The Unholy Trinity

Od kurenohikari

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Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of... Viac

Highway to Hell
My Family
Getting to know each other
Just Like Fire
Gift of a Friend
Tick Tick Boom
Everybody Talks
Raise Hell
Take You To Hell
Sweet Sacrifice
Angel of Mine
Dream On
Wedding Bells


267 6 0
Od kurenohikari

In the future that will never come, Lucifer met their beautiful and lost great-grandson after he had lost everyone in his life, except for his beloved Raven. At first, Lucifer loathed the fact that their blood was tainted with humanity. However, with time they got to know Damian and how strong he was. Lucifer scoffed at how Damian's life was an ongoing battlefield and an eternal funeral, blaming humans and their corruption. Lucifer could never understand why their father was so obsessed with these failed creatures. Why do they get freedom? Why could their father not grant the same gift to his angels? His perfect creations...

Envy and jealousy drove Lucifer to rebel, and he was punished for the desire of having free-will. At least, that's what Lucifer had believed all his life. Ever since the fall. When his face took a crimson red monstrosity form, when his beautiful white-pearl wings turned haggard and black. That was until their great-grandson made them see things differently.

"Did he punish you? Or did he give you a realm so you could do what you wanted?" Damian had confronted his great-grandparent, making him turn to him startled. "In Hell you have free-will, to do as you wish, to shape anything and anyone in here as you desire. You believed that humans were flawed and needed to be punished, your father agreed and sent you the ones who failed their test while they lived. I don't believe he ever wanted to punish you... he simply sucked at communication. I should know, my baba is... was horrible at that too."

Lucifer began seeing their great-grandson different after that. They began seeing humans different, if their father and them could commit a mistake like humans did... were they that bad? Humans can commit the worst crimes, their kingdom was full for a reason. However, they were able of selfless kindness in a way that so few beings were capable of. Their world was under siege of parademos and instead of running on their animalistic survival instincts, they create communities to aid each other- not that there are not many of them that would do anything to survive.

Their great-grandson who was tortured raised to kill and destroy, instead gathered the survivors, and opened the doors to Gotham City, Nanda Parbat, and Infinity Island to over a billion of survivors. Which, in reality, were those few that have survived out of seven billion. If their great-grandson was capable of such change, against all odds, why can't they change too?

Right after realizing that Lucifer's face returned to their previous beauty and their wings were back to the pearl-white wonder they used to be. It was then that they realized that their father had not been punishing them, but they had been punishing themselves. It was then that they decided to change, with the aid of their great-grandson and his beloved, the Queen of Darkness. With time and many therapeutic sessions, Raven had studied Psychology, Lucifer realized their true purpose was to help heal the lost souls of Hell so that they can finally find peace and move on.

What was a greater purpose than to heal and help the souls trapped in Hell?

Hell became a place where people would be judged and given a sentence, that sentence will be for how long they will be tortured for their crimes. They will be given a punishment, as their crimes on Earth need to be paid for. However, after their sentence is fulfilled, they will be tested and aided to become the best possible versions of themselves. Architects will create the fake Heaven, where all their needs, like paying rent and work, will be fulfilled and they could focus improving as people. In the new system, their actions on Earth will serve as a baseline to "determine how hard or easy your test is." At the end of each test, the person will undergo an evaluation and assist to therapy, before being rebooted in a new scenario with a vague memory of what they did right and wrong the last time around. The scenarios will be designed by a demon architect, while rank-and- file demons will play the roles of humans in the test scenarios.

Those who pass the test will be heading to Heaven.

Lucifer and Damian worked hard for two years to recreate what they had done once upon a time, but they managed to. The hardest part was reconnecting the Princes of Hell and the angels in Heaven. After all, they needed Heaven permission for their new system to work. Luckily, most of them were simply happy to see their siblings again. Lucifer and the Princes of Hell were surprised by the warm welcome- well, Lucifer would have been if things had not happened the same exact thing in the future that will never come. Damian was adopted by every angel and fallen angel; it made Lucifer a little bit jealous.

But they allowed it, as their great-grandson deserves to be coddled and adored.

"Are you ready?" Lucifer asked his beloved heir, as they had tea over cake- Devil's Food, of course.

"No, not really," Damian sighed. "Being here helped a lot, mourning what I've lost, what I'll never have again. My father and siblings are alive, but they do not know me, and our bond won't be the same. They are not the same people I've met, lost, and came back in time for..."

"About that," Lucifer interrupted hesitantly.

"What?" Damian asked suspiciously. "Did you do something great-grandparent?"

"Me? No, I did nothing for once," Lucifer defended themselves. "You, on the other hand, proved once more to be the perfect heir and caused chaos that ripped and reformed reality." Lucifer chuckled in delight. Now that they had let go of their rancor and rage, they felt much lighter and freed. They had not had this much fun since the rebellion. "Did you think that such powerful spell, one powered by Trigon of all things, wouldn't affect our dimension? Reality had to be rewritten to adjust to your changes. This new timeline is different and has many changes you will not expect."

"Like what?" Damian glared suspiciously at his great-grandparent.

