Untamed (A mafia story)

By DiamondKulture

825K 20.5K 1.8K

Cora is a young girl who suddenly wakes up in the basement of the Russian mafia and one of the best Assassins... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chspter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New story alert!!!!!!
Story Alert!!!!!
New story Alert!!!!!

Chapter 5

16.8K 418 24
By DiamondKulture


Ivan knows how to tick me off, there's a reason I never let him come visit me and he knows, that's why he didn't call that he was coming today, he just showed up while I was in a meeting, Vissarion had to interrupt my meeting to tell me that my cousin is down the basement with my hostage.

I get there and I find him having a chit chat with her, like she's some top tier guest.
I don't like the way she looks at me, like she's innocent which she's not.

I've heard and seen pictures of her from various people, they all talk about two things, she's very young and very beautiful.

Which isn't a total lie, The Best there is in what she does as a woman, one of the sole reasons I hate her, why she's locked up down there.

Personally I don't have a problem with the Italian mafia, ever since taking over as the Don at the age of 18, I have tried to stay clear off any drama, including wars with any other mafia.

But I know I crossed that line having her here, I'm just surprised her so called husband hasn't called yet to demand ransom for her release, according to rumors, she's Enzo's prized possession, his jewel, so why is she still in my basement?

Why hasn't Lorenzo De Luca called me to request the release of his wife yet?
I have had her with me for a month now.

I haven't even done anything to her yet, I've been busy with handling the family that I've not had time to really go have a talk with her, a talk that might most likely end up in me torturing her.

She was actually very easy to capture for my men, for someone so skilled and powerful, I didn't expect them to be able to get her at first trial, I was thinking she'd put up too much of a fight or restraint but nothing.

Since being here, she hasn't tried to escape, not even an attempt, I know she's probably planning something but I'm not going to wait around to find out, that is why I still have her on chains and in the basement.

I'm pacing my study when the door creaks open and Ivan walks in with his hands tucked inside his pants pocket, I shoot him a glare but he doesn't even seemed fazed at all.

"What were you thinking going down there, that too without my permission"? I ask with venom lacing my voice.

"Calm down D, I wasn't plotting against you, I just wanted to see if truly you had the best female assassin of the underworld down in your basement" he said putting up his hands in surrender

"You know better than to go snooping around my business when I'm not around, besides you were told I was in a meeting, why couldn't you wait till I was out"? I grit out to him and he just shrugs

"What's she doing there anyway"? He asks situating himself on the single couch in my study.

"Не твое дело" I snap at him going around to sit on my chair, truly it's none of his business, he chose not to he involved in the mafia and I never forced him to, the least he can do is keep his nose off it.

(Translation: that's none of your business)

"You want to start a war with the Italian mafia"? He asks with a scoff "You want to start trouble with Lorenzo De Luca"? He asks as if it's something I can't do.

"You speak as if it's something I can't handle"? I tell him giving him a lopsided look before going through the stack of papers on my desk.

"But why his wife tho"? He asks with amusement and I just growl out.

"Like I said Ivan, it's none of your business" I snap, I hear him sigh out loudly.

"Well, who am I to oppose the Don himself" he says relaxing back on the chair "But at least let her have a bath and change of clothes" he adds lowly and I snap my eyes up at him "chill bro I'm just pointing out a few suggestions, don't bite my head off" he mutters

"She's a hostage here and not a guest, and she'll be treated as such, you think if you were in her shoes right under her husband's basement, she'd ask for such favours on your behalf"? I seethe out to him "what are you even doing here anyway"? I ask dropping the papers.

"I just came to check on you and plus I heard about your newest victory, so I came to see for myself" he said

"How long are you staying for"? I ask and he just shrugs

"I don't know, for as long as my business is doing okay, once I notice any drop I'll haul my ass off back to where I came from" he says relaxing

"I hope you stay out of my business for the time you're here" I tell him in a warning tone

"Your business being the young brunette you have downstairs"? He asks cocking his brows and I just ignore him and continue what I was doing.

He knows better than to cross me when it comes to my business, whatever it is.
If I don't want someone interrupting then I really mean I don't want anyone interrupting, not even family members.


"Any news from the Italian"? I ask my underboss Vissarion as he sits in front of me and he just shakes his head

"нет" he responds making me nod slowly, Enzo really isn't going to call or try to reach out to get his wife, personally I don't even care because of he does call, I won't even let him speak to her let alone give him hope of ever seeing her again

(Translation: no)

Vissarion hasn't left yet and he hasn't made to leave, which means he has something to tell me but he's trying not to.

"What is it Vis"? I ask him and he just breathes out

"Nothing boss...." He pauses before he continues "it's just that it's been a month already, I don't think she knows why you took her" he says making me look at him.

"She does, she's just very good at acting and pretending to be clueless, she knows why I have her here" I tell him.

I know she knows me, or at least she's heard of me before, I'm a very known name around the underworld, I saw the shock and fear in her eyes when I stepped into the light, I didn't have to say my name, she already knew it was me.

Not many people have the privilege of meeting me, and those who have, don't really live to tell the tale.

"Come" I say getting up and Vissarion following right behind me as we both walk out of my study, I head to the basement to check on the prisoner I have there.

It doesn't seem as if she gets the message, maybe because I haven't had the time to show her just what I'm capable of, she's heard of it yes, but she's never seen it first hand.

I walk down the basement and I come face to face with the huge metallic doors, two guards stand in front of it watching, they stand straight and bow their heads the moment they see me, I just go ahead and open the door before walking in, with Vissarion following behind me.

The moment I walk in and meet eyes with her, I see her visibly gulp and adjusts herself, she barely ever moves from her sitting position, well where will she go, she's afraid of me
She should be

I stop in front of her with Vissarion standing at the door.
"I don't know what you discussed with my cousin and I don't care, but what I do find strange is why he's soliciting on your behalf to at least let you bath" I say lowly and she just looks up at me with those big blue eyes, the way she looks sometimes is so annoying I just want pluck them off.

"Do you think you deserve a bath"? I ask bending down to her eye level.

"If soaking me wet again with a bucket of water is your idea of a bath, then I think I'll pass" she mutters not meeting my gaze.

She's got guts talking back at me, especially with such a tone.
"I'd advice you watch your tone with me ПРИНЦЕССА" I spit at her "I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through your head, you are of no use to me" I tell her and I see a ghost of a smile playing on her lips, why the fuck is she smiling?

"You won't kill me, if you wanted to kill me, you won't go through the troubles of bringing me here" she voices out as if taunting me, her eyes holding an array of hope

I laugh, not a funny or genuine laugh, an empty one
"Don't mistake my lack of time for sympathy, don't test me ПРИНЦЕССА, I will kill you if you push me past breaking point" I mutter lowly very close to her face, I see her confidence waver and it causes me to smirk

"What do you want from me"? She asks her voice trembling a bit

"Revenge ПРИНЦЕССА" I grit out to her and I see her brows scrunch in confusion

"On Enzo"? She asks making me growl out, I shake my head slowly before grabbing her face in a tight grip and pulling her close to me

"On you Cara"

So what do you think Cara did to make Dimitri hate her so much.

Also He has Cora in his basement and not Cara, but he doesn't know that.

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