Forever In My Heart

By laradiaries

3.8K 87 4

Lexi Mitchell's story begins in the heart of the bustling city of New York. She has a nice apartment in town... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 39

57 1 0
By laradiaries

"No one warns you about the amount of mourning in growth."⭐️

As the server leaves with our plates, I breathe a sigh of relief.

Lexi: "Well, it was really delicious!"

Ryan: "I think I saw that, little greedy guts."

I blush somewhat. It's true, I didn't leave a single crumb. My plates were almost shining when they left the table!

Lexi: "I'm sorry, but I'm not one of your starving super-models! You'll have to get used to it!"

Ryan: "Calm down! I wasn't criticising..."

I look at him, embarrassed. I'll have to get rid of my susceptibility one day...

Suddenly his gaze turns away from me and a new expression animates his magnificent features.

He puts his napkin down on the table and gets up smiling. I immediately look towards the object of his attention.

The chef is coming up to our table and warmly greets Ryan.

The chef Garbot: "Miss... Good evening."

Lexi: "Uh... Si... sir, good evening."

I have before me a living legend of gastronomy and I just sit there, rooted to my chair, stammering.

I get up quickly to shake his hand.

The chef Garbot: "Did you enjoy the meal?"

He's kidding me right?! I had a gustatory orgasm with every dish! Let's just say that it's never happened to me before so close together!

Though... With Ryan, if I started counting...

I frown for a moment. Now's not the time for having naughty thoughts.

Lexi: "Sir, it was just... perfect!!"

I can't hide my enthusiasm! Meeting one of the most eminent chefs in the world is an exceptional opportunity!

He gives me a charming smile.

Ryan: "Let me introduce you to Miss Mitchell. She is a fervent admirer of your work and is herself interested in gastronomy."

I address a grateful look to Ryan. I am not able to string three words together but I could not dream of a better introduction.

The chef Garbot: "Oh, is that right?"

Lexi: "Yes... I... I've been passionate about great food for years. Obviously, what I do is nothing like your work."

He bends over slightly and nods gratefully. The most talented people are often the simplest.

Ryan: "Miss Mitchell is being modest, she has a lot of talent in the culinary field, on that matter, she has a very interesting food blog."

Ryan looks at me.

The chef Garbot: "Oh?"

Lexi: "Yes... I... Yes, I have a blog, that's true."

Shit Lexi! Make an effort to be more talkative!! You look awkward!

Ryan: "Maybe you could see each other again, for an interview or something?"

The chef Garbot: "I'd be glad to."


I think my brain is overheating and is twisting itself into knots!

Is Michel Garbot, one of the most starred chefs on this planet and even in this galaxy, accepting that I post an interview with him on my very humble blog?

Ryan: "Your cuisine is a delight every time. Thank you for this out of the ordinary moment, chef."

The chef Garbot: "Thank you, Mr. Carter. I always try to mix new savors and then share them with my clients. New York is very inspiring for me."

He gives us a beautiful smile, bowing slightly.

The chef Garbot: "Well, thank you. Have a nice late evening."

Lexi: "Thank you!"

The chef disappears into the kitchen after having been to see some clients at the other tables.

I stay rooted to the spot, my eyes fixed on him.

Ryan: "Is everything ok?"

Lexi: "I... I think I need to sit down."

Ryan looks at me tenderly.

Ryan: "Want some water?"

Lexi: "Yes, thanks..."

While he serves me, I put things back in place in my mind.

Lexi: "Did you ask the chef to come over for me?"

Ryan: "I put a word in..."

Lexi: "You should never have told him about my blog, it's really... it's too much... I mean it's of little importance to him, I feel ridiculous..."

Ryan's look hardens.

Ryan: "Firstly, never think that someone is superior to you. And secondly, never say the word ridiculous when you're talking about yourself."

I stare at him, a little surprised. He's not joking at all. It isn't the first time that I notice how much he hates it when I put myself down.

Lexi: "You say that... But apart from making fun of me the other time, you didn't really look at my blog..."

Ryan: "I went back to look at it after you left... I would never have said that to the chef just to flatter you, I said it because I really thought so."

My heart wraps in a strange sweetness.

It wouldn't take much more for me to fall in love with this man... He's the first person for whom I feel I really matter like I'm special.

Ryan: "I even have some tips on how you could improve your metrics and KPI."

Lexi: "My what?"