"That's for me to know and for you to wonder," Lucifer smirked mysteriously, before summoning his magic to create a portal. "Remember, I am expecting you to come and have a tea party with me every Sunday! Please, invite Alfred Pennyworth, I'll be delighted to meet him. Unfortunately, Heaven has a claim to his soul!"

"Of course, they do! It's shido*!" Damian shouted as the vortex swallowed him. "Damn it!" Damian cursed as he was spat in the middle of Darkseid's throne room. As expected, Damian landed on his feet with grace. "Greetings, King of Apokolips."

"Who are you child?" Darkseid growled.

"I am Flamebird, crown-prince and great-grandson of Lucifer Morningstar!" Damian announced proudly, standing tall... or as tall as he can when he is ten years old.

"What is the scion of Hell doing in my palace?" Darkseid demanded to know with a glare, parademons screeching above him.

However, Damian simply raised an eyebrow and replied with a dry, bored tone. "I'm here for your shard of chaos."

Just as Damian uttered those words, the shard appeared in the room, shinning bright, demonic, purple. Damian could feel it, how Darkseid's shard and his shard resonated within him. The shard Damian had assimilated had become part of him. Yet Damian could feel that it was an incomplete part of him, that there was something missing. So, not waiting for anyone, he stepped forward and grabbed the shard.

The next thing he knew was pain, an overwhelming sense of anguish. He was burning, slowly but steadily. How is that possible?! He can control Hell Fire and Holy Fire! Nothing should be capable of burning him! If he kept it inside, he would die. He knew that. So, he did the only thing he could.

He let it go.


"What in the name of..." Kilowog muttered stunned by what he was seeing. "Razer!" He turned to his old friend and previous Green Lantern, who was now wearing a red ring. "What are you doing here?"

"The same as you, I believe," Razer answered, coming to a stop next to Kilowog. "My ring sensed an overwhelming power outburst and I decided to check it out." He pursed his lips and turned to the bare planet below them... or what was supposed to be a bare planet. "Is this truly Apokolips?"

Apokolips was supposed to be a dark, baren land. You could hear the screams of the victims before you could see the planet. This is not what the lanterns were looking at. The planet was bright and filled with colors. Vegetation and water filling every corner of the planet. Almost as if it had been reset... no, it's like the evilness and impurities were burned away.

"We better get down there and check it out," Kilowog suggested.

"What about the new gods?" Razer turned to his old co-worker with worry.

"I had my ring scan the planet and there's no new god or parademon life presence," Kilowog answered grimly. "Darkseid and his henchmen are dead."

"Shit!" Razer cursed. "Who killed them?"

They were talking about the boogieman of the universe, who has terrorized them for centuries. No one could match them in power or size, their army can easily overwhelm anyone. And now they are dead? How did that happen?

"It's not who, that we should be asking," Kilowog replied grimly. "But what killed them?"

In a tense silence they flew towards the planet slowly and carefully. But no one attacked them, there was no one to attack them. They reached the palace of Darkseid and gasped in awe at what they saw.

Eight broad, square towers form a protective wall on two sides of the castle and are connected by reinforced, wide walls made of silver stone. Stylish windows are scattered thinly across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, along with same-sized holes for archers and artillery. A regular gate with giant metal doors, a draw bridge and various artillery equipment guards the last stronghold along this rough shoreline, but it's not the only way in when you know the castle's secret passages. A handful of waterfalls flow into various small rivers and provide the precious farm fields outside the castle with needed water. Small buildings, houses and other structures populate the grounds outside the castle walls.

"The ring's scan mentions secret passages, but can't tell me where they are," Kilowog frowned.

"It does not matter, does this mean that Akropolis has a new ruler?" Razer inquired. "Do we need to prepare ourselves against another tyrant?"

"Now that's not very polite," both lanterns turned towards the gate, startled, rings glowing and ready to attack. However, as fast as they created their weapons, is how fast they put them away. In front of them stood a small child. His right eye was blue, while his left eye was green- if you looked close enough you could see flames flickering in their depths. On his back a pair of beautiful golden flaming wings spread majestically. "I am not interested in conquering anything. I just want to go home."

"A child? A child slayed Darkseid and his army?" Razer sputtered in disbelief.

"It was not my objective to do so..." the boy spoke up. At least, not then and how it happened, the boy thought to himself. Wondering how much he should reveal, deciding to lie by using the truth- a truth that has not and will not ever happen again. "I was killed in Earth and my corpse was taken by Darkseid to be experimented," Kilowog and Razer looked at the small child in horror. Razer's rage reached new peaks, while Kilowog deeply respected the boy's will. Someone so young should have not gone through so much... no one should, but kids just make it worse. "He used a Shard of Chaos, which revived me... but adding that shard to the Hell and Holy Fire I already possessed made me lose control."

"Wait! Hell Fire? Holy Fire?" Razer interrupted confused.

"Yes, I am capable of using and commanding magical flames," the boy answered. "Hell Fire comes from the depths of Hell and can disintegrate anything they come in contact with. Holy Fire comes from Heaven and can purify anyone and anything," the boy summarized his powers with a frown- they were much more than that.

