The Unholy Trinity

Autorstwa kurenohikari

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Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of... Więcej

Highway to Hell
My Family
Just Like Fire
Gift of a Friend
Tick Tick Boom
Everybody Talks
Raise Hell
Take You To Hell
Sweet Sacrifice
Angel of Mine
Dream On
Wedding Bells

Getting to know each other

208 4 0
Autorstwa kurenohikari

Everyone in the Justice League knows about Flamebird. Ever since Apokolips destruction and rebirth had reached the Justice League's ears via Hal Jordan. Many called it an act of God, of Karma. Batman thought that there was something weird going on. He could understand an experiment going wrong and the test subject losing control. But the result in Apokolips were too organized and perfect. Not that he blamed the boy! He was ten years old and had only just returned from rebirth, after being killed by his grandfather. But Bruce was sure someone manipulated those results through Flamebird.

Then Flamebird journeyed through the galaxies and solved issues by healing and politics. Bruce was impressed by the boy's results and methods. It's inspiring to know someone so young, and after everything he had been through, could have such a big heart.

Then Hal informed them of The Blackest Night and how Flamebird was chosen for reuniting the Black Lantern Force with the White Lantern Force. Then everything made sense, whoever or whatever had manipulated Apokolips rebirth and Darkseid demise, wanted to create this collaboration of the Lantern Corps and the creation off the Grey Lantern Force.

Batman was relieved and ready to receive Flamebird in case he turned into an enemy. He is too young and with a lot of power. However, it was Superman the one who met him first and brought information with him.

Who was Flamebird's father?

However, Batman had other things to focus on. The pendrive was a secret trove, with intel about almost every criminal organization in the world. It was a very busy half a year, but delegating the work was key for this endeavor. At the end, they got it all done.

Forst, they saved Arthur Jr. Curry from Oceanmaster's attack. A palace guard going as far as killing the previous prince, under the command of a very protective and angry queen... things were tense right now with the Atlantean couple.

Green Arrow, Arsenal, and the Birds of Prey, went after The Brotherhood of the Fist. Not that anyone would have protested with that decision, after finding out they had Oliver's, previously unknown, son, Connor. The King Snake and the Ghost Dragons were dealt by the Outsiders- Katana, Metamorphe, Lizard Johnny, Amazing Ronnie, Mighty Mary, and Black Lightning. Wonder Woman and Cheetah went after David Cain and Mother's trafficking ring, though David Cain had gotten away from them.

Cheetah was a surprise villain turned anti-hero/vigilante. Captain Marvel had worked some kind of magic on her, and Ivy, and Harley, and Selina, much to Batman's frustration and respect.

As for the Gotham Syrens, they were aiding Azrael to take down the Sacred Order of St. Dumas. Captain Marvel had dealt with The Light. No one knows what he did to Savage, but he had gone underground afterwards. Not a peep from him, or Morgana, or Circe, or The Enchantress, or Black Adam... maybe they were sent to a magical prison? It had Batman concerned and paranoid. But it was shelved for another day, as other things took priority.

Project CADMUS was enough to bring down A.R.G.U.S and Waller with it. So many sharks jumped at the sight of blood, ready to tear her apart. She was not liked... at all. D.E.O, under the leadership of Lucy Lane, took over the power vacuum and the first thing she did was deal with Waller's very illegal prison. No Suicide Squad this time around!

The Brotherhood of Evil was taken down by the main members of the Justice League. While,

H.I.V.E was dealt by the Titans.

As for Batman, he dealt with the Court of Owls with ease. After Flamebird shinned a light on all the corruption and everyone involved, be it judges, police, politicians, plus Cyborg emptying their bank accounts, it was easy to take them down. Especially, knowing that they could not buy themselves out of the pit they dug. It also helped to know the Talon's weakness, who after the fall of the court decided to commit suicide.