He smiles, puts his hand on mine and murmurs in a soft voice.

Ryan: "We'll talk about that another day. For the moment I just want to make the most of you..."

Fire!! I'm on fire! It's all too much for my little heart in one evening!


As we get to Ryan's apartment, my heart is knocking like crazy in my chest.

Is it the expectation, the excitement of this exceptional evening...?

I can't say, but Ryan hasn't yet laid his hands on me, that I'm already ready for him to sink into me.

Ryan: "Make yourself comfortable, you want to drink something?"

Lexi: "Yes please."

Instead of sitting, I sneak up to the huge picture window to admire the city.

Why is everything that has anything to do with Ryan always have this little something exceptional, unique?

Ryan: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I start as he passes by me and puts a hand around my waist, pressing me up against his side.

Lexi: "It's... captivating."

He lays a soft kiss in the hollow of my neck, then he whispers in my ear.

Ryan: "Nothing is as captivating as you..."

His words have the power to stir up the fire that is already blazing in me. I'm burning, yet the forefinger that he's sliding along my cheek gives me goosebumps.

Lexi: "It's with these kind of words that you always manage to get what you want from me, is it not...?"

My voice is just a whisper. I said this, turning towards him and gazing at his powerful jaw.

He places a hand in the hollow of my back.

Ryan: "Oh... and what are you gonna give me?"


Lexi: "Anything you want... All you have to do is whisper it in my ear..."

I look up at him with blazing eyes.

In a flash, his mouth takes hold of mine. His tongue slides in between my parted lips.

He presses me against him and takes possession of my mouth with arousing voracity.

I kiss him with the same rage, the same devouring desire.

It's as if all the day's frustration finally found its release with this kiss.

He leaves my lips for a moment and fixes me. His ash-colored eyes consume mine.

I fix his gaze, my eyes fiery and fascinated, while I brush a lock of rebellious hair back behind my ear.

His agile fingers trail over my blouse, slowly undoing each button.

He lets the smooth silk fabric slip down over my arms. I am totally hypnotized by the sensuality of each of his gestures.

If there was to be a god of voluptuousness, he would be called Ryan...

He firmly grasps my waist, before unzipping my pencil skirt letting it fall to the ground.

He moves away from me for a minute. I only have my silk slip on. It seems so insignificant in front of this predator.

He loosens the knot in his tie without ceasing to devour me with his eyes.

Ryan: "Your body is a jewel..."

Okay. Now I'm gasping for air!

As he unbuttons his shirt to reveal his torso, so sexy it's almost indecent, I practically stagger.

He catches me in one move and lifts me off the ground, as easily as if I were a twig, to press me up against him.

I feel the hardness of his muscles against my bare thighs. He pushes me up against the glass wall.

A little-muffled whimper falls from my mouth as he nibbles the lobe of my ear.

Ryan: "Sshhh..."

I arch my back more letting his kisses cover the length of my neck, up to my breasts.

Lexi: "Ryan..."

I moan with ecstasy. We stare into each other's eyes, for a moment that seems like forever, as if we were out of time.

Suddenly he turns around and carries me with him, making my shoes fall to the floor behind him. He can take me anywhere, as long as I'm in his arms.

He moves quickly to the sofa. He puts a knee down and makes me fall back, holding my pelvis firmly.

I collapse against the leather sofa. I let out a sigh of surprise as he melts down on me, pressing the weight of his body against mine.

His eyes say so much: the passion, the burning need to satisfy a fierce desire...

My body tenses, arches, burns.

There's nothing other than Ryan's hands on my skin, his presence to fulfill me.

He gently lifts my thigh, caressing my hair with his other hand.

This gesture triggers a shudder of impatience that spreads throughout my body. I let myself go to the sensations.

His hands perform a devil's dance, as he observes my reactions, his breath on my cheek.

Ryan: "You're so beautiful when you let yourself go!..."

How could I not let go with him?

His pectorals rest against my breasts and I feel his soft breath in my hair.

I kiss his chin, the base of his neck, all that is given to me to smother.

Ryan: "The night is just beginning, my angel..."

And it promises to be wild...


The midday sun caresses my skin as I go down for lunch. I bend my head backward, enjoying the warmth of its rays, smiling with pleasure.

I'm so happy! The night I spent with Ryan was wonderful...

Since I left his arms, I feel like I'm floating above the ground. I feel invincible.