"Why are you confessing all of this?" Kilowog asked suspiciously.

The boy of fire might be, well, a boy, which might explain why he is trusting a grown up in a position of power- as lanterns are. But he is also someone who was experimented on and has just killed a whole army on his own. This is no ordinary boy, and Kilowog needed no fire to realize that.

"Because we need your aid lanterns," the boy answered.

"We?" Razer and Kilowog inquired at the same time, with suspicion.

"Yes, we," as the boy spoke the gates opened and revealed aliens from various species, ages, and genders. "When the Shard of Chaos came in contact with me and made me lose control, my Hell Fire burned Darkseid and his army to ashes, my Holy Fire purified this planet and allowed life to grow back, but it was the secondary effects of the shard that caused the most effect," the boy paused, and the lanterns did not dare to interrupt the explanation this time. "Out of the combination of the shard and my flames, a new kind of power was born. Phoenix Fire, the flames of healing." Kilowog and Razer looked at the young boy in shock, he had too much power for someone so young. "They healed the others being experimented on and while most of Darkseid's parademons were naturally born, there were some that were artificially created by the experimentation of other alien's species."

"You reversed the change and returned them to their original biology," Razer mumbled in shock. "Who are you?"

"I am Flamebird."


"Did you also make the palace?" Razer asked Flamebird. "No, that was a surprise," Damian answered slowly.

What are you planning great-grandparent? Damian though suspiciously, but shelved it for another day, there were more pressing matters.

"Do we agree on the plan?" Kilowog approached them. "We do," Razer and Damian answered at the same time.

The plan was to take the surviving 100 hundred aliens into a mother ship of Darkseid's armada and get them back home. Though half of them have lost their home planets and/or families to Darkseid. Kilowog and the green lanterns back-up they had called upon, will be taking siege of one of the towers, making it a base on this faraway side of the universe.

"Are you sure you want to stay with us?" Razer turned to Flamebird. "A green lantern from Earth is coming to take the Lantern Force Book that Darkseid had in his possession. He can take you home. Coming with us will take years."

"I need to stay with them, finish what I've started," Damian answered with determination.

Also, I need to learn to use these new flames I've gained, without the security of the world's greatest detective, Damian admitted internally. I might not be actively dying anymore, the Phoenix Fire healing the injuries caused by the internal fighting between my Hell Fire and Holy Fire. But it still hurts a lot. Maybe on space I'll be able to find a way to balance my different flames. Damian sighed, as Kilowog and Razer discussed the Lantern Force Book, making him smirk. As if Darkseid would have it laying around. I made that book to expose the corruption of the Green Lantern Guardians. They knew about the Blackest Night and about the other lantern forces. Not to mention, their no emotion rules sucked and is the reason why so many Green Lanterns had defected. In the book, I wrote Kyle's methods, the ones he had shared with me before his last stand against Darkseid... ah, at least, that monster is gone for good now.

"First stop Zamaron, there are five Star Sapphires that used to be parademons," Kilowog announced, laughing when Razer winced. "Good luck with Queen Aga'po!"

They said their goodbyes and boarded the spaceship. In there, Razer explained to Damian their flight pattern. Because of the various galaxies they needed to visit, time zones, not to mention, trying to move such a big number of people, it will take them two years to complete the journey. However, it would have only passed two months on Earth. Kind of what had happened to Superboy, Jon Kent, when he had gone to space and returned as a teenager. For that reason, Damian will be eternally grateful, his plan won't be derailed any further.

For the 100 surviving, things were tense. They were people from various planets with different cultures and languages, and the only reason they could understand each other was because of a translation device on the mothership. A device that had only been installed, so Darkseid's victims could understand his threats and fear them.

Razer was afraid that they would snap at any moment and a battle would break. He had not considered Flamebird. Damian made rounds every day, asking about each alien's culture and history, even about their language and if they could teach it to him. Being their savior, a kid, and their main healer, made them all softer and more open to him. Soon groups of aliens would gather without him to learn about others on their own. Bonding sessions, playing games of the various planets, also aiding them to become a community rather than a group of people brought together because of horrendous circumstances.

So, once they reached Zamaron, there were a lot of tears. They were saying goodbye to five wonderful women. At least, that was what they were supposed to be doing, but Queen Aga'po had other plans.

"What do you mean you are not taking them back?!" Razer raged like a true Red Lantern, ignoring the prejudicial and disgusted looks of the Star Sapphires. "They survived the unimaginable! You are looking at a miracle and yet you are turning it away!"

"It's because of that unimaginable torture, as you put it, that I am turning them away," Queen Aga'po answered sternly, though Damian could see the pain hidden underneath that emotionless and cold expression- something only one with decades of bat-training could. "Are they capable of loving fully and fearlessly after all that? To open their hearts and lay them bare? To allow themselves to get hurt again. Because they will, getting hurt and loving go hand-in-hand."

"Then you aid them! You cold hearted bitch!" Damian sighed as Razer cursed the queen. "You dare insult our queen?!" A Star Sapphire guard bristled.

Damian stepped between Razer and the guard before things could get out of control. He'll have to put all the diplomacy studies, that Nana Parbat and Hell had given him, to work right now.

