The Angel Next Door (Rosé X F...

By CrescentAthena

126K 6.3K 814

Y/N, a messy and irresponsible person who lacks basic cooking and self-care skills, unexpectedly comes to the... More

01: Umbrella
03: Harmless
04: Happy Birthday
05: Mommy Invasion
06: Cake
07: Cooking Lesson
08: Christmas with everyone
09: Christmas for Two
10: Power Outage
11: Happy New Year
12: Face of an Angel
13: Meet the Parents
14: Dating Rumour?
15: Sick Angel
16: Valentine's Day
17: Special Gift
18: Innocence
19: Hold me more
20: A Big Dummy
21: Trees and Butterflies
22: Bit of Intimacy
23: Stuffed Toys and Rosie
24: The angel's consent
25: Let's be friends
26: Attraction
27: Y/N, you dummy.
28: Do Anything You Say Coupon
29: Awfully Bold Rosé
30: The Date
31: The Interrogation
32: None But You
33: "A Parent's Worry and Fleeting Discomfort"
34: "The Holiday Hangover: A Troubling Foreboding"
35: "Rosie's thoughts"
36: The Risky Proposal
37: The Dream
38: Studying with Rosie
39: Enjoy The Ride
40: A Moment Before the Test
41: A Moment After the Test
42: A Reward from the Angel
43: What a Tease
44: Eyes On You
45: Those Eyes
46: What was that?
47: All Yours
48: Goodbye to my Cowardly Self
49: The Day After the Confession
50: "Burning with Adorable Jealousy"
51: Love, Teasing, and Grocery Shopping
52: Growing Closer
53: Finding Joy in the Little Things
54: Cherishing Each Other
55: Navigating Temptation
56: Kiss mark
57: Love
58: Swimwear
59: Omelette
60: Welcome Home
61: Cream Puffs
Epilogue: Lips of an Angel
Bonus: 01
Bonus: 02
Bonus: 03
Bonus: 04
Bonus: 05
Bonus: 06

02: Food

4.9K 137 7
By CrescentAthena

Word Count: 3345

Leaning against the railings of my apartment balcony, I savored the refreshing taste of the energy drink I had brought with me. The night sky stretched above, and the clouds danced gracefully, shifting and reshaping like a beautiful painting in motion.

Suddenly, a gust of wind whipped through, catching me off guard and making me jump. Startled, I turned to see Rosé peeking her head out from her side of the balcony. She had appeared out of thin air, giving me a mini heart attack.

"What are you drinking?" she asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Without tearing my gaze away from the captivating clouds, I replied, "It's a jelly drink that gives me a burst of energy in just ten seconds."

"Please don't tell me that's your dinner," she said, a hint of sarcasm lacing her words.

I couldn't help but dryly respond, "Yes, of course it is."

"A college student surviving on just a drink?" she chuckled. "Wait right there."

Rosé dashed back into her apartment, leaving me alone on the balcony. I heard the click of her bedroom door, indicating that she had shut it tight.

Shrugging my shoulders, I took another sip of my energy drink. It didn't have much taste, but it was better than going hungry.

"It's cold... she said wait. But for how long?" I muttered in annoyance, closing my eyes and sighing.

Suddenly, a doorbell rang from somewhere behind me, causing me to jolt out of my trance and spin around in surprise.

Leaving the juice carton on the balcony railing, I headed back inside to answer the door. Opening it, I found Rosé standing on the other side, holding a food container.

Her long blonde hair and pale skin stood out against the darkness of the hallway. With polite grace, she extended the container towards me and said, "It's just leftovers. Please have them."

"Thanks," I mumbled, taking the container from her as she turned to walk back to her apartment.

Closing and locking the door, I made my way to the couch and sat down. Placing the container on the coffee table, I unwrapped my blanket and draped it across my lap, snuggling into its warmth. With anticipation, I opened the lid.

Inside the plastic container, a plate of pasta filled with colorful vegetables, juicy meatballs, and a small piece of bread awaited me. The aroma of the sauce filled the room, promising a delicious meal that hadn't been reheated.

