Chapter 7: Comfort

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Language Warning: 18+ Included

Gwen POV:

OMG OMG OMG! My dad is awake! I need to go see him, I need to tell him I'm okay, I need to go and tell him that I was sorry for not being able to save him from getting shot...but what about Miles? I just got here, I just finally got to him after a year, I can't leave him. I start to bawl my eyes out because now I'm stuck in a rock in a hard place. Miles asks me, "Gwen what's wrong?" He hugs me tightly and I lay my face in his chest and bawl and bawl and bawl. I know we're just friends but something about this just feels...perfect. Being wrapped in Miles' arms feels right and I feel really safe in his arms. I start to calm down a little and decide it's finally time I tell him the truth. I tell Miles, "Remember when you asked me how I've been doing? Well I was hesitant about telling you the truth..." Miles tells me, "Gwen you're my best friend, you can tell me anything and everything and you always can." I smile and I tell him, "...well my dad is in the hospital because he was shot and was put into a coma, I tried to save him but I couldn't. And they just called and told me that he just woke up..." "Gwen I'm so sorry that happened, but look on the bright side, he's awake now and really wants to see you, you should go!" I tell him, "I can't Miles, I finally found you after a whole year, and now I have to leave...(starts crying again) "But Gwen I..." I interrupt him and yell, "I can't leave you Miles, I just fucking can't, you mean the world to me, I can't leave!" Miles hugs me again and comforts me again like we did before and it still felt o so good. But what Miles said next really made my heart flutter, Miles says, "Want me to come with you?" I instantly stop crying and give him the tightest hug imaginable and scream YES YES YES! Please come Miles, I need you by my side, I don't know if I can talk to him by myself seeing that he doesn't know I'm Spider Woman. Please come with me Miles? Please? Miles tells me that he'd be happy to be by my side so I could tell my dad I'm Spider Woman, but he mentions that there is one problem. He asks, "How can I leave my dimension, I'll start glitching. That reminded me that I had his gizmos on me, I give him his hoppers which he thanks me for. I open a portal to my universe and started heading to see my dad.

Miles POV:

Am I dreaming? Is Gwen actually here or am I dreaming? I can't help but ask numerous amounts of questions because I don't know why she's here, how she got here, and I start to worry because if she's in my dimension, she'll start glitching and if she glitches too much it'll kill her. When I feel her embrace, all my worries subside and wash away. In her arms is where I want to be right now, I know it sounds weird since we're friends but it feels so surreal. We start talking and talking non stop and boy does it feel great to finally feel her presence again. We embrace again and then she hears her phone going off, what a way to kill the mood, I say in my head. I instantly take back what I say after hearing that it's about her dad, I didn't know he was in the hospital in a coma, that must explain why she was hesitant about talking about how's she's been doing. After she was off the phone she starts crying heavily and I immediately embrace with every fiber in my being to comfort her. After a few minutes she calms down and starts telling me the truth on why she is here and how she got here. I tell her that she should go see her dad. She tells me that she can't leave me when we just found each other again. She starts crying again so I immediately comfort her again telling her it's okay I'm here and I'm never going anywhere ever. I then get an idea, I ask her if she wanted me to go with her so I could help her tell her dad that she's Spider Woman. She gets very excited and jumps in my arms and agrees. I then start to wonder how I can go with her to her universe if I'll glitch. She then gives me a watch that looks exactly like the one she has, I now realize that I hold in my hand the only way to see and talk to Gwen and the rest of the spider fam. I then tell her that we should go and she opens a portal to her universe and off we go to see her dad........I am nervous as shit!

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