"Greetings Esteemed Queen Aga'po of Zamaron, my deepest apology for my companion's behavior and words," Damian bowed in respect.

"I accept your apology. It's not as if one could have expected more from a Red Lantern," Aga'po spoke after a pause. "Raise. Who are you child?"

"I am Flamebird, Prince of Nanda Parbar of Earth and heir to the Demon's Head," Damian presented himself. "I was also one of Darkseid's experiments," Damian ignored the pity looks the Star Sapphires' were given him. He's getting used to using his physical age to his advantage. "I am here to request a hearing Your Majesty."

"Your hearing is granted, young prince," Queen Aga'po approved, before turning to Razer. "You should learn from him."

Damian raised a hand, stopping another outburst of Razer, before speaking to the queen. "You say that their love is weak now, but I believe you are wrong. I spent a month traveling with them and while yes, at the beginning, they were afraid, common after our experiences, slowly they came out of their shells and dared themselves to love again." Everyone looked at the young prince stunned and captivated by the passion within him and his speech. "If someone is hurt and can only see the worst, if they don't think is enough and can still love... how is their love corrupted? If anything, it's stronger, because it was tested and survived. If anything, I dare you to love after going through something like that, the same way these brave Star Sapphires did."

A shock silence rang through the throne room. Then a laugh. Everyone turned to the queen in shock. She was laughing, fully and freely.

"I accept you dare, young prince," Queen Aga'po spoke after regaining control of her laugh. "I will test them under the Star Sapphire Force, if they are accepted, they will be welcomed and received with a great feast in their honor for such a miracle."

Not only did they pass their test and gain new rings. Five more aliens in the surviving 100 became Star Sapphires. They were a shock, as they were male. Then again, Damian could tell they were falling in love with the Star Sapphires of their group. Luckily, for them, they were accepted by the queen and got a new home- theirs had been destroyed by Darkseid.

During the banquet, the 100 were invited, the ten new Star Sapphires were seated on the high table with Queen Aga'po and Flamebird. Up there Damian had convinced the queen to send a group of Star Sapphires to Apokolips and set in one of the eight towers. Maybe working with the Green Lanterns for a long period will aid them to build trust and partnership, which will aid against the Blackest Night.

Why am I dealing with space issues and the Lantern Corps?! Damian moaned internally. I am a Bat for Hell's sake! My father must be rolling in his grave! Oh, well, at least, my plans are working. Maybe this way Parallax won't ever take control of Hal's body. Then again, I am taking Kyle's chance to grow into a White Lantern. Choices, choices... What should I do?


The group has been traveling for over a year now and they were making record time. From the 100 survivors, only 12 remained, and those were the ones whose families or/and planets have been destroyed by Darkseid and had nowhere to go. Damian, or to be more specific, Flamebird, has been named honorary citizen to various planets for saving and bringing back their people, Zamaron included. For the following year, Razer and Damian were planning on looking for places to help the remaining 12 settle.

Right now, they had just landed on Odym, home to the Blue Lantern Corps, to fix their ship after a meteor hit it, and were received by Sayd and Saint Walker.

"Greetings Blue Lantern Corps, we are..." Flamebird went to present his group, but Sayd interrupted him.

"We know who you are, Flamebird and Red Lantern Razer. Your exploits around the galaxy have reached us. We and the Indigo Tribe have sent a group of lanterns to join the Green Lanterns and Star Sapphires in Apokolips."

"Good," Razer mumbled stunned by someone interrupting Flamebird, that has not happened... like ever. "Indigo Tribe?"

"It's a new type of lantern corp, which is powered by the emotional spectrum of compassion," Saint Walker explained with a calm smile, before turning to Flamebird. Razer stepped in front of him, not liking how excited and focused the Blue Lantern was on his young friend. "Flamebird, it's an honor to meet you. Your healing powers have a similarity to ours."

"They might be both healing abilities, but they are not similar," Damian was strict about that, making Saint Walker's smile disappear. "However, while our ship is being fixed, we could learn from each other," Damian's tone turned softer, making Saint Walker smile again. "I am reproachful to admit that my healing abilities are crude at best."

"We can learn together," Saint Walker smiled and proceeded to show them and the remaining 12 to their lodgings.

The mother ship's central unit had been damaged by the meteor shower, as such their stay in Odym had been extended for a month. During that month, before breakfast, the group would join the Blue Lanterns on their daily meditation.

"The sadness will one day go away, life changes and will change," Saint Walker professed, as he walked around the meditation garden. "It's not easy to start, but it's better to get lost than to never go on board. Hope will shine your way, even when you believe everything else lost."

Four of the remaining 12 took those words to heart and worked hard, gaining their Blue Lantern Rings and a new home to call their own.

Others had issues with meditation. Poor Razer. Meditation was just not for him. Neither An'ki, the second youngest member of the survivors after Flamebird. The poor boy had had a rough life. Born into slavery with only his mother as support. Then Darkseid came and bought them both, only to experiment on them. An'ki watched as his mother died on the cell next to his, while he survived and got powerful telekinesis abilities.

