The Aftermath of Callie and A...

By Coleslaw8

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The continuation of the first book, this volume details the continuing lives of Callie and Arizona. While the... More

Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife
Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife Part II
Love, Lust And Lobster Part II
Summer On The Shore
Summer On The Shore Part II
Summer On The Shore Part III
Summer On The Shore Part IV
Summer On The Shore Part V
Summer On The Shore Part VI
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore
What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore Part II
Seasons Change
Seasons Change Part II
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising
When You See The Storm Clouds Rising Part II
Semper Fi
Semper Fi Part II
Here Comes The Rain Again
Here Comes The Rain Again Part II
It's The Holiday Season
It's The Holiday Season Part II
Dashing Through The Snow...
Dashing Through The Snow... Part II
Hustle And Holiday Bustle
Hustle And Holiday Bustle Part II
Love Never Comes Without Struggle
Love Never Comes Without Struggle Part II
A True Friend Stabs You In The Front
A True Friend Stabs You In The Front Part II
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Do You Hear What I Hear? Part II
There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home Part II
With A Little Help From My Friends
With A Little Help From My Friends Part II
Life Goes On When We Least Expect It To...

Love, Lust And Lobster

184 8 3
By Coleslaw8

Arizona's POV:

It was close to 3 pm and I was just locking up my office that Thursday afternoon. It was almost July 1st and the Summer Equinox had come and gone. I loved this time of year when I was growing up and have fond memories of staying outside later because of the extra sunlight.

In my adulthood, it felt like it gave me more time to accomplish my daily tasks. So basically, I was doing all the same things, but it was nice to have more light to do them in. For some reason, I felt less rushed those two months until just before September rolled around again and the light seemed to disappear in huge chunks as Summer welcomed back Autumn and then inevitably, Winter.

As I hustled to the parking garage, I was clearly zeroed in on my mission for the night. I had learned that morning that our former malpractice attorney had tried to take advantage of Callie, earlier that week. While I wasn't happy with Charley regarding her intoxicated behavior with my wife, I had learned from the incident. 

And what I learned about Callie from the ordeal was that even when she's drunk and on autopilot, I'm still Callie's first thought and the only woman in her life. Even though I wanted to be furious all day about the situation, I kept smiling when I thought about Callie and how she immediately pulled away and started talking about me when Charley kissed her. It was impossible not to fall harder for her, than I already thought possible, upon hearing her reaction to being kissed by Charley.

The more I thought about Callie, her actions, and my love for her that afternoon, I knew exactly what I needed to do. So, in between working, I formulated a plan for the night. I called my Mom, who was going to help me by picking up a couple things, namely groceries, and dropping them by the house. My Mother was also going to pack bags for our girls and keep them overnight so Callie and I could be alone this evening.

(I seriously have the most amazing Mother and Father to say the least! They are the reason why Callie and I stayed so sane when last minute things arose with Sophia or in our lives.)

As my plan took shape, I was excited about how Callie would react. I quickly decided we needed some romance that night and set things in motion. While I hurried out of the parking garage, I headed to my first stop on my way home. I knew I only had a few hours, as Callie was done that day at 5 pm with her office hours. 

Since we're academic faculty, we are required to have office hours, once a week, so students and residents can drop by and ask questions or talk. It's usually a rewarding experience, unless you have something to do or somewhere to be. Which, thanks to being Chief, we generally do.

My first stop after work, was at a department store not far from the hospital. I had already purchased the items I wanted online and just needed to pick them up. Being the upscale store that it was, their concierge service brought my things out to my car at the entrance. For the extra money I had spent, the prompt service was completely worth it. In under two minutes, I had my purchases and was off.

My next stop was to grab some chocolates and small dessert items from the bakery we use on the hill we live on, before heading home to start dinner. The owners are a fantastic husband and wife team that bend over backwards anytime we shop with them. In fact, after speaking with the wife that afternoon, she made and set aside what I needed, so all I had to do was grab the sweet treats and go. 

I had about 90 minutes at this point to cook our food, wrap my gifts and get dressed. It would be close, but it was doable as long as I stayed focused.

First, I started prepping and preparing the food I would need for our dinner. Bless my Mom's heart, but I was flabbergasted when I discovered she had chopped, diced, julienned, butterflied or did whatever was needed to all the ingredients I requested she pick-up. She had basically done the hard work, so now, all I had to do was throw it together, literally.

It was this tired surgeon's dream to discover her thoughtful gesture from a cute note. The note was on the outside of the food bag in the refrigerator that said, "Hope this helps so your night goes off without a hitch! Love, Mom."

