Help Me Save the World

由 Sovrano88

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What do you say when God asks you to help them save the world out of the blue? Obviously, no...But I said yes... 更多

Prologue : Can You Help Me Save The World? (Part 1)
Prologue : Let's Do It Right! (Part 2)
Prologue : Negotiation (Part 3)
Chapter 1 : So it began...
Chapter 2 : It's Freaking Small.
Chapter 3 : Let There Be Light!
Chapter 4 : Magic Was Convenient, After all.
Chapter 5 : For Now, I Was Curious...
Chapter 6 : Puppet Show.
Chapter 7 : An Assassin?
Chapter 8 : Keep Your Enemy Closer.
Chapter 9 : Alexander Von Dawson
Chapter 10 : Dagger Flower
Chapter 11 : You Couldn't Say Shit...
Chapter 12 : The House Of Light And Darkness
Chapter 13 : The Woman Was Nuts!
Chapter 14 : Dawson's Lion And Lioness
Chapter 15 : World, Here I Come!
Chapter 16 : The Merchant.
Chapter 17 : I See What You're Doing Here...
Chapter 18 : So I'm The Only Jerk Here...
Chapter 19 : Blast Him To Kingdom Come...
Chapter 21 : Head Of The Family.
Chapter 22 : Let's Be Friends!
Chapter 23 : I'm Out Of Here!
Chapter 24 : Yet Another Hurdle.
Chapter 25 : History.
Chapter 26 : Who's Been Teaching This Brat!?
Chapter 27 : You Know Nothing, Howard...
Chapter 28 : O' Fate...Do Smile Kind On My Path.
Chapter 29 : They're All Full Of Shit!
Chapter 30 : Festival Of Light.
Chapter 31 : They Are...Weak...
Chapter 32 : By Your Will, My Lord!
Chapter 33 : You Shouldn't Have Said That...
Chapter 34 : Thus, The Torture Began.
Chapter 35 : Clara Bennet.
Chapter 36 : Let's Go Nuts!!
Chapter 37 : For The Sake Of Saving The World.
Chapter 38 : I Will Protect You.
Chapter 39 : I Want A Teacher!
Chapter 40 : Everything Is Ready, My Lord.
Chapter 41 : Gragas The Limp.
Chapter 42 : The Bait Was Thrown.
Chapter 43 : George Is George, After All.
Chapter 44 : It's Gonna Be A Long Day...
Chapter 45 : I Challenge You To A Duel!
Chapter 46 : You'll Get Pregnant!
Chapter 47 : That Is So Like You...
Chapter 48 : We Will Prevail!!
Chapter 49 : That Is My Answer.
Chapter 50 : Fief Expansion.
Chapter 51 : Ain't Half Bad.
Chapter 52 : O' Denizens Of The Underworld.
Chapter 53 : You First!
Chapter 54 : Let Us Meet The Lord...
Chapter 55: I Wanna Kill Them All...
Chapter 56 : Who's The Bitch?
Chapter 57 : Is It Cruel?
Chapter 58 : Ignorance Is Bliss, Ain't It?
Chapter 59 : I Want To Go, Mother.
Chapter 60 : My Tank Was Severely Small.
Chapter 61 : A War Slave.
Chapter 62 : Helios, The Poison Overlord.
Chapter 63 : You're A Bit Slow On The Head, Aren't You?
Chapter 64 : Fetch The Healers!
Chapter 65 : We're Just Talking With This...
Chapter 66 : My Dear Princess.
Chapter 67 : It's Not Fair...
Chapter 68 : You Know You're An Idiot, Right?
Chapter 69 : Now We're Talking!
Chapter 70 : By All Means, Do Begin, My Dear Princess.
Chapter 71 : Drawn To Her Eyes.
Chapter 72 : A Proper Lady.
Chapter 73 : Enough! Inside!
Chapter 74 : Lesson Of A Lifetime.
Chapter 75 : To The Capital.
Chapter 76 : Better yet, Merchant...
Chapter 77 : It Was At This Moment That I knew...
Chapter 78 : Do What You Must Do.
Chapter 79 : Are You Curious About The Teachings, My Child?
Chapter 80 : Inseparable.
Chapter 81 : Honey Trap.
Chapter 82 : A New Friend And A Pocket Full Of Gold.
Chapter 83 : Well, Shit Happens...
Chapter 84 : The Fingers.
Chapter 85 : The Sound Of Music.
Chapter 86 : It Was A Massacre.
Chapter 87 : Well, There Goes The Wand.
Chapter 88 : Die.
Chapter 89 : You Are A Hypocrite.
Chapter 90 : We Finally Meet...
Chapter 91 : The White Serpent Goddess.
Chapter 92 : Spirit Manifestation.
Chapter 93 : Escape From Me.
Chapter 94 : Sword Of Requiem...
Chapter 95 : I Can't Lose...
Chapter 96 : Mana Dissonance.
Chapter 97 : Yes, Back At Home...
Chapter 98 : Grounded.
Chapter 99 : This time, For Good.
Chapter 100: The White Church (End Of Volume 1)
Chapter 101 : One Year.
Chapter 102 : One Handsome Bastard...
Chapter 103 : Enough Leering.
Chapter 104 : Winds Of Upheaval.
Chapter 105 : A Conquest.
Chapter 106 : A Pattern.
Chapter 107 : It's Girls Only.
Chapter 108 : We're In Good Hands.
Chapter 109 : Helington Apparel.
Chapter 110 : One Of These Days...
Chapter 111 : Get A Fucking Grip.
Chapter 112 : Today Will Be A Good Day.
Chapter 113 : She Was Simply Too Beautiful...
Chapter 114 : ...I'm Alexander Von Dawson.