Dick did not take that well. He had just found out that he had a blood relative left, only for him to kill himself. Nightwing took the Titans and left for a long mission in space. Then Jason had to find out Bruce was keeping his real parentage a secret and decided to run away.

It was around that time that Bruce had realized that while the pendrive had intel on every big criminal organization, it had nothing on the League of Assassins, If anything, they were very quiet lately. It was then that Batman had found out Flamebird's destruction of the Lazarus Pits. But that was not enough to bring the League of Assassins down. Ra's had risen from the ashes and taken the Counsil of Spiders, a great enemy of the league, down, before the Justice League could reach them.

Batman had thought at the time that Flamebird must have underestimated Ra's. But as Bruce looked into those beautiful Lazarus-green eyes, of the boy claiming to be his son, he realized why the intel of the League of Assassins was missing. Family loyalty. Every after Ra's had killed Damian... how loyal was this boy?

"Bruce," Diana called out for her friend gently, placing a hand on his shoulder in support. "How are you doing?"

"How am I doing?" Bruce snorted, a cruel and dry sound. His eyes never leaving the boy who was talking with Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner. He couldn't stop but notice how the Green Lantern and Red Lantern of the Justice League talked to Flamebird with respect, as if he was an equal and not a twelve years-old-boy. "I don't understand anything. She, Talia, lied to me. I offered her marriage, to escape the abuse of her father, but she lied to me. She had me mourn the loss of my child. Then she stood by as her father killed my son... I can't believe it."

"We made the DNA test and Diana questioned them with the Lazo of Truth," Clark reminded his friend gently. He felt guilty about not returning Flamebird to Gotham faster. "It happened... all of it."

"You should be proud, my friend," Diana scolded Bruce, standing before him. She has gotten bored of walking on eggshells around him, that is not the way of the Amazonians. "He is a warrior. They tried to break him, but they were unable to! He rose from the ashes!"

"He is a very kind boy," Kal-El told his best friend. "When he met me, he told me 'Some might call you naive or say it's a weakness, but do not lose that big heart. There are not enough people like you in the universe.'"

"That sounds like him," the Trinity turned around to see a Cheshire-grinning Jade. "Did you know what he said when I told him he had a problem?" Jade was talking to Bruce, but her eyes were on Damian, who was making fire robins to entertain baby Lian. Jade's expression was soft, warmed by the scene, just like Diana, Clark, and Bruce. "He told me it was genetics. Not kidding! He had this cheeky smirk and all... he looked young, as he's supposed to be. So, I did not say anything, though I wondered what he meant. The al Ghuls are not kind or accepting, why genetics had anything to do with his bad habit of adopting strays, be it animal or human. I mean he collects them right and left!" jade huffed, but she sounded too fond. She gestured at Damian, who still had Lian in his arms, but now was surrounded by Mara, Alec, Cass, and Jason. With Goliath on his head, his new dog, Titus, and Cat, Alfred, on his feet. "Then I met you," she looked at Bruce with a raised eyebrow. "I blame you; you know right? This is your fault! You collect strays. Fucking Batman collects strays!"

"I do not!" Batman protested but was brought short by the judgmental looks on his best friends and Cheshire's face. Jade pointed out to the Watchtower and the Justice League members that were in the area, before ending on Robin. "That's my son! It's different!"

"We are Damian's family, that does not mean we are not strays he collected," Jade replied drily. "It doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say is that he cares because you care. They tried to take that from him, but they failed. You saved him even if you were not there for him. You saved what really matters. You saved his humanity."

"I wasn't there," Batman protested, brooding.

"Oh, God! You are as stubborn as your son!" Jade complained, gaining chuckles from Diana and Clark, and a small smile from Batman. "Then be there for him now."


"Welcome back Master Bruce," Alfred received his charge politely, before smiling softly at his grandson. "Young Master Jason, you gave us quite the scare."

"Sorry Alfie," Jason apologized.

"As long as you don't do it again," Alfred replied, receiving Jason in his arms. "I'm glad you are safe, my boy."