'Without a hitch.' I laughed as I thought about all the phrases and sayings my Mom uses and that particular one I had heard lots throughout my life. Thanks to my Mom, I was now running way ahead of schedule, which was perfect. It would give me extra time to set up a few things. 

I first went out back and opened up my outdoor cooking station, or 'hut,' as Sophia has always called it. I had planned on cooking for Callie that evening while she sat at the bar and watched me. I thought it would make for a fun night with me serving her things along the way and us just spending time, alone for a change.

I strategically placed and turned on our electric candles we use throughout our house, the treehouse and along the cooking area. I refilled our tiki torches with citronella oil and made sure they were lit. Mosquitoes love to bite me for some reason, but having the torches with citronella oil seems to help. Plus, I just love the way they look as they illuminate the pathways and flower beds in the backyard.

After the outside was ready, I went inside to change. Normally I tend to wear dresses to look sexy for Callie, but since we were at home that night, I decided to do 'sexy,' a little differently. 

Admittedly Callie finds me sexy no matter if I'm wearing nothing or wearing 8 layers of clothing. She's made it known over the years that she's attracted to me, no matter how I present myself. However, after all these years I'm also keenly aware of the other looks I don that drive her wild. So, what kind of woman would I be if I didn't take advantage of that knowledge from time to time?

That particular evening, I decided to dress more casual as I know Callie also loves seeing me more, 'sporty' as much as she loves my sexy, seductive look. So, I braided my hair into pigtails, which benefited me while cooking, redid my make-up and headed to our closet.

I threw on my new pair of jeans I had shopped for yesterday, but had purchased today from the department store I bought Callie's gifts from. I had purposely bought them, because I knew the cut would fit me a little looser than I normally wear my jeans. They were a boyfriend cut, so they were straighter through my hips and waist, which, was also something Callie would love to see me wear.

I paired the lighter, distressed jeans with a, chunky brown belt and a tighter fitting, 3-button, blue heather-colored Henley that showed my cleavage thanks to the two buttons I left open. Since the weather was warm, I slipped on a pair of brown leather flip-flops that had a more casual appearance and fit the outfit perfectly.

Next, I tied a ribbon around the department store garment box and placed it on the bed with an attached note. I decided that I wanted Callie to be comfortable that night too and bought her black yoga pants she had been needing since her other favorite pair developed a hole in the right knee. She would need them for the remainder of the Summer, but especially for our beach trip coming up in August.

I also purchased Callie a new deep raspberry colored short-sleeve cotton shirt to go along with her pants. Growing up, my Mom used to buy us new outfits from time to time, just because. She has always said a new pair of clothes, is like a new start. She was right about that because every time my Mom gave me new clothes, I always felt a little bit more confident about how I looked and felt. It was as if the clothes made me feel like a different girl, a better version of me, even if it was only for a moment. 

After what happened last Monday night, I thought Callie and myself were in need of a reset on our lives. So, I was hoping between the new clothes, the food and the time together, that Callie and I could get our lives put back together and back on track that Thursday night. Now, all I needed to do was wait for Callie to come home. It was 5 pm and still no word from her yet. 

Darn it! I was eager to surprise her and the waiting was driving me crazy...

I decided to pour a glass of white wine, my usual go to, and find a romantic radio station to stream over the outdoor speakers that are attached to the back of the house. Since I still hadn't heard from Callie, I looked back over everything I had brought outside and stashed in the outdoor refrigerator or within the outdoor kitchen. Everything was set.

Now, being the impatient person I can be, I tried to sit and wait, but that lasted only 5 minutes. So, I went back inside to check my make-up and hair and to make sure our bedroom was appropriately set. Check. It's a good thing I got Callie's text when I did as I was getting close to reorganizing my sock drawer when my phone beeped. 

I tried to play it cool and waited a few minutes to text back. I purposely didn't embellish my response with words in order to throw Callie, a little off track. Now, all I had to do was wait another 20 minutes and Callie would be home! I was like a little kid and was so giddy about surprising my incredible wife with our romantic evening together. 

As we have gotten older, it's doing little things together like making dinner, going for walks and just finding ways to spend time with one another that has meant more to me than anything. The moments that Calliope and I have to relax, unwind or laugh with each other, have become magical and are needed to recharge our romance from time to time. But, I guess that is true of every couple that's out there, and not just us.

