The Unholy Trinity

By kurenohikari

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Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of... More

Highway to Hell
My Family
Getting to know each other
Just Like Fire
Gift of a Friend
Tick Tick Boom
Everybody Talks
Raise Hell
Take You To Hell
Sweet Sacrifice
Angel of Mine
Dream On
Wedding Bells


179 4 0
By kurenohikari

"So, how fast can we get those bastards rights to Tim stripped?" Bruce demanded to know from his lawyer, not even bothering to use his Brucie persona.

Like various people Sasha Greengrass has been wondering what had happened with 'Brucie', seeing how he no longer partied or got drunk. He has not been on the front page of a tabloid for longer than a month and a half. Unlike them, she had been invited into the know almost from the beginning, as she had overseen doing the paperwork for Bruce to take custody of all his new kids.

He has gotten a lot in such a small amount of time and was looking to add more.

"Well, they don't have them anymore," Sasha told her boss. "They renounced to them a couple of days ago. As for this morning they've been arrested for..."

A couple of days ago? Bruce wondered internally, while Sasha proceeded to list all of the Drakes crimes. Those crimes were only committed this year... Damian! He must have threatened them into giving up their parental rights or he'll make public their crimes of the past. Like the selfish people they are, they accepted the deal and later got caught by the crimes they were actually committing- crimes Damian had not promised to reveal. Bruce chuckled. That boy will be the death of me... good job son.

"We can start the adoption process now," Sasha continued. "Would you like me to prepare a change of name as well?"

"Prepare all the paperwork needed for three routes," Bruce explained. "One for him to keep his name as it is, another one for him to hyphen it with mine, and a final one for him to simply take my last name."

"On it!" Sasha assured him, taking notes. "By the way, I don't think I've said it before, but congratulations on your ever-growing family."

"Thank you," Bruce smiled and bided his lawyer goodbye. He spent the rest of the day doing paperwork in his office at WE. He then got into the car Alfred had picked him up with and headed back home. "How are the kids doing? Is Tim getting along with the rest?"

"Well, Master Jason has taken him under his wing, Master Timothy is completely bestowed with his favorite superhero." Yeah, that did not bother Bruce's pride at all. That a kid of only nine had found out about Batman and Robin's identities and kept it from the Bataclan for four years. "Miss Jade finds him adorable, he won her over by doing a lot of research on babies and how to take care of them. Miss Cassandra seems delighted to have another person to sign with. As for Miss Mara and Master Alexander, they think of him as weak but were impressed by his intellect and admitted that his parents are at fault for his lack of training. They seem to get along with Master Timothy... until, he and Master Damian got into a screaming match."

"Damian?" Bruce asked the butler in shock. "Damian and Tim?" "Yes, Master Bruce," affirmed Alfred.

"We are talking about the same Damian, who sleeps with Jason when his older brother has nightmares of the Joker. The same Damian that dances with Cass when his sister gets too anxious and does not want to talk with anyone. The same Damian who stops Mara and Alec from stabbing people and spars with theme when they get restless. The same Damian who heals me every morning after a night of patrol, even though all I've got were bruises. That Damian?"

"The very same," Alfred affirmed again. "To be fair Master Damian had only wanted help Master Timothy. But his way of doing so spook Master Timothy and caused him great distress."

"Did he tell him about having his parents arrested?" Bruce inquired.

"You knew Master Bruce?" Alfred asked surprised, it was something that even the ever-present butler has missed- his new grandson is quite sneaky.

"No, I just found out by Sasha," Bruce answered. "They won't be able to pay themselves out of trouble. The Interpole are after them and they have so many countries furious at them from all the grave robbing and illegal "archaeological" activities."

"I'm sure Master Timothy realizes what his parents did was wrong and Master Damian telling the authorities was the correct thing to do... but the boy is scared. It did not help that Master Damian offered to heal him from all the malnutrition and coffee addiction his parents' neglect caused. Which is a quote of the same words Master Damian had used."

"Oh, Damian," Bruce winced. "He has always been quite straight-forward. I can take it. His siblings can take it. We've all been through so much and have thicker skin as well. But Tim is a civilian, no matter how smart he is, that much honesty will do more damage than good.

