By Sochima_Riel

134 24 8

He was always alone until he met this people,and things started happening,things he never thought of More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

10 1 0
By Sochima_Riel


"Oh, that I can tell you. My codec is 0010Green." Ralph replied.

"Wait, that's you're ranked ten, no fucking way."

"Am ranked hundred and and sixty seven. Men that's a huge gap." Lucas stated, the shock was visible in his face.

"That's codec 00167Brown." Ralph put in.

"Mine is five hundred and one." Jarvis said."

"What do you say about that?"

"That's codec 00501Red."

"Not that shithead, am talking about the space here."she snapped at Ralph.

"You are not far at all, we are none hundred and twenty eight, that's a long run." Mia said
"You mean both of you have the same codec, wow." Ralph whistled.

"What's s-word boy's codec?" Lucas asked as he looked for him.

"Damn this nigga, he's still sleeping."

He went and squat beside him picking his right hand.
Immediately Lucas saw Alan's codec, his eyes widened.

"I think you guys might wanna see this."

"Holy Molly!!!" The twins exclaimed.

"Ten thousand!!! Shit."

"That's about the total number of students in the organisation."

Ralph wasn't that surprised, he figured since Alan was new, he might be the last person.
"He's the last student in." He said.

"No it can't be. This is cheating, you mean there ain't anyone that he can beat here." Jarvis wouldn't let this situation go easily.

"Forget about him, know he'll improve. It's just a matter of time. Let's check these fakes."

Lucas have developed an interest in this ranking.

"That's another way to catch a game officer."

"Officers have same codec 000P.O. And these guys are 006097Blue and 004129Magenta, so practically they are still students, not officers."

"What do you mean by that statement?" Jarvis asked.

"They are not officers, rather they stole the clothes. It's obvious." Lucas said.

The officers looked at each other and smiled.

"You won't get anything out of us, we might be frauds but we know how to keep quiet."

"And we know how to fucking make you talk --."

"Can down Lucas, it's only the elders who know how to make them talk. We are going to the high hall."

"You can't do that, we committed no crime." The fake officers panicked.

"Truly. You don't know the rules, do you?" Lucas smirked.

"I thought the twins were making jest of you guys. How did you even reach that rank?"

"Fuck you asshole!" The one with codec 004129Magenta cursed Lucas.

"Well, I don't need to answer you. You are way fucking below me."

"Can you ever talk without using f-words." Mia asked Lucas with her face full of disgust.

This guy never stops irritating them. Yeah he's handsome but, he's way too vulgar.

"I will, but only for you babe." He smiled cockily.

That's it, she face palmed. What's with the babe thing.
A rustle on the floor brought everyone's focus back and they looked to see Alan trying to sit up from floor.

"Well, s-word is up so.... Let's go see the elders."Jarvis said and turned to the imposters.

"Prepare yourselves for execution and death."

"Nothing's going to happen." 001429Magenta answered.

"Well, let's see." Lucas said.

"Get moving!" He shouted, shoving one of them.

The guy he pushed wasn't fast enough and fell. As his hands were tied he couldn't catch himself and fell face flat.

Immediately this happened Jarvis attacked Lucas.
She kicked him on the butt and at the same time punched him on the ribs.
The attacks were not very serious but packed a good force and Lucas winced.


"So you have to kick him?" She was trying hard to control her instincts.
Yet Lucas didn't understand, and wanted to protest. But the twins supported Jarvis.

"Yeah, what did you do that for?"

They asked him. Lucas was shocked more, he turned and saw Ralph glaring at him.
Even Alan seemed to be angry with this....
Then it dawned on him.

"Am really sorry guys. I didn't think it through before attacking him."

"Seems like you've forgotten your primary objective, you attacked a defenceless person, even if he did something bad?"

"I said am sorry, I didn't think it through. You know the Fu--."

" We've heard you!!!" The twins cut him off.

Nobody wants another round of cursing.

"It's okay, you're forgiven. Just don't try it next time."

"I won't hesitate to handle you." Ralph warned.

"Let's go."


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