Chapter 18: The Wedding

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Today was finally it, Miles and Gwen's wedding. They both decided it was a good idea to push it back a week so Miles could get in a better mindset and calm down after the panic attack he had. When they told Peni and Peter what happened with Miles and that they wanted to push it back another week, they both got up and hugged Miles and Gwen hugged him to to comfort him. Both Peni and Peter both understood and said, "That just gives us more time to make sure your wedding is perfect as it should be!" Miles and Gwen smile at them and hug them. One week has passed since then and now the moment you've all been waiting for....

Miles and Gwen stayed with the tradition of not seeing each other before the wedding because of bad luck. Gwen is getting ready for the wedding and getting her makeup on, all while Peni, Rio and her band mates are with her as well. Rio goes up to Gwen after she gets her makeup on and says, "You feeling alright Gwen?" Gwen says, "Yeah I'm okay, just pre wedding jitters, the truth is, I'm not 100% convinced if this is still the man I fell in love with, I don't know if he's still traumatized by what happened." Rio knew about what happened and knew that Gwen was Blackout, just not the Gwen they all love. Rio says to her, "Gwen listen, this was traumatic for Miles, i would be too if I saw another version of Jeff. You both talked about it and made up, that's all you can do. He trusts you Gwen, he knows that that wasn't you, that wasn't the Gwen he loves, don't worry, once he sees you in that dress, he will forget about that other Gwen and fall in love with you all over again." Gwen smiles and hugs Rio and says, "You're right Rio, once he sees me walking to the alter he'll know that I'm the Gwen he knows, the Gwen he fell in love with."

Miles is in the other room pacing across the room biting his nails, Jeff and George see him doing this and ask if he's okay. Miles looks at them and says, "I'm alright...kind of. With what happened last week, I feel like I broke Gwen's trust, I'm afraid that she'll look at me differently now because of the harsh things I said to her." He begins to tear up until George pulls him into a hug and says, "Miles she trusts you with her life, she loves you more than she loves anything and anyone in this world. She's never going to look at you differently, what happened that night was horrid but you both talked about it and recovered from it. Gwen wants nothing more in this world to be your wife. When she sees you, she's going to forget everything about what happened and spend the rest of her life loving the man she trusts with her life and would do anything for." Jeff joins the hug and Miles says, "Thank you guys, for everything." Peter walks into the room and says, "Everyone's seated, you ready kid?" Miles wipes his tears, straightens his suit and says, "Let's do this!"

Miles is waiting at the alter with Peter, Noir, and Ham behind him, all while Peni and Gwen's bandmates are at Gwen's end of the alter. Doors open up and a instrumental version of "Calling" plays in the background as Gwen enters the room. Miles is turned around so he could be surprised, when he turns around, he is met with a pair of beautiful blue eyes walking down the aisle. Miles started to cry because of how beautiful Gwen looked, Peter noticed and asked if he was alright, still staring at Gwen Miles said, "I'm alright Pete, just taking in all her beauty." Peter said, "Good luck kid." Miles smiles at Peter and went back to the watching Gwen walk down the aisle with her dad by her side. They both make their way to Miles, George kisses Gwen on her head and says, Your mother would be so proud of you, but not as proud as I am." Gwen smiles and said, "I love you dad!" George says, "I love you too sweetie." George then goes to shake Miles' hand and says to him, "Good luck son, I trust you with her, more than I would trust with anyone else." Miles smiles at him and says, "Thank you sir, I'll always keep my promise to love and protect your daughter for the rest of my life." George smiles and sits down in his seat next to Rio and Jeff. Miles and Gwen meet eyes once more and Miles whispers to Gwen, "You look so beautiful, you seeing anyone?" Gwen chuckles and says, "Yes I am, he's about your height, has your eyes and looks devastatingly handsome." Miles chuckles and the the officiator starts. "We are gathered here today to witness the beauty of love and matrimony. We are here to witness the wedding between Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy." He looks at Miles and says, "Mr. Morales, I understand you have written vows for this occasion?" Miles looks Gwen in her beautiful blue eyes and says, "Gwen, when we first met what can I say, you hated me. I accidentally got my hand stuck to your hair and they had to shave it off. It was a bit of a "puberty" thing. But when I saw you in your spider suit at Alchemax for the first time, I felt something in me that told me that I am in love with you. No matter how hard I tried to brush it off because I didn't think you would ever like me back, I just couldn't get you out of my mind. It wasn't until you went back to your dimension that I knew I officially had feelings for you. You have no idea how much I missed you, and when you literally fell back into my life, I wanted nothing more then to make you mine. I again tried to brush it off because I didn't think you would like me back, but when we told each other how we felt that night on the roof, my heart exploded when we had our first kiss. We have been inseparable ever since. I know that what happened last week shouldn't have happened..but it did. I shouldn't have said what I said to you and I shouldn't have acted the way I did and if I could just show you how sorry I am I would do it in a heartbeat. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for my mistake, but I will never stop loving you until the day I die. And no matter what happens in our life together, you will always be my ride or die till the ends of the earth. I love you Gwen, always have and always will." The crowd was filled with awws and crys, Gwen was on the verge of tears at this point and the officiator said, "Now Gwen do you have your vows prepared?" Gwen wipes her tears and says, "I do but I'm afraid that they're not as good as his." Miles and the others laughed, Gwen wiped away the rest of her tears and finally said her vows, "Miles, you're right, the day we met I hated you, after you pulled out my hair I never wanted to see you ever again. But when we saw each other at Alchemax, something in me told me to set aside all hatred towards you and I had to work with you to help you get us back to our dimensions. After seeing your determination for getting us back home and saving the world, I have to say that I started having feelings for you, and it wasn't until I went back to my dimension that I was starting to be unsure about it. When my dad got shot and was medically put into a coma, I tried so hard to make friends because I had no one, but I honestly couldn't get you outta my head. It was then that I realized that I had feelings for you and I needed to see you again. When I finally found you after a whole year, I wanted your comfort, I needed your comfort. The day I said yes to being your girlfriend was the happiest day of my life, that was until you popped the question and I said yes. As for what happened last week, after today its nothing more than a dull blur, I know you didn't mean what you said, you were just very overwhelmed in the moment, I've had my share of moments like that, just ask my dad. I promised you that we will fight our battles together from now on and I meant it, your villains are my villains now, we will fight together and we will save the world together as a team. I will always love you Miles, nothing will ever come in between our love ever again. We are the inseparable Spider Duo!" I love you Miles Morales." Now Miles had his share of shed tears and Gwen started to smile and Miles smiled back. The officiator said to Miles, "Do you Miles take Gwen as your wife, to have and to hold in times of need, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" Miles said, "I do!" The officiator looks at Gwen and says, "Do you Gwen take Miles as your husband, to have and to hold in times of need, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" Gwen looks at Miles, smiles heavily and says, "I do!" The officiator smiles and says, "When then by the power vested in me, I now declare you Mr and Mrs Miles and Gwen Morales, you may now kiss the bride." Gwen wastes no time at all before leaping into Miles arms and giving him the most passionate kiss they have ever had. The crowd erupts in cheers, applause, and cries.