The guilt and rage consumed him.

Which is why he took fast to Flamebird, his savior. He destroyed Darkseid and saved them all. Not only that, but they were also close of age and he mentored An'ki on martial arts. Flamebird had also taught An'ki how to read and write, history and etiquette, politics, and strategy... how what's truly important is not to fight to hurt others, but to protect them. He was the older brother An'ki never had. Even though, An'ki was older than Flamebird. Not that any of them cared.

So, was Razer. An older brother to An'ki and Flamebird. The only person to understand An'ki's rage and not shy away or try to change him. He taught him how to embrace his rage and focus it on the right way. To be furious for the injustices and to fight for a better future without allowing his rage to consume it.

Still, he was young and messed up from time to time.

"Shit! Fuck it all!" An'ki cursed, not managing to mantain his concentration for the meditation.

"Brother An'ki, you need to calm down," a Blue Lantern tried to sooth the enraged boy, only to be blasted away by a burst of telekinesis.

"Don't tell me to be fucking calm!" An'ki shouted, making the ground shake with his uncontrolled power. "I fucking possess mental powers! How the fuck I am so bad with meditation?!"

"An'ki calm down!" Razer shouted, eyes shining with fear- he knew what was coming next. "Don't tell me to calm down!" An'ki screamed, blasting everyone away.

Then there was a blinding red light.


"Everyone stay away! His constructions will burn anyone!" Razer warned, with sad eyes. "Anyone but me," Flamebird corrected, letting his wings carry him towards An'ki.

"Flamebird!" Razer shouted, but the younger boy was already gone. "Damn it! These kids will be the death of me!" By the time, he reached them, An'ki was unconscious and Flamebird unburned. "Good to know I won't be able to hurt you," Razer commented sarcastically before sighing and taking An'ki into his arms. "I knew this would happen, but I thought I would have more time."

"We need the blood ocean to stabilize his telekinesis powers and the Red Lantern Ring," Flamebird stated, getting to the point like always- focusing on the mission the way only a bat can when someone they love is in danger. "And you need to step up."

"I know," Razer sighed. "I need to take over the Red Lantern Corps."

They rapidly got ready and borrowed a small ship to fly them to Ysmault, as it was 10 times faster than the mother ship. They left the 7 surviving left and the 4 new Blue Lanterns in the care of the Blue Lantern Corps. As Razer already knew the area, it was easy to land and hide the ship. It was more difficult to get An'ki's body to the blood ocean. However, Razer still had a couple of contacts on the corps willing to help.

Is that Guy Gardner?! Flamebird exclaimed internally, eyes widening in shock. John Moore, I can understand. He never left the corps and worked like a spy for Guy and the Justice League. But wasn't Guy supposed to have turned into a Green Lantern by now?!

"Yo," Guy raised a hand in greeting.

"Uff, that guy is dead asleep," John commented dryly.

"John!" Guy snapped, before turning to Flamebird in concern. "I'm sorry, his humor is..."

"Black, I know," Flamebird interrupted him. "He can't be more British if he tried." Guy and John turned to look at him in shock. "I'm from Earth too, my looks came from experimentation."

Now both human lanterns looked furious, while Dex-Starr whistled impressed. "Is there something left for me to play with?"

"Sorry, burned them all to ashes," Flamebird answered savagely with a smile that was all teeth.

"Good," Dex-Starr purred delighted. "Now, let's get started! Razer! You promised us a coup! We gathered those in favor of a change.

"60% joined us," John informed a stunned Razer. "Guy here even refused the Green Lanterns and got promoted by Atrocitus, he's turning to be quite the spy."

"Because I do not need to be a Green Lantern to do good, you proved that. Which is why we all decided to follow you. You accepted us and taught us how to focus our rage without changing," Guy explained. "Not like those assholes of the Green Lantern Guardians, who say that emotions do not matter, and we need to suppress them."

Flamebird felt like facepalming. This is all his fault. The ripples in the timeline can already be seen and he is not even on Earth yet.

"Not to mention, the Green Lanterns are in a delicate situation now," John continued. "They are finally outing the guardians and rearranging their hierarchy. Though, they are also gearing up for something big. What? No one knows."

"I'll contact Kilowog later," Razer promised. "For now, let's focus on the coup. Flamebird you follow Dex-Starr to the blood ocean.

"My fire can deal easily with the Red Lanterns and you constructs can't damage me," Flamebird protested.

"We can't?" John, Guy, and Dex-Starr exclaimed, startled.

"You are a child Birdie," Razer ignored them and placed his hands on Flamebird's shoulders. "You shouldn't even be here, but I know that An'ki would want you there for him. So, promise me to be safe."

"Ok, I promise," Flamebird promised, not able to say anything else.

He was stunned by the worry and honesty in Razer's eyes. So, Flamebird followed Dex-Starr towards the blood ocean. Before, reaching the ocean, they could already hear the sounds of an ongoing battle.

A battle for a change.