Eventually, I heard Callie's car pull into our driveway and then the sounds of the garage door opening and then closing. I poured another glass of wine for Callie and took both glasses I was minding, over to our patio table and took a seat. I couldn't wait to see her reaction after she opened her new clothes and then, found me outside.

Waiting was something that I was meant to do that night, because I waited 12 minutes for Callie to walk outside and discover what I was up to. I was about to go inside when I heard the click of the latch on the backdoor to the kitchen and looked up to see my stunning girl. 

(Little did I know what she went through when she had gotten home until later on...)

Callie had put on her new clothes and sandals (the shoes were tucked in our closet with a big bow and a note) and had pulled back her hair into a ponytail.

She looked so adorable when I saw her, that I immediately stood up and kissed her before saying, "Can I offer you a glass of wine, Dr. Torres?"

Callie had a mesmerized look on her face as she surveyed the backyard and then me. 

"Arizona, what's going on? Where are the girls? And yes to the wine you offered as it's been quite the day."

I handed Callie a glass as she wrapped her arms around my waist and drew me closer to her body while she continued to hold me.

"Well, seeing as it's Thursday and it's already been one hell of a week, I thought you and I could use some alone time. The girls are staying with my parents tonight."

"So, just to be clear, you're not mad at me Arizona about the kiss that Charley planted on me? I've spent my whole afternoon in a panic since she came clean with me."

Callie continued to hold my waist with her left arm as she took a sip from her wine glass with her right hand.

"Well, let's see... Did you initiate the kiss, Callie?"

"No, of course not! I don't even remember it happening! Which really does scare me by the way and why this is the only glass of wine I'm having tonight!"

I chuckled and said, "From what I was told, you didn't kiss her back. In fact, Charley said you pulled away from her kiss and instantly started talking about me."

"I did all that? Huh. Good lord I must have been completely blitzed and not even in my skull if I don't really remember the details of what exactly happened."

"You did all that, Calliope." I set down her glass and mine, before wrapping my arms tightly around Callie's midsection and holding her up against me. "You apparently love your wife so much, that even when you weren't in your skull, you were still thinking of me and me only."

"So, I did something, right? So, I'm not in trouble and you're actually pleased how I handled the situation?"

"Callie, ignoring the fact you drank too much, Yes, to all the things you did and said that night. While I'm furious at Charley and the situation, I'm happy to know I have the most loyal, dedicated and trustworthy wife in the world."

I closed the distance between our lips and started passionately kissing Callie. Within seconds, our tongues were darting back and forth as we both fought for dominance. I could feel Callie's strong hands start caressing my sides as we continued to lock lips. That's when Callie's stomach loudly grumbled it's anger about being empty.

We both laughed and I said, "Your stomach just reminded me, that I still have work to do. Calliope? Will you please follow me? I hope you're okay with dating your chef this evening?"

"Actually, there's a lot more I'd like to do than just 'date,' the chef this evening, but for the moment, I'm totally fine with that!"

We beamed at one another as I offered Callie my arm and led her to our outdoor kitchen and to her seat at the bar. As she got settled and I took my place on the other side of the counter we started talking back and forth.

"Arizona, thank you so much for the yoga pants, sandals and the new top! But, how did you know that I needed a new pair of pants? I haven't said anything to you yet about the hole that formed in them last Sunday...?

I set out a platter of oysters on crushed ice as a start to our meal. As I worked, I'd periodically eat the same snacks I was setting on the bar top, so Callie and I fed one another a few oysters as I heated up the grill and the flattop. 

"It's a strange thing, but since we've been married again, I seem to wash your clothes from time to time." Callie started laughing at my banter. "So, when I threw the wash in on Monday night, I noticed the hole in your knee. And that's how your wife, 'works in mysterious ways...'"

We both laughed at each other and shared another kiss.

"Well, that was very sweet of you to do all that for me today. I'm so lucky to have you as my wife and I guess if one good thing came from this, my actions showed the true depth of my love for you."

"Calliope, I agree with you and love you more, at this moment, than I ever have. I'm the lucky one to have you as my wife and I wanted to express my love for you tonight by creating this date."

"Arizona, I love you and I especially love all the romantic, exciting things you come up with for us to share. You really are the glue that keeps this family going and the reason we stay so well, put-together. All three of us, mostly me, would be utterly lost without you and your love."

"Callie..." My own wife made me tear-up from her sentimental words she was sharing regarding her feelings about me. Callie hopped up from her seat and came around the counter to wrap her arms around me from behind and hold me.

