreli smirks, "And what are you going to do about it?"

"She won't have to do a damn thing. I on the other hand will gladly remove you from my fiancés presence."

You smirk back at her and raise a brow. Silently challenging her. Oh, please push your luck. I so want to see you get throw out on your ass. She huffs and stomps away.

You let out a huff, "Well, that's dumb." You mumble.

Yoongi lets out a chuckle.

"Damn. I was hoping we could throw her out on her ass."

You look to Yoongi and see that both JK and Jimin are flanking him.

"You didn't have to come to my rescue. I can handle Loreli."

Yoongi shrugs, "I just enjoy pissing her off. I know I said dinner last night, but I was thinking lunch would be better. Turns out we have a lot more to talk about."

Knowing where you are and that there are a bunch of eyes on you. You smile up at him, "Lunch sounds great."

He offers his arm to you, and you take it. You can hear the cat calls from your friends as you walk out of the theater. You flip them the bird and a chorus of laughs follows you out the door.

Namjoon opens the door for you and Yoongi to get in the back seat. JK and Jimin get in JKs car.

"Where are we going?"

Yoongi answers, "Seven."

You panic, "I'm not dressed well enough to go there."

Yoongi shrugs, "I guess it's a good thing you know the owner."

You gawk at him, "You own Seven?"

Internally you are smirking. You may be more connected than my father after all. This could be to my advantage.

Namjoon clears his throat.

"We own Seven. The seven us that was in my office last night."

"I see."

You nod your head and look over the menu. You are in sticker shock when you see the prices of the dishes. Most you would never have been able to afford on your salary and tips from the club. Now if you were still connected to your family, you wouldn't even bat any eye at the prices. Crazy how life changes.

"Do you need time to decide?" The waitress asks.

"No, I will have my usual and whatever she wants."

The waitress and Yoongi both look at you.

"I will just have the chef salad and water, please."

The waitress nods and walks away.

"You could have gotten more."

You mumble, "Not when it cost me a whole night's salary and tips."

Yoongi chuckles, "Y/N, I would never make you pay for a meal we eat together. Plus, you are now engaged to one of the richest men in the city."

"I thought you were going to give me time to think about it," You scoff, "You were never going to give me an option, were you?"

Yoongi shrugs, "I get what I want."

"So, you have never been told no before?"

Yoongi smiles his devilish smile at you, "I can't say I have."

You roll your eyes, "So what are the terms to this agreement then?"

"You will be my fiancé and eventually my wife. Strictly on paper. You can have access to spend money on whatever you need to look the part and to help with your career. And I will use my influence to help your acting career. Although from what I witnessed today, I don't think you need any help with that."

You blush at his compliment, "How long do we have to stay married for?"

"As long as needed to get me out of the predicament I'm in."

"And what is that precisely? I know it has something to do with Loreli and her father."

Yoongi snaps, "It is nothing you need to worry about."

"Point taken. I will stay out of your business, and you stay out of mine. Sounds the makes of a great relationship."

The waitress brings your food interrupting the rest of your conversation. The two of you eat in silence.

"You will be moving into my penthouse today. Namjoon and JK will be helping you pack your things."

You know it's useless to argue with him. He has made up his mind. Namjoon comes to stand next to the table and you take that as your cue to get up and leave with him. Men like Yoongi and your father are all the same. Women are just valuable tools to men like them. Fine, two can play that game. He has no idea who he made a deal with.

On the way to the car Namjoon speaks up, "He isn't all bad when you get to know him."

"Not giving me any choice in the matter says otherwise."

You ignore JK as he waves to you and climb into the back of the car.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" JK asks.

You sigh, "I just want to go home."

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