Damian could only stare at the grandfather he had watched die in front of him because he had been unable to save him from Bane. Realizing he was being watched by his father, Damian shook the memory off and tried to smile.

Bruce rested a hand on Damian's shoulder and whispered: "Do not worry, Alfred is different from Ra's. He is good, you'll see."

Damian did not answer, feeling choked up. Luckily, Alfred saved him from having to answer. "I've already prepared five rooms in the family wing, plus a nursery for the baby," Jade nodded in gratefulness. "Why don't you all go and take a shower, while I prepare dinner?"

"Akhi is vegan," Mara and Alec were quick to say, while Cass signed it. "Are you?" Bruce asked his son surprised.

"I love animals," Damian answered sheepishly, making everyone look at him warmly. "Then I'll do my best to learn many vegan dishes," Alfred assured his new grandson warmly. "Thank you... maybe we can cook together," Damian offered tentatively.

"Yes! Finally, someone who is not a disaster in the kitchen!" Jason cheered, smiling brightly at his new little brother. "Join us! We will have so much fun cooking together!" Damian nodded shyly. "All right! Now follow me! I'll show you to your rooms!"

"He is quite the boy," Alfred his charge. "Very compassionate."

"You noticed," Bruce noted, then sighed tiredly. "I don't know what I am doing Alfred, I'm way over my head."

"Then do it one minute at the time," Alfred advised calmly, like always. "Contact Miss Lane and ask her for advice about dealing with child soldiers and abused kids."

"Easier said than done," Bruce huffed. "They do not trust me, they are constantly closing guard with each other and shooting me suspicious looks."

"Of course, they do! Their blood and flesh were the ones that hurt them for years," Alfred chided him. "Master Damian even... d-died because he refused to hurt his cousin." Bruce flinched at the reminder that he had almost lost not one child, but two. "Master Alexander was imprisoned his whole life, until Master Damian freed him. The same goes for Miss Cassandra. On the good side, they follow Master Damian's lead and trust his judgement. So far he seems willing to try... so, do not mess this up."

"As I said, easier said than done," Bruce chuckled in a self-depreciative manner, as Alfred walked away towards the kitchen.

Bruce had to use all his self-discipline not to go and grab a drink. He needed to be lucid for dinner. So, he went to his room and took a long hot shower. Then, he grabbed a casual outfit and headed to the dinning-room. Everyone was already there. As Bruce took his place at the head of the table, he noticed the sitting order. On his right sat Jason and next to him were Cass, followed by Jade. On his left sat Damian, then Alec, and then Mara.

"So... why don't we do some presentations?" Jason asked and signed, after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Presentations?" Alec asked confused.

"Oh, I know!" Damian exclaimed. "We did the same in The Nest. It's when you tell people your name, what you like, and what you don't like. It's kind of... what's the American word for it? Oh, yes! And ice breaker!"

"That's right," Bruce smiled slightly to his son, though his heart ached for these kids who had lost their childhood. "I'll start," he ignored Alfred's proud smile and Jason's surprised look. "I'm Bruce Thomas Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, and Batman. I like dogs and my favorite dessert of devil's food."

"Me next!" Jason jumped at the chance. "I'm Jason Peter Todd..."

"Why not Wayne?" Mara jumped in and glared at Bruce, who was surprised by her reaction. "Does he not want you using his last name because you are not blood related?"

"No! Blood or not, I love all my kids equally," Bruce protested, making Jason blush- he was still not used to Bruce being so vocal about his feelings. It seems that the last couple of days were an eye opener to the bat. "I just wanted to be respectful for Jason's first family..."

"What?" This time it was Jason's turn to interrupt, he was hella confused. "Todd is the name of that asshole! The only one I care about is mom and she is not a Todd by birth."