"Master Damian has been surrounded by people who had been hurt so much that frank honesty like his can't do much more damage, if anything it could be considered kindness and help them open their eyes to the issues at hand," Alfred commented.

"But that is not Tim's case," Bruce sighed.

"Not it is not," Alfred agreed. "Which had Master Timothy shouting and defending his parents in return. Master Damian called him a blind fool... you can guess how it followed. Master Timothy ran to his room crying after Master Alexander and Miss Mara jumped in and called him selfish and ungrateful."

"Good God, what a mess," Bruce sighed.

He loved how protective his kids are of each other, but right now its biting him in the ass.

"An altercation like this was to be expected, I'm surprised it did not happen before and that it was so tame. The manor has been filled with so many hurt and volatile kids in a new environment with different cultures," Alfred expressed his opinion.

"I'll fix this," Bruce promised. As soon as he got to the manor he headed to Tim's room and entered. "Tim?"

The poor guy was a wreak, crying on his pillow, his small body shaking as he sobbed. The moment Bruce sat on his bed; Tim threw himself on him. "I'm sorry," and "I didn't mean to be ungrateful and not bother anyone... so please don't kick me out!" He cried all that on Bruce's chest, as Bruce patted his back in comfort.

"What will happen to me now?" Tim asked, once the sobs subsided.

"Well, I was planning on adopting you," Bruce answered softly. "You do know that it was not Damian's fault, right?"

"I know," Tim sighed, sounding much older than he is. "He did not make my parents commit those crimes... and I know the way they treated me was not right. But they are the only ones I have."

"Not anymore," Bruce assured him, earning a small smile and a sniffle. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" To his surprise it was his youngest three. "What are you guys doing here?" Bruce smiled at his kids.

"We came to apologize," Damian answered though it was clear he had dragged Mara and Alec with him from their frowns. "I'm sorry for calling you a blind fool."

Bruce smiled proudly at his son as he prompted his siblings to do the same. Petulant "sorry" were heard. I chuckled knowing that this was the best I could expect after someone insulted their beloved older brother.

"I'm sorry too," Tim apologized, jumping off his bed and standing in front of them. "You were only trying to help... I would like to accept your offer."

Damian's face lit up in delight... quite literal. His eyes were glowing in green and blue flames.

"We would like to learn about civilian games and how to behave like "normal" kids, would you teach us?" Damian asked.

Bruce knew what he was trying to do. Damian was aware that Tim did not have a normal childhood and was trying to get him to have one. Not to mention, it doubled as a bonding activity.

"I do not know how," Tim answered, looking ashamed.

"Then we can learn together," Damian replied and offered him a hand. Tim accepted it shyly with a smile and allowed him to drag him out.

Bruce shook his head with fondness as he was left behind, not that he cared much. He was happy they were getting along again.

Bruce loves his family.


"You fucking bastard! Did you think I would not find out you got involved with Bludhaven business and dealt with Tarantula and Blockbuster?!" Dick was made a fury as he barged into the manor, right after coming back from his mission in space. "HOW DARE YOU?!" He then was knocked on his back by an Asian girl and got one sword on the neck and another one on his gut, by a pair of kids from Arabic descendance. "What the..."

"Miss Cassandra, Miss Mara, Master Alexander, that's your eldest brother, please allow him back on his feet," Alfred scolded them lightly. They gave him startled looks, as if silently asking: 'Are you serious?' But followed his instructions and returned to their original destination, the dining room- they were hungry and wanted breakfast. "It's a pleasure to have you back safe and sound."

"It's good to see you again, as always Alfred," Dick answered still stunned by what had just happened. "What was that? Who are they?"

"A lot has happened in the last two months," Alfred told him. "But please follow me, you must be starving. Oh, and Master Bruce was not involved with Blockbuster or Tarantula's disappearances. We've been quite busy in Gotham to do anything else. Master Bruce even had to cut off some of his hours with the Justice League."

"Batman cutting off hours off his precious mission?" Dick asked in disbelief.

"As I said, a lot has changed," Alfred replied, guiding him towards the dining room. "Master Richard has returned Master Bruce."