Nothing can get at me today! Not even the scathing remarks of the Cassidy!

I notice Jake. He hasn't seen me. His attention is caught up in the bustle of the New York workers.

Lexi: "Jake, Hi!"

I shouted out enthusiastically. But he turns around a little nonchalantly, his mouth half-closed so as not to drop his cigarette.

Jake: "Hey."

His tone is cold... It's beginning to get on my nerves.

Lexi: "Have you eaten?"

Jake: "Not yet."

Lexi: "Well good, me neither! Would you be tempted by a sandwich?"

He pouts not looking too thrilled by the idea.

Lexi: "You're not allowed to say no. We have to talk."

He gives me a friendly smile.

With the decided look I have on my face, he gives in, throwing his cigarette on the ground.

Jake: "Okay, okay..."

He glances at the limousine then looks back at me, seeming to say: "There you are, I'm all yours."

We walk to Bob's truck. Matt and Colin aren't there.

To tell the truth, I'm relieved that the boys aren't here.

Something tells me that my conversation with Jake isn't going to be pleasant, and I don't want to have Matt on my back all afternoon.

After ordering, we step back.

Lexi: "Jake... I'd really like to clarify things, the situation can't last, could you please tell me what you have against me instead of just sulking?"

He remains silent for a few seconds and pulls out a new cigarette from his jacket pocket. I'd noticed how smokers often gave themselves this respite in discussions.

Jake: "I'm not distant."

Lexi: "Says he, scowling down at his cigarette looking pretty angry..."

He flashes a sidelong glance whilst lighting his cigarette.

Jake: "I thought you were different, that's all."

Has he decided to play it like Colin? Like "you're gonna have to worm it out of me"?

Lexi: "Different...?"

Jake: "Yeah."

That's it! Colin! Get out of Jake's body!!

I sigh heavily, gazing into the distance. A hand on my hip.

Lexi: "Could you do your bit here? I'm just trying to understand..."

He fixes me with a look I can't decipher. Difficult to know what's going on in his head right now.

He runs a hand through his hair. His face changes expression.

Jake: "It's... I don't want Carter to hurt you..."

Lexi: "Hurt me...?"

I plunge my eyes into his, feeling puzzled. What does he mean?

Jake opens his mouth several times but no sound comes out.

Lexi: "What? Has it got something to do with that car that was following us the other night?"

Jake: "No... well yes, that too."

Lexi: "Jake, please, I don't understand what you're trying to say!"

Bob proudly shouts our order number out, which allows for me to cool down a bit.

Jake grabs the sandwiches and we both walk a little away.

Jake: "I know my boss, I know how things end with his conquests."

I stare at him, dumb. So he knows.

Jake: "Lexi, maybe I'm just a former soldier, but I can tell when two people are fooling around!"

Lexi: "I... you..."

His curt remark shuts me up.

Jake: "Generally they're nothing like you. They're usually girls... from the upper... snobbish. They barely even look at the driver. But you, you're... well..."

He clears his throat, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

Jake: "I mean, it would be a shame if you were to bear the cost of his... practices."

My heart is thumping in my chest. I don't know what to say. I feel wounded, soiled.

I'm nothing like those girls he's talking about and my relationship with Carter is different! Jake can't just shoot something like that at me!

I can't really see myself telling him that there's nothing between Carter and me. Let's be realistic, it's as plain as the nose on your face.

And lying to him won't make things any better between us. It's better to tell it like it is.

Lexi: "Jake... you're wrong. Ryan isn't like you think he is."

He sighs heavily, looking over my shoulder. I have the unpleasant feeling that it isn't the first time he's heard something like that.

Lexi: "Ryan is a good man! He has his association, he spends time with the homeless... And... He's done a lot for me... He took me to a wonderful restaurant, he introduced me to the chef! He's been very attentive to what could please me!"

This time, Jake's face distorts and his expression becomes caustic.

Jake: "It's easy to spend without counting, when by the time you've eaten two mouthfuls you've already earned enough to pay the whole meal."

Lexi: "Because he earns a lot of money, he shouldn't make the most of it, it's just plain jealousy...Plus, he took me to his house. Showed me where he lives."

Jake: "Yes, I know, that's what angered me the most ... He should never have taken you there, you're better than that!"

Lexi: "Oh, you mean he should have settled for screwing me in his office?!"

The brutality of my words disconcerts him.

Jake: "Of course not..."