"It seems that there's been a misunderstanding based on assumptions," Damian cut in before the situation could escalate. He then turned to his siblings. "Let this be an example to never assume anything and that communication is the key to any relationship," Bruce looked at his son in bewilderment, while Alfred hid his laughter behind a cough. Damian turned to his father and Jason afterwards. "You know what to do now."

"W-what..." Bruce stuttered completely lost. He had just been used as an example of 'how not to' by his son to his future kids. "Right," Bruce coughed and turned to Jason. "Jason, would you honor me by having my last name hyphenated to yours?"

"No!" Jason answered cheerily, ignoring how his dad wilted. He turned to the rest of the table and with a shit-eating smile, he continued his presentation. "Hello, I'm Jason Peter Wayne," Bruce's smile has never been bigger. "I love literature and I am on the drama club at school. I am Robin and my plan is to oversee the Marthe Wayne Foundation when I graduate university. I want to help others; the way dad helped me."

"Jay-lad," Bruce choked up.

"Well then, I am next. I am Damian Alfred Wayne," Damian presented himself, smiling at the uncharacteristically emotional Alfred. "My favorite drink is tea, and my favorite dessert is vegan devil's food," Damian then smiled to a delighted Bruce. "I love any kind of animal, which is why I've decided to be vegan. My passion is art, be it drawing or painting. My hero's name is Flamebird. I am... I don't know what's the best label if I am being honest. Meta, enhanced, or magical being. But my powers are fire based."

"Thank you for sharing," Bruce thanked his son, happy to know he had something in common with his son and how easily Damian had accepted the Wayne name. None of his kids had before.

"Alfred? I did not expect Talia al Ghul to name her son after the 'aid'," Jason commented with a scowl- everyone knows that Jason's favorite person is Alfred.

"She did not," Alec answered for his brother. "Akhi?" Dami turned to his left startled.

"It's ok, I can do this," Alec assured him. "Akhi's name used to be Damian Alexander al Ghul. But he gave me his middle name to use as my own when he had found out that Ra's had never named me and used my experiment number to talk about me." Alec accepted Damian and Mara's support, as they all held hands under the table. Bruce, Jason, and Alfred looked horrified, but hid it rapidly- some to a better extent than others. "Well, my name is Alexander Joseph Wayne, hope you don't mind," he directed that part to Bruce, who was staring blankly at him, and continued without waiting for a reply. "I like sculpting, unlike my akhi I love meat. Lahmi Shawarma is my favorite dish. If any of you mess up with my family, I'll show you why it is wise to fear Respawn!"

There was a deep uncomfortable silence, before Cass decided to break it and started signing her presentation. "I'm C-A-S-S-A-N-D-R-A C-A-R-O-L-Y-N W-A-Y-N-E, after the aunt that I never got to know but was the reason I was born. I am learning to speak and read by Dami, he promised to teach me Chinese after learning English. But I can communicate via ASL. I love to dance! Especially, ballroom dances and ballet! Dami is my favorite dancing partner!"

"You are mine too, akhti," Damian assured her, the tension broke as the siblings shared a tender smile. "I chose Alfred because I thought you would like to honor your second father, as you already honor the first one yourself father."

"I am grateful son, thank you," Bruce assured him proud.

"Then I hope you won't mind me honoring your mother," Mara spoke up. "My name is Mara Martha Wayne; I chose it because she is your mother but mostly because she is akhi's grandmother. I also enjoy painting, but I prefer my sword to a brush. I go by Shrike and my sword's name is Blackthorn. Unlike, Alec I prefer fish and like fruit juice not tea or coffee. I... really like to play music. Piano, guitar, viola, cello, I play them all. My favorite memories are of akhi and me playing a violin-piano duet."

"Mine too," Damian whispered. "Though, our collaborations have become better once Alec joined us with the flute!"

Bruce leaned back to observe his family bicker with a fond smile. Maybe he could really do this.

"What about you Miss Jade?" Alfred asked politely, giving her another serving of alfalfa sprouts. "They are good for you."

