A Destroyer Journey

By Masamune

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Destroyer of Worlds That's what they called him but he didn't mind that after all he did destroy some worlds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas special

Chapter 5

737 26 59
By Masamune

With Decade

Kyu explored the city with Ayane whilst simultaneously taking pictures of the city. Kyu stopped when he came to a realization.

"Wait isn't this Nexus world?" Kyu thought before looking for something to confirm his suspicions. And sure enough, he saw a grey-haired girl rummaging through a trash can.

"Oh god damn it! Why this world of all worlds!" Kyu yelled in his thoughts before taking a deep breath.

"Calm down... think on the bright side maybe this alternate reality. Please be an alternate reality because I don't want to fight Noa." Kyu desperately thought.

Ayane looked at Kyu in confusion wondering why he was standing still with a calm face. But right now Kyu is anything but calm.

"Please! Please! Don't be Nexus world!" Kyu thought with a single sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Ayane let's go see that raccoon." Kyu said while pointing at the grey-haired girl.

"Raccoon? You mean that girl rummaging through the trash can?" Ayane asked.


Kyu then walks towards the girl while Ayane looks at the girl weirdly. Kyu took a picture of the girl causing the girl's attention to shift towards him.

"What a weird trailblazer rummaging a trash can." Kyu said causing the girl to be surprised at him.

"You know me?" The girl asked.

"No, I don't know you Stelle." Kyu replied sarcastically.

"You just said my name! You do know me!" Stelle yelled at the boy who just taken another picture of her.

"Did I? What was it? Raccoon maybe?" Kyu said smugly.

"You know you remind me of someone I want to punch right now." Stelle said angrily with a vein popping on her forehead.

"What a poor bastard. How could someone upset such a beautiful lady such as yourself." Kyu said surprising the girl and as well Ayane.

"W-what?" Stelle stammered with a blush on her face.

"A lady such as you must be served with the utmost respect." Kyu said while grabbing Stelle's hand and kissing it embarrassing the girl.

"Alright, that's enough!" Ayane yelled as she brought her thumbs up.

"Laughter pressure point!" Ayane sticks her thumb into Kyu's neck. Kyu winced before he suddenly burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Ayane! how do you know that accursed technique!" Kyu yelled as he continued to laugh.

"You seem familiar with this technique? But to answer your question it was taught by my grandmother." Ayane answered while Kyu continued to laugh.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Hate you so much right now!" Kyu yelled as he tried to stop himself from laughing.

"That's what you get for trying to be a scumbag." Ayane replied coldly before looking at Stelle.

"Anyways my name is Ayane and this idiot's name is Kyu." Ayane said while gesturing to the laughing teen on the ground.

"Nice to meet you." Stelle replied with a sweatdrop at the duo's antics.

"So what are you guys doing?" Stelle asked.

"Before I answer that question. Do you know any silver giant by any chance?" Kyu asked after composing himself.

"A silver giant? What's that?" Stelle replied in confusion.

"Yes! It's an alternate reality!" Kyu yelled victoriously in his head.

"Nothing. I was just thinking of something else." Kyu offhandedly said as he smiled in satisfaction.

"Anyways what are you guys doing right now?" Stelle asked trying to forget the previous incident.

Kyu was about to reply but suddenly they heard a scream. Turning to look at the source Kyu saw a Kaijin with multiple colored glass on its body.

"A fangire this time. Also a new record for something bad that has already happened." Kyu said blankly.

"This isn't the time to think about your record! Go fight that thing." Ayane yelled as she pushed Kyu to the fangire.

"How are you going to fight that thing?" Stelle asked while bringing out her bat.

"With this."

Kyu brought out his DecaDriver and put it on his waist as it formed a belt surprising the raccoon. Kyu opened his driver brought out his Decade card and inserted it.



Twenty silhouetted figures appeared and went into Kyu before multiple rectangles flies into Kyu changing him into Decade.

"What the hell?!" Stelle yelled surprised at the figure.

"Oi!" Kyu yelled at the fangire causing its attention to him.

"You're... Decade!" The fangire said with a mix of fear and hate in its voice.

"Decade?" Stelle said in confusion.

"We can discuss this later. For now, let's focus on what's in front of us." Decade said looking at the fangirl.

Decade rushed to the fangire and punched it in the face. Decade then followed it up with a kick to the chest.