Dick was surprised, not only by the number of kids or the fact that there was a deadly assassin with a baby in his home, but also by how his foster dad reacted. Bruce's face lit up with happiness and he greeted his son warmly: "Chum! You are back! How was your mission?"

"It was a success," Dick murmured feeling suddenly very awkward. "Wow!" Dick gasped, startled when Damian's eyes glowed. "Your eyes!"

Suddenly, every kid in the room turned to glare at him and tightened their hold on their knives. "Got an issue with it, Dickface?" Jason growled, glaring angrily at him.

"No! I was just surprised that's all!" Dick sighed when he noticed the kids unclenching. "They are very pretty," he smiled gently at the boy.

"Thank you," Damian returned the smile. This was his akhi, his baba, the first one to believe in him and love him. It took all of Damian's control and practice to stop himself from throwing himself at him. "You are hurt, cracked ribs and a dislocated shoulder. Would you like me to heal you?"

"You are hurt chum?!" Bruce asked worriedly.

"I already got checked up at the Watch Tower," Dick replied in annoyance.

"Dami will heal you better," the Asian girl that had taken him down signed. "Miracle!"

"Miracle?" Dick repeated confused. Damian smiled and approached the acrobat before turning his hands on fire. "Wow!" However, he did not move to attack and simply offered his fire silently. Dick turned to Bruce, mostly in habit, and only got a smile and nod in return. "Ok, you can heal him," Dick accepted. The acrobat gasped in awe when the golden fire licked his skin. It was the warmest hug he had ever felt. He never wanted it to end. "Wow!" Dick gasped, moving his hurt shoulder. "Like new! Hey! Even my muscle aches and headaches are gone!"

"See!" The girl signed again. "Miracle!"

"A miracle indeed!" Dick laughed patting Damian's head. "Thank you Dami!" Damian returned to his seat and Dick took the empty seat next to Jade and on the other head of the table. The seating arrangement was Dick, Jade, Tim, Jason, Bruce, Damian, Alec, Mara, and Cass. "What's going on?"

"Chum, these are your new siblings," Bruce told him, as if he had not tripled the number of siblings Dick had in less than a couple of months.

"All of them?!" Dick looked shocked and turned slowly to Jade.

"Oh, not me," Jade laughed. "I'm part of his security detail under Wayne Security and the eldest sister of the group. If you are here, then it means that sweet Roy is back too. I'll pay him a visit, there's a lot we need to talk about."

"Sasha already drew the preliminary custody papers," Bruce told her as she headed out with Lian in her arms. "They are in your baby bag."

"Thank you bats," Jade smiled at him as she exited the dining room.

"That baby is Roy's?!" Dick was so shocked, an emotion that seem to predominate since he had returned home.

"Yes, after Lian's birth, Miss Jade decided to turn a new leaf and we are aiding her," Alfred explained. Serving Dick, a cup of coffee and a plate of scramble eggs with bacon.

"Thank you," Dick answered in automatic. "And the rest?"

"We are blood related to the al Ghuls," Damian answered, feeling it was better to rip the band-aid off... like always. "My mother is Talia al Ghul, and my father is Bruce Wayne."

"Really Bruce? Taliia al Ghul?" Dick complained to his foster father, before giving Damian a sheepish look. "Sorry, no offense."

"No need, she let Ra's killed me," Damian snorted, ignoring how many flinched at the casual reminder of his death. "I cut ties with her."

"Kill you?" Dick looked stunned, but also very angry.

"I'm Damian Alfred Wayne, also known by the hero community as Flamebird," Damian told him, making his eldest brother stare at him in horror.

"I never met her and lately I'm very grateful for that," Alec commented, taking the attention off Damian. "I'm Respawn. Also, the clone of Talia al Ghul and Deathstroke."

"His name is also Alexander Joseph Wayne," Mara informed Dick, who was staring at his old mentor's clone. "I am Mara Martha Wayne, daughter of Dusan al Ghul. Also, known as Shrike."

"Cassandra Carolyn Wayne, daughter of David Cain and Lady Shiva," Cass signed, making Dick wince. "Chose the name Blackbird for myself."

