The Unholy Trinity

Par kurenohikari

3.7K 67 4

Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of... Plus

Highway to Hell
My Family
Getting to know each other
Just Like Fire
Tick Tick Boom
Everybody Talks
Raise Hell
Take You To Hell
Sweet Sacrifice
Angel of Mine
Dream On
Wedding Bells

Gift of a Friend

139 2 0
Par kurenohikari

Superman grimaced as the scorching flames kept on burning. Lately he has gotten used to fire being his ally, used for healing. Small hands and a warm smile, as his best friend's son tended to them in the Watch Tower after a Justice League mission.

As if summoned Flamebird appeared, soaring the sky with his majestic wings, leaving golden sparks behind him as he went. He descended plucking civilians to safety, healing them as he went. Allowing Superman to focus on putting the fire dawn. Once that was done with, the Kryptonian joined the young here in the sky, hidden within the clouds.

"Thanks for the save. We were able to keep the damage to a minimum because I was able to focus on the fire." Superman was beaming, before frowning. "As grateful as I am, shouldn't you be in class?"

"Took the day off once I saw the news," Flamebird shrugged in reply. "It's not like I really need to go to class, the League's curriculum was much more advanced."

Superman frown became more pronounce at the mention of the League. For all his strength he was not violent, but Ra's al Gul made him boil with the desire to burn down Nanda Parbat. The only thing keeping him from retaliating for all the hurt they've caused the Batclan, was how quiet they've been lately and Batman's warning. Better not to risk incurring Ra's anger, or they might risk Flamebird, Respawn, and Shrike's safety.

Taking a deep breath, Superman collected himself. "School is still good to build up social skills. Also, what will Gotham Academy do without its prince?"

"Careful Uncle Kal, no one knows Flamebird resides in Gotham City," Flamebird laughed, making Superman smile in return- it was such a beautiful sound. "They'll be completely lost, taking control of an educative institution should not be that easy." Flamebird raised an eyebrow playfully, smirking as his heterochromatic eyes burned with mischief. "I'll go back tomorrow, there are some new friends waiting to meet me," he said mysteriously, before perking up. "For now, we have a lot of clean-up work to do!"


New friends were waiting for him indeed. Maya, Suren, and Colin became quick friends with the al Ghul trio. Their unconventional raising and knowing each other's true identity, helped break down the various barriers between them. Maya and Mara bonded over being badass female ex-assassins. Suren and Alec formed a tight friendship over being bloodthirsty little hell spawns. While Damian was Just happy to have his partner in crime, his Abuse, back.

Meanwhile, it unnerved Bruce that his kids became best friends with Constantine's brats, especially as their adopted father had been sent to "watch" his son by some unknown mythical champion, Bruce was also quite happy to see them branch out. To form tight friendships outside their family. Bruce was even more happy when Duke and Cullen had joined their growing friendship group, with Stephanie and Harper becoming friends with Cass, Tim, and Jason.

All abused kids Dami and had "found", received scholarships to various schools in Gotham, thanks to the Martha Wayne Foundation. All Damian had to do is make sure the right scholarships, found their way to the right kids. Though, some surprising events had taken Damian unexpected. Which shouldn't bother him, as he had seen it coming. One could not chance so many things without the domino effect occurring. Damian had learned that while on space with the lanterns.

The first change was Duke. Now that his parents had not been attacked by the Joker, he got to be raised in a happy household. A household that was on the rise, with Duke's parents being hired by Wayne technologies. So, Duke did not even need a scholarship and was sent to Gotham Academy by his parents. Also, Damian had not been the one to approach him, but Colin had bumped into him and offered to show him the school. When lunch had come around, it had taken all of Damian is acting skills not to gape like a fool. Though, it was better, less suspicious that way.

The other change was Stephanie, Harper, and Cullen. It seems that they were now stepsiblings. Damian had made sure Crystal Brown and Mirin da Row had gotten the help they needed, so they could support his quasi-siblings better. Which meant a nursing Job with Doctor Leslie for Crystal, a Job as Bruce's new P. A, for mirin da, and an invitation to the Martha Wayne Foundation support group for abussed women. With their husbands in jail, their kids getting along, and the Foundation helping them get custody and a divorce, they both decided to get married in a shut-gun wedding. Now, that was something-Damian had not been expecting.