Eagerly grabbing a fork, I dug into the dish, savoring every bite. In less than five minutes, the plate was empty.

"It's so good," I said happily, wiping the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand, feeling content and satisfied.


Under the starry night sky, Rosé returned to my doorstep, this time clutching yet another delectable food container. "Consider this my personal satisfaction," she declared, her innocent eyes sparkling as she extended it to me.

"I couldn't help but notice you living a rather unfortunate lifestyle, and it bothered me," she explained, her voice filled with genuine concern.

I couldn't hide my curiosity as I examined the box in my hands. The aroma wafting from it was simply irresistible. "Well, I won't deny that it looks like a delicious meal. I'd be more than happy to accept it. Not everyone has the privilege of indulging in an angel's homemade dish," I whispered, unable to contain my gratitude.

Rosé pouted instantly, her lips forming an adorable little frown. "Please stop calling me that. Seriously."

Her serious expression caught me off guard. "Well... I won't call you that anymore. I'm sorry," I promised, feeling a warmth spreading in my chest.

A softness crept into her gaze, and she seemed somewhat pleased as she nodded. "Just promise me that you'll eat right and take care of yourself, okay?"

A warm smile graced my lips. "Okay. Thank you, Rosie."

"No problem," she replied, heading back towards her apartment. "Good night, Y/N."

I waved goodbye before retreating to my room and settling down at my desk.

"What does she think she is, my mom?" I mused, chuckling to myself.

Opening the food container, I stared at the mouthwatering meal in front of me. Taking a meatball and savoring its burst of flavor, I couldn't help but moan in delight as the warmth spread through my mouth.

Satisfied, I closed my eyes, continuing to chew slowly.

"It's absolutely delicious..."


The next morning...

Impatiently, I pressed the doorbell of Rosé's apartment and leaned against the door frame, clutching the food container tightly in my arms, hoping it wouldn't slip away.

Seconds later, the door creaked open, and there stood Rosé, peering out at me. I murmured shyly, "I'm here to return it. It was delicious," as I handed over the food container.

"Thank you for going out of your way. I see you even washed it. Good job. Please wait here," Rosé replied, her eyes fixated on me for a few seconds before she disappeared back into her apartment.

When she returned, she had another food container in her hand. "Umm... huh? No. I just came to return the container," I protested, unable to believe her persistence.

Ignoring my ramblings, Rosé extended the food container to me. "This is for tonight's dinner."

"I get that, but...." I trailed off, unsure of how to decline her generous offer.

"Let me ask this just in case, but do you have any food allergies? I won't change my recipes according to your favorites," she inquired, her cute lips forming a frown as she spoke with a serious tone.

"I don't... But I can't accept your dish again," I admitted, scratching my neck in embarrassment.

"I make too much for myself. I'd appreciate if you could accept it," she insisted, her unwavering gaze locked onto mine.

"If that's the case, I'm happy to help. People usually get the wrong ideas if you do this though," I warned, my nerves getting the best of me.

"You think so?" Rosé raised an eyebrow, her face wearing a blank expression.

"W...well, I guess not really," I stammered, chuckling nervously.

Rosé shook her head before replying, "Then it's not a problem, right? Please excuse me."

With that, she closed the door in my face, and I let out a heavy sigh. I wasn't quite sure how to feel about someone showering me with food like this, especially someone as stunning and intelligent as Rosé. She was popular, after all.

Since then...

the next day...

and the next day...

and the day after that...

Rosé continued to surprise me with containers filled to the brim with mouthwatering meals.

My life was turning into a whirlwind of deliciousness and unexpected generosity.


I sat by the window in the grand University building, peering outside through the transparent glass pane. The hustle and bustle of passersby caught my attention, each one walking with their heads slightly lowered, doing their best to ignore the presence of others while remaining aware of their surroundings.

Beside me, Jennie sat closely, her eyes fixed on the scene with an expression that mirrored my own.

