heaven officials blessing: Lo...

By Aphmaufanilov

1K 12 0

*continuation of the previous book* Xie Lian has confirmed that the bewitching youth San Lang is actually Hua... More

back to heaven, great.1
what are you up to Pei?2
what now?3
to ghost city.4
who in heaven can we trust?5
now to wait.6
ghost maidens.7
made it inside.8
a hell hound.9
the worst timing.11
to meet heads of gamble. 12
quite a night.13
will we still be together?14
the boy!15
seeing the trouble makers.16
Lang Ying.17
two boys need rest. 18
a night alone together.19
what is Chengzu hiding?20
missing earth master.21
the grand preceptor, and the arctic vexin.23
two upset ghosts.24
old faces. 25
broken trust.26
why stop hating a monster like me?27
time for the next adventure.28
memories hold gold. 29
A little boy.30
a heated discussion.31
to track down a person.32
secrets. 33
returning home.34
That golden carriage is going.35
idiocy at play. 36
to look out for a friend. 37
a sisters rage. 38
citizen encounter. 39
Why blame him for saving a life?40
a dark fate. 41
ascension. 43

a brothers fall.22

12 1 0
By Aphmaufanilov

Honger had requested that A-song and I meet up with him in the armoury. A-song and I caught up until this moment in time. A-song died not long after I disappeared. She left New Xianle to find me. Eventually, she found herself in a ghost city. She was going to bet away her life just to find me. That is, until Honger saw the look in her eyes that he and she shared. He stopped her before she could bet. He used a fake skin to confront her. She wouldn't budge on where I was. so Honger hired her as his right hand.

We just walked together to the armoury. When we entered, and so many beautiful weapons caught my eye, I had to remind myself that Honger gave this space to his brother. but I could admire them. In front of Honger were Lang Ying and Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi was just playing with wooden weapons, and Lang Ying was kneeling and looking down. Honger was sitting on some sort of throne while polishing his silver sabre, E-Ming.

"Honger, be nice to Lang Ying," I said with a smirk. "He didn't do anything."

I let go of A-song and kneeled between Kiyoshi and Lang Ying. Kiyoshi, the darling he is, snuggled against my side. I wrapped my arm around him and gave him a little squeeze. I turned to Lang Ying and gave his shoulder a gentle pat.

"You'll be okay, little one," I said to him and smiled. He looked at me with a shy set of eyes behind the bandages he wore. I stood up with Kiyoshi bundled in my arms. though the second I did and looked to Honger, who set aside E-Ming, a lump of white fell into his lap. I was surprised for a moment, until I started giggling when I saw who was in that white robe. My older brother fell through a doorway Honger set up and is now seated in his lap!

"oh! A-song, maybe we should go!" I laughed as A-song covered her mouth in an attempt to stay quiet. When I looked back, Lang Yng had backed away till he was against my legs, and my brother had taken Honger by the shoulders and tackled him down. I didn't realize that my brother was also straddling Honger's waist while the other hand was on his thigh! "brother! What are you doing right now?"

I was laughing uncontrollably at this point, and A-song had to take Kiyoshi. The next thing I heard were two thumps. I looked up and saw Kohana, Qing Xuan, and a man in dark clothing. Just like that, I stopped laughing. uh oh.

"A-song, hold on to Kiyoshi; things are going to end up a mess." I told her, slightly tilting my head to the side. I pulled out my sword and blocked any firing towards A-song and our son. She gave me her ashes while we were catching up. She moulded it to look like a glass heart, with our colours creating swirl designs inside. A while ago, I placed an enchantment of Honger's Ashes while my brother wasn't looking. The same enchantment was placed on A-song's on our way here. brother was off Honger and trying to get something out of Lang Ying while he was still in a shaken state by Honger.

"Honger, I know Ming Yi was working under you as a spy, but please, just let us take him back to heaven." I tried to negotiate to seem believable. "I will make sure he doesn't cause any more problems from this point forward."

