Bad Moon Rising. (Male Reader...

By Johnny_Blade289

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I died. My god had other plans for me. Now I live on as his avatar, and I want only one thing: Vengeance! More

Prologue: Kill the moon.
Chapter 1: Kill the knight.
Chapter 2: Kill the Deal.
Chapter 3: Kill The Mob
Chapter 4: Kill The Executioner
Chapter 6: Kill the mercenary
Chapter 7: Kill this abandonment
Chapter 8: Kill The Silence
Chapter 9: Kill The Mimic
Chapter 10: Kill the Taskmaster.
Chapter 11: Kill the tournament.
Chapter 12: Kill this possession
Chapter 13: Kill The Spector

Chapter 5: Kill the resurrected

556 22 13
By Johnny_Blade289

As my vision faded into darkness, a familiar sense of detachment washed over me. It was as if I was floating in an abyss, disconnected from the world around me. The chaos of battle, the clash of steel, all of it receded into the background, replaced by an eerie stillness.

Amidst this surreal state, a familiar presence began to take shape - the essence of Khonshu, the deity whose mark I bore. His energy enveloped me, a comforting and potent force that transcended mortal understanding.

A voice, echoing with ancient power, resonated within my mind. "(F/N), my avatar," it intoned, carrying an air of authority and reassurance. "You are my fist, and I shall not let you be snuffed out so easily."

The words reverberated through my being, filling me with a strange blend of calm and determination. Even in the face of impending darkness, the connection between me and Khonshu remained resolute.

Then, like a surge of light bursting through the void, a brilliant radiance enveloped me. It was a surge of energy, an infusion of divine power that reignited my spirit and rekindled my body. In that blinding instant, the line between life and death blurred, and I was reborn anew.

With a gasp, I returned to consciousness, my senses sharpening once more. I could feel the rhythm of my heartbeat, the rush of vitality coursing through my veins. My body was now flawless, as if the previous battles had never happened.

The moon above bathed me in its silvery glow, a reminder of the deity who had granted me a second chance. Khonshu's presence lingered within me, a pact renewed in the face of adversity.

The moon's radiance danced upon my masked countenance, a symbol of the partnership that bound a mortal to a god. I got up and made my way back to the night raids hideout.

Returning to the Night Raid's hideout, I moved with a renewed vigour, my presence heralding a surprise that would send shockwaves through the comrades who had believed me fallen. I made my way to the conference where everyone else was gathered. I cleared my throat to get their attention, the air was thick with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.

Tatsumi, Najenda, Leone, and the others turned their gaze towards me, their eyes widening with a blend of incredulity and wonder. Their voices murmured in hushed tones, a chorus of questioning and amazement that filled the room.

Leone, her laid-back demeanor momentarily shaken, was the first to speak, her words laced with disbelief. "Is that... really you?" she stammered, her expression a mix of astonishment and relief.

I nodded, my lips curving into a wry smile beneath my mask. "In the flesh, or at least some semblance of it."

Najenda's eye bore into mine, her tactical mind tried assessing the situation. "This isn't right. Akame and Tatsumi told me you were killed by Zank! You're supposed to be dead!"

"I was. It was boring, so I stood up." I said with a dry laugh.

Tatsumi's voice was a mixture of relief and awe.
"This can't be real. People don't just come back from the dead like this."

"And yet, here I am."

I glanced around at the faces of my comrades, each one displaying a unique reaction to my return. For a moment, the gravity of my resurrection hung in the air, the sense of otherworldly power that had orchestrated my revival palpable.

With a quiet determination, I addressed them all, my words carrying a weight that went beyond the ordinary. "Before Zank killed me, I told him that I do not die. But the truth is I do die, over and over again. When my god, Khonshu, resurrects me, my body returns. Strong, unharmed, ready to do the nighttime violence that is his work." I explained to them.

The atmosphere in the hideout was charged with a mixture of disbelief and uncertainty. My return from the clutches of death had cast a shadow of doubt over the minds of my companions. Their expressions ranged from astonishment to suspicion, their unspoken thoughts hanging heavy in the air.