"My name is Jade Nguyen, I am the only child of a French man and a Vietnamese woman. I was sold into slavery and after killing my master I was adopted by a Chinese freedom fighter. His name was Weng Chan. I later joined the League of Assassins," Bruce flinched at the mention of both slavery and murder. "I dig red heads and have an adorable daughter. Her name is Lain Damia Harper," Bruce, Jason, and Alfred turned to Damian and her in surprise- they did not know that little fact. "Named after my little brother, the one who saved us both and is her godfather."


"This looks great on you! I want that cashmere sweater in green, black, white, gold, navy, purple- but make sure it is not Joker purple," Bruce, in his Brucie persona, told the sales lady.

"Don't worry, we don't allow that tone of color to enter Gotham," Cecile assured him. "Anything else?"

"You know what? Yes! Give me everything he has tried on!" Brucie beamed at the woman, a god honest big smile, which made Cecile blush and runaway. Bruce turned to his son, who was looking at himself in the mirror, bags of Prada, Gucci, Armani, Louis Vuitton, and many other luxury brands scattered at his feet. "Anything else you would like?"

"Clothes? No, I'm good," Damian answered with a smile. "But can we pass to an art shop for supplies and to a bookstore?"

"Of course!" Bruce rapidly agreed, he was having so much fun. None of kids ever let him go all out. "I did not know you enjoyed reading that much."

"I do like to read, especially with a cup of tea and Alfred's vegan chocolate cookies," Damian replied, entering the changing room.

"They are good," Bruce agreed.

"But the books at the manor's library are enough for me," Damian continued from inside the changing room. "However, I'm sure Jason would enjoy his own private library. Brontë, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Agatha Christie to begin with. Also, maybe I'll find some books that Lian might enjoy."

Bruce smiled proud of his son; he was so caring. But he was also frowned. "For Jay-lad? I already got him all of those author's complete collections."

"Yes, a first edition one," Damian deadpanned, opening the door of his changing room and giving the clothes he had tried on to Cecile. "I am sure Jason would like a copy he owns that he can read, without fearing to break it because of how precious it is."

"Oh! Bruce paled, having just realized he had never seen Jason read the copies he had bought him.

"Don't feel bad about it, the gesture showed how much you cared... even if the gift was not practical," Damian cheered up his dad, before holding his hand and pulling him. "Now let's pay and get going!"

Damian and his rag-tag team has been in Gotham for over a month. Cass and Jade quickly realized that they should not expect the bat clan to attack them or being thrown away. They did not trust the bats completely yet, but they were no longer constantly on guard. Alec and Mara took longer, clinging to Damian and shooting glares at everyone- but, at least, they were not attacking anyone.

They only began to relax a couple of days ago when Bruce showed up with gifts. It was not the electronics set from Wayne Technology, or the basic wardrobe filled with luxury brands. It was the music studio and sculpting studio Bruce had built in one of the many empty rooms of the Wayne Manor. Paying extra to workers and having friends in the superhero community made the process very fast (thank you Flash!). It seemed that it was a tradition of Bruce, he has built an acrobatics gymnasium for Dick and a private small library/reading room for Jason. Damian got an art studio and Cass a dance studio. Even Jade got a meditation room.

It was a beautiful tradition to welcome a new family member... one that in one timeline had stopped after Jason had died. Not that it will ever happen this time.

Mara and Alex realized with this that they had a true family beyond Damian. Though, old habits die hard and will take a long time to change. Bruce was patient, for once!

"Why are you letting me drag you from one store to the other?" Bruce finally asked, as they were having chocolate and vegan chocolate milkshakes, after finishing their shopping. "I have eyes, I know that you prefer having things bought to you and the basic wardrobe I gave you and your siblings was enough for you."

"Because this is how you show your love," Damian's answer stunned Bruce speechless. "Gift giving is your love language. Why would I refuse your love?" Damian's answer was so pure that Bruce could only kneel and hug him tight. "Also, I am both a Wayne and an al Ghul. We are vain as Hell!"

