Am I Dreaming: A Miles & Gwen...

By TheHumanSpider2002

12.2K 141 53

This is a fanfic made by yours truly, and this story is about Miles and Gwen reuniting a year after the event... More

Chapter 1: Let's Do This One Last Time-Part 1
Chapter 2: Let's Do This One Last Time- Part 2
Chapter 3: Calling
Chapter 4: Flashback Part 1
Chapter 5: Flashback Part 2
Chapter 6: How've You Been?
Chapter 7: Comfort
Chapter 8: Miles Meets George Stacy
Chapter 9: Feelings
Chapter 10: Love at its Finest
Chapter 11: How Are You Feeling!
Chapter 12: Dinner and a Nightmare
Chapter 13: Home at Last
Chapter 14: A New Villain Emerges
Chapter 15: The Ultimate Surprise - Part 1
Chapter 16: The Ultimate Surprise - Part 2
Chapter 17: Regret
Chapter 18: The Wedding
Chapter 19: The Honeymoon Disaster
Chapter 20: Hobie and the Hospital
Chapter 21: One Amazing Night
Chapter 22: Home and a Whole Lot of Trouble
Chapter 23: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 24: Showered in Cravings and Hormones
Chapter 25: The Choice - Part 1
Chapter 26: The Choice - Part 2
Chapter 27: The Hunt for Blackout
Authors Note!
Chapter 29: Welcome to the New World

Chapter 28: The Final Showdown

221 2 0
By TheHumanSpider2002

Miles enters Earth 54 with only one thing on his mind...killing Blackout, and nobody is going to stop him, not even the people he thought he could trust the most. He is willing to put all disappointment to Peter, Miguel, and the rest in order to end Blackout. He made his way to where they were and found everyone unconscious except for Peter. Peter sees Miles and says, "Miles, buddy we're sorry for not coming with you, we're sorry fo..." Miles interrupts Peter and says, "We'll talk about it later, right now we need to find Blackout and put an end to this, once and for all." Peter smiles and looks at his once student and said, "Spoken like a true hero Miles." Miles then said, "What do we do about them if they're unconscious?" Peter said, "I don't know but we need to find her before it's too late. They both swing off to find Blackout. They search all of Earth 54 and couldn't find her. Then Miles thought of something, "Hey Pete, I know where she is!" Peter said, "Where?"

They both get to the one place Miles knew deep down Gwen would be, even if she wasn't his Gwen. They get to the cemetery to find Gwen looking down at her Miles' grave. They slowly walked up behind her and when she heard a stick crack she turned around and pointed her blade at them. Miles then said, "Gwen wait please just listen, I know what he did was wrong, believe me I know. I get how you're feeling, I've had my share of what you're feeling too." Gwen said, "How could you possibly understand what I'm feeling? All he ever did was lie to me from the beginning, you could never feel how I feel." Miles said, "Believe it or not I can, before I met my Gwen, I dated a girl for a year and during the time, it was the greatest relationship I ever had. We did everything together and had the greatest life together. Well one day I was taking out the trash and the bag ripped because it was too heavy..." Gwen said, "Get on with it, what's your point!?" Miles continued, "I tried to pick up the trash on the ground when I bent down, I saw a pregnancy test, I picked it up and read it and saw that it was positive. I talked to her about it and she said that it was true that she was pregnant...but it wasn't mine, because we never did it together, hell we never even had our first kiss together, she would've been my first kiss if she didn't play me. I told her to leave and never talk to me again, and I never saw her again. So I get it Gwen, I understand completely, we both have gone through this, but that doesn't mean you need to get revenge." She immediately said, "But what choice do I have, I can't let any more Gwens get hurt." Miles starts walking up to her slowly with his hands out to show her that he wasn't going to try anything and that he was unarmed, he started saying, "Look I know you're hurting Gwen, and I know you still love him, I still loved her even after I threw her out, but no other Miles' are like yours, you can't justify what any of them will do based off of your experiences. It's okay to grieve, its okay, but I know in your heart that you're scared, scared of getting into another relationship because of what happened, but that is how you learn to find the perfect guy for you. That's what happened with me and my Gwen, I was scared shitless of going into another relationship, when I met my Gwen all I wanted to do was be with her, but I was scared that it would turn out like last time, but it didn't and look at us now. That is not going to happen to you again, you only learn through trying then not. You will find someone someday, I'm certain of it, someone that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated." He gets closer to her and slowly and calmly puts his hands on her blade, looks into her eyes and says softly, "I need you to trust me, you don't need to do this, I know you can't look at me and not think I'm your Miles, but I'm not him nor will I ever be him, we all want to help you, you just gotta trust me, please." They both look into each other's eyes and after after a few moments, she lowers her blade slowly and embraces Miles. Miles is taken aback but hugs her back so she can let out her frustration. She starts crying and Miles says to her, "Its okay Gwen, just let it all out, it's okay to cry." After a few moments she stops crying and lets go of him. She says to him, "I know you'll never forgive me for what I did to your mother, I never meant to hurt you or your family, to be truthful, I never wanted to hurt your mother, Ben sent me to capture her. After I did, Ben held her in a cell, when I went to see her, she asked me why I was doing this. I told her that I didn't want to capture her, I just wanted you. She told me that I didn't need to do this and to not listen to what Ben said. She told me that she could see the pain and regret in my eyes and that this wasn't the way to go. I realize now that she was just trying to help me. After I tried to free her, Ben caught me and told me that if I didn't help him then he would kill me. I did a terrible thing to you, and I've spent this time wishing I could take it back. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to understand." Miles says to her, "I've done some terrible things in my life too. I've hurt people unintentionally." Gwen wipes her tears and says, "I didn't choose this life. I let a glimpse of my future determine my fate. The only thing I have left to me now is myself." Miles then puts his hand on Gwen's shoulder, smiles and says, "I forgive you." Gwen is confused by what he said, she says to him, "But why?" Miles says to her, "My mom used to tell me something when I was younger and I have always used it as a form of inspiration, my mom would always say to me, With great power comes great responsibility." Gwen smiled and said, "My dad always said that too." Miles says to her, "I forgive you for what you did, but you aren't alone. You have....." Just then a portal opens in front of them.

