Unexpected (18+)

By Belle9120

48.3K 456 82

Charlotte has just finished her third year in college with her best friend Lacey, both excited to go back to... More

1 - Charlotte
2 - Mike
3 - Charlotte
5 - Charlotte
6 - Charlotte
7 - Mike
9 - Charlotte
10 - Charlotte
11 - Mike
12 - Multi POVs ⚠️ 18+
13 - Charlotte
14 - Mike
15 - Mike
16- Multi Povs 18+ ⚠️
17- Charlotte ⚠️
18- 3rd Person Pov
19- Charlotte ⚠️
21- Charlotte ⚠️
22- Charlotte
23- Mike
24- Charlotte
26- Mike
27-Charlotte ⚠️
28- Mike ⚠️
29- third party pov ⚠️
31- Mike ⚠️
32- Charlotte

8 - Mike

1K 12 4
By Belle9120

After the truth came out and I made clear where I stood, I went to talk with Mickey who was angry at first that I would give trying again but then once I explained he understood.

He's a good kid, and though he doesn't show it often but he has a soft heart especially when it comes to family and he is hurt with his mothers actions.

After our talk I went to my office to make the calls I needed, I found a place in New York which was recommended, making all the necessary arrangements it took three hours to get our things then pile into the car along with Ryan for a completely silent ride to the airport.

Here we are walking inside the place Vivian has been for the past six days, the first seventy two hours we weren't allowed to visit but the kids visited alone on the fourth day much to mickeys disappointment.

Today is the first day I am visiting, to be honest I was just to fucking angry once I thought about everything and needed to stray away until I knew I could keep my anger in check but I also knew I couldn't stay away too long because Vivian would use that as an excuse to leave.

Thankfully both the kids have had a talk and sorted things out, understanding each others feelings, one thing less to stress about.

"Vivian Thompson" I hear my daughter snap causing me to look up to see the receptionist eyeing me like I'm her next meal.

I chuckle under my breath shaking my head then narrow my eyes since she still hadn't answered Lacey.

Her face turn read which I'm assuming is due to her being embarrassed then stutters"o ok h h here are your passes" she quickly passes them all to Lacey before moving behind the wall so we don't see her.

"Stupid bitch" Lacey mumbles handing us the passes then leads u through a door coming to a step in front of an elevator "did you cancel our vacation?"

"No, we can still go, we just need to delay it for a few weeks" I tell her "I need to go back home tomorrow for an important meeting so I will bring our thing with me, probably best to tell the valentines to go alone then we can go after"

"Aww" Lacey pouts making me and Mickey laugh

"I'm sure you can do without Charlie for a month or so" Mickey smirks making her pout more.

The elevator doors open up to a long corridor, I follow the kids down to the last door which they tell me is the visiting area.

I let out a deep breath as we wait for it to open making them look at me curiously "you sure you will be ok going in?" Lacey asks making me nod.

Before anyone can say anything else an elder gentleman in a lab coat opens the door with a soft smile "oh the Thompsons I presume?"


"Great, come on in. Go and enjoy your visit and if you need anything please feel free to ask" he says smiling as he points in a direction which I now see is where Vivian is sitting with a wide smile on her face as her eyes catch mine.

I sigh under my breath before putting on a small smile.

"Hi baby I'm glad you came" she says with a wide smile standing up and wrapping her arms tightly around me before I can't do anything. I pause before lightly wrapping one arm around her patting her back.

"Hey viv" I greet quietly as I pull away she gives both kids a hug "you look good" I tell her which is true, she doesn't have any makeup on which is in stark contrast to her usual face caked in the stuff, her natural straight hair is down with no products in it.

She looks beautiful and happy, if you didn't know her you would believe she was an angel, it's a pity I know what her personality is like and though she blamed drugs and alcohol I know that all the things she has been doing minus them is things she has done since I've known her.

"How is things going?" I ask sitting back in the chair crossing my arms before she tries to grab hold of them.

I'm not trying to be mean or harsh but it's just not easy to forget everything she has done to me and the kids, I promised I am will to try and I am but that's not going to be quick and easy.