Najenda's brows furrowed. "Resurrected by a god? I know you told me you were resurrected by one but that's... not possible."

Tatsumi's eyes held a mix of concern and confusion. "I've heard tales of gods and powerful beings, but to actually be brought back by one?"

Mine's eyes were tinged with skepticism. "I've seen my fair share of weird stuff, but gods meddling in human affairs? It's a stretch."

My gaze met theirs, the weight of my experiences etched into my expression. "I know it's difficult to believe, but I stand before you as the truth. You can kill me all you want..."

I gazed at Mine, a knowing look passing between us.

"...whether it's a shot to the head..."

I turned to Lubbock, my determination unwavering.

"...the slicing embrace of your wires..."

Sheele's gaze met mine, a connection forged by the strangeness of my reality.

"...being cut in two..."

I focused on Akame, my words carrying the weight of conviction.

"...or even poison coursing through my veins. I'll return, renewed and relentless."

The room was charged with a mix of disbelief and uncertainty, the air heavy with the implications of my claims. As their gazes held mine, I saw a mixture of emotions-doubt, curiosity, and a glimmer of understanding. The reality of my existence challenged their perceptions, inviting them to question the boundaries of life and death. And in that moment, as I stood in the midst of my comrades, the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but also underscored by an unyielding sense of purpose and camaraderie.

Tatsumi's concern was evident. "Does this mean that our actions are preordained by this god?"

Bulat's voice held a hint of defiance. "I've always believed in taking charge of my own destiny. I'm not keen on the idea of being some puppet on a divine string."

I nodded, acknowledging their reservations. "I understand your doubts. But Khonshu's influence doesn't dictate our choices. It's a partnership, a shared purpose against corruption and evil." I grimaced as I clutched my head.

"You alright there, (F/N)?" Leone asked, walking over to me and putting her and on my shoulder. I turned gaze towards her.

"I'm fine. It's just that resurrection takes its toll. I think I'm going to go and rest up."

I turned to leave for my bedroom, feeling all eyes on me as I left. I entered my bedroom and discarded my gear and laid on my bed and closed my eyes. No doubt now the night raid are more wary of me since I defied the laws of death thanks to Khonshu.


The new day dawned, its light streaming through my window and rousing me from slumber. With a stretch and a yawn, I sat up, rubbing the remnants of sleep from my eyes. The sun's warm glow was a stark contrast to the shadows I often traversed at night. Today, I had a different purpose in mind - a trip to the capital to gather materials for my crescent darts, which were depleting faster than I'd like.

After dressing in my casual attire, I stepped out of my room and made my way towards the familiar conference room. As I entered, a subtle shift in the atmosphere caught my attention. The others were there, sharing a meal, their conversations tapering off as they registered my presence.

"Morning everyone," I greeted, taking in the room's occupants. My gaze swept over the area, taking note of the absence of Tatsumi and Sheele.

"Tatsumi's undergoing training with Sheele today," Bulat supplied, his voice steady.

"Right," I acknowledged. Was it really a good idea to pair him with an airhead like her? "Hey, Najenda?"

Her attention turned to me as she looked up from her meal. "Yes?"

"I've been hearing a bit about Raoul Bushman," I began, my curiosity evident in my tone. "Can you give me more info on who he is?"

Najenda's expression shifted, and she spoke with a solemnity that matched the gravity of the topic. "Bushman's a man with a ruthless reputation. Before he turned to the life of a mercenary, he held the rank of a general in the imperial army. His cruelty knew no bounds. He was responsible for the deaths of over 20,000 prisoners of war, often removing their blindfolds and beating them to death. He claimed to have personally executed more than 100,000 anti-imperialists. His departure from the army was driven by a desire to employ his skills as a hired gun, terrorist, Arms dealer and Drug trafficker, etc.'

I shook my head in disbelief, a mixture of horror and disdain coursing through me. "That's beyond twisted."