"If you're a fangire then this is the best thing to use on you." Decade said while bringing out a card with a figure that looks like a bat and inserted it to his belt.


Kyu's body turned gray before it shattered and revealed Decade's new armor. The ninth Heisei rider Kamen Rider Kiva.

D-Kiva rushed to the fangire and kicked it to the sky. D-Kiva waited for the fangire to come down before kicking the fangire into a wall once it reached D-Kiva.

D-Kiva wasted no time rushing to fangire as it tried to stand up. D-Kiva grabbed the fangire by its collar and punched it repeatedly in the face before delivering an uppercut to the face.

D-Kiva then did a backflip kick sending the fangire to the air brought out Kiva's final attack card and inserted it.


The sky turned into night and the area was surrounded by a red mist. D-Kiva brought his right foot up as the bottom of the leg armor opened and revealed a red wing.

D-Kiva jumped to the sky until he was in front of the moon before kicking the fangire who had already fallen to the ground.


D-Kiva hit the fangire straight in the chest and knocked it to the ground. A bat symbol was created by the impact before the fangire exploded.

"Incredible..." Stelle muttered after seeing Decade power.

D-Kiva reverted back into Decade causing the surroundings to change back into normal before he undid his transformation and returning back into human.

"Just another day for a Kamen Rider." Kyu said while dusting his hand.

"Or another day for pink man." Ayane said with a smug expression.

"It's magenta! Not pink!" Kyu yelled with a vein popping in his forehead.

"Whatever you say."


"Excuse me."

Kyu turned to look at the person who called him and saw it was a Silvermane guard.

"Yes?" Kyu said.

"Aren't you supposed to be on duty soldier?" The guard asked.

"I was but this lady asked me for help. How could I refuse such a request." Kyu lied with a straight face.

"Then forgive me for misunderstanding. You may continue helping the lady." The guard said before leaving.

"Easy as taking candy from a baby." Kyu muttered for a split second having a dark look on his face before returning to normal.

"It's kinda scary how good you are at lying." Ayane said walking up to Kyu along with Stelle.

"Well let's just say I met some good liars and manipulators and learned from them." Kyu replied.

"I learned good, especially from that blonde bastard." Kyu thought angrily before calming down.

"Anyways we'll be on our merry way." Kyu said about to walk away.

"Wait! I still have some questions left." Stelle yelled.

"Well too bad I don't care. But if you really want to know ask her." Kyu said pointing to Ayane.

"Eh?! Me?!" Ayane yelled flabbergasted.

"Okay then." Stelle replied before looking at Ayane.

"You believed him?!" Ayane yelled in shock.

"Well, I'll leave the rest to you." Kyu said before summoning an aurora curtain and entering it before disappearing.

"Wait!" Ayane yelled but to no avail because Kyu had already left. But then she felt her shoulder being grabbed by Stelle.

"Now please tell me." Stelle said with a determined look.

Ayane sigh before she reluctantly told what she know.

With Kyu

Kyu arrived at another part of the city now back into his suit. Kyu grabs his driver and slaps it on his waist in case something happens.

"Isn't this a surprise?"

Kyu turned around and saw Takashi sitting on a roof with a cyan gun in his right hand.

"Did you follow me?" Kyu asked with narrowed eyes.

"Come on~ don't be like that! We're best friends aren't we?" Takashi replied with a smirk on his face.

"You didn't call me friends when we first met." Kyu said causing Takashi to wince at his words.

"That was the past. It's water under the bridge right." Takashi said.

"You separated me and her! You think I'll forgive you for that?" Kyu asked rhetorically with a cold voice.


"No matter how many times you help me. I can't forgive your past actions."

"Kyu! If you didn't gain Decade's power all of us would die!"

"That doesn't excuse what you did!"


"Even now... I can't still forgive you. You helped me but now I can't even go home."

Kyu stared at Takashi before he summoned another aurora curtain and went through it. Leaving Takashi alone.

"I did it because you are his chosen." Takashi muttered.

"But at the cost of you losing your kindness." Takashi somberly said before closing his eye and reminiscing.


"Hey! Nice to meet you! My names Kyu Kenzaki!" Kyu said cheerfully.

"I didn't asked." Takashi replied coldly.

"Well, it would be rude if I didn't introduce myself." Kyu said while maintaining his smile.