"Good, good, I've not had any drugs for a week now and alcohol for 6 days which is great since I've been drinking everyday. Obviously it's due to being in here but I think I could go keep away from both" she says looking me in the eyes "how long do I need to stay here? I am already feeling lots better and think I can do it alone"

I scoff giving her a look of disbelief as the kids shake their heads slightly "you have not even been here one week and you want to leave? I thought you agreed to do with and stick to it because you want us to be together?" I ask sarcastically

"No no, I I I'm just a-asking" she lets out a fake giggle "I was just curious"

"When they say you can get out then you can get out, it's not just those two issues you have you need to continue doing therapy also" I tell her

She sighs softly "so how are you guys anyway? What have you been doing? Have you all just been together? She questions us

"Fine" Mickey mumbles "yes what else would we be doing? We are here in New York for you"

"Dads been working stuff of course, but when he is free we go out for a meal things like that,"

"I am sorry you guys are missing out on your vacation" she says sadly to the kids

"We are still going" Lacey smiles softly

"What?" Viv gasps then looks over all of us "you are going on vacation with the valentines without me? Even after Lisa hit me?" Anger covers her face though her words sound soft.

"Really? She hit you because you were horrible to her daughter as well as your own" I tell her "you know Lisa doesn't lift her hands to anyone unless it's about someone she loves so don't play the victim Viv it doesn't suit you and that wouldn't be you working on getting yourself better"

"We delayed our trip, I am going to tell the valentines to go ahead since we need to wait until this is through" Lacey grumbles annoyed

"Oh yes that's much better" Vivian smiles widely "I think it's time we start going on vacations alone"

"I'm going with the valentines" Mickey says making us look at him shocked, he shrugs "why should I wait, it's not like I can do anything to help so whenever the valentines are going I want to go with them"


"Sorry mom but I made my choice" he mutters.

"Ok I understand" she says with a fake smile "anyway now that dad is here I want to apologise again for my behaviour and actions over the past couple of years, I am disgusted in myself but I am so thankful you all have forgiven me"

"It takes time to earn forgiveness and trust Vivian, don't rush us as we are all just going through the process it's not even been a week. I told you I'm willing to try but I'm definitely not there yet" I tell her honestly making her eyes widen in shock

I shake my head because that just shows how much of a fool I've been with letting her away with everything in the past.

"Oh" she mutters "I understand sorry I just got excited"

We all nod at her then she begins talking to the kids as I look around the room I spot the doctor who answered the door "I'll be back"

"Hi can I have a quick word please" I ask once I reach him.

"Of course sir"

"I just wanted to check on the progress and see if she is taking it seriously"

"Well I can't go to deep into it at the moment but yes she is doing everything she is told to do, though she does tend to see herself a victim a lot. It's not a quick progress just give it sometime sir" he says making me nod.

"So in other words she is doing what she is supposed but not taking accountability" I ask bluntly making him nod. I sigh rubbing my head "I'm not surprised, thank you"

I walk to the table which causes them all to look at me, I'm assuming I don't look happy as Viv begins to shift uncontrollably.

"What's wrong baby?" She asks overly innocent voice which shows how fake it is.

"You are doing everything they have asked you to do" I say with a small smile which makes her sigh in relief but tense again as she watches the smile drop from my face "though you still aren't taking accountability and playing the victim?"

"N-no I-I'm not" she Denys straight away

"Don't lie Vivian they aren't going to make things up, you said you feel disgusted and regret everything but yet in here you are acting like a victim instead of the person who has caused all the problems even though they have had everything handed to them her whole life" I scoff shaking my head "we had an agreement, you promised you would stick to it but this isn't you sticking to it so why should I?"

"No please I'm sorry" she pleads tears filling her eyes

"I need to go to a meeting tomorrow but once I come back I will be making appointments for family therapy to get everything out in the open"

She huffs and looks down then nods "ok"

"I'll leave you to talk to the kids, I don't see the point in me trying to play nice if you aren't sticking to your end of the deal" I tell her holding my hand up when she goes to talk "kids I'll wait in the car" I tell them which they nod then I make my way out, the doctor stops me asking if everything is ok which I explain to him then he agrees and says he will book an appointment for the whole family.

Half an hour later the kids climb into the car with sullen faces making me sigh "I'm sorry I walked out" I tell them honestly because it's true though I am only sorry to them.

"I don't blame you" Lacey sighs "I guess the last two days were an act because she showed herself today. She was angry with what you said and that you left"

"Once again playing victim trying to get us to feel sorry for her" Mickey mumbles "it's like she doesn't even want to make an effort but won't let you break away, I don't understand her"

"There is no point you both getting stressed out over it, whatever will happen will happen, the doctor is going to make an appointment for us all to go there and talk openly so then she can't play her games" I tell them making them nod "let's go grab food then back to the penthouse, I need to do some work"

"Chinese" both kids say in unison making me chuckle as they smile at each other

"Somethings will never change"


I've spent the last three hours trying to get as much work done as possible but for the last hour there has just been to many things going through my head.