"ShieJie, it's better if you and Gege don't get involved." He said this, glancing at me as he stood before the three individuals I have come to know as friends and allies. Honger...

"wind!" Qing Xuan called out as the area was filled to the ceiling with wind from a crack. I know he's trying to get us out, but it's better to get things settled before anyone gets hurt. I heard a crack from behind me. I looked back, and A-song had taken out her flame whip. Magenta, red, orange, yellow, and white flames were erupting from the long trail of the spiritual device. She has a special fireproof strap on her person that hides her whip. I stepped back toward the wall. I know what kind of power that has, and my sword will inevitably melt if it comes into contact with the flames of her whip.

I looked at Honger, and he had a golden fan. crap, that one will launch thin shards of golden foil that will kill the person it hits. I looked at the others, and my head began to spin. So much was going on before I could process it. A sword was thrown in, blasting apart some of the area. absorbing the foil inside it. Lang Qian Qiu came in. I couldn't tell who said what. I felt like I was going to faint. The wind was everywhere, not helping my vision. This isn't normal. Did I get some sort of flu while I was out and about?

The next thing I saw clearly was that A-song and Honger were about to strike Qian Qiu. I used more mana than I could handle and sent a small orb of power to the corner. a bright blast erupted from it, leaving me time to rush in. brother rushed in as well.  I blocked Qian Qiu's blade before blocking A-song's. My sword was cracked from Qian Qiu's blade, but A-song's whip melted and shattered it. A shard of my blade struck my shoulder. My pain tolerance is high, so I didn't feel much pain. I just felt it there.

"Qing Xuan! get us out of here!" I called them. They waved their fan in the air. I ran to Lang Ying and lifted him with my good arm. brother shot out Ruoye and took hold of all of us. Kiyoshi is still in A-song's arms. He'll be safe. As we were lifted up out of Paradise Manor, I realized there was fire and ice covering every wall of the manor. I looked down. Honger and A-song were standing in the centre of the fire, staring at both my brother and me. I wanted to cry the moment I saw Kiyoshi make eye contact with me. He was scared, sad, and confused.


I was quiet the entire trip back to the capital. Kohana stayed outside with Lang Ying. Meanwhile, my brother had to almost carry me inside.

"GENERAL XIE!" I looked up as a young girl shrieked. Feng Ling was already inside the palace of divine might. She ran to me, asking my brother. "What the fuck happened?"

"She used a blade tactic." I was still holding the broken blade. I hid my real sword and replaced it with a chunk of ice, replicating it. The residence of Ne Xianle knew about this. I wouldn't have ended up like this had I used my real sword, but that blade held too much power at that time. The entire palace was filled with officials before I knew it. I knew my arms and neck were bleeding. The old scars reopen if I use too much mana.

"I'm fine." I gave a weak response. Feng Xin was standing behind Feng Ling. "Help Ming Yi... and brother..."

"Are you kidding? Mei Mei, you look like you were in a brawl you couldn't win!" Feng Xin scolded me.

"Xin Xin... always looking out when I need it." I said this as I leaned against my brother. Feng Xin and his brother swapped glances. The last time I called him that, it was before he left. My head was spinning, and it felt like everything was unsteady. I looked to Qian Qiu. He was still. He looked dazed. My brother followed my gaze. He handed me off to Feng Xin with his left hand since he injured his right hand like I did. Feng Xing held me up by my shoulders till he noticed the blood on my shoulder and realized, when he looked at my shoulders, that my arms, shoulders, and neck were soaked to the point where blood was dripping from the hemmed ends. A-song will tear me a new one if she sees this. My head is so fuzzy, it's hard to focus. I could feel my hair becoming heavy and sticking to me. I looked at my brother while wobbling a little. I felt unsteady and latched onto Feng Xin. I didn't get what was said, but I saw Qian Qiu grab his brother by the wrist.

"grand preceptor?"

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