"She never learned to read, write, or speak, but we are making excellent progress," Bruce smiled proudly at Cass, who beamed in happiness in return. Dick looked even more furious than before. "And this is Timothy Jackson Wayne, he used to live next door and his parents are the Drakes... but they can't take care of him anymore."

"They are in jail and were neglectful," Tim told Dick, receiving a proud smile from Damian. "I've only just joined and haven't started training, so no hero name for me yet."

"You've been busy," Dick commented. "Too busy to check on Bludhaven."

"Did you want me to?" Bruce replied startled. "Last time you told me to leave your city alone." "And since when do you follow my wishes!" Dick snapped back.

"I was the one to deal with Tarantula and Bludhaven," Damian informed him, before a fight could break out. "Tarantula raped a hero so I sent the Interpole her whereabouts, they've been after her for a while. Don't ask me who, I swore to never tell." Damian looked sad at the reminder of the horrors his beloved akhi had to go through on his own and in silence. This time it will never happen! "As for Blockbuster, I did the same as I've done to Bane. Burned the venom from his body and returned them to normal human, before giving them to the right authorities. As always they escaped, and Blockbuster tried to recreate the experiment that gave him his powers... he did not survive this time."

"I see... other than that did you do anything else?" Dick turned to Damian, who remained silent and made everyone sigh. "What? What's going on?"

"Not again son," Bruce sighed. "I've told you to tell me before acting on your own." "No, you told me to tell an adult, which I did," Damian talked back.

"He is talking back, and Bruce is listening," Dick gasped. "I know!" Jason replied gleefully. "Isn't he awesome?!"

"So, I contacted Fox and had him open a Martha Wayne Foundation branch in Bludhaven, for which Richard will be in charge," Damian continued.

"Call me Dick," Dick corrected him absentmindedly, before exploding. "You did what? Why?!"

"I will not call you... Dick," Damian grimaced. "Also, how do you expect to keep up with all your duties and stay healthy?" Dick was brought to a stop by the heated scolding he was receiving. "You want to help people, I'm happy for you! So, do most of us! But believing that being a cop is the only way is stupid! You'll overwork yourself during the day and then the night. Not to mention, your duties as the leader of the Titans. Bludhaven also doesn't have the backing of WE or the Foundation, no matter how much you try to kill yourself via overwork you won't heal your city! So, stop being selfish and stubborn, and start thinking of your city instead of how much you want to pull one over baba!"

A deep silence rang in the dining room as Dick could only gape at Damian. Jason was the first one to break the silence, laughing out loud like a mad man. The rest of the kids followed, chuckling and giggling. Alfred clapped his hands proudly, as Bruce sighed in exasperation.

"There it is, Damian Wayne's frank honesty," Tim shook his head, as he giggled.

"I don't know why you and baba love to wallow and brood, but just because you want to help others doesn't mean you need to punish yourself, or be unhappy, or overwork yourself until you drop," Damian turned to Bruce with a glare that was all Alfred Pennyworth. "And you! Don't push those you love just because they got hurt and you got scared! Also, give him the adoption papers you've had since you took him in!"

"Alfred!" Bruce turned to his second father in betrayal.

"Oh, don't bring him on this! He told me nothing, it does not take a genius to know you have an adoption problem!" Damian snapped at him.

"Look who is talking," Bruce grumbled, but shut up after receiving Damian's glare. "I'm sorry," Bruce apologized to Dick, who was staring at the scene before him wondering if he had ended up in the twilight zone somehow. "Happy?" Bruce grumbled at Damian, receiving comforting pats on the back by Cass, who had suddenly appeared behind him.

Damian sighed and his expression softened. "Some people don't go to college because it isn't their thing," he told Bruce. "But if it is so important to you, have you thought of a compromise? So, he doesn't get stuck behind a desk and can finish faster." Damain turned to Dick, who straightened under his stare. "I understand wanting to step out of Batman's shadow, we all have shadows we want to get away from. But not at the expense of your health and other's safety. Fox hasn't started the branch yet, he is waiting for your signature and money donation to start the place."

"I don't have any money other than the trust fund Bruce set up for me," Dick told him confused.