"Whatever I'm only here to deliver you this." Takashi pulls out a white DecaDriver with only ten symbols and the RideBooker.

"What's this?" Kyu asked while grabbing the driver.

"Your destiny." Takashi replied before leaving.


Kyu perked his head up and saw Takashi had already disappeared. Unbeknownst to him Takashi was on a roof watching him.

"That's his successor? What a joke." Takashi muttered before bringing out his cyan gun but it has some black patterns on it.

"I should've been the destroyer, not him." Takashi muttered before summoning an aurora curtain and disappearing.

Meanwhile, Kyu was confused until he suddenly heard a familiar voice causing him to brighten up.

"Kyu!" A female voice yelled. Turning around Kyu saw a white-haired girl. The girl tackled him into a hug causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

"Geez if you want a hug just say it. No need to tackle me." Kyu said while returning the hug.

"Nope! I don't feel like it beside you remember what you and Mei-senpai promised?" The girl asked.

"Oh yeah! Well let's go then." Kyu said before separating from the hug and standing up with the girl.

"What's that?" The girl asked pointing at the driver.

"Don't know but someone delivers it to me. Must be something important." Kyu said.

"Don't think about that! Let's go Kyu!" The girl said before dragging the boy with her.

"Slow down Kiana!" Kyu yelled the girl's name as he was dragged.


"Oh, how different our personalities were back then. How very wrong I was thinking you aren't fit to be Decade."

"But here you are the perfect person to be a destroyer." Takashi muttered before disappearing into an aurora curtain.

With Ayane

Ayane was in a hotel with Stelle after being dragged by the latter. Eventually, Ayane saw two people one black-haired boy and a pink-haired girl.

"What did you bring this time Stelle?" The male said with a tired expression.

"It's more who did she bring this time Dan Heng." The girl said to the black haired boy.

"Get this! She's from another world too!" Stelle said excitedly.

"Really? And how did you get here miss?" Dan Heng asked Ayane.

"Well, it's complicated." Ayane replied while rubbing her neck.

"Come on just tell us." The pink-haired girl pestered Ayane.

"That's enough March. We don't want to make her uncomfortable." Dan Heng said pulling the girl back.

"Aww... but I really wanna know." March whined.

"What a lively group you have there Ayane."

Ayane turned around and saw Takashi walking to them with his hands on his pocket. Ayane widened her eyes at the person only seeing him once.


"Takashi Sakurai. A pleasure to meet you." Takashi introduced himself.

"And it's good to meet you too the Trailblazers." Takashi said causing the trio to widen their eyes in shock.

"How did you!" March yelled at Takashi.

"I don't have time to explain. But there's someone coming through the door in a moment." Takashi said gaining everyone's attention.

"And when they arrived. All of you will know what to do." Takashi continued causing everyone to be confused.

"Then I'll see you later." Takashi finger saluted them before an aurora curtain went through him.

"Great... another mysterious guy like Kyu." Ayane thought.

Suddenly the hotel door opened and a guard walked to them.

"All of you follow me now." The guard harshly said.

"Oh this isn't good."


"Turn left quick!" Dan Heng yelled while Ayane, March, and Stelle followed behind him.

"That bastard could've at least told us we were being locked away!" Stelle yelled while also cursing Takashi.

"Yeah! When the next time I see him I'm going to punch his face!" March yelled angrily agreeing with Stelle.

"Can we please focus what's in front of us!" Ayane yelled as she saw a guard blocking their path.

"Shit! We're surrounded." Dan Heng said while looking at the surroundings.

"Give it up! You're cornered." A silver-haired girl said wearing a uniform.

"Sorry Bronya but that's not gonna happen." Stelle said while bringing out her gun.

"Then guards get them!" Bronya ordered as the guards attacked them.

Luckily even though they're outnumbered they weren't outmatched and defeated all of the guards leaving only Bronya.


Suddenly a sound was heard before three colored silhouettes appeared and combined into a figure with a belt and a sword.

"Who's he?" March questioned.

"He's a Kamen Rider." Ayane said recognizing the belt around Knight. Everyone looks at her in interest except Knight who brandished his sword and rushed to Bronya.

Knight rushes at Bronya as the former shoots multiple bullets at the Rider. Knight deflected all of the bullets with his sword before slashing his sword at Bronya.