Which led them to Cullen fake throwing up in the cafeteria, during their lunch break. "Can you believe it?! Finding my sister and friend hooking up in my own home!" Poor Duke was blushing madly, as the rest of the table laughed. "Like bro! That must break like so many friendship codes! And don't get me started with Steph! I can't get a break! If Duke and Harper are not making out, then it is Steph and Tim!" Cullen turned to Damian and whined. "Don't you guys have a mansion? Can't they make out in one of the many rooms there!"

"It's a manor," Mara corrected him, as she took a bite from her apple.

"Potato, potahto!" Cullen growled.

"Also, with shido around you cannot sneak in anyone," Alec snorted, making Cullen wince as his siblings nodded solemnly.

"Yeah, your gramps is scary," Cullen shuddered, recalling Alfred's warning not to make a mess last time he had visited the Wayne Manor- no one should be able to threaten so politely.

"Amen,"Damian, Alec, and Mara echoed, making the whole table burst into laughter.


"Wow..." Bruce could only gasp, taking aback for the first time in decades. How could he not? In front of him, taking a whole wall of the art classroom in Gotham Academy, lined up, were the paintings of his son. "Damian, this is... I am speechless."

Damian chuckled, snuggling to the side of his father, as Bruce's arm was wrapped around his shoulder, bringing him closer to his side. "That's a first one."

Damian might be teasing, but the smile on his face was proof of how delighted he was with the praise. Once upon a time, in the previous timeline, his father had assisted to none of his art exhibitions. Hell, after Jason had died, he stopped assisting to any event of his children. No Brucie in Tim's photography competitions or Cass' dance recitals. It was a sad fact, but losing his son broke him beyond repair. Now, however, Bruce made sure to add his many children's event to his calendar- organized by Alfred, of course. Which in return led to all of Damian's siblings following him to Gotham Academy for his first Art Exhibition.

"I believe the topic was happiness, right?" Alfred commented, sounding more affected than the stoic butler would every allow himself.

But that was the power of Damian's art, it brought the overlord of the Batclan the closest he has ever been to tears. Before the Wayne Family stood a portrait of all the Wayne siblings, Bruce, Alfred, and Damian's many pets. Even Roy, Jade, and Lian were part of the family portrait. Around it, individual portraits of every single Wayne Family member surrounded it. Though, there were two portraits of Lian.

"Baby bat..." Dick was already crying, as he snatched Damian away from Bruce and cuddled him to his chest.

"Thank you!" Cass signed beaming, while Mara and Alec snuggled beside her, feeling quite emotional about their beloved brother's action of affection, and not knowing how to digest the feelings they were having.

"Not bad, kiddo," Jason tried to sound gruff, but his voice quivered as his eyes never left his portrait.

Meanwhile, Tim tried to hide the tears in his eyes. He could not believe that he was this happy, that he had a family that cared about him. A brother than when tasked to create a painting with the theme of happiness, he chose to paint him. He felt undeserving, but promised himself that he will do everything to be worthy of such sentiment.

"You have quite a gift kitten," Jade purred, patting Damian's head, from where he was being cuddled to death by a sobbing Dick, while Roy was pointing at Lian's portraits and whispering in his daughter's ear. "That's you sweetie! Your Uncle Damian painted it for you! Isn't it pretty?"

"Each of you will get your portrait once the Art Exhibition is done," Damian informed them, looking quite comfortable for someone who was being suffocated by a crying Dick, then again, he was never one to say no to Dick's hugs. "I get my pets' paintings, of course, they will hang in my bedroom. I made two portraits of Lian so you would not fight over them," he smiled as Roy and Jade thanked him, before turning to his father. "I would like the family portrait to be placed in the family room, if that's possible."

"Of course," Bruce rushed to assure him. "It will be done as soon as possible... thank you," Damian could only blink surprised by his words. Damian was still getting used to his father being so open with his thanks and apologies. "It's beautiful. But also, thank you for your emotions. I can feel the happiness radiating from the painting."

Bruce smiled as he watched his children, who had been joined by Damian's friends, dragged Damian around the exhibition, asking him to show them around and answer their many questions. When Damian's art teacher came to speak with him. "Mr. Wayne! I am so happy I got to catch you in time."

"Professor di Angelo," Bruce put on his socialite smile, while Alfred straightened up in his butler's position one step behind his charge. "What a wonderful exhibition, so much young talent!"