"You do, you are the last living Crowne," Damian told him with a smirk. "You get their remaining fortune and will make something good out of all that blood money. The same way the Martha Wayne Foundation is using the money of the Court of Owls for the gentrification of the Narrows and Crime Alley." Damian smiled at a surprised Dick. "You will do good for your city standing on your own two feet."

"What do you think chum?" Bruce asked him hesitantly, after a few silent minutes.

"I like the idea, it will give me more flexible hours," Dick smiled, feeling guilty after he received relieved looks from Alfred, Bruce, and Jason- he had worried them a lot. "I'll need to learn Non- Profit, but I believe Gotham University offers a long distance program."

"They do! I'll talk with the Dean..." Batman trailed off, stopping when he saw Damian's pointed glare. "I'll pass you on the information for you to do as you wish."

"Hahaha!" Dick laughed in a carefree manner he has not done in a long time. "Anything else?" Dick turned to Damian who hummed thoughtfully.

"A request more than a proposal," Damian answered. "Jason will want to be his own hero soon and Cass is more than ready to patrol on her own. If suddenly the exact number of kids Bruce Wayne got become partners to Batman..."

"People will get suspicious," Dick realized Damian's point. "You want me to take Blackbird and Robin to patrol Bludhaven?"

"No, he is asking for Blackbird and Redbird," Jason answered for Damian. "After what happened with the Joker, using the Robin suit doesn't feel right. I'm going to wait until Tiny Tim is ready to pass down the mantle and take Redbird if that's ok with all of you."

Tim looked ready to explode from happiness, as Bruce looked proud. Dick wondered what he meant about the Joker, but he shelved it for later. Dick nodded his permission, grateful to get a say this time.

"So, Robin, Shrike, and Respawn in Gotham with Batman. Nightwing, Blackbird, and Redbird in Bludhaven," Alfred hummed. "If I may say, the villains won't know what hit them."


"Cheshire," Roy was stunned by the sudden appearance of his old lover. What made it worse is that she had used the Zeta-Tube to enter the Titans Tower. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, sweet Roy," Jade purred, smiling like a Cheshire. "I'm no longer part of the League of Assassins, if anything I've joined Batman's team in Gotham."

"You? Part of the Bataclan?" Starfire asked incredulously.

"Well, he does like cats," Jade joked, laughing as they all wore looks of horror and disgust. "Please tell me you did not believe that! I was joking! He is more like that awkward uncle that's too noisy for his own good." She took off the strange bag on her back and showed the Titans, minus Nightwing, what she had inside... or better said, who she had inside. "Roy, meet your daughter Lian Damia Harper, the reason I've decided to turn over a new leaf."

"D-daughter?" Roy repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, ours," Jade smiled, in a sweet and gentle way Roy has never seen. Maybe she had truly turned a new leaf. "I've been working with Bruce to create a custody agreement that can work perfectly for both of us. Though, he did offer to house you in the Wayne Manor and a job at Wayne Security with me."

"You're living with him in the Wayne Manor?" Roy asked her stunned.

"I am..." Jade continued to smile, this time it was sadder than before. "I spent the last few months hiding from the League of Assassins with a group of kids that have been raised and forced into the life. Bruce has an adoption problem, he adopted them all. Also, there's no way I am leaving my kittens alone in a new city!"

"Kittens! That sounds like you," Roy chuckled. He hesitantly stepped forward and gently caressed the red hair of the baby. "She is beautiful," Roy gasped in awe, blinking tears away. "You know I'll have to make a DNA test, right?"

"Bruce already did, but we can do it again," Jade agreed easily. "Also, about your addiction..."

"I've got it under control!" Roy was quick to snap at her, body tense. "I will not let you take her from me!"

"If you've listened to me, you know that I want the opposite," Jade sighed. "What I was saying is that Flamebird is one of the kids I was hiding with," Jade chuckled at their stunned expressions. "Yeah, he healed me and was the one to help me escape. That's why Lian's middle name is Damia in his honor and he is her godfather. But what I am meant by bringing him up, is that he is a very powerful healer. I've seen him burn the addiction from a lot of people."