Lexi: "You tell me you're afraid he'll treat me like one of his brainless conquests, and then you reproach him for taking me home and spending time with me. Sorry Jake, but I don't follow!"

Jake: "I..."

He looks at me, embarrassed. As if he were conscious of having gone too far.

Jake: "I'm sorry, I..."

Lexi: "I've lost my appetite now. Thanks a lot."

I nervously throw the sandwich into the bin next to me and I turn and walk away, furious.

I never thought Jake could be so cutting! It'll teach me to try to arrange things!


Since my row with Jake, I feel a little down...

To top it all, I didn't see Ryan at all today. He has business trips scheduled all week. I don't even know if I'll see him this weekend.

Jake tried to call me twice in the afternoon, but I didn't answer because I was busy and because... I didn't want to talk to him.

No doubt he felt guilty for speaking to me like that. I rather let him sweat it out for now!

Someone knocks at my door. I put my kitchen glove down and I go to open. It's probably Lisa!

We've been planning this evening for several days now and I must say that it's exactly what I need tonight.

Lisa: "Hey!"

Lexi: "Hello!"

I take her in my arms.

Lisa: "Well, to what do I owe the honor of your embrace?"

Lexi: "Nothing, I'm just glad you're here!"

Lisa smiles at me tenderly.

I invite her to make herself at home, while I check how my smoked salmon soufflés are doing.

Lexi: "Was your class good?"

Lisa: "Yeah... There's still that move I'm not getting the hang of!"

Lexi: "Um... What's it called again?"

Lisa: "The shoulder mount."

Lisa's always telling me about her moves, but it's no use their names never print in my head! I must say it's hard to follow!

Lexi"With training, you'll eventually get it right. You're a warrior, aren't you?!"

Lisa: "Yeah, for the moment I look more like a toad, but one day I'll be gracious..."

We burst out laughing whilst I take my little wonders out of the oven.

Lexi: "Here, get a load of this!"

Lisa approaches and smells the sweet smell.

Lisa: "Mmm... You know I can't go without your cooking now...?"

I give her a little-satisfied smile and invite her to sit down, whilst I go fetch the food.

Lisa: "So what's new sweetie?"

I look at her with puppy-dog eyes.

Lexi: "There's... a lot to tell..."

Lisa: "I've got plenty of time..."

She taps on the sofa beside her with the flat of her hand.

Lisa: "Come on, tell Lisa everything."

I let out a little mocking laugh and I sit by her side.

Lexi: "You want the good or the bad news?"

Lisa: "Both..."

Lexi: "The good news is that Ryan is... a god in bed."

Lisa stifles a gasp.

Lexi: "The bad news is that now that we've slept together I don't know what's gonna happen. Plus, his chauffeur is now giving me the cold shoulder, taking me for one of those fickle and easy chicks that his boss usually sleeps with."

I bite, a little disillusioned, into a soufflé.

Lisa: "To hell with what his chauffeur thinks. He's probably just jealous or has designs on you."

Lexi: "That's what I thought... Last time, I don't know... I felt something. What I don't get is that Jake's not the kind of person to bitch about his boss..."

Lisa: "Guys... If there's a chick at stake, they soon forget their principles!"

Lexi: "No, but seriously, now that he's had what he wanted, what's going to happen at the office?"

Lisa: "First of all, maybe what he wants goes beyond just a few rolls in the hay, and secondly you can't predict what happens next. So enjoy!"


Lisa: "Has his attitude changed since you..."

Lexi: "No... On the contrary, he's been very thoughtful and he seems to really care about me..."

Lisa: "So why do you want to analyze everything? You know what I always say, take things as they come."

Lexi: "Last night, he took me to the restaurant of one of the most famous chefs in the world, then we went back to his. And thanks to him, I'll surely get an interview for my blog!"

Lisa: "Classy!..."

Lexi: "It was incredible..."

Lisa: "What was? The restaurant, or the evening that followed?"

Lisa gives me a triumphant smile.

Lisa: "You know that now you've said too much, You're gonna have to tell me all the details..."

Lexi: "In that case, I hope you have all night...!"

Lisa: "Ah, but I have all my time, madam."

If there is something I never doubt about, it's how lucky I was to meet Lisa! With her, any bad feelings just vanish.
If you have any wishes/suggestions for improvement, feel free to write them in the comments.  If there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes, please point them out <3
Stay tuned for the next part :-)

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