"Arizona Robbins? Do you know what an amazing wife, mother and surgeon you are?" I just shook my head while I tried to play-off Callie's kind words. "In my opinion, there isn't anyone else who can do everything that you can."

"Thank-you sweetheart, but I still disagree with you because I think I'm the lucky one in all this." We shared another passionate kiss that included lots of leading sexual contact between us. 

"And, I think I see where this night is going Calliope, but, before we get naked, shall we eat?"

"Oh, I suppose Arizona. I guess we should build-up our energy so we can use it later for more rewarding activities..."

We briefly kissed again before I went back to work. As we continued to talk and I cooked, we discussed Charley and what Callie's thoughts were about what happened with the kiss. 

Since it was a convoluted problem, we decided to table it until the coming weekend. That way, we'd both have time to think things over before we talked again. Whatever Callie decided in the end, at least we were on the same page.

For dinner that evening, we had lobster tails with drawn garlic butter, filet mignon steaks and a vegetable stir-fry. After serving our food and refilling my wine glass, we sat together at the bar counter and ate our dinners. We continued to laugh, heavily flirt and occasionally grope each other. It was a good thing we were alone that night since we couldn't take our hands off each other.

Towards the end of dinner I got up, walked around the bar top and back into the outdoor kitchen. I had stashed one more thing for Callie, in the actual bar area. After closing my right hand around a small box, I thrust the box behind my back and rejoined Callie. That's when I methodically and slowly moved my body down and bent my prosthetic at the knee joint so I could be down on one, "knee."

"Oh my God, Arizona! I'm a horrible wife for not realizing you got your new, prosthesis! Honey, how did I miss noticing your high-tech leg that flexes so effortlessly?"

"Callie, it's okay, really. I just got it today so I thought I'd surprise you. It still needs some adjustments, but what do you think?"

"Arizona, I think it's amazing and I know it will give you back some movements that you haven't been able to do with the other leg!"

I pulled my right hand forward and opened the box as I held it in front of Callie's face. 

"Arizona, didn't we already propose to each other? What's all this? Oh, Arizona, you shouldn't have, but I'm so glad you did! I LOVE it! Will you?"

I stood back up as Callie held out her ring finger on her left hand. I gently slid the thin band down her finger until it touched the wedding ring I gave Calliope in the same backyard.

"Arizona!" Callie started crying tears of joy as we shared a series of kisses and hugs. "It's beautiful, but not as beautiful as you though. Thank-you, I absolutely love it!"

I had purchased a stacking eternity ring for Callie that was a combination of alternating amethyst and aquamarine gem stones. She has always loved stacking rings, so I thought the piece would be a lovely addition to her wedding ring. Plus, I wanted to give Callie something that night to show her my love and devotion to her.

"I'm glad you like it, sweetie. I bought it to show you how much I love you and how much you, our marriage and our daughters mean to me. Those are Sophia's and Madelyn's gemstones for their birthday months, as you already know."

"It's perfect, just like you, Arizona."

"I don't know I'd go that far to call me perfect, but for the sake of our night, I won't argue with you... Now, how do you feel about dessert? I went by the bakery and picked up some smaller items we can share."

Much to my surprise, Callie jumped up from her seat and picked me up so my legs were wrapped around her waist as I faced her. I could tell her arms and hands were confidently holding me and that she wasn't letting me go.

"I think I want a different kind of dessert before I have the actual dessert you bought." Callie kissed me with a cocky, seductive expression as she carried me to the treehouse. I kept kissing her or she'd kiss me as she carried me up and into the elevated home and then into the bedroom.

With reckless abandon, we began stripping each other's clothes off. Eventually our two bodies became one as we got tangled up together while we fervidly made love. 

After we both orgasmed and laid in bed softly kissing one another's naked bodies, Callie said, "Wow and wow! We are on fire tonight, aren't we?!"

I was still catching my breath when I said, "Wow, are we ever! I know it's been a longer stretch than normal for us, but damn, did I ever need that with you..." 

We shared a deep kiss before Callie said, "Too bad the desserts are in the house. I just worked up an appetite Arizona, and am going to need more energy before we go back to doing what we just did..."

"Callie, I already saw this coming, before the night started and put the desserts in the refrigerator, inside the treehouse."

Callie deeply kissed me and said, "And that Dr. Robbins, is one of the myriad of reasons I fell for you!"

With that, I watched Callie and her adorable, bare butt leave the bedroom and return 30 seconds later with the bakery box and some napkins. We spent that night eating sweets and making love. I don't remember falling asleep, but I remember waking up naked and in Calliope's loving arms the next morning.

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