"He could cure me?" Roy asked her in disbelief, a fragile sort of hope brimming in his eyes.

What else could Roy do but accept the offer? They did the DNA test and once the results showed what everyone knew was true, they moved the rest of the conversation to the Batcave, where an uncharacteristically Batman was waiting for them.

"I know!" Dick laughed, joining his team. "I was shocked too, but it seems that a lot has changed in the last couple of months. He apologized!"

"Really?" Donna turned to him and smiled. "I am pleased my friend! You deserve to reforge your bonds with your father!"

"He... he is also going to adopt me," Dick added, blushing bashfully.

"Is that what you want?" Garth asked his friend in concern, while Roy's sole focus was on his daughter who was in the arms of a smiling Batman- that was too weird for words.

"I do," Dick smiled, beaming when he noticed a boy skipping down the stairs to the Batcave. "Guys! I must introduce you to my new brother! One of them, that is. Dami! Come here!" He waved excitedly to the boy, who smiled back and walked towards them. "This is Damian Alfred Wayne, the Flamebird to my Nightwing!"

"Wow..." was what everyone thought but only Garth said out loud.

Wow indeed. The boy was beautiful! Like a porcelain doll! Small, with delicate features, and perfect skin. His hair was raven-black, and you could tell it was so soft by just looking. But his eyes! His eyes were just another level! One of them was a beautiful emerald-green and the other was an intense sapphire-blue. What made it even more entrancing were the dancing flames you could see if you stared into his eyes. Not to mention, they glowed!

"I can sense the warmth coming from you!" Starfire cheered, going to hug him and spin him in the air- much to the panic of a protective Batman. It did not matter that his son could fly on his own, you better put him back on the ground! "Oh! You feel so warm! You generate heat just like me!"

"It seems like we match!" Damian agreed, giggling. "But you better put me down, before you give baba a heart attack."

"Oh, sorry!" Starfire apologized, giving him to a worried Batman, who had handed baby Lian back to her mother. "I got excited to meet another fire-based hero."

"It's nice to meet you too," Damian smiled. He had always liked Starfire and seeing her young and carefree was a balm to the heart. She was no longer half-robot and a slave to Darkseid. No one will ever be that again. "Hi, you must be my patient," he smiled at Roy, who fidgeted nervously. "You want me to heal you right? Because I won't force my magic upon anyone."

"I do!" Roy rapidly assured him. "I'm just nervous... will it hurt?"

"Well, no one has even said anything about hurting," Damian tilted his head to the side, earning a squeal from a charmed Dick. His brother was just too cute! Like a bird! "It will feel warm, though."

"Ok," Roy took a deep breath. "You can do it."

Damina smiled and took his hands. His left eyes began to glow even brighter, as green flames coated Roy, who gasped startled. However, just as it was promised, it did not hurt. Then it was the time for Damian's right eye to glow brighter, as blue flames coated Roy. But what caught everyone by surprise, was when a pair of golden wings spread on Damian's back, as golden flames finished the job.

"So pretty!" Starfire cheered in awe.

"I know!" Dick agreed, a huge smile taking over his face.

"I... I don't feel any cravings, but... does that mean I am good now?" Roy asked, a lost and hopeful expression on his face- one that broke everyone's hearts.

"You are," Damian assured him gently. "All good."

"Thank you!" Roy's voice cracked as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Thank you!" He threw his arms around the young boy. "Thank you so much!"


"Are you sure about taking my name?" Bruce asked Dick, as this one signed the adoption papers and name change papers. Also, the papers Fox had brought for the Martha Wayne Foundation branch. "I know how important you parents' legacy and name are to you."

"It is, and it lives on in Robin," Dick told Bru... dad. "But Grayson is the name that Talon and the Court of Owls gave us... it brings too many bad memories." Dick frowned before smiling at his dad. "Wayne is the name of healers, philanthropists, warriors, and guardians. Is an honor to form part of this legacy."

"I am honored to have you in my family," Bruce smiled brightly- or as bright as the Dark Knight was capable of. "All that's left to do now is have the interview with Clark and finish the final touches for the welcoming gala," Bruce commented as he collected the papers.