Chapter 20 : I Need Friends!

14 0 0
由 Sovrano88

''Crush their necks. Make a rock javelin and hurl it at him. Flame wall."

Time flew by, the season changed, and I was still killing bandits.

Yep...I culled them like weeds from the roadside. In that regard, I also amassed quite the experience in real-life combat. You know, facing someone who wanted to bury you six feet under while also making your move to break their heads. Stuff like that.

As usual, it took a bit of practice, but there was nothing my good old magic word couldn't do. As long as my imagination was running strong and my mana plentiful, I could do whatever I wanted. And I was not even finished with the unfair part. Using my enhanced eyes, ears, and also the blessing of danger, I could dodge every swing, arrow, and even magic all day long.

I may sound like I was playing around, but I really took culling these swines seriously, at least in the sense that I treated everything as a part of my training. When I wanted to train my defense, I didn't attack, and only blocked.

When I wanted to train my reflex, I did nothing but dodge.

I may appear as a cold-blooded psychotic bastard, using these people as a tool for my training.

But here's my logic. This was a fucked up world; everyone knew that. And it was not my job to make it better. No, I'm here to save it. It is what it is.

I could surely say with my conscience that I found no joy in butchering people left and right. Everything that had happened was solely for my training and growth.

I needed experience in battle. The real kind where they my blessing of danger would buzz madly. And the fastest and easiest way for me to do that was through these bands of brigands.

Honestly, I never bothered to find out whether each and every bandit was guilty or not before carrying on the deathmatch. No, I didn't...

It's just...If they didn't want me to find them in the dead of night like a fuckin' bogeyman, then don't be a freaking bandit. It was just that simple.

On that note, I was currently facing a magician turned bandit, and he had quite the skill, judging by the cheers of his men. Why would someone so capable be a bandit? Who knows...

"Change his spell trajectory around me and hit him back."

A ball of sizzling flame made a huge loop, not even close to grazing the tip of my robe, and hit the man square in the chest, burrowing through the transparent membrane that protected him.

His scream rang harrow throughout the entire camp, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

Having a round with the dude, I came to notice a few details regarding my current state of power. Apparently, it was nearly impossible for me to kill him directly with the word magic. When I said directly, I was talking about crushing his heart, smashing his lungs, blocking the air into his brain, things along those lines.

They could control their own mana to protect themselves and reject my power. I could do it, to be fair, but I reckon it would take a tremendous amount of time and effort, so it ain't that worth it, in my opinion. Though finding out about this information early on was a nice boon, I must say.

That's why I had the idea to use his own spell against him. To my surprise, it was far easier. The flow of mana in the spell looked way different than his body which felt like an impenetrable fortress.