Najenda nodded, her gaze unwavering. "He doesn't wield a Teigu, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. His methods are brutal and efficient. If a village defies the empire's will, he and his group are hired to annihilate it without hesitation."

"I knew he was messed up, but this..." I muttered, my thoughts racing as I absorbed the information.

Najenda's tone was cautionary as she spoke, her concern evident. "Be careful when you face him. Bushman may not possess a Teigu, but his skills and ruthlessness make him a formidable adversary."

"Noted." I said to her, grabbing some fruit from the fruit bowl and heading back to my room. I stood in front of the Khonshu statue, looking it in its eyes. This week, I will find him.

Several days had passed. I, along with the others, stood around Tatsumi, who faced a seated Najenda.

"Tatsumi... Your wounds are pretty much healed, right?" She asked him. "The Teigu we got from Zank... I want you to try using it."

"Really!? No one else wants it!?" Tatsumi said rather excitedly.

"It's one Teigu per person," Bulat clarified.

"Because it takes considerable mental and physical strength to control them," added Lubbock.

I thought it was quite interesting, to see if someone would find their Teigu. Khonshu stood beside me, observing the situation as Tatsumi prepared to put the Teigu on his forehead.

"There was nothing about it in the book. But it's a Teigu after all, so I'm curious to see what it does," Najenda noted.

"It has the ability to read minds, right? Try reading me," Akame suggested. Tatsumi focused intently on Akame's thoughts, trying to activate the Teigu's power. "You... want to eat meat tonight," Tatsumi declared.

"Exactly, amazing!" Akame praised him.

Mines interjected with her usual sharp tone. "No, he still hasn't activated its ability yet. I don't want him to read my mind. If it really has five different sight abilities, try one of the other ones instead," she suggested.

Tatsumi knelt down and concentrated, attempting to activate a different power of the Teigu. Khonshu chuckled softly next to me, knowing what was about to unfold. When Tatsumi opened his eyes, he seemed to be in a state of panic. I wondered what had occurred. His panicked look quickly turned blank, and he nearly stumbled.

"What's happening to him?" I inquired, concerned.

"Oh no! It's rejecting him!" Lubbock exclaimed as we all watched.

"Hurry and take it off!" Akame urged.

"I suddenly feel tired. Wh... what's going on..." Tatsumi stammered.

"It's the compatibility. It seems this Teigu isn't suited to you," Najenda explained before she glanced at me. "Do you want to give it a try?" She asked me. I held up my hand and shook my head. "I'll pass," I said with a smile.

"You were thinking about how uncool it looked or something, weren't you? The user's first impression of the Teigu is important, you know?" Mine teased Tatsumi, earning an embarrassed nod from him. Najenda examined the Teigu in her mechanical hand.

"This will need to be sent to the Revolutionary Army HQ then. It'll need to be analyzed so it can become a part of our fighting force," she stated.

"While we are an assassination team, collecting the lost Teigu is one of our missions. When we run into enemies who possess a Teigu like Zank did... We take them... Even the weakest of them are invaluable," Akame explained to us.

"The more we have, the stronger our army becomes, or something, right?" Tatsumi inquired.

"Correct. You should read this book of the known Teigu," Najenda advised.

I watched as Tatsumi flipped through the pages of the book, clearly amazed by its contents.

"Ask her which Teigu is the strongest," Khonshu suggested to me.

"Which one would you consider the strongest?" I asked Najenda, curious about her opinion.

"Their user and compatibility change... But if I had to say..." Najenda paused for a moment, covering her eye patch with her mechanical hand. "The ice manipulation Teigu... Is what I think," she said, her tone carrying a foreboding weight. "Luckily for us, its user is currently busy conquering the northern tribes."

I nodded, taking in this valuable piece of information. The world of Teigu users and their unique abilities was both intriguing and perilous.

"Because the people of the north are very strong," Lubbock added. "They even have their own hero."

"Oh! Even I know about him," Tatsumi chimed in.