"Hey, Bruce, I mean dad, I know I never liked Talia..." Dick noticed how Bruce tensed and made a face Dick recognized as 'Do not push it'. It was a conversation Dick would normally drop in the past, but now things were different. "But I know you loved her, I'm sorry it ended up the way it did."

"I loved who I thought her to be, not who she truly was," Bruce sighed with a faraway look. "She, the Talia I thought I knew, would have never allowed her father to do what he had done."

"I'm here for you, for all of you," Dick told him, putting a hand on Bruce's shoulder in support.

"I know chum," Bruce replied, laying a hand over Dick's hand. "Just so you know, you will not dress up like you usually do. I won't allow it! Not those monstrosities you call suits!

"Oh, come on!" Dick pouted playfully.

"No! We will all go color coordinated," Bruce stood firmly. After all the instability caused by the Court of Owls, we need to show a strong and united front."

"Ok! I get it!" Dick chuckled and then stopped for a second. "Color coordinated?"

"Yes, you and I will be in white and blue. Tim and Jay-lad in white and red. The girls in white and gold. Damian and Alec in white and green," Bruce answered.

"You are taking the Gotham's White Prince title to a whole other level," Dick commented amused. "By the way, thank you for letting Roy stay in the manor gave him a job in Wayne's Security."

"Lian deserves to grow up with both of her parents," Bruce waved it away.

"You mean you want to pull one over Oliver and get to claim an adorable baby as your own grandchild," Dick teased.

"If Queen thinks that throwing a son in need is the way to go... well, that's on him," Bruce huffed, making Dick laugh. "Now, let's get going," Bruce stood up. "Clark, Lois, Jon, and Diana are joining us for dinner."

"You invited them?" Dick asked surprised. "No! Alfred did! Gosh! How does it feel to no longer being the head of the family?"

"As if I've ever been," Bruce scoffed. "At this rate Damian will be heading this family before me." Dick laughed at that. "Oh! Right, the kids have a present for you."

"A present for me?" Dick sounded delighted.

"Yes, something about allowing more than one legacy to live on," Bruce replied. "Don't look at me like that, I've learned better than to get involved when my kids are scheming."

They were both laughing when they entered the dinning room, where they were received by very excited kids- some of them hiding it better than others.

Dick smiled as he took an envelope from Jason. The smile slowly left his face as he read the contents. Tears blinded hi, as he passed the paper to Bruce and thre his arms around his brother.

"They bought Hailey's Circus, after getting Haily arrested, and renamed it The Flying Grayson's Circus," Bruce smiled. "Dick is not the sole owner."

"That is a great gift," Alfred smiled, as they watched Dick throwing himself from sibling to sibling.

"It is," Bruce agreed, proud of his kids.


The gala was a success. It made the Waynes the media's lovelies. To say that Gotham was surprised was an understatement. Five new kids suddenly popping out of nowhere, and Bruce's previous two wards changing their last names to Wayne. It made it to the national news! Damian's sob story of growing up in an abusive household after his mother decided not to tell his "drunk" father about him, gave Bruce the perfect cover to start changing. He was at the helm of the gentrification project of the Narrows and Crime Alley, a good start as Brucie for all his faults was known for being a philanthropist. The change was slow and well received, without attracting a lot of attention.

Bruce's children were also well received by Gotham and Bludhaven's community. Whenever, their father or eldest brother were working with the Martha Wayne Foundation, one of them was with them. They rapidly became the media's sweethearts. Brucie having evolved from the White Prince of Gotham to the White King, and his children getting the titles of princes and princesses. In whispers, the upper society called Damian the crown prince- as he was the only blood-related to Bruce. No Wayne paid any attention to those harpies and continues working hard for the well-being of Gotham.

But not all is rainbow and roses. Soon after the gala, Dick found out something that shook his world like nothing else had done since his parents' death. You see, after his parents dies and he had to leave the circus, the Wayne State was as much a gift as it was a curse. With the circus one is always on the move, visiting different places each week. The world was Dick's home. He thought that being stuck in Gotham City would make him feel stifled. Dick had not known the size of the Wayne State. Or how many sections the state had.

