Homesick | Charles Leclerc

Bởi tonysnarky

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❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... Xem Thêm

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


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Bởi tonysnarky


LexiHeroux added a new image to her story. 

Tagged: CharlesLeclerc

Goodbye London, Hello Monaco x


📣 Breaking News in the Racing World! 🏁

👏 We've got some major updates for you! 📰 James and Jacob Jenkins have been released from the hospital and are on the road to recovery after recent surgery. Sending them our best wishes for a swift comeback! 🙌✨

🏠 And wait for it... Alexandra Heroux might be changing her address soon! 🏡 Rumor has it that she's saying goodbye to her London home and possibly moving in with her beau, Charles Leclerc, at his Monaco abode! 💑🌴 Exciting times ahead for this power couple! 🤩 Stay tuned for more juicy updates! 🔥

#RacingRoyalty #NewBeginnings #GossipBuzz


❤️ by LexiHeroux, PierreGasly, and 13m others

@CharlesLeclerc: Note to self: When your stunt woman girlfriend says she's been shopping, never assume it'll be a new pair of shoes...


CarlosSainz: ☠️

MaxVerstappen: Can I have a go? 🥺


The Mediterranean sun painted the city of Monaco with golden hues, casting a warm glow over the picturesque streets. Alexandra stood outside the luxurious apartment building, gazing up at the elegant facade with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She took a deep breath, feeling a flutter of anticipation in her chest as Charles stood beside her, a smile playing on his lips.

"Ready?" Charles asked, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

Alexandra grinned and nodded. "Absolutely. Let's do this."

Together, they walked through the grand entrance of the building, greeted by the cool air of the lobby. The concierge desk was manned by a friendly face who greeted Charles with a nod of recognition and a warm welcome to Alexandra. She couldn't help but feel a touch of unease, suddenly aware of the high-profile nature of Charles' world.

As they stepped into the elevator, Charles pressed the button for the top floor. The anticipation was building, and Alexandra's heart raced with every passing floor. When the elevator doors opened, revealing a lavish hallway adorned with artwork and elegant furnishings, she couldn't help but gasp.

"Welcome home," Charles said, his voice a soft whisper in her ear.

Alexandra's gaze drifted to him, her heart warming at his gesture. "Thank you," she replied, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

With Charles leading the way, they entered the spacious apartment. The interior was a harmonious blend of modern design and comfort, with floor-to-ceiling windows framing breathtaking views of the Monaco coastline. Alexandra's eyes widened in awe, feeling like she had stepped into a dream.

"This is incredible," she breathed, her eyes lingering on the panoramic scene.

Charles chuckled, a sense of pride evident in his expression. "I'm glad you like it."

As they began unpacking her boxes, Alexandra felt a sense of excitement building within her. This was more than just moving in with her boyfriend; it was a new chapter in her life, a fresh start in a place that was entirely new to her.

"So, how does it feel to officially move in with a Formula 1 driver?" Charles teased, glancing at her with a playful grin.

Alexandra laughed, rolling her eyes. "Oh, you're not going to let me forget that, are you?"

He shook his head, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Absolutely not."

As they organized her belongings and found places for them within the apartment, Alexandra's nerves gradually eased. Charles was a reassuring presence, his laughter and easy conversation filling the space between them.

By the time they had finished, the sun had begun to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the room. Alexandra collapsed onto the plush sofa with a contented sigh, gazing around at the new place she now called home.

"Monaco suits you," Charles commented, taking a seat beside her.

She leaned into him, a smile playing on her lips. "It's starting to feel like home already."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. "I'm glad."

As they sat together, watching the sun's final rays dance on the water, Alexandra felt a sense of gratitude wash over her. This new beginning was a chance to leave behind the pain of the past, to embrace a future filled with possibilities, and to do it all with the person who had captured her heart.

Monaco held the promise of adventure, love, and a fresh start. And as they watched the city come alive with twinkling lights, Alexandra knew that this chapter of her life was just beginning.

As the sun continued to set over the stunning cityscape of Monaco, Charles and Alexandra found themselves heading out for an unexpected adventure – a trip to the grocery store. Alexandra had a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and Charles couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"Alright, let's go shopping," he said, chuckling at her excitement.

Alexandra linked her arm with his, a playful grin on her lips. "I hope you're ready for a crash course in grocery shopping."

They strolled through the charming streets of Monaco, the sea breeze carrying a mix of scents from nearby restaurants. Charles led the way, pointing out his favorite spots along the way – the café where he liked to grab his morning coffee, the park where he enjoyed jogging, and the boutique that he frequented.