The Reception

Miles and Gwen sat at their table at the front of the banquet hall while the others sat at the other tables. Miles says to Gwen, "So how does it feel?" Gwen looks at him confused and says, "How does what feel?" Miles chuckles and says, "To be Gwen Morales." Gwen smiles and kisses Miles and says, "Fucking amazing!" They both laugh before Gwen says, "Look honey, I know you still feel bad about last week, I just want you to know what when I said in my vows that its all a dull blur, I meant that, like I said, I understand why you did what you did, I would've done it too. But look at us, we're officially married now, and I couldn't be any happier to be your wife. That incident is just water under the bridge at this point. Let's both just enjoy our life together and forget it ever happened, please Miles?" Miles grabs her hand and kisses it, saying, "I wouldn't have it any other way Mrs. Morales." Miles and Gwen share another kiss before Peter walk up to them and says, "Guys, the DJ is asking if you guys want to have your first dance now." Miles and Gwen look at each other, smiles and then say at the same time, "Hell yes!" Miles and Gwen get up and the Peter nods at the DJ and says, "Alright everyone give it up for the bride and groom, Miles and Gwen Morales. Everyone cheers for them as they both make their way to the front of the room for their first dance. They both decided to have their first dance be Hide by Juice Wrld, they both walked around the front of the room having their first dance, Miles would spin Gwen and dip her, making her laugh and smile, Gwen says to Miles mid dance, "I didn't know you could dance hubby." Miles chuckles and says, "I could say the same about you wifey." They both laugh and after a few moments the song end, the crowd cheers and Miles and Gwen make their way to cut the cake. The rest of the reception goes perfectly, when it was time for the reception to end, Miles and Gwen are now changed back into their regular street clothes and help clean up. Rio Jeff and George all walk up to them and George asks, "What are you guys doing? Go home, we got this." Miles and Gwen both smiled, grabbed each other's hands and headed out the door. Before they could leave, Peter and Peni walked over to them and said, "Hey guys, so as a thank you for making us the best man and maid of honor, we both chipped in and got you guys a week's trip to Hawaii for your honeymoon." They both looked at them in shock and they both hugged Peni and Peter with lots of thank yous. Peni tells them, "You're welcome guys, but you may want to hurry and get home and pack, your plane leaves in the morning at 9 am." Gwen and Miles thank them again and head home to pack.

Miles and Gwen get to his apartment, they go in his room when all of a sudden Gwen pushes him into the room and closes and locks the door quickly. Miles says to Gwen, "What was that for?" Gwen pushes him to the bed and gets on top of him and says, "Remember what I said we would do that you had to wait until our wedding night?" Miles looks confused until the realization kicks in and he says to her, " you sure? We can always wait a little longer." Gwen nods and kisses him with passion and they both share the greatest night of their life together as husband and wife.

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