Chapter 10: Love at its Finest

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Language Warning: 18+ Included

Gwen is woken up by a beam of sunlight piercing through the window, she realizes that she is laying on Miles' chest while wrapped in his arms. She then remembers the events from the night before, Miles telling her his feelings and in return she tells him about her feelings, and she remembers how they made it official. Gwen smiles as she slowly gets up and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. After her shower she realizes that she doesn't have any clothes of her own with her, so she goes into Miles' closet and puts on one of his shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. She looks in the mirror to see how she looks and says to herself, "Wow, why do I feel so safe wearing his clothes?" Gwen says that she needs to go visit her dad, so she writes Miles a note for when he wakes up that reads, "Hey my love, I didn't want to disturb your sleep, I went to go visit my dad, when you wake up if you want to come over we'll be there. I love you! -Gwen❤️...P.S. thank you so much for yesterday and last night, you made me feel better than ever, also you look cute when you're asleep :p :)" She leaves the note on Miles' nightstand, kisses his forehead and heads to her dimension.


Miles POV:

I wake up and realize that Gwen isn't in my arms, so I start wondering where she is. I then see a note on my nightstand from her, and after reading it, it makes me smile. I put the note in my dresser to keep and I get dressed to go see George. After I get ready I set my gizmo to Earth-65 and before I can walk through, my parents open my door and see me about to step through the portal. My mom is the first one to speak and says, "MILES WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" I close the portal and say, "Mom Dad I can explain!" After about 30 minutes of explaining the spider bite, becoming Spider Man, the whole "other spider people coming from other dimensions", and explaining about Gwen, they both calm down and my dad asks me, "Miles, does my son finally have a girlfriend?" After a quick chuckle, I nod my head and say, "Yeah, I have a girlfriend." My mom hugs me and says, "Dios mío, hijo, estoy tan orgullosa de ti." Then my dad joins the hug and says, "I can't believe my son is a superhero and I can't believe I've been working with him this whole time." After we break the hug, I remember that I need to go to the hospital and see Gwen and George, I tell my parents that I need to go see them and my mom says, "Wait Miles before you go, invite Gwen over tonight for dinner, we want to meet our future daughter in law." "MAMÁ! We just started dating, we're not thinking about that right now." My mom says, "I know mi hijo, I'm just messing with you." After a sigh and chuckle, I told them that I need to go and I'll be back with her tonight, I open a portal to Earth-65 and walk through it to find Gwen.

Rio and Jefferson POVS:

I look at Rio and say, " one big ass mystery huh." Rio says, "Yeah, but I can't wait to meet our future daughter in law!" They both chuckle and exit his room.

Am I Dreaming: A Miles & Gwen Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now