As they entered the grocery store, Alexandra's eyes widened at the array of fresh produce, exotic ingredients, and tantalizing aromas. She seemed genuinely thrilled to be embarking on this culinary adventure.

"Okay, first things first," she began, holding up a basket, "we need to stock up on the basics."

Charles raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by her determination. "Basics, huh? Let's see what you consider basics."

They navigated the aisles together, with Alexandra confidently selecting fruits, vegetables, grains, and other essentials. She explained her reasoning for each choice, and Charles found himself genuinely intrigued by her cooking knowledge.

"Alright, I admit, you're a better grocery shopper than I am," he conceded with a laugh.

As they approached the dairy section, Alexandra grinned mischievously. "Now, for the true test – do you know how to pick the perfect cheese?"

Charles pretended to ponder for a moment before pointing to a random piece of cheese. "That one looks good, right?"

Alexandra burst into laughter, shaking her head. "Close, but not quite. Let me show you."

With her guidance, he picked out a selection of cheeses that passed her inspection. They continued to fill their basket with ingredients, and by the time they headed to the checkout, it was clear that their impromptu grocery shopping had turned into a fun bonding experience.

As they left the store with their bags of ingredients, Alexandra turned to Charles with a grin. "Now, the real challenge begins – turning these ingredients into a delicious meal."

Charles mockingly saluted her. "I'm putting my faith in your culinary skills."

Back at the apartment, Alexandra wasted no time donning an apron and getting to work in the kitchen. Charles watched with amusement as she moved with confidence, chopping vegetables, seasoning meat, and effortlessly multitasking.

As the aromas of her cooking filled the air, Charles couldn't help but admire the ease with which she navigated the kitchen. Alexandra's infectious energy and passion were contagious, and he found himself thoroughly enjoying the experience.

Eventually, the dinner was ready, and they sat down to enjoy the meal Alexandra had prepared. Charles took a bite and looked at her with genuine surprise. "You weren't kidding about your cooking skills. This is amazing."

She beamed, clearly pleased with his reaction. "Told you I had it covered."

As they savored the flavors of the meal, the sun had fully set, and the city outside sparkled with lights. Charles raised his glass, a warm smile on his lips. "To new beginnings, in Monaco and in the kitchen."

Alexandra clinked her glass against his, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "To new adventures and shared meals."


The evening breeze gently rustled the leaves of the potted plants that adorned the spacious rooftop balcony of Charles' apartment. The city of Monaco sparkled below, its lights reflecting off the tranquil waters of the Mediterranean. It was a view that had amazed Alexandra, and she stood at the balcony's edge, taking it all in.

As she gazed down at the cityscape, Charles quietly slipped onto the balcony, a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hands. He watched her for a moment, captivated by the wonder in her eyes as she absorbed the breathtaking scenery.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked softly, stepping closer.

Alexandra turned to him, a radiant smile gracing her features. "Absolutely. It's even more beautiful than I imagined."

Charles set the wine bottle and glasses on a nearby table before joining her at the railing. They stood side by side, their arms brushing lightly. He poured wine into the glasses and handed one to her.

"To us," he said, raising his glass in a toast.

Alexandra clinked her glass against his, her eyes locked onto his. "To us."

They took a sip of the wine, the rich flavors mingling with the magic of the evening. Charles studied Alexandra, his gaze softening as he saw the reflection of the city lights in her eyes. She looked more at home in Monaco than he could have ever hoped for.

"It's moments like these that make all the hard work and racing worth it," Charles confessed.

Alexandra nodded in agreement. "I can see why you love it here. It's like a dream."

Charles smiled, his hand reaching for hers and gently intertwining their fingers. "You know, I've lived here for quite some time, but this city has never felt as alive as it does right now."

She met his gaze, her expression filled with warmth. "I'm glad to be here with you, Charles." Alexandra turned to him with a smile, her eyes twinkling in the ambient glow. "It's absolutely stunning. I can't believe I get to call this place home now."

They fell into a comfortable silence, the sound of the city blending with the sound of the waves. Alexandra's presence was calming, and Charles found himself feeling grateful for her companionship.

"I've never really had someone to share moments like these with," he admitted, his tone thoughtful.

She turned to him, a gentle smile on her lips. "Well, now you do."

Charles smiled back, touched by her words. "And I couldn't be happier about it."

As they continued to enjoy their wine and the mesmerizing view, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They talked about their dreams, their aspirations, and their plans for the future. The balcony seemed like a world of its own, a sanctuary where they could share their hopes and fears.