"That we are!" Bruce chuckled watery, taking his son's hand and guiding him to the car.

"Baba, you know you can stop being Brucie," Damian told him as they were driving back to the manor. "I give you the perfect cover for a change of attitude. My 'mother' hid my existence from Brucie Wayne because she did not expect him to be good dad. It was an eye opener and Brucie decided to change, after so many charges fell on his lap. Brucie is still flirty and a social butterfly, but he does not need to get drunk or sleep with half the city. You could even get more involved with WE."

"You've thought about this a lot," Bruce hummed, as he continued to drive, knuckles white from how hard he was holding the wheel.

"I just want you to be happy," Damian answered honestly. "Just because you put your mission first, does not mean you need to be miserable. Surviving is not something you should be guilty about."

Bruce would have exploded if it had been anyone else saying that. But this was his son, one that understood the pain of being a survivor when other had died... even more than Bruce ever could.

"You are wrong," Bruce corrected him, gaining a startled and sad expression from Damian. "I do not put the mission first, not anymore."

He did not say anything more, he didn't have to. Damian understood. They both smiled and completed the ride in a comfortable silence.


"The paperwork is done," Bruce announced, leaving the changing room in his Batman suit, sans the cowl. Dr. Thompkins was finishing the medical checkups on everyone. "You are all under my care now, legally that is. Jay-lad, you last name change also went through. All that's left to do is get the Wayne Hall prepared to host a welcoming gala and have Clark come to do an interview."

The Wayne Hall is a venue that had been built over one hundred years in the Wayne State, built specifically for balls (fundraising galas nowadays), engagement parties, and wedding receptions. Which worked perfectly for this occasion. The Wayne Hall was in the Wayne State but apart from the Wayne Manor, a red carpet was spread in front of the entrance, for the various journalists to wait to interview the creme of the creme. The Wayne Family was not only rich, but they were also old money with noble blood from Europe running through their veins. They are a founding family of Gotham, the founding family. One of the only two still standing. Not only standing but strong, with the most powerful company in the world. So, it is not a stretch to say they were the royalty of America. Heck, if Gotham would ever have a king that would be Bruce Wayne.

"Make sure to wait for Master Richard's return from space," Alfred advised. "He'll prefer to know it from you rather than the Daily Planet. He's coming in two weeks."

"Two weeks... it will be two months since we've come here," Mara commented.

"Two wonderful months," Alfred corrected her, making the girl smile slightly. While the younger ones were still apprehensive, they were quick to get fond of Alfred. Not a surprise, it was Alfred after all. "How is the health of the young masters and misses Dr. Thompkins?"

"This is a miracle..." Leslie said in shock, staring at the results blankly. "No muscle strain or damage from overworking a body from a young age. No scar tissues. Perfect healthy bodies that humans can't possibly possess. If I didn't see the baby, I wouldn't believe that Miss. Nguyen had given birth to a daughter, And Jason!" Leslie rapidly turned to a startled Robin with tears in her eyes. "Your malnutrition has been fixed! You'll grow healthy from now on without any issues. You'll be as tall as you were supposed to be without any hindrance."

"M-marvelous!" Alfred gasped stunned. "I am so happy for you Young Master Jason, for all of you!"

"How is that possible?" Bruce asked in disbelief, before stopping and recalling that there was someone in the Batcave whose capable of returning artificially created parademons to their original forms. "Flamebird?"

"I'm so sorry! When I was healing him from the injuries the Joker had caused, I saw that there was some residual damage from his childhood and healed it as well," Damian apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?" Jason asked him numbly, not believing what he was hearing.

"Because body autonomy and consent are important... I know that more than you would know," Damian answered, dampening the good mood with the reminder of his hard past.

"Thank you!" Jason threw his arms around Damian's neck. "Thank you so much!"

