
By AlexWritesGayStuff

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It happened so quick. Aliens just dropped down from the sky and took over everything. Humanity finally met a... More



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By AlexWritesGayStuff

Jeremy saw Gracie was deep in thought. He knew he and Lucy should've told them about everything before. Now, the entire family is in a life or death situation and now equiped with an extra bombshell, Gracie wasn't entirely sure what to think of it.

“Demi…what was she like?” Gracie asked. “I don't know her, but…we have an older sister?”

“Demi, she's…she was stubborn. Your mother and I pushed her too hard. She just wanted to experience the teenage life.” Gracie stared at Jeremy.
“And you and Stacy couldn't either.”

Jeremy sighed as he bumped his head into the wall he sat against. “Dad, it's not your fault. Besides, she might be alive. She's a skilled fighter like Stacy and I?”

“Gracie, it's been twenty two years since she she ran away. The chances of her being alive…is slim.” Jeremy looked at Gracie.

“Look. When everything is over, your mom and I can tell you stories about Demi. If she's alive, hopefully we can talk everything through.”

“Pst. Gacie.”


“Listen, we're nearing Chernobyl. You should warn everyone else that we're getting close.”

Gracie pulled out the radio. “Guys! They're getting close to Chernobyl.” Gracie said as lowly as possible.

“WE'RE IN CHINA!” Sam shouted. Chaos could be heard in the background and screaming. Gracie and Jeremy paled as they glanced at each other.

“We're fighting a horde of these bastards! We found Echo and Zac and they're not so keen to let them go.” Richard managed to say before he shouted out a battle cry.

“Gracie! We're trying to escape the Leader! The fucker was after Echo and me! We'll report in once we are clear!” Zac said, ending the broadcast.

“How are they traveling so fast!” Timothy asked. Jeremy and Gracie shrugged.

“They're in trouble! Mom and Stacy is with them, too!” Gracie said worryingly.

“What are they planning?” Jeremy asked, Timothy.

“They want to kill Blake and Zac. As for Echo, they want to torture them to death.” Jeremy and Gracie tilted their heads to the side.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Blake is dead. He died of blood loss thanks to Fredrickson.” Jeremy said, sadly. “It absolutely destroyed Zac.”

Timothy looked at them as if they were crazy. “You're…hold on. Patrick saw him alive when we found you in London.” Timothy said.

“That's impossible. Blake is burried there-”

Grace's eyes twitched, trying not to laugh. “I'm going to kill Sam.”

Jeremy raised an eyebrow at his daughter. Gracie looked at Jeremy with a murderous look, and it scared Jeremy. He expected that type of look from Stacy-but Gracie?

It eventually clicked in his own mind. “Sam.” He said, his own eye twitching.

“Uh? Okay.” Timothy bluntly started. “So they're in China. I'll leave now.” Timothy said, leaving.

“He used the serum on Blake!” Jeremy whispered hissed. “It actually worked.” He said mortified.

“Blake is back. There's zombies everywhere. What's next?”

“Don't jinx it.”

With the help of Sam - Pat, Echo and everyone else managed to break free from the lab facility. The group landed a fair distance away from the facility's entrance, gaining some attention from the aliens nearby.
They looked at everything stunned. “Echone!” A few of them hissed.

“DIE FUCKERS!” Blake shouted as he popped out with his flamethrower. Zac shook his head, trying to orient himself, when he saw aliens coming from behind.

“Echo!” He shouted. Echo turned and saw more aliens. Echo helped James and Stacy up as Richard, Pat and Sam joined in on defending the front, gradually moving forward.
Many caged humans cheered them on when their owners had plopped down to the ground in agony. Lucy popped open their cages, enabling them to find a hiding place.

Zac looked at the structure in front of him. Thanks to them busting out through a wall, multiple cracks were left behind.

“Echo, the cracks! Let's break them further to cave them in.”

Echo nodded and parkoured their way up to that spot. Zac followed right behind.