The one thing that won't leave is Lottie, if it's not her beauty that I'm thinking about then it's her personality if not that then it's her laugh and smile or how sexy she is.

I feel like I'm going fucking crazy, why can't she just leave my fucking head.

Part of me wishes I just fucked her that night, getting everything out my system so I could get over it.

But another part of me knows it wouldn't be enough, I would want more.

A knock on the office door disturbs my thoughts

"Come in"

"Hey boss, just wanting to check if you needed me to do anything" Ryan asks

"Nah, everything's good man thanks, though I'm glad you're here as I forgot to tell you we will need to fly back tomorrow as I have a meeting with Vince" I tell him making him nod "once you drop me at the meeting you can go see Sarah and the kids as Luke and Chris will be there, then I'll be going home to get all our cases to bring here as we will be going straight on vacation once Vivian is out of rehab. Luke and Chris can just come back here with me"

"No it's ok I'll come back with you" he shakes his head

"No you stay with the kids, just go on the original vacation with Ryder and his family though they are leaving next week instead. You, Sarah and the kids deserve it" I tell him and hold my hand up when he goes to object "that's an order" I say with a smirk making him chuckle.

"Thanks man I appreciate it" he says grinning making me nod "so how's things going?" He asks serious taking a seat in front of the desk

"Shit" I sigh

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He questions softly

I standup walking to the window looking over New York, this was why I bought this place a few years ago, it's my get away. This is the first time the kids have stayed in it and they promised not to tell Vivian about it, if she found out she would come and take over this place just like she has everywhere else.

I sigh then lean my shoulder against the wall to look at him "the family" I say simply making him shake his head.

"Mike, you always put everyone above yourself, what about your happiness" he says with a sigh and a look of pity which washes away at my glare as he knows I do not like being pitied.

"Well this is the last time, I swore I would try but if she doesn't follow through or fucks up then it's done, the lawyer already has the papers sorted out. This way I can say I literally tried everything" I tell him.

"If a man treated you half as bad as she has, you would've killed him" he mutters "do you really think she is going to change? She has been like this since I've known her"

"I know but what can I do?" I snap "she is the mother of my kids, I've not put my all into her either so now I can say I tried my best"

"You've forgave her for everything, never cheated on her though you've had many chances, give her anything she has ever wanted. I think you have tried your best,I just believe you deserve to be happy man" he mumbles making my lips twitch to a small smile.

"Thanks man" I tell him then sigh "I'm also hoping doing this will stop any feelings that could develop and take my mind of things it shouldn't"

"Something or someone?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk

"Fuck off" I growl making him chuckle.

"So how is that working for you?"

"Not very fucking good." I huff "I don't know what the fuck is going on with me man, shouldn't attraction just go away after a few days"

"Sorry I can't help you there man, that's for you to figure out yourself."

"We spoke" I tell him making his eyes widen

"What? When?"

"The night we stayed over, we both pretty much admitted having feelings we didn't understand, also both said it was not good. Then I apologised for her feeling the way she does and told her that nothing would ever happen between us. I said more shit I shouldn't have and then walked her to her bedroom kissed her head and walked away" I say with a sigh looking out the window again.

"Dam" he mutters to himself "what are you going to do? It's not like this is an easy situation"


"Nothing?" He asks dumbfounded.

"Nothing" I nod "nothing can happen because of who we are, it's as simple as that so I'm going to keep a distance from her"

"I'm sorry man"

I chuckle shaking my head "don't be it's not like I'm in love with her, it's just attraction"

He gives me a dubious look making me scoff

"I assure you we aren't in love with each other"

"Ok" he says holding his hands up in surrender "when are we leaving?"

"Flights at 5"

"Ok well if you don't need me I'm going to call Sarah and the kids and get an early night, I'm shattered" he yawns making me chuckle

"Go" I smirk before going back to my desk to finish then spend sometime with the kids before trying to get some sleep.

Next Morning

"How's it going Vince?" I ask Vince who happens to be my first cousin and let's just say his job involves him doing illegal things.

"Not bad, heard from aunt Cathy that you are dealing with some shit" he says with a smirk making me glare "come on man, you knew you should've let her go a long time ago"

"Yeah well don't make the same mistakes I did" I mutter

"I'm 32 and still haven't so what makes you think I will start now?" He snorts making me chuckle.