Once they reached the ocean, they deposited An'ki in it and waited. While the battle raged behind them, all Flamebird could focus on was the ocean and his brother... a new brother. Something he had not believed possible back then when he had lost everything. It took a while, but when he came out, he came out swinging. However, Flamebird was ready and met him in the middle. Being unable to get burned was quite useful. He easily took him down and wrestled him into the ground.

Flamebird ignored the ongoing explosion behind him, the battle for the Red Lantern Corps was reaching its peak. However, Flamebird only had eyes for the brother he had not been expecting but loved anyways.

"If you're mad, get mad," Flamebird said, making An'ki stop. "I get angry too. I've seen your darkside too. Still, I'll stand by you. I won't allow anyone to hurt you. So, take me in, into your darkest hour. I'll never desert you!" Flamebird smiled when the blinding red in An'ki's eyes left, making way for his beautiful blue eyes. "Good to see you again, akhi."

"Bird," An'ki sighed in relief. "You brought me back... you stayed." "Always."


"So, you are staying," Flamebird commented, not surprised at all by An'ki and Razer's decision.

"Articious is dead, and someone needs to take care of the Red Lantern Corps," Razer explained with an apologetical smile. "Sorry for not being able to finish what we started."

"Don't mention it," Flamebird waved his apology away. "Your people need you. I am a prince; I understand your decision." Flamebird paused, before smiling at Razer. "I'm proud of you, you've finally stopped running away and found your place."

"I hope you find yours too," Razer replied with a smile.

"I will," Flamebird assured him firmly. He then turned to An'ki who was holding back his tears. "Come here, let it all out."

An'ki threw himself into Flamebird's arms and sobbed, as he clung into him. "I need to stay and train, sorry!"

"No need to apologize," Flamebird assured him. "Thank you for everything and congratulations on finding your new home."

"Thank you, brother," An'ki thanked him gratefully. "We'll see each other again."

"We will have Guy or John bring you to Earth after your training is over, I have so much to show you," Flamebird smiled.

"Promise?" An'ki put out his little finger.

Flamebird laughed as he intertwined their pinky fingers in the childish oath. "Promise!"

Flamebird then took the ship back to Odym to join the remaining 7 in the mother ship and return to their journey. This time Saint Walker joined them. Not only to continue Flamebird's healing training, but so that they could continue to have the protection of the Lantern Corps- even if it is a different color.

"The Red Lantern Corps have already sent a group to Apokolips," Saint Walker informed Flamebird one day after a training session. "They entered an alliance with the Star Sapphires and the Blue Lantern Corps. There are talks about doing the same with the Green Lantern Corps, but they seem preoccupied with something else right now and have left that for later. On the other hand, the new Red Lantern Corps is being well-received by the galaxy. Razer's work with you aided a lot on improving their image. Though, there's still a lot of work to do. Oh! Razer and Sayd asked me to inform you that you were granted honorary citizenship of Ysmault and Odym."

"At this rate I'll have more citizenships than years," Flamebird sighed. "It's ridiculous!"

"You are well-loved, enjoy the fruits of your labor, Brother Flamebird," Saint Walker smiled fondly. "By the way, what are we going to do with the twins?"

Right, the twins...

The twins were from a race of humanoid, grey skinned, people whose world was destroyed by raiders for minerals. The surviving group they were part of got intercepted and taken by Darkseid. You can guess what happened next. They are the only ones left and had been artificially turned into parademons, until Flamebird had saved them. Recently, they had both been chosen by a Yellow Lantern Ring each.

"What are we supposed to do other than support them?" Flamebird replied, shrugging. "Colors only represent different emotions, and emotions are neutral. You can be red or yellow and still do good. If you are worried, we can always ask them how they feel about being Yellow Lanterns."

"We can answer that," two mischievous voices echoed from the door.

"Eavesdropping is not polite," Flamebird scolded them lightly, with amusement. Pa-kun and Da- kun chuckled mischievously. Sharing a secretive smile. "Twin telepathy seems to be a thing even in other races," Flamebird muttered to himself, shaking his head in amusement. "So, how are you doing?"

The twins turned serious, surprising Saint Walker and Flamebird, the mischievous twins serious? Weird.

"We've known fear for a long time," Pa-kun explained.

"It's an emotion we are very familiarized with," Da-kun continued for his twin.

"We were young when our planet was invaded and destroyed..."

"So, fear has been part of our life for as long as we remember..."

"Then Darkseid happened..."

"We turned into parademons who feed in fear..."

"We enjoyed that..."

"From being afraid to creating fear..."

"We were no longer afraid..."

"It was liberating..."

"Then Flamebird came..."

"And we were weak again..."

"We were angry..."

"But mostly afraid..."

"What will happen to us now?"

"Our planet destroyed, and we were weak..."

"We were lost..."

"But we learned that we were no longer alone..."

"We had a new family now..."

"We were still afraid..."

"Only dragging us down..."

"But we learned that being afraid is ok..."

"That you can't be courageous without being afraid..."

"Our scars made us dig down deeper..."

"To push it 'till there's nothin' more..."

"It was time to stand up, show what we are made of..."

"Rise from the ground..."

"Blood, sweat, tears, make the pain taste sweeter..."

"Fear is what pushes us..."