Both kicked into the wall, managing to break it.
Once they had landed, they immediately charged forward towards the group.

Eventually they reached an elevator that lead to the ruins below. “Echone! You've created quite a revolt!”

Everyone turned around to see Peq right behind them. “How's the flames not bothering them!”

“It's not hot enough!”

Peq picked up a heavy piece of debris. “DUCK!” Pat shouted.

Sam, who was still trying to access the elevator, turned around just in time to dodge the debris.

“Blake, how are you feeling?” Echo asked.

“I feel fine.” Echo placed their hand on Blake's shoulder only to yank it away. Echo looked at Blake stunned. They face palmed.
“Of course, duh!” Blake looked at Echo weirdly. “Your adrenaline needs to spike, Blake. If it spikes more, you'll get hotter.”

Blake smirked, biting his lower lip while bringing his hand up to make a L shape with his index finger and thumb. “Zac think so, too.”

“Haha, good one!” Echo smiled sarcastically. “Now is not the time!” Echo shoutes.

“Oi! That's assuming, he'll actually burst out in flames! If he doesn't, then he needs to stick to the flamethrower!” Sam said.

“Look at the destruction you caused, Echone. I'd have to breed new ones now. You know we don't like fire.” Peq smirked and eyed Blake and Zac.
“That one needs to die and this one is the key.” Peq said, standing twenty meters away from them.

“Just try to kill him. The last person that tried, lost a hand. I'll make sure you loose your head.” Zac hissed, glaring at Peq.

The alien leader scoffed with smirk. “Humans, all talk and yet no bite. Just a pinch.”
“Then again, you have Echone's cells coursing through you.” Peq smirked. “I won't say no to a challenge.”

Zac knew Peq was just tempting and baiting Zac. Billy tried this many times. A few times, Zac did bite.

Taking control of his breathing, he got in a defensive pose. Blake eyed Zac's determined face. A million thoughts went through his mind.

“As long as I'm still kicking and breathing, no one will harm a hair on your head.”

Zac, please…they'll kill you!

“Uh, Echo mentioned that if the Leader is dead, then the whole alien problem would be solved in some way…” Blake said.

“How do we find the Leader and how do we kill them? It's not like the Leader is going to be like these aliens. They're probably ten times as strong and fast.”

“Weakness is still fire. We just need a whole mother load of it.”

I can't loose him. He already lost me once.

“Zac…I love you.” The sadness I saw in his face. That was pure pain at its finest. I don't want to see that look ever again. It burns…


Echo watched as Blake's body started to steam. He stepped forward, standing next to Zac. (Keeping a slight distance.)

“I think it's about time you die, you prick.” Blake said. James, Stacy and Richard held their guard with their flamethrowers. Echo, Sam and Pat made their stance.

Peq smirked at the little group. “Go ahead, make the first move.”



The helicopter made it's landing in what used to be a park. The doors slid open, enabling many soldiers to jump out.

Jeremy and Gracie were cuffed, being lead by Henry and Eren.

They were pushed into the sharp-cold snow, forced to look up at Fredrickson. “So, where are they?” He asked in a normal tone.

“I won't tell you.” Jeremy said with a menacing glare.

“I won't tell you.” He said as I took my knife and held the tip at his daughter's throat.” Fredrickson smiled broadly. Oh how he loved his job.

“Don't touch her! They're at a hospital!” Jeremy shouted. Fredrickson pulled the knife away from Gracie who let out a breath of relief. She shuffled away, going to her father.
Gracie glanced to the side and saw Timothy with the radio he had provided them with.

A soldier, who had a map, started to lead the way. Patrick glared at Fredrickson, sending a silent message.

Timothy made sure he moved close to Eren, who held Gracie in a tight lock. He winked at Gracie when they locked eyes for a second.

The hospital came in view. “There's movement inside, sir. I believe it's one of those animal hybrid humans.” The soldier leading them said.

“I don't care about them. Kill them if they get in your way. Find me the traitors!”