Knight took out a card with with a picture of a bat on it and inserted it to his sword.



A mechanical bat appears above Knight and rushes at Bronya. Bronya tried to fire multiple bullets at the bat but it didn't have an effect. Bronya rolled to the side dodging the bat attack.

While this was happening Kyu was seen standing on top of a roof watching the battle.

"Hoh~ stalling for some time? How low can you get Takashi." Kyu said before looking to his right and saw Takashi standing on another roof.

"Low enough that I can protect them." Takashi replied.

"And after that, you'll betray them?" Kyu asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"...As long the world is safe. I will do what I must." Takashi replied while clenching his fist.

"Is that so?" Kyu said before refocusing his attention back to the fight.

"So this is what you're stalling for. Another thief just like you." Kyu said as he spotted a man with blue hair holding something.

The man waited for right the moment to strike. The time came when Knight knocked down Bronya to the ground. The man then throws a grenade filled with a gas that knocks everyone unconscious except Knight who disappears after his job is finished.

"Not like I expected anything good from you." Kyu said as he watched the man carry all of them.

"Come on~ at least think something good about me." Takashi said with his usual smirk.

"Not in a million yea-" Kyu stopped his words when he felt something familiar up in the sky.

"What are you doing?" Takashi asked.

Kyu didn't reply and summoned an aurora curtain and went through it. Takashi had a bad feeling about what Kyu was about to do and summoned his own aurora curtain and followed Kyu.


A brown-haired man was staring at a planet through a window. The man was Welt Yang a man who traveled from another world into this one.

"Welt you've been staring at the window for a while now. Is there something wrong?" A red-haired woman asked worriedly.

"Nothing Himeko. I just thought I felt something familiar." Welt replied without looking at her.

"If you say so." Himeko said as she left the room while holding her coffee.

"This feeling... It's the same as him but it's different." Welt thought.

"So you really are here."

Welt widened his eyes in shock knowing full well who that voice belonged to. Turning around he saw Kyu standing with the DecaDriver already on his waist.

"Former Herrscher of Reason." Kyu said coldly his eyes staring deeply at Welt.

"Kyu. We thought you were gone." Welt replied still in surprise at Kyu's appearance.

"You're belt changed." Welt said remembering the old colors of the belt.

"Well, I did get some upgrades while I was gone." Kyu replied while showing nine new cards he hadn't seen before.

"But enough about that. I'm curious How did you arrive here?" Kyu asked as he stored the cards in his RideBooker.

"Kyu... Kiana misses you." Welt said trying to avoid the topic. It worked as Kyu's eyes softened before regaining his cold look.

"I'm not going to ask again. How did you get here?" Kyu said coldly while taking out his Decade card.

"I... I can't say." Welt said as he clenched his fist.

"Then I'll force you to say it." Kyu replied coldly but as he was about to insert his card into his belt. Takashi appeared in front of help with his gun pointed at Kyu.

"Stop it Kyu." Takashi said.

"Move it Takashi." Kyu replied.

"Takashi you're here too." Welt said in surprise seeing another familiar face.

"It's been a while hasn't it Welt." Takashi said with his usual smirk.

"Move out of the way or I'll force you." Kyu said coldly preparing to transform.

"Kyu! Both of us can't return back to that world!" Takashi yelled causing Welt to raise an eyebrow at him.

"I know! But I still have to try!" Kyu yelled back as his eyes turned Magenta.

"Wait! You two can't return?" Welt asked.

"Yes! And I need you to tell me how you got here." Kyu said.

"Don't! Kyu I know what you're trying to do but you have to accept we can't go back." Takashi said.

"That's a lie! You and I know there is a small chance for us to go back!"

"Even so... this isn't how you should do it!"

"It's alright Takashi." Welt said putting his hand on Takashi's shoulder and walking in front of him.

"Kyu I'll tell you how I got here." Welt said causing Kyu to stop his transformation and Takashi to lower his gun.

"Are you sure?" Takashi asked.

"Both of you shouldn't have been burdened with this. I'll tell you." Welt replied with a smile on his face.

"Thank you."

So then Welt told them everything about how he got here while hoping Kyu could get back home. While he was doing that Ayane and her group were having an adventure of a lifetime.


Yo! New chapter yay! Here's another glimpse of Kyu's origins.

Anyway that's about it and as always



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