"We are no longer afraid of being afraid..."

"We welcome it courageously..."

Saint Walker and Flamebird looked at such brave twins in awe. Not being afraid of fear, but welcome it with courage... was inspiring.

"Which is why we are leaving for Qward," Pa-kun continued to the shock of Saint Walker and Flamebird.

"Soranik, Siniestro's daughter, is taking a stand against her father, inspired by Razer's coup," Da- kun explained.

"A coup against the Siniestro Corps," Flamebird murmured, barely stopping himself from groaning- he has changed so much!

"Do you need aid?" Saint Walker asked them concerned; these were his students after all. "The Blue Lanterns Corps and the Red Lantern Corps will help you if you request it."

"No, this is something the Yellow Lantern need to do on their own," Pa-kun answered. "Thank you," Da-kun finished for his twin.

"I understand," Flamebird sighed. "Go! But you better contact us as soon as you are done!" "Got it boss!" Pa-kun saluted.

"See ya!" Da-kun said his goodbye.

And just like that the twins were gone and only 5 survivors remained in the mother ship.


"I got in contact with Pa-kun and Da-kun," Flamebird informed Saint Walker in the control center of the mother ship. "The coup worked. Though, they were left with only the 47% of the Yellow Lanterns. The twins are unharmed, other than some bruises and scratches. They convinced Soranik to send Yellow Lanters to Apokolips after things calm down in Qward. Blue Lanterns have also sent some relief efforts. Though, that part you must have already known."

"I see..." Saint Walker hummed. "Apokolips, a symbol of tyranny and destruction, has become the center of cooperation between the lanterns... how ironic."

"It is," Flamebird agreed with a chuckle. "Something else?" Saint Walker asked acutely.

"Nothing gets pass you," Flamebird smirked. "They informed me that Siniestro is dead, killed in the crossfire."

"Two of the most dangerous and deranged lanterns dead in less than a year, Adara!" Saint Walker sighed. "How is his daughter doing?"

"As expected," Flamebird sighed. "She is an orphan now, no matter how wrong her father was... she still loved him."

"Talking from experience?" Saint Walker inquired.

Flamebird paused, brooding in a very bat-way. He did not answer and changed the topic of conversation. "We are close to Nok, aren't we? Do you think we should land there and pay the Indigo Tribe a visit?"

"The lanterns powered by compassion," Saint Walker hummed, allowing the abrupt change of conversation. "I would like to meet them and learn more about them. They are quite secretive."

"Maybe we'll get some of our crew a new home," Flamebird commented. "If things continue on track, we most likely will," Saint Walker agreed.

And so, they did. Before landing on Nok, they requested permission and explained who they were. Even in Nok they have heard about Flamebird and The Nest, name which the survivors had given to the mother ship. The name choice came after they had learned about the earthly birds and about their nests. After being given permission to land, they were received by one of their leaders, Indigo-1.

"There seems to be various criminals on your ranks," Saint Walker commented, after Indigo-1 had given them a tour.

"The Indigo Tribe is a home for those lost, who want to put their past behind them and do good instead of harm," Indigo-1 explained. "Random acts of violence are committed everywhere and by many of the tribe. Which is why we've decided to turn to others with random acts oof senseless kindness. An unexpected hand to help remind us that a little bit of love is the cure for hate. It's easy to give up, but it's never too late."

"Many would say second chances are worthless or speak about them in hypocrisy," Flamebird spoke softly, looking around in wonder. It reminded him of Infinite Island, the place he had created for lost souls to live in peace and be accepted... at least, until Darkseid happened. "Yet, you accept them, do not hold their past against them, and aid them, instead of just demanding they change. It's a wonderful place you've all created."

"Thank you," Indigo-1 told Flamebird warmly. "You have a lot of compassion in you. No wonder three of your party have been chosen by Proselyte. They follow your teachings."

"Three? When did that happen?" Saint Walker asked confused. "And why was Flamebird not chosen even though he has so much compassion?"

"We are all connected through our compassion, we can feel our lantern force in a way other lanterns can't. We felt it reach for The Nest and later for your members," Indigo-1 explained, before turning a thoughtful look on Flamebird. "As for Flamebird, the force reached for you, but it seems that you've already been claimed."

"Maybe it's the chaos shard inside me," Flamebird commented, but it tasted like sand on his tongue.

"Maybe," Indigo-1 hummed, before turning around and guided them to the main hall.

I hope it is, Damian prayed internally. I can't manage another surprise right now.


Damian just had to go and jynx himself.

"This has to be a fucking joke!" Damian cursed, something he normally did not do but seeing the situation at hand, you could not expect anything else. He was being chased by Larfleeze in Okaara. What made it even worse was that it was an aerial chase, which was bad as Damian has only had his wings for two years. Did I mention it was Damian's twelfth birthday? "Fucking Hell! Fuck you!" Damian swore like a sailor, or like his older brother Jason, and stopped in the middle of the sky. "You know what? You want a battle? I'll give you one!!" He summoned his Holy Flames and aimed to the deeply corrupted Orange Lantern. "Take that!"