Before any of the soldiers could continue stepping closer to the hospital, an ear piercing howl was heard. Looking up as they desperately coveres their ears, they saw a wolf hybro on the roof.

A few seconds later, an alien jumped out from a window from the second floor, landing on the ledge of the roof of the entrance.

“Friend or foe!” They shouted, pointing a rod at them.

Jeremy and Gracie recovered from the howl and saw many bulked packed hybros coming out from the entrance. A lot of them were hybros of lions, panthers, tigers, gorillas, buffalos and bears.

They looked ready to gorge and kill.
“Bring us Blake, Zac Spacey and his father and the one you call Echo!” Patrick called out.

“You must be the ones hunting them down. I can't let you pass.” The alien said motionlessly.

“They are traitors. That's why we're hunting them down.”

“Turn back now. Release those hostages you have there or my friends will attack. I believe these animals are considered apex killers to you.”
The hybros growled and hissed at them. “Don't take me for a fool.”

Patrick glared at the alien. “Oh, no. Not again.” Gracie groaned, not wanting to go through another fight like this.

Patrick called out the order. Henry and Eren remained right where they were, guarding their hostages.
They stared at Timothy who didn't follow the order to charge.
“What are you doing?” Henry growled.

Timothy took a deep breath. “I'm sorry.” He apologized. Henry and Eren looked confused.

Gracie took the opportunity to take Eren off guard. Henry tried to help Eren, but was stopped by Jeremy.

“You're just an old man from the lab! What are you going to do!”

“First off, I'm fifty six. Secondly, I can fight.” Jeremy smiled.

He didn't care that his hands were bound. It didn't mean he couldn't kick. Eren was eventually knocked out by Timothy. He took off Gracie's cuffs, enabling her to charge at Henry from behind, getting Henry into a firm lock.

The alien on the roof watched them curiously. They quickly evaded the fight, jumping from the roof as the soldiers fought against the hybros and failing, too.

Timothy was weary of the alien when they approached them. “You are Echone's friends?” The alien asked weary of them.

“Yes, we are! Now where are they?” Gracie said, standing firmly.

“They went to save the ones named Zac and Blake-”

“Blake is dead!”

“I've been told he's resurrected?” The alien said confused. “He has a tiger eye and burn scars on a portion of his face and neck?”

“Sam…” Jeremy growled. This just confirms it!

“That's Blake? Why do you think he's dead and why do they think he's alive?” Timothy asked.

“Listen, Echone gave me instructions to keep you here for your safety. The safest place at this moment is the top hallways and rooms of the building.”

“Whoa! Hold on, buster! We don't even know your name.” Gracie said.

“My apologies. My name is Kiné. Please, just follow me. Echone will have my head if you're just hurt.”

“Key-n-ay?” Timothy said confused. “You have weird names compared to Echo.”

Kiné looked at them blunty. “Safety or no?”

Jeremy started to follow Kiné. Gracie sighed as herself and Timothy followed Kiné and Jeremy to the back entrance of the hospital.

Kiné asked the first hybro closest to them to take the three of them to the roof. “They must stay safe. We can't give the enemy leverage. Until Echone is back, they are to stay here.”

Gracie stared at the hybro. She really hated snakes and it didn't help that this one had a snake body from the waist down, the rest of his human arms and everything above the shoulders covered in scales.

“Don't worry. I don't bite. Follow me! The name given to me is Hank!”

“Hank the snake? Cool.” Timothy said.

Hank lead them to  the emergency exit stairs and took them to the top floor.

“Stay here. I'm sure your friends will be here soon!”

Jeremy and Gracie were to worried to let the words sink in. They were too worried and they couldn't do anything. Best they could do is to help keep Patrick and Fredrickson away from their fight.

“Dad, what can we do from above here?”

“Nothing. We can't do anything. If the soldiers see us here, they will break free and come after us.” Jeremy sat down on a bed.
“Just take a breather. I'm sure they'll be back.”

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