Bruce smiled at his sons proudly, before turning to Leslie, who spoke up. "May I observe how your powers work?"

"I was planning on healing baba and Agent A, you can observe if you desire," Damian offered. "I don't need any healing," Bruce disagreed.

"Bane broke your back. I'll be able to fix it as if it was new," Damian deadpanned with a raised eyebrow. "Also, taking care of your scars will be great for your civilian cover. No need of wasting tons of make up any time you are invited to a beach or pool party." Damian's gaze softened at the realization of what was Bruce's real issue. Damian headed to his dad's side and told him softly. "No need to continue punishing yourself."

What else could Bruce do but accept? He wanted to set a good example and help his son stop feeling guilty for surviving, he can't do that by wallowing in the past and his pain. So, he accepted his son's help, who only wanted to heal him.

While Damian, Bruce, Alfred, and Leslie secluded themselves in a corner of the cave. The kids were in front of the batcomputer, reviewing Batman and Robin's new case. They've been dealing with various cases of spousal and kid abuse in the Narrows and Crime Alley that Damian had fond. Some of the most notorious cases were the Brown and Row family. Both waste of space sperm donors, as Jason called them, were rotting in Black Gate. The mothers were facilitated some jobs via the Marthe Wayne Foundation. Crystal Brown is now part of Leslie's nurse team at the Thomas Wayne Memorial Hospital. Miranda Row is now Fox's new PA. Both of them became good friends after joining an AD group made from all those spousal cases Damian had found. There was an ongoing bet on when those two will get together. Though, everyone was sure that Cass and Alfred will win.

Of course, Damian hid the Row and Brown case in a mix of various other "found" cases. He was no amateur!

Stephania Brown, Harper Row, Cullen Row, and Duke Thomas were given scholarships to Gotham Academy by the Martha Wayne Foundation. Damian could not wait to meet them. Going to school with Brown will be a blast!

"Batman's reports are very similar to Flamebird's," Cheshire commented, recalling the reports with instructions on what to do when taking Alec and Mara out of the league. "There's proof of wrong doings for the authorities, be it paper records or video and audio recordings. A step by step of what to do, all very detailed. Information about history, weakness, and strengths of building structures and people. Where to find things like money, bank accounts, etc. Even possibilities of how to aid those affected and clean-up work. Not to mention, a reminder to follow the case and make sure the justice system follows through."

"I've noticed that," Jason agreed. "The pendrive Flamebird gave Superman was like that too. It was kind of creepy, but everyone was used to B's methods, so there were no difficulties."

"The pendrive... right! Ra's blackmail trove!" Alec exclaimed with a sadistic smile. "He spent centuries collecting all that intel to keep enemies out of the league's territory. Why do you think that Waller never tried to get the Lazarus Pits? She knew it would destroy her... and it did."

Of course, most of those plans came from the future that will never come true. When Damian had been trying to be the best Robin to claim his legacy as the true and only blood son of Batman. He had spent months slaving in front of batcomputer, reading reports of previous operations against criminal organizations and villains. Of course, he had been privy of Ra's blackmail folders and thought of various ways of doing those missions better. At the end, it ended up being used by the Justice League. Who would have though? Those six months had been key to take the criminal syndicates and villains down and not allow them to regroup with each other.

What surprised me was The Light and the League of Assassins keeping the criminal world in check after the power vacuum the Justice League had left behind, Damian thought. Oh, well, William had checked on them and had told me he was keeping them in check.

"Ra's might be the antichrist, but he is good at what he does," Alec praised grudgingly.

"He has dirt on everyone, but no one had dirt on him or the league," Mara admired.

"That and the fact he uses old magic to keep his identity and the league a secret," Damian informed them, as he and the adults approached the batcomputer. "Ra's knows the importance of staying in the shadows, is how he stayed in power for so long."

"Are those spells that powerful? They can't be, the league suffered from coups before," Jade pointed out.