Damian burned away all the corruption, allowing the previous Orange Lanterns to be freed. It seems that they were not killed but swallowed by the Orange Lantern Force. So many people regained their lives that day... though, Larfleeze died as the consumed souls was all that had been keeping him alive.

It seems that I've indirectly killed someone again, Damian thought as he received yet another honorary citizenship. Not to mention, they were naming his birthday a national holiday of celebration. Oh, well, it was not my aim and it allowed so many people to have their lives back, he reasoned as Karr, one of the two remaining survivors, was given an Orange Lantern Ring. Only one remains, most likely she'll be a Green Lantern.

Which ended up being right, one month later. As a Green Lantern Ring phased through the walls of the ship and into the control center- where they had been discussing the news of the Indigo Tribe, the Yellow Lantern Corps, and the Orange Lantern Corps having settled a team in Apokolips.

"We journeyed through the galaxy to find a new home, yet all those survivors, at least those that had received a ring, chose to return to Apokolips as part of their Lantern Corps' teams," Flamebird commented in disbelief. "How cheesier can it get? At the end, home was where it all began?"

"Home is not a place," Zanny, a purple skinned humanoid alien answered. "It's the people that make it a home. And you made us a family, in your Nest. That's why they returned to Apokolips, to be with their family." Before Flamebird or Saint Walker could reply, a Green Lantern Ring appeared in front of her, making her smile. "So, it's finally my time."

Damian sighed as Zanny accepted the ring and disappeared in a flash of a green light. Saint Walker simply chuckled and set the coordinated to Oa. Their final stop.

Once they reached Oa, they could only stare in shock. It was almost as if a hurricane had passed through and left destruction on its path. Injured and dead Green and Red Lanterns at every corner, Blue Lanterns and Star Sapphires healing those they can. They saw Zanny doing some relief aid, looking as confused as Saint Walker and Flamebird felt.

"So, you are the famous Flamebird and this is The Nest," Hal Jordan appeared in front of the ship with a mischievous smile Damian has never seen but heard about. His father has told him about how much more carefree Hal had been before Parallax had possessed him. It was as beautiful as his father had told him. Damian now felt better about all the changes he has done. "She is a beauty!" Hal whistled in appreciation. "We got your crew member here, she'll fit just fine. Landed din Oa and began making demands of joining the team in Apokolips, before joining the chaos you can see below."

"I am Saint Walker, Champion of the Blue Lantern Corps," Saint Walker presented himself through the speakers of The Nest. "What is going on?"

Hal turned serious then. "Follow me, I'll show you where to park," he guided them and waited until they parked and left the ship to explain the situation. "After Kiwolog returned from Apokolips and showed us the book that had been in Darkseid's possession, a mutiny happened. So many of us were furious by the lies and gaslight the guardians have done. Making us miserable and suppressing our feelings when that's not even the right teachings of the Will! Then, the fact that they hid something as big as The Blackest Night, and the fact that they knew there were 7 Lantern Forces... it did not turn out well."

"The Blackest Night?" Saint Walker asked, looking at the destruction around with sorrow- so many had fallen.

"The Blackest Night is a prophecy the guardians hid about Nekron the entity of the Black Lantern Force, the light of death, unleashing his powers and zombies into the universe," Hal explained. "The same entity we fought and captured. Though, we were only capable to do so because it did not find a host yet."

"Death? Zombies?!" Saint Walker exclaimed in disbelief.

"Where's the White Lantern Force of Life then?" Flamebird asked, earning a stunned looked from Hal. One that he returned with a smirk. "Death, as the Dark and Night, cannot exist without their opposite. What is the Night without the Day? What is the Dark without the Light? What is Death without Life?" Flamebird paused, noting he had gained the attention of various lanterns of different colors, but continued as if he had not noticed them. "Death is not evil, the same way the emotions that power the different lantern rings are not bad. If anything, Death is kinder than Life. However, unlike the other lantern forces they cannot survive on their own. Death needs Life to balance it out, otherwise it will be corrupted."

Suddenly, a black orb rushed forward and stopped in front of Flamebird.

"Watch out! That's Nekron!" Hal warned, summoning his Will power. "What the..." he stuttered, after he had noticed what the black orb was doing.


"I see," Flamebird said as he took the orb in his hand. "You want me to reunite you with your other half," the orb turned into a pendant of the symbol of Yin. "I promise I will."

"What did just happen?! And why did Nekron take the form of Yang?!" Hal exclaimed in shock.

"There was never supposed to be 9 Lantern Entities," Flamebird exclaimed, putting the necklace around his neck. "The Black Lantern Force and White Lantern Force were always supposed to be one, a Grey Lantern Force, a Light of Balance." Flamebird raised an eyebrow and looked at Hal with judgement. "Also, this is the symbol of Yin. Which represents chaos, femininity, night, the unknown, death, and other similar things."

"So... it's over?" A lantern in the crowd asked shyly, and hopefully.

"Almost," Flamebird corrected. "We still need to reunite them with Life." "Where's Life?" Saint Walker asked his young friend.

"Earth," Damian smiled. "It seems like I'm finally going home."


A/N: *shido (arabic) = grandfather (english)

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