"It is! I am so proud of my students!" Professor di Angelo beamed, truly happy for his students. There was a reason why Damian praised this teacher so much. "Though, some of them are more of a teacher than a student to me," his gaze landed on the Wayne Family Portrait. "Damian has quite a gift, truly exceptional. Which is why this painting will be put forward for the National Competition."

Bruce's eyes widened, chest filling up with warmth and pride. His son deserved it and much more. "Truly?"

"Truly," Professor di Angelo turned back towards Bruce and smiled, demurer this time. "I do not wish to sound forward, but I believe that Damian deserves more than a school Art Club can offer. As you can see his talent is outstanding, and he could get so much recognition in the art world... if possible, with the aid of one of the many art galleries owned by Wayne Entertainment."

Alfred's raised an eyebrow at the proposition, while even Bruce looked taken aback by the request. "You believe him ready for that?"

"Just look at them and tell me he is not," Professor di Angelo simply said pointing at the paintings.

Bruce turned towards them and hummed thoughtfully. "You are right. But let's first see how the National Competition goes."

Damian Alfred Wayne, of course, won the National Art Competition.

His first Art Exhibition in the Gotham Wayne Gallery was a total success and sold out on the first night. He donated all his earnings to the various animal shelters in Gotham City.

Now if only good things could perdure without any issues arising.


The Gotham Academy gang was meeting at the Constantine Mansion. The gang was how everyone was calling Damian's group of friends, which consisted of Mara, Alec, Maya, Suren, Colin, Cullen, the recently adopted Nika, and Duke. The last one, who barged into the playroom with a panicked look on his face.

"Duke, what's wrong?" Maya asked her friend in concern, flinching back when Duke rapidly stepped away from her. "Duke?"

"Don't get close to me!" Duke warned her, warned them all. "I don't know what's happening, but I can't control it!"

It was then that Damian understood what was happening, Duke had awakened his powers. It was earlier than last time, but Damian shelved it into another thing he had caused with all changes he had made to the timeline. Maybe Destiny's way to punish him/tease him for all the changed he had caused to the Book of Destiny.

Which I've earned, Damian thought wearily. At least, he won't have to deal with Gnomon this time around. Maybe taking his powers, memories, and immortality was not the best way to go. But it was better than killing him. He also has a new identity with a nice life, in a good house and a bank account with an "inheritance" that will allow him to live the rest of his life comfortable. He has become quite a popular poet in the UK, nice to know where Duke's love for poetry comes from.

"Duke... are you generating light?" Damian asked him "worriedly". "That's right!" Suren exclaimed shocked. "Can you also do magic?"

"No, that's more about genetics than magic," Damian corrected, eyes flashing gold. He cannot tell anything by doing that, but most people believe that he has some kind of healer's x-ray kind of powers. It helps keep his cover, so he will use it. "Kind of like... Colin after he got infected by Venom. Duke, I think you are a meta."

That got everyone to shut up and stare at Duke in shock.

"Awesome!" Colin cheered. "I am not the only one! Welcome to the club!" "Hey! What about me?!" Nika protested jokingly, winking to Duke. "Everything will be ok," Mara assured Duke determinately.

"Akhti is right," Alec agreed with his sister. "Baba will get his contacts and you will get the best of the best to help you."

"What will Bruce Wayne be able to do?" Duke asked confused, making everyone stare at him stunned. "Since when is Colin a meta? " He started to sound hysterical. "And did Damian's eye just glow?!"

"Did we forget to tell Duke?" Cullen asked to no one in particular, chuckling nervously as he was answered in silence. "Upps..."

"We have so much to tell you," Maya sighed, and proceeded to tell Duke how she and her siblings had met Constantine. 


Bloody hell, what a twisted turn of events. Time travel, Darkseid's conquest, lost loves, and dead friends... it's enough to make a bloke's head spin. But here he is, still standing, albeit a bit worse for wear. John Constantine has always been a bit of a con man, a grifter with a knack for manipulation and deceit. His moral compass, if you can call it that, has never been black or white. It's a murky shade of gray, reflecting the choices he's made and the consequences he's faced. At least, this time around he has yet to have sold his soul to any demon- which won't be happening ever again!

But this time, it feels different. Darkseid's dead, and though John had nothing to do with it, the weight of relief settled upon his weary shoulders. He can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, he can start to untangle this mess of a life he's woven for himself.