Ben flew out and tackled Miles to the ground, they started throwing punches at each other until Miles won the battle by kicking him back. Ben then summons a whole army of anti-spiders from every dimension in the world. Ben pulled a dagger out and ran at Miles with it and just as he was about to hit Miles with it, Gwen punches Ben with her super sonic fist. Gwen then said, "You and your friend take care of them, I'll take care of this asshole." Miles smirked and said, "With pleasure." They all start fighting off Ben and the army of anti-spiders, Ben hits Gwen so hard it puts her to the ground, Miles and Peter are exhausted and can barely move from dealing with the army. Ben stood in front of all of them and said, "Ha, you really thought you could defeat me and my army?" Miles stood up looking hurt and defeated and said, "No, but I got a little help." Miles opens his arms out wide and behind him thousands of portals open up and out come Miguel, the Spider fam, and the ENTIRE FUCKING SPIDER SOCIETY. Gwen is in the middle of both armies, and Ben says to her, "Gwen come over here now, you belong with us, you started this and we need to finish this together. We're family." She looked at Miles and Miles nodded at her with a grin, she stood up and said to Ben, "I'm done Ben, I'm done with you and this army, you put me through hell, you beat me, and made me suffer for years. You ruin my life and convince me to ruin the lives of every Miles and Gwen in every universe. You made me the bad guy and made me do your dirty work for too long. So no, I'm not with you, not anymore. I'm with a real family now, and this is your chance to stand down Ben." Ben grins and says to her, "Well then, lets kick some spider ass!" Miguel looks at Miles and says, "Care to do the honors kid?" Miles grins and yells, "SPIDERS..........ATTACK!" Both armies swing at each other and now begins the final showdown.

Both armies have it out with each other, Noir fends them off by punching them and shooting them with his webs, Ham smashes the anti spiders with his big mallet, Peter keeps shooting them with his webs too, Miguel claws at them and Miles does what he does best, swing at the rhythm of his favorite music. The battle goes on for another hour, everyone starts to get tired and all of the anti-spiders have either been killed or retreated, leaving Ben by himself. Miles finds Ben and runs after him, Ben runs to him too and they both swing in the air and tackle each other. Ben throws a punch and Miles ducks and puts Ben into an uppercut and Ben falls back. Miles gets on top of him and starts punching the shit out of him. One punch after another, one punch getting harder then the next. When Ben's face looks broken, Miles gets off of him, grabs Ben's dagger from his belt, and puts it to Ben's throat. Miles looks at him and says, "You took everything from me, you ruined my relationship, you ruined my honeymoon, you poison my wife and try to kill her and our baby, and worst of all, you killed my mother. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end your life right here right now." After total silence for a few moments, Miles takes the dagger away from his throat and gets off of Ben. Miles throws the dagger to the ground and Ben says, "You had your chance to kill me and you didn't take it? You're more of an idiot that I thought." Miles says to him, "You're right, I had my chance and I didn't take it. Wanna know why? I'm Spider Man, I save the world, not kill it. And besides, I wasn't going to take the chance away from her." Miles points at Gwen and Ben turns around to see Gwen and she slits his throat and he falls to the ground bleeding out, killing him instantly.

The Spider Society has prevailed! Miles limps over to Miguel, Peter, and the rest of the spider fam and says, "Thank you all, so much, I owe you all immensely, and about what I said about not trusting you guys..." Miguel cuts him off and says to him, "Don't worry about it kid, we get it, its okay, but right now we have a bigger problem, well you got a bigger problem." Miles says, "What do you mean?" Peter says to him, "Miles, Gwen went into labor before the battle, she's at the hospital as we speak, we need to go!" Miles eyes widened and he quickly opened a portal to his dimension and Peter, Miguel, and the spider fam all ran through the portal to the hospital hoping to make it before the baby was born.

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