"So what's going on?"

"Romanov is causing some problems for me" he says clenching his fist in angry

I raise a brow "what type of problems? What do you need?"

"Talking a lot of bullshit, stealing and he has attacked a couple of places that's associated with me" he growls "I need you to get some men do some surveillance for me, see if we can't find out what his end goal is before I go in guns blazing"

I nod "how many?" I ask picking up my phone to give Ryan a quick call

"10 altogether but spread out, hopefully they can catch any plans before he tries to attack anywhere else" he says "I wanted to just put a bullet between his eyes but..." he stops with a shrug making me shake my head at him..


"Ryan I need you to organise for 10 men to go on surveillance for Vince they will be on that for at least a month." I tell him

"No problem, tell Vince I will call him with all the names and details of the men"

"Thanks bye" I say hanging up.

"He will call you to give their details" I tell Vince

"Thanks man I really appreciate it, I know you try not to get involved in this side of the family business often" he says

"Anything for family, I know what it's like remember. It's good to get a helping hand from people you trust once an a while" I say with a smirk

"Do you think you would've stayed if not for Vivian?" He asks curiously

"Nah I worked enough it was time to take over dads business as well as Marks" I tell him honestly "remember I actually took over when I already had kids, 10 years was enough for me. It just worked out better as I didn't let anyone know who I actually was" I say with a smirk.

"I'll like to see the fear in their eyes when they realise who I am" he smirks making me shake my head

"You're just cold" I laugh

"Yeah and let's pretend your not" he shakes his head "so what else is going on with you? All is know is aunt Cathy hates Vivian even more than usual" he snorts

After going through everything that's been going on, the office is silent as he stares at me shocked "you let that bitch away with all that?"

"She is my kids mother" I mutter

"Please god don't tell me you fell in love with her since I last seen you"

"I'm not in love with her, I never have been but I do love her for giving me my kids" I shrug

"Go out and get some new p..." he starts

"Fuck off" I growl making him laugh "well I need to get going, I need to head home get some things then head back to New York tonight" I say letting out a tired sigh.

"Hope things get better for you man" he says shaking my hand "give me a call if you need anything, even if it's to hide a body"

"Vince" I growl making him chuckle and walk out.


"Let's go" I tell Chris and Luke as soon as I walk out my office heading for the elevator.
"You guys can go get your things then come back for me in a few hours as I have some things to do first" I tell them making them nod.

As I walk through the front door of the house I hear Mary and Tom chatting away in the kitchen making me smile, I have known them most of my life as the have worked with my family and them came with us once I got the house for us when Lacey was a baby.

Instead of disturbing them I make my way up the stairs to go to my bedroom unbuttoning my shirt as I go only to pause when I hear noise from down the hall, if Mary and Tom are down the stairs then no one should be here.

I walk quietly down with my hand on my gun, I reach Lacey room and realise it's coming from in there making me frown as I hear musics playing.

"What the fuck" I mutter before quietly pushing the door open only to freeze at the sight of Lottie shaking her hips along to the music as she packs Lacey's things.

I can't help but bite down on my lip hoping a groan doesn't come out as I feel movement in my pants. Fuck me she looks good.

I knock softly on the door hoping not to scare her but let her know I'm here.

She spins around smiling softly before it falls and she lets out a gasp as her eyes widen in shock "Mike"

"Hey Lottie" I greet with a small smirk walking towards her letting the door click shut behind me.

"H-hi" she stutters before taking a breath "I thought you wouldn't be here for a few more hours, Lacey asked me to pack her things for her"

"I wasn't meant to be so I guess it's my lucky day" I say with a chuckle which makes her smile shyly as a blush takes over her face and neck. "It's good to see you lottie" I tell her softly.

"Sorry" she giggles before coming towards me wrapping her arms around me lightly "it's good to see you too Mike" she mutters.

I tighten my arms around her as I feel her start to pull away "just a few minutes" I whisper before I can stop myself leaning my head on her shoulder breathing her in makes my body relax.

It shouldn't feel this good to have her in my arms.

"Are you ok?" She whispers as her hand lands on my bare chest making her gasp and myself to groan.

"Fuck Lottie" I growl before light kissing her neck making her shiver.

What do you think?

Oh dear what is Michael doing? That's not sticking to the plan.

What do you think of new character Vince?

Please remember to hit on that star if you liked this chapter (",)

Until next time....

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