The Wayne Manor, the ancestral home of the Wayne Family. Huge and intimidating on the outside with its gothic architecture, but warm and cozy inside. It has a library that takes a whole tower, with a collection that puts many libraries to shame. A spa with a sauna, jacuzzi, massage room, salon, and mud bathtubs. Dick had not known what that place could serve for, until he became a vigilante and praised the Wayne ancestors for that little piece of heaven on Earth. There was a tea ceremony room, a meditation room, ballroom, and three kitchens - a small one for every to use, a big one close to the ballroom for events, and a medium one only for Alfred to use. Not to mention, 20 bedrooms! Who needs that many bedrooms?! Also, let's not forget Dick's second favorite room: a home movie cinema with its own candy bar, freezer for drinks and ice cream, ice machine, popcorn machine, and cotton candy machine. His first one being the gym for circus trapeze and acrobatics Bruce had built for him. With time new rooms joined them, made for his little siblings: a private library, a black room, a music room, a dance studio, an art studio, and a sculpting studio.

But the Wayne Manor was not everything the Wayne State had. No, it also had the Wayne Hal, which was the size of three quarters of a football field. The entrance to Wayne Hall was located up the road that connected the main gate of the Manor, and thus the family estate, to Bristol. The building itself was almost as awe-inspiring as Wayne Manor. While it did not tower like the Manor did, its entrance was designed to resemble the Acropolis of Athens, though with a Gothic twist of sharp buttresses and arches. With its own large storage area, a centralized lounge area for the waitstaff, and, of course, the kitchens. An industrial-sized kitchen that, again, put even the one at Wayne Manor to shame, it had been retrofitted constantly to ensure that nothing less than top-of- the-line appliances were in use. All of it underneath the Wayne Hall. The entire underground area was connected to a service entrance at the back Wayne Hall, offset away from the open concrete lot where many of the guests' cars would be parked.

In between the Wayne Manor and the Wayne Hall, stood a beautiful garden that put botanical gardens to shame, with a Gazebo in the rose section. Nearby Bruce had built, as soon as he took Dick in, a playground that you expect to see in a city's park- one that Dick used a lot to burn his immense energy reserves. Let's not forget the tennis court, or the basketball court, or the barn for horses.

You want a pool party? There's no better place to have one than in the Wayne State! With its 75- yard pool with 3 waterfalls, 2 jacuzzies, a 35-foot water slide, swim-up bar, private grotto, koi pond, lazy river, multiple lounge areas, cabana, fire features, and a BBQ this is an entertainer's dream.

And at the corner of the state, almost forgotten by everyone but the Waynes, stood the sizable family cemetery where generations of Waynes rested in peace.

So, yes, Dick had more than enough space to entertain him and keep him busy.

However, in the circus Dick had so many friends and family, it was bursting with life and music. The Wayne State, where Alfred had to work on his own to keep, and Brice was never around, was like a silent cage for Dick. A golden silent cage. With time that changed slowly, but now he felt caged all over again.

"Yo! Dickface, aren't you a little old to be playing with monkey bars?" Jason teased him viciously with a smirk, as Dick was hanging upside down said bars.

"Little Wing..." Dick sniffled, before breaking down in sobs.

"Wha... hey, I was just teasing. Don't cry!" Jason panicked; he does not know how to deal when someone cries. "H-hey!" He stuttered when Dick jumped down and threw his arms around him. "L-let go!"

"I am so sorry!" Dick sobbed, tucking Jason's head under his chin. "I was such an asshole! I took my issues with Bruce on you and treated you like shit. You did not deserve that!" Dick's sobs intensified. "You did not deserve what the Joker did to you either..." Jason tensed in his arms and fought even harder to get away, not that Dick would ever allow it. "I should have been there! We almost lost you..."

"Shut up!" Jason shouted, shutting his brother up. "I understand, you were shitty and are sorry. Got it. Do better from now on! But do not blame yourself for what the fucking bastard did to me. I was the one who runaway and decided to trust a stranger. That was on no one but me and those... criminals." Jason sighed, finding comfort on his brother's arms. "Do better."

"I will," Dick whispered, voice breaking from the emotion. "I promise."

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