"Numa Seika, the hero of the north, a spear wielder who had never lost a battle. He was known as a brilliant tactical genius and held the unwavering faith of the northern people. Currently, he posed one of the greatest threats to the Empire. His powerful army currently uses one of the country's most fortified cities as a base of operations. They've even become strong enough to invade the empire. Therefore, in order to keep that from happening, the empire dispatched an expeditionary force to subjugate the northern tribes." Said Lubbock. "But there's no reason to worry yet. Even with that woman, it'll take at least a year or two to take the north."

"Yeah." Said an uncertain Najenda. Something about this woman their talking about, it's as if they're talking about the grim reaper itself.

Tatsumi's excitement filled the room as he contemplated the vast array of Teigu abilities in the world. His newfound cheeriness was infectious, and I couldn't help but wonder what had sparked his optimism.

"The stronger the enemy, the better. We're collecting more and more Teigu, after all," Tatsumi declared confidently.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't resist asking, "What's got you cheerful all of a sudden?"

Tatsumi's smile grew wider as he revealed his hope. "Well, the world is filled with Teigu that have unknown abilities, right? The reason I'm so lively is this!" He continued with enthusiasm, "Having seen just these abilities, maybe, just maybe, there may be a Teigu that has the ability to bring dead people back to life!" His words hung in the air, filling the room with a sense of possibility.

But then, as quickly as the room had been filled with hope, it fell into silence, as if the weight of reality had descended upon us. It was Bulat who shattered the optimism with his somber tone. "A Teigu that can resurrect the dead doesn't exist. In this world, you only get one life."

Tatsumi's hopeful expression remained unshaken. He pointed to me as evidence that miracles could happen. "But that's not true! Even if there isn't a Teigu that can't resurrect dead, we still have an ace up our sleeve! Look at (F/N)! He had his head cut off, and he was resurrected by a literal god, without a single scratch!" All eyes now turned towards me, their curiosity peaked. This felt really uncomfortable.

Najenda, too, entertained the possibility. "That is true. Can't your god bring others back from the dead?" she pondered aloud.

I turned to Khonshu, who stood beside me, and his silent command echoed in my mind. "Tell them."

I took a deep breath, mustering the strength to share the painful truth. "I'm truly sorry, Tatsumi, but they won't return," I said, my voice heavy with the sorrow of my own losses. I extended my sympathy, having walked this path of grief before.

Tatsumi's voice quivered as he asked, "What do you mean?"

"As Khonshu's avatar, he can bring me back from the dead, but reviving others risks disrupting the delicate balance of life and death in our world. It's a risk he can't take. If he could resurrect anyone then I wouldn't be here." I explained, my heart aching for Tatsumi's pain.

"But..." Tatsumi's voice trailed off, his hope fading like a distant memory. This part always hurts the most.

"Even if Khonshu could bring your friends back, they wouldn't be the same," I continued, my words tinged with a sense of melancholy. "Each time he resurrects me, I lose a part of myself. It's a slow erosion of my mind until there's nothing left but feral violence and raw instinct."

Najenda interjected, her sceptical eyebrow raised. "So, your fate is to die, be reborn, and repeat until you're a mindless savage?"

I nodded solemnly. "Yes, it's an honour to serve my father in this way, to give everything I have for justice. Every death has a purpose. Until now." I turned my gaze back to Tatsumi, who sat in silence, the weight of the truth bearing down on him.

Northern lands, fortified city

Bodies littered the city. Not a single person was left alive. Those who weren't dead were frozen solid.

Nume Seika was on all fours, licking the boot of a woman, his pride and will broken. The woman held his chain which was connected to the collar around his neck. This woman was Esdeath. One of the most dangerous people in this entire world.

"Their army, people and pride were so easily crushed, huh... And this is their supposed hero? How worthless." She said nonchalantly. With a single strike across the head with her boot, she killed him instantly. An evil grin spread across her face

"Somewhere out there... is there an enemy that can satisfy me?"

Question: would you prefer if I follow the anime or the manga?

Which villains would you like to see?

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