Zatanna, the one he had loved and lost. Time travel has played its tricks, altering the course of their relationship. She's no longer his girlfriend, never was to begin with on this timeline, and the pain of that loss still lingers within him. But maybe, just maybe, he can find a way to set things right. To rewrite the past, if only in his mind, and mend the shattered pieces of their connection... then again, John knows that he would only be seeing the dead Zatanna he had once loved and that would not be fair to her, to neither of them.

And his friends... those poor sods who fell victim to Darkseid's tyranny. Some turned into puppets, mere shadows of their former selves. Others met their untimely demise. It's a heavy burden to bear, knowing he couldn't save them. The guilt gnawed at his soul, reminding him of his limitations, his failures.

But here's the thing about him, John Constantine: he may be an expert sorcerer and magician, but he's also a master of self-loathing and vice. His flaws are as deep-rooted as his talents. The darkness within him is a constant companion, whispering in his ear, fueling that on-again-off-again death wish. Yet, despite it all, he refuses to succumb. He wants to do better. He wants to be better. This tangled mess of a life he's led, it's time to straighten it out. To mend broken relationships, seek redemption for past sins, and forge a path towards a brighter future.

He knows it won't be easy. Hell, it never is for someone like him. The road ahead is paved with trouble and blood, but that's never stopped him before.

So, here he stood, a notorious con man with a body count, a grifter with a gray moral compass. But he's also a man with the power to change, to rise above the darkness that plagued him. He may stumble, fall, and falter along the way, but he'll keep pushing forward. Because at the end of the day, despite all the mixed-up feelings and twisted circumstances, he still had hope. Hope that he can find redemption, that he can make amends, and that he can become the man he aspires to be. And that, my friend, is worth fighting for.

With that in mind, John Constantine wasted no time. The moment he set foot in this twisted timeline, he set his sights on finding Damien Wayne's ragtag group. Those poor sodding kids were likely running around like headless chickens, in dire need of a proper guardian. And who better than yours truly to take up that role? He was kidding, he was the worst person to take the role and he knew it. But he could at least help them find a safe home to call their own.

His first order of business was dealing with Morgan Ducard, that bloody wanker. The original Nobody, a real piece of work. John made sure to have him shipped off to some interdimensional prison, where he could rot for all eternity. Served him right, the sodding git. Next on the agenda was Maya Ducard, the poor lass caught up in her father's twisted legacy. Assassin training, following in the footsteps of the old man... it was a right mess. So, John made sure to approach her with caution.

"Maya, luv," he said, his voice laced with that dry British humor that he was known for. "I've got news about your dear mum." The girl's eyes widened; a glimmer of hope mixed with trepidation. John had led her on a quest to find her mother, to give her closure, to offer her a glimpse of the truth. But truth was a cruel mistress. "She's dead, Maya," John delivered the news with a heavy heart, his gaze fixed on the devastated girl before him. "She died protecting you from that sorry excuse for a father of yours." Maya crumpled, her spirit shattered, and tears streamed down her face. It was a heart-wrenching sight, and even the seasoned sorcerer felt a pang of sympathy. "Bloody hell, luv," John muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of compassion and frustration. "Life's a real kick in the bollocks sometimes, ain't it? But you're not alone. You've got us, the misfit crew of this chaotic journey. And together, we'll make sure those responsible pay for their sins."

He extended a hand to Maya, offering her support in the face of despair. They had a long road ahead, filled with danger, uncertainty, and a healthy dose of British cursing. But John, with his dry wit and dogged determination, would do whatever it bloody took to guide Maya through the darkness and into a future where she could find her own path, away from the shadows of her past. And as they embarked on this twisted adventure, John couldn't help but smirk. The universe had thrown him yet another curveball, but he was ready to face it head-on. After all, if there's one thing John Constantine knows how to do, it's to flip fate the proverbial bird and come out on top.

As Maya joined forces with John Constantine, the odd pair embarked on a quest to find the other members of Damian's old timeline crew. First on the list was Suren Darga, a troubled soul with a penchant for trouble. Oh, joy.

"Right, Maya, luv," John muttered under his breath. "Let's go find this Suren bloke, shall we? Just what I need, another ball of emotional wreckage to add to the mix." Together, they tracked down Suren, and true to John's expectations, the lad was knee-deep in some bloody mess. A combination of bad decisions, poor life choices, and an affinity for attracting trouble seemed to be his expertise. It was like they were collecting lost causes along the way. "Listen up, Suren," John declared, his voice laced with a dry wit that only a British man amid chaos could muster. "I've come to be your guardian angel, or some bollocks like that. But don't get your hopes up; I've got more emotional baggage than Heathrow Airport at peak hours."

