Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

361K 8K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.9K 48 1
By tonysnarky

On the set of "Champion," the atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. The scene being filmed was a significant one—Lexi's character stood atop the podium, triumphant after winning her first World Drivers' Championship. As the cameras rolled, capturing the climactic moment, Lexi stood there, her heart racing not just in character, but in reality.

Beside her on the podium stood her co-star, Andrew Garfield, who portrayed her teammate in the film. The chemistry they had developed throughout the movie was palpable, and their characters' victory was a culmination of their on-screen journey.

In the crowd below, familiar faces from the film's cast—Robert Downey Jr., Blake Lively, Cillian Murphy, and Tom Holland—watched with pride and excitement, their cheers adding to the authenticity of the scene. The camaraderie Lexi had forged with her fellow actors was real, and their support for her felt genuine.

As the scene unfolded, Lexi's character raised the championship trophy, a symbolic representation of her fictional achievement. But as she stood there, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, she felt a pang of emotion that was all too real. The applause from the crew and the cheers from her castmates seemed to blur with her own emotions.

The director called "Cut," and the set momentarily fell silent. Lexi's eyes welled up, and she allowed herself a moment to let the emotion wash over her. She hadn't expected this surge of sentimentality. Her character's victory on the podium was a reflection of her own journey in Hollywood—a journey that was now coming to an end.

Andrew, who had been by her side, gave her a supportive smile, his own eyes reflecting a shared understanding. The director's voice brought her back to the present, reminding her that the scene had concluded. Wiping away a tear, Lexi took a deep breath and stepped down from the podium.

In that tender moment, as Andrew enveloped Alexandra in a heartfelt hug, the weight of their shared experiences and the bonds forged during the making of "Champion" was palpable. Alexandra couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for having such a genuine friend in Andrew. She sniffled, tears of emotion trickling down her cheeks and onto his shoulder.

Andrew pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes. "I'm thankful to have you as a friend, Lexi," he said sincerely, his own eyes moist with emotion. "And you can bet your arse I'll be at as many of your races as I can make it to."

Alexandra managed a watery smile, her heart warmed by his words. She knew she had a friend for life in Andrew.

He gently patted her back and then nodded towards the expectant cast and crew. "They're all waiting for your speech," he reminded her.

Taking a deep breath, Alexandra gathered her composure. She turned to face the gathered crowd, her cast and crew, her friends, and her fellow racers—all there to support her in this pivotal moment.

Her eyes swept over the familiar faces of her castmates and crew members, all of whom had become like family to her during her time in Hollywood. The weight of the moment settled on her chest, and she took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

And then, amidst the sea of faces, her eyes locked onto a group that was standing together. Sebastian, Lewis, Charles, Max, and Pierre—all of them grinning at her with genuine warmth and pride. The sight of her F1 family there to support her in this significant moment struck a chord deep within her.

A catch formed in her throat as her eyes welled up with tears.

The emotions surged within her, a mix of gratitude, love, and a touch of sadness. Alexandra swallowed hard, willing herself to hold back the tears threatening to spill. She couldn't help but choke on a sob, her heart swelling with the realization that these amazing people were there to stand by her side.

"Thank you all so much for being here today," she began, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "These past five years in Hollywood have been an incredible journey for me—a journey that wouldn't have been the same without every single one of you."

She paused for a moment, her gaze sweeping over the crowd as she took in the familiar faces that had become her family. "From my first role as a stuntwoman to the moments I stood in front of the camera as an actress, I've learned and grown so much. But what's truly made this experience unforgettable are the friendships I've formed. You all have become more than friends to me—you're family."

A soft smile tugged at her lips as she reminisced. "Tom, I'll never forget the time you accidentally spoiled the plot of my solo Marvel film in that interview. And Robert, thank you for throwing me that unforgettable surprise party when I got the role in 'Champion'. These memories, the laughter, the challenges we've faced together—they'll always hold a special place in my heart."

Her voice wavered slightly as she continued, her eyes misting over with tears. "I've loved every second of my time in Hollywood. The support, the camaraderie, the moments we've shared—it's meant the world to me. I want to thank each and every one of you for believing in me, for pushing me to do my best, and for standing by my side."