"They are wards made of old magic and blood surrounding the al Ghul bloodline and Nanda Parbat," Damian explained. "As long as you do not try to inform anyone outside the know or leak the location of Nanda Parbat, you can rebel. Also, any electronic record or paper record of any wrongdoing made by our blood and the league will be immediately erased. The only reason we exist, is because the world knows us as Waynes and not al Ghuls. Which is why I never shared intel or plans to take down the league."

"You can't take down something that you can't prove exists," Batman reasoned. "At least, he did something good for the al Ghuls," Alec muttered.

"Our identities will never be revealed," Mara agreed.

"But it is worrisome that Ra's has access to that kind of power," Alfred commented.

"He doesn't," Damian assured him. "It takes centuries for those wards to evolve and become what they are now. Even then the Lazarus Pits and the countless life sacrifices were the ones speeding the growth. Ra's is no longer immortal, and I purified the pits. We are good."

"Well, that's good," Leslie commented relieved. "About those pits, do we have access to the new version? The ones that do not drive you mad. It will aid the superhero community and you can't be everywhere all the time to heal them."

"Ha! As if Ra's will ever allow it!" Alec barked a cruel laugh.

"He is right, he'll never allow it," Damian agreed. "I was going to offer to make one of the new Lazarus Pits in every city that the Justice League heroes patrol..."

"That's a security risk," Batman quickly shut the idea down.

"Which is why I decided to make one in the Batcave and another one in the Watch Tower," Damian finished his speech with a pointed look to a sheepishly looking Bruce.

"Right... great plan, I'll discuss it with the Justice League on our next meeting," Bruce told his son awkwardly. "Robin! Let's go!"

"That boy," Alfred sighed, shaking his head. "Now children, observe how we do support and how we operate in Gotham."

They spent most of the night learning and observing Bruce and Robin work. Jade pointed out that the Batman and Robin teamwork reminded her of Respawn and Shrike working together. A seamless teamwork, always having each other's back. It made the kids blush, especially after seeing the proud smiles of Alfred and Damian.

"Batman, Robin, you are being followed," Jade pointed out. "It's... a boy? And it does not seem like it's his first time doing this. Where are his parents?"

"That's Timothy Jackson Drake, our neighbor," Flamebird informed them, using the batcomputer to do some hacking. Compared to The Nest technology, most human's firewalls are easy to take down and hack. Especially, after being mentored by Oracle and Red Robin, and coming from the future. "Which is very curious, as the Drakes spend eleven of the twelve months out of Gotham, and the one month they spend in the city is divided throughout the year. Timothy does not go with them or go to a boarding school; he goes to Gotham Academy."

"Who takes care of him?!" Robin barked sounding very angry. He and Batman were still acting as if they did not know about Tim, stopping on a roof and listening very carefully to the coms.

Damian typed a little more, though he already knew the answer. "No one." A deep silence was head in the Batcave and the other side of the coms.


"What the fuck do you mean no one?!" Jason raged. "Master Robin! Language!" Alfred scolded him.

"Flamebird! Report!" Batman barked, sounding very strained and barely holding into his temper.

"Do no bark at me," Damian warned him with a glare Bruce did not see but felt anyways- it was the Pennyworth glare.

"Apologies..." Batman apologized cowed- his son was scary.

"Shit! You made Batman apologize; you are my new favorite hero!" Jason murmured impressed.

"Language," Alfred scolded him again, putting a proud hand on Damian's shoulder.

"As I was saying no one," Damian sighed. "Ever since Timothy turned ten the Drakes stopped paying for his caretaker. While groceries are paid with the Drake's credit card, the IP address of the computer used for the order is in the Drake's Mansion... when the Drake couple was in Peru... Timothy is only thirteen..."

"Not another one," Jade and Jason sighed as Damian and Batman shouted, 'Alfred prepare a room!' at the same time.

Alfred sighed, before leaving his bickering grandchildren to prepare a room for his new grandson. Some things never change.

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