The night wore on, and they moved to a cozy seating area, where Charles pulled out his phone to play some music. The soft melodies filled the air as they leaned back in their chairs, enjoying each other's company.

Under the starlit sky and amidst the twinkling lights of Monaco, Charles and Alexandra found themselves drawn together. Their connection deepened with each passing moment, and it was clear that this rooftop rendezvous was the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their lives.

Wrapped in the cozy blanket, Charles held Alexandra close as they sat together on the balcony, the cool night air enveloping them. He could sense that something was bothering her, and he wanted to understand what weighed on her mind.

With a gentle kiss, he expressed his affection, and then he asked, "What's troubling you, Lexi?"

She looked up at him with a mixture of gratitude and sadness in her eyes. Her voice was soft but filled with sincerity as she spoke, "I just wanted to thank you, Charles. For giving me this chance at a happier life, for allowing me to move away from my past and have a fresh start here with you in Monaco."

Charles smiled, his eyes reflecting the warmth he felt for her. "Lexi, you don't have to thank me for that. I've looked forward to the day I could bring you here since we met. I just didn't expect it to be when you moved in," he said, a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Alexandra laughed softly, her eyes brightening. "True. But you know what? It feels right."

He smiled down at her, his gaze soft and sincere. "It does."

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the sounds of the city below creating a soothing backdrop. But he could tell that there was more on her mind, a weight that hadn't been fully shared.

"Alexandra," he prompted gently, "you can talk to me about anything."

"I want to tell you a story," she whispered. "My story."

Charles listened carefully to Alexandra's words, his eyes filled with understanding and a deep sense of concern. He knew that whatever she was about to share was something deeply personal and likely painful. He gently cupped her face in his hands and met her gaze with a reassuring smile.

"Alexandra, you don't have to do this if you're not ready," he said softly. "You are not defined by your past, and nothing you tell me will ever change how I feel about you. But if sharing your story will help you heal, I'm here to listen. You're incredibly strong for even considering it."

She took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of his hands against her cheeks, grounding her in the present moment. She nodded slowly, her resolve firming.

"I want to do this, Mon Amor. I want you to know everything about me, the good and the bad. I've kept this locked away for too long, and I believe that sharing it with you is a step toward healing and leaving my past behind."

Charles leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. "Then take your time, my love. I'm here for you, and I'll be here with you every step of the way."

With that reassurance, Alexandra began to share her story, recounting her past with all its pain, struggles, and triumphs. Charles listened attentively, offering his support and comfort when needed, and a reassuring presence throughout her narrative. As she spoke, the weight of her past began to lift, and she felt a sense of liberation she had never known before.

As Alexandra continued to share her story with Charles, her voice grew more fragile as she delved into the darkest chapter of her past. She recounted the horrifying night when she had rushed to her brother's aid, only to find herself trapped in a nightmare she could never have imagined. Her words trembled as she described the fear, the helplessness, and the pain she had endured that night.

As the details of the assault unfolded, Charles felt a mix of emotions swirling within him. Anger and disgust at the perpetrators who had harmed Alexandra, betrayal and resentment towards her own brother for his involvement, and deep sorrow and concern for the immense pain she had endured. His jaw clenched, and his hands involuntarily balled into fists as he imagined the cruelty inflicted upon her.

He watched as Alexandra's voice cracked, and then she broke down, her tears finally falling as the weight of her past crashed over her. His heart ached for her, and his own emotions threatened to overwhelm him. He fought to keep his own tears at bay, knowing that he needed to remain strong for her sake.

Without hesitation, Charles wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as she wept. He held her tightly, offering a safe and comforting haven in his embrace. He whispered soothing words, his voice tender and reassuring, assuring her that he was there for her and that she was not alone anymore.

As her tears slowly subsided, Alexandra looked up at Charles, her eyes red and swollen, but a glimmer of relief shining through. She saw the depth of his emotions mirrored in his eyes, the anger, the sorrow, and the genuine care he held for her.

"Charles," she choked out, her voice still shaky, "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't want you to see me differently."

Charles cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs gently wiping away her tears. "Alexandra," he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity, "I could never see you differently. You are strong, resilient, and incredibly brave. What you've been through doesn't define you – it's a part of your past, but it's not who you are."

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, his touch a comforting reassurance. "You've already come so far, and you're still here, still shining so bright. You're so strong, Mon Amor. My beautiful girl, you're so brave."