Suren eyed him warily, uncertain of what was being offered. Yet, as they traveled together and dismantling the Lu'un Darga Clan, John couldn't help but notice something peculiar. Suren started to grow, to change, to unravel the layers of pain and find a sliver of hope within himself. It was bloody annoying, really, how these damaged souls had a way of mending each other in the most unexpected of circumstances. Oh well, it was better this way. After dealing with the Lu'un Darga Clan for once and for all, John Constantine, Maya Ducard, and Suren Darga turned their attention to finding Colin Wilkes, a young orphan from the streets of Gotham- well, he was with nuns, but according to John that was even worse.

It was a familiar story, a lost soul in need of guidance. And wouldn't you know it, fate had a twisted sense of humor in store for them. John stumbled upon Colin in the shadows of the city, his eyes reflecting a combination of fear and longing. The poor lad had seen his fair share of darkness in Gotham, and John couldn't help but relate to that.

Together, they set roots in the gritty streets of Gotham, navigating its labyrinthine alleys and facing its seedy underbelly. The city had a way of embracing those with darkness in their hearts, and John was no exception. But in the process, something unexpected happened. As they traversed the city's shadows, months down the road, seeking justice and redemption, John stumbled upon Nika, the understudy of a Crimelord known as Death Man. It seems that she was in Gotham doing some business for Death Man. Fate had a twisted sense of irony, for Death Man had met a similar fate as Morgan Ducard, finding himself locked away in the very same interdimensional jail.

Well, that is if Fate is named John Constantine.

"Bloody hell," John muttered, his face contorted in both amusement and exasperation. "Here I am, collecting misfits like they're bloody Pokémon. Nika, love, welcome to the family. Just add 'adoption issues' to the growing list of my charming attributes."

And so, Nika became the final piece of their unconventional family puzzle. John, the sorcerer with a penchant for chaos, Maya, the troubled daughter of an assassin, Suren, the emotional wreak, Colin, the Gotham orphan, and Nika, the adopted daughter with ties to the criminal underworld. They were a mismatched bunch, united by their shared scars and the determination to find their place in the world.

Gotham became their home, a city that thrived on darkness, where they could confront their pasts and forge a future together. It wasn't a picture-perfect family, far from it. But within their flawed bonds and shared experiences, they found solace and a sense of belonging.

"Adoption issues, huh?" John smirked, shaking his head. "Well, at least I've got a bloody theme going. We'll navigate this mess together, like the dysfunctional family we are. And by the end of it all, maybe we'll even find a semblance of peace amidst the chaos."


That revelation led to many more. To say that Duke was shocked that Brucie was Batman was an understatement. Then again, he felt great respect towards the man that had everyone fooled and played the greatest prank on the whole world for decades. That is commitment right there.

As Mara and Alec had promised, Batman had gotten him the best of the best to help him. Which meant the Flash, S.T.A.R Labs, and Black Lightning, as the sole hero in the Justice League that could manipulate some sort of light.

"It seems that your powers are photokinetic in nature," Flash explained, to a worried Thomas couple and a brooding Batman on the corner. The dark vigilante bringing comfort to the Thomas family, much to the amusement of everyone else in the lab. Batman and comfort are not synonyms. At least, to anyone that is not from Gotham City. Truly everyone there is a little insane. "His powers seem to be limited to manipulating the way he can processes light for now. But they might change and mature as he grows. The investigations have shown that they have the possibility of evolving into manipulating light and darkness in more abstract ways."

"Our powers might not be the same," Black Lightning stepped forward. "But I can guide him as he learns to control them. It does not mean that he will become a vigilante or hero. But powers like his without any kind of control can be dangerous."

"I'll teach him self-defense and other martial arts," Batman finally spoke up, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "There are ways of muting the powers of metas and people might come after him for his powers. He will need to learn to defend himself without depending on them."

"Is this what you really want?" Elaine Thomas asked her son, overwhelmed by everything. "I do," Duke assured her, he wanted to join his friends and do some good.

"Then you have my approval," Elaine told her, told them.

One year later, Signal would make his debut as Gotham City's daylight hero, alongside his friends, Bluebird, Abuse, Corvus, and SomeBody- with Agent C in the coms. 

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