Ah, that's right. I forget to mention it.

I regained yet another sealed sense. That's right. The sensation in my skin, how it felt when my body moved, cramping muscles, pain, everything. I recovered them all the moment I turned nine years old a couple of weeks back. Of course, the whole gang went nuts after they received the news.

But they weren't as shocked as I was. Honestly, I couldn't express how lucky I was that my sense of touch wasn't the first thing god restored for me. Why? Because it hurt so fucking much when I was limit testing, it was crazy.

The expression of your body getting torn from the inside out while being squeezed dry was the best description I could give. I didn't think I'd stop training because of it, but let's just say god really did me a great deal of favor by sparing years of self-torture.

The pain and other irrelevant things aside, it felt nice to be able to move again. I still couldn't walk, but at least my upper body was working just fine. And the cherry on top was I could speak again. Hurray for that.

However, I had to change my voice with magic because I was posing as this hulking macho dude with full body armor and a creepy mask. Imagine when a child's soft and immature voice came out instead of the heavy, intimidating juggernaut.

Well, the creepiness might be shooting through the roof, I guess...

But I digress.

Anyway, done with my training and culling the bandits in the camp, I flew back home.

Renata welcomed me as usual, and I then told her about today's session. We talked for a while before Hannah came to check me in and end the day.

"You want to play with the other kids?"

"Yes, Father."

I faced George early in the morning, at his office. Bringing my game, acting clueless and spoiled. Alyson taught me...

"It is...risky, Alex. You're still weak."

I was, but that ain't good enough reason to stop me.

"I know that, but I never see kids other than big sister Alyson. Besides, I am recovering, Father. Look how good I can speak now!"

"That still doesn't mean you are safe yet, Alex."

"But I want to make new friends...just like the stories of how heroes vanquish evil with their friends."


George looked at me as if he was guilty about something. 'Yeah, a bit more. Almost got this. I'm sorry, George, but I really need this.'

"If I can't play with them, then how about just looking at them?"

Intrigued by my sudden proposal, the man's eyebrow arched in wonder.

"Just looking?" He asked.

"Yes. Adam turns two next month, right? I want to join the banquet, Father. I'm so curious about it after hearing them time and time again from sister Alyson."

It was true; I was curious about how the party in this world actually looked. Not that I ever have any experience in going to a party other than seeing them in TV shows or movies.

"...Only for a while." George finally relented after a long pause.

"Yes, Father."

"But if you're having an episode, then forget it. Do you understand?" Stern and firm was his tone, seemingly to tell me that there was no compromise to be had there.

"Okay," I nodded gleefully. 'So no limit testing that day. Sure, dully noted...'

"And you will listen to everything your Me and your Mother will say." Added George.

"Of course."

"...Good. Then that shall be it. I wish to talk about something else with you, Alex."

'Something else,' He rarely did this so it piqued my interest. "What is it, Father?"

"It's regarding your education. You will start your study soon. I have found the right teacher who I believe is right for you."

'Ah, another good news!'

"Really!? When do I start?" I exclaimed in joy.

"Next week...As soon as sir Lodrick arrives at our fief, then we can make the introduction." Answered George, looking a bit lost.

'Next week, huh...I may have to switch my schedules up since there'll be less time to train in the day, but it is what it is...'

"What will I learn, Father?" I probed the man further.

"History and Maths."

'Um...what? That's it?' I asked again just to be sure. "Only history and math?"

"...I assumed you'd be glad after seeing firsthand how much your sister whines all the time."

"It's always fun to watch sister Alyson. She always has new things to tell."

He chuckled at my response.

"Let's hope that mind won't change after your class starts, shall we? For now, let us do with two subjects first. Trust me, those two will be quite challenging so you'll have nothing to worry about, Alex. Then, we'll see how later whether you can handle more or not. And if there's nothing wrong with your health, we can increase them."

"Then, can you let me pick the subjects I want to learn in the future?"

"Only if you're healthy." Warned George gently.

"And if you're able to get sir Lodrick's agreement."

'So I just have to convince some dude?' I smirked at the smell of challenge.

"I will not disappoint you, Father."


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