Alexandra's breath caught in her throat, overwhelmed by Charles' unwavering support and understanding. She realized that in him, she had found not only a partner but also a pillar of strength who could help her heal from the wounds of her past. As they held each other, she felt a sense of release, as if sharing her pain with him had lifted a heavy burden from her shoulders.

As Alexandra composed herself and prepared to continue her story, Charles couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – concern, empathy, and admiration for her courage. He listened intently, his gaze fixed on her as she began to speak once again. But then, just as she started, he interrupted gently, his voice filled with compassion.

"Alexandra, you don't have to relive all of this if it's too much for you," he said softly, his hand reaching out to touch hers.

She looked at him with a determined expression, her eyes shining with resolve. "No, Charles, I need to do this. I want you to know the truth, even the painful parts. It's the only way I can truly move forward."

Charles nodded, his respect for her strength growing even more. He settled back, giving her the space she needed to continue.

She began recounting the events involving her brother and Theo LaGuarde. She explained how her brother had intervened when Theo tried to touch her inappropriately while he was drunk. She shared the tension that had escalated the next day when Theo taunted her brother, igniting his anger. She paused briefly, her thoughts heavy with memories, before finding the strength to continue.

"James was struggling," she continued, her voice steady but with a hint of sadness. "Seeing me again brought back all the pain and guilt he felt. He told Lewis and Tom that he wanted to hurt Theo, to make him pay for what he had done to me."

Charles listened carefully, his heart going out to both Alexandra and her brother. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and he could sense the complex emotions that must have been tearing James apart.

Silence hung in the air for a moment as Alexandra's voice trailed off. Charles' mind began to replay the horrific F2 accident, remembering the collision between James and Theo that had resulted in Theo's tragic death.

As Charles pieced together the timeline, Alexandra's voice broke the silence again. "Theo didn't die because James intentionally hit him," she said, her voice quivering with a mix of sorrow and revelation.

Charles looked at her with confusion, his brow furrowing. "Then what happened?" he asked gently, giving her the space to share.

As Alexandra continued to open up about her painful past, she recounted the difficult moments in the hospital with James. Her voice carried the weight of those memories as she revealed the heartbreaking truth.

"When we arrived at the hospital," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "James was crying. He... he told us that he had broken his promise to stay sober." She took a deep breath, the words catching in her throat. "He admitted to taking some kind of pill before getting in the car. He was struggling with his PTSD, and he thought it would help him calm down."

Charles listened in solemn silence, his heart aching for the pain both James and Alexandra had endured.

She continued, her tone colder now, "While James didn't intentionally cause the accident, it's hard not to think that if he had been sober if he had kept his promise, things might have turned out differently. He might have been able to react better, and the accident could have been avoided."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of what might have been, the agonizing "what-ifs" that lingered in the aftermath of that tragic day. Charles could see the torment in her eyes, the guilt that had gnawed at her for so long.

"My brother is a murderer,"

As Alexandra's tears fell and her emotions overwhelmed her, Charles held her tightly, offering a comforting embrace as she released all the pain she had been holding inside for so long. He held her close, his own heart heavy with the weight of her words and the depths of her suffering.

"I'm so sorry, Alexandra," he whispered softly, his voice full of empathy. "I can't even imagine how much you've been through. But you're not alone anymore. You don't have to carry this burden by yourself."

He gently wiped away her tears, his touch tender and reassuring. "I love you," he murmured, his words sincere and heartfelt. "And I'm thankful that you told me. I want to be here for you, no matter what. You don't have to face this pain on your own."

He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, holding her tightly against him. He wanted her to feel his presence, his support, and his unwavering commitment to being there for her.

"You're not alone, Alexandra," he repeated, his voice soft but determined. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. We'll get through this together."

Her sobs gradually subsided, her shaky breaths beginning to steady as she clung to him. In Charles' arms, she felt a sense of safety and solace that she hadn't experienced in a long time. As the night went on, they remained on that rooftop balcony, wrapped in each other's embrace, facing the pain of the past while also finding comfort in the hope of a better future.

As Charles and Alexandra found solace in each other's arms, somewhere in England, Jacob Jenkins sat with Emily, his heart heavy with a longing for his children to mend their fractured relationship, to find healing and solace in each other's presence. 

Meanwhile, in Scotland, James Jenkins sat by his fireplace, clutching his AA chip as a symbol of his hard-earned sobriety, a polaroid of him and Alexandra tightly held in his other hand, tears streaming down his face as he silently celebrated the progress he had made. 

And amidst all these intertwined lives, the Heroux family, scarred by their shared history of pain and violence, remained a tapestry of shattered pieces, each one too broken to fix.

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