Her gaze turned toward Charles and the group of F1 drivers who had come to support her. Her voice cracked as she expressed her deep gratitude, her emotions spilling forth. "And to my new family, my F1 family—you all mean more to me than words can express. Charles, you've shown me a love and understanding I never thought possible. To the entire grid, your unwavering support has touched my heart in ways I can't describe."

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, her vulnerability on full display. "This may be my last movie, but it's not a goodbye. It's a 'see you later'. I promise you all that I'll carry the memories, the laughter, and the love with me as I step into the next chapter of my life."

As her voice quivered with emotion, she looked out at the faces before her, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You've all made this journey unforgettable, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for each and every one of us."

With those final words, the room filled with applause and cheers, the love and admiration of her Hollywood family washing over her. As she stepped away from the microphone, she felt a sense of closure and excitement for the journey ahead. And as she locked eyes with Charles and her F1 family, she knew that their support and love would be with her every step of the way.

As Alexandra gracefully stepped away from the microphone, the room settled into hushed anticipation. Andrew's presence at the podium exuded warmth and genuine emotion as he began his speech. "Today marks a bittersweet moment as we gather to bid farewell to a remarkable soul, She's not dead, but she is according to her fans - who are devastated she'd leaving Hollywood behind."

He turned towards the large screen behind him, its glow illuminating his face as it transitioned to a paused video of none other than Chris Evans. Alexandra's heart skipped a beat, realizing the significance of this unexpected turn. Tears welled up in her eyes as Andrew's voice carried the weight of the emotions in the room.

"But as we say our farewells, it's important to reflect on the incredible journey we've shared with this incredible woman." Andrew's voice was steady, rich with sincerity. "Before we part ways, we wanted to take a moment to share messages from some of Lexi's dearest friends, both from Hollywood and beyond."

The screen came to life, revealing Chris Evans on screen, a fond smile playing on his lips. "Hey, Lexa," his voice resounded through the room, "I hope you can hear me loud and clear from wherever you are. Remember that time we were rehearsing that crazy shield-throwing stunt for Civil War? Yeah, you put a bit too much power behind it, and I ended up with a concussion. But what matters is that you cared so much. You didn't just apologize, you got me tickets to my favorite NFL team's game. You turned a painful moment into a hilarious memory, and that's what makes you so special. I'm going to miss you, Kid, but you better believe I'll be coming to watch you race. Good luck, and I Love ya,"

As Chris's message concluded, the screen transitioned to Tom Hiddleston, his charm evident as he spoke. "Ah, Alexa, you never fail to bring adventure into my life. I'll never forget that time you insisted I go to a concert with you. Little did I know it was a Taylor Swift concert, and my ex's music was the soundtrack of the night. But you, with your infectious enthusiasm, turned that potentially awkward evening into a hilarious escapade that we still laugh about. Now it's my turn to embarrass you-," Tom ripped open the shirt he was wearing, to reveal a t-shirt underneath that had Lexi's face, and an AlphaTauri car on the front. He spun around with a grin to reveal the back, which read: 

Heroux's No.1 Fan

The room seemed to hold its breath as one by one, these cherished friends appeared on screen, each sharing anecdotes that showcased Alexandra's impact.

"Henry Cavill here, remembering the day you convinced me to try bungee jumping during a shoot. The fear in my eyes might've been real, but the courage you inspired in me was even more genuine."

"Daniel Craig chiming in. I'll never forget the epic prank war we had on set. You brought laughter to every corner of the studio, and your ability to find joy in every situation is something I'll always admire."

"Idris Elba, Alexandra, our shared passion for classic cars brought us together. Those conversations, the sound of revving engines, and your genuine friendship are etched in my memory. You're going to do incredible on that race track next year, and I can't wait to watch you win that championship one day. You deserve it!"

And then, the screen revealed Scarlett Johansson, her smile radiant. "Alexandra, working with you was an absolute pleasure, and I'm so grateful that I can call you a friend. There's nobody else I would have rather been with when my water broke, and I went into labor. You were incredible then, and I know you'll always be just amazing in whatever you choose to do with your life. We're gonna miss you!"

Chris Hemsworth's message followed his voice hearty and filled with camaraderie. "Mate, I'll never forget that time you dared me to eat that ridiculously spicy chili. I thought I was Thor, but I was defeated! But on a serious note, while I have to be a true Aussie and support the Honey Badger, I want you to know I've still got a soft spot for you, my special girl. Go out there, and kick some ass!"

As each message played, Alexandra found herself surrounded by cherished memories, laughter, and heartfelt sentiments. The room resounded with applause, a tribute to the incredible connections she had formed in her Hollywood journey. As Alexandra wiped away her tears, she couldn't help but feel a profound gratitude for the friendships that had shaped her life, both on and off the screen.

As the final message played, Andrew stepped forward once more, his presence a comforting anchor for Alexandra in her overwhelmed state. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as she allowed her tears to flow freely, moved by the outpouring of love and support from her friends. Andrew's voice cut through the emotional atmosphere as he addressed the room.

"It's clear that Lexi has left an indelible mark on all our lives. The messages you've seen are just a glimpse of the incredible impact she's had. When Blake and Tom first had the idea to gather these messages, little did they know just how many would come flooding in. It's a testament to the deep connections Lexi has formed throughout her journey."

His grin was both warm and mischievous as he continued, "And for those wondering, we've got copies of all the messages that we couldn't include tonight, so Lexi will have plenty of opportunities to laugh, cry, and relive these cherished memories in her own time."

But the surprises didn't end there. Andrew's next revelation seemed to fill the room with a renewed sense of camaraderie. "And because the Champion family knows how special Lexi is, we've taken a little something extra to send her off. The cast of Champion have recorded their own messages, filled with love, motivation, and unwavering support. So, Lexi, whenever you need a reminder of the incredible journey you're embarking on, you'll have these messages to lift your spirits."

Alexandra's heart swelled with gratitude as Andrew's words resonated with her deeply. As the applause filled the room once more, she found herself standing amidst her Hollywood family, a family that had now extended to include the incredible people she had met on the race track.

She finally stood before them all, emotions swirling within her as the realization hit her with full force. Her time in Hollywood was coming to an end. She was no longer just Lexi Heroux, the daring actress renowned for her fearlessness in stunts. She was now Alexandra Jenkins Heroux, a woman of remarkable achievements and a groundbreaking journey. Daughter of Jacob Jenkins, NASCAR champion, sister to James Jenkins, the F2 champion, and poised to become the first female driver for AlphaTauri in Formula One.

The path ahead was uncertain, yet the overwhelming support, love, and camaraderie she had experienced tonight filled her with a newfound strength. As the evening concluded, Alexandra knew that while one chapter of her life was closing, another was unfolding with limitless potential. 


❤️ by CharlesLeclerc, TotoWolff, FlorencePugh and 23m others


Today marked the end of an era as I wrapped up filming for "Champion".  A heartfelt thank you to the amazing cast and crew who poured their hearts into this project. I'm filled with pride for what we've created and can't wait to share it with the world. 

Hollywood, you've been a home and a dream, and leaving you behind is not easy. But as one chapter closes, another exciting one begins. Embracing my future in F1 with an open heart, I'm reminded of all the wonderful memories I've made here.

To my incredible fans, your unwavering support has meant the world to me. You've cheered me on through every role and every stunt, and I'm beyond grateful. Here's to the adventures ahead! ❤️


FlorencePugh: I'm so proud of you!


JudeLaw: Onwards and Upwards!


JensonButton: You'll always surprise me, Lex!


AlphaTauri: We can't wait to start!


CharlesLeclerc: Very proud, Mon Ange 


DanielRadcliffe: Congratulations Alexandra!


ChristianHorner: Cami would be incredibly proud of you! 

↪️UserOne: What would you know?


🎬 #ChampionMovie: Lights, camera, wrap! 🎥 Today marked the end of filming for "Champion", and what an emotional ride it's been! 🎬 Sources spill the tea that Alexandra Heroux gave a heartwarming speech, bringing both friends and Hollywood elites to tears as they bid her adieu and wished her well on her new journey.

💔 But that's not all — our sources reveal that Alexandra's father, Jacob, was approached by the press to comment on her leap from Hollywood to the F1 world. His response? He couldn't be prouder of his daughter's new adventure. 👏

🤐 On the other hand, her estranged brother James remained tight-lipped when asked to share his thoughts on Alexandra's move. What's the story behind their complex relationship? We've uncovered some intriguing details from their past that might just leave you astonished! Stay tuned, dear readers, as we prepare to unveil a side of the Heroux siblings that's been hidden away for years. 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️

#ChampionFinale #NewBeginnings #FamilySecrets #HollywoodGoodbye #F1Bound #StayTuned

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