"Hey, Jennie. Do I really look like I'm on the brink of collapse?" I asked, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

She glanced at me, raising an eyebrow before responding, "You do. You're pale and thin, and you give off this air of absolute lethargy. It's like your face is screaming, 'I'm unhealthy!'"

I frowned at her answer, playfully nudging her shoulder. "Well, sorry for being born with this face."

Jennie's feline eyes twinkled mischievously as she smiled back at me. "I know, but maybe you could try looking a little more alive? Just a suggestion."

"I see. So, I have a dead look on my face, huh?" I remarked with a touch of sarcasm.

"Yup! But you know what? Lately, you've been looking better. Have you changed your diet or something?" Her voice held a teasing tone, her laughter barely concealed.

My heart raced. Did she know?

Feeling a wave of anxiety, I nervously averted my gaze to my feet.

"J-Jennie, you're scaring me," I stuttered, my voice barely audible.

She chuckled quietly, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Why is that? Do you mean my hunch was right?"

I hesitated for a moment, then sighed, unable to hide the truth any longer. "Well... I guess... I was sort of forced to change my ways."


The grocery store buzzed with people hurrying about, their arms laden with bags as they desperately searched for their desired items before they vanished from the shelves.

I wandered aimlessly through the aisles, in search of something edible, until a sudden movement caught my eye.

There she was, holding a carton of eggs. My heart skipped a beat as my gaze met hers.

What impeccable timing.

Rosé's lustrous, long blonde hair perfectly complemented her deep brown eyes, which sparkled against her porcelain complexion. Her soft, lengthy lashes seemed to darken her gaze, adding a touch of mystery.

Our eyes locked, and I watched as a rosy blush spread across her cheeks when she realized I was looking at her.

Without breaking eye contact, I moved closer to her and mumbled, "Just so you know, I'm not following you or anything. I just happened to be here by chance."

She responded in a quiet voice, her eyes fixed on a 40% off promotional sign dangling from a bottle of cooking oil, " to one bottle per customer."

Her grip on the carton tightened as a thought crossed her mind, her gaze shooting daggers at me. She turned away, not uttering a word.

"Need me to grab one for you?" I offered, pointing at the discounted price tag hanging from her arm.

Taking a deep breath, she turned back to face me. "I'm glad you read my mind."

A small smile crept onto my face as I picked up one bottle of cooking oil, placing it into my own basket. "You're more frugal than I expected."

"Money saved is money earned," Rosé stated matter-of-factly, her gaze serious as she looked at me.

"Oh," I began, studying another brand on the carton, "Well, that's a smart move if you're relying on an allowance from your parents."

She glanced down at the ground, her voice becoming barely audible as she replied, "I suppose so. I depend on their support, so it's crucial to be mindful of my spending."

Her words carried a weight of meaning, causing a slight tightening in my chest. I swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of my own financial situation bear down on me.

" seems like you're incredibly independent. Is it tough?" I asked cautiously.

She murmured softly, "I guess. However... in your case, you seem to have little concern for money. I'm surprised you haven't fallen into debt by now."

Her words stung, their honesty cutting through the air. And yet, she remained sweet and kind to everyone at school. Except me.


I graciously accepted her grocery bag once we finished paying, trying to be helpful. Curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she questioned my motives, "Why are you carrying that?"

I assured her calmly, "I'm not stealing it or anything."

She wasn't concerned about theft, insisting, "I can carry that much just fine."

"In a situation like this, accepting my help would only enhance your charm," I replied, maintaining eye contact.

Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she cleared her throat, "You're making it sound like I'm not charming at all."

Ignoring her comment, I continued walking towards the exit. Casually smirking, I added, "You wouldn't want anyone to see us together, right?"

Before she could respond, I swiftly exited the door and made my way to my apartment.


In the days that followed...

The doorbell interrupted my attempt to clean up the mess in my apartment.

I hurriedly stumbled over a few boxes before opening the door to see a perplexed Rosé standing before me.

"Excuse me, I'm here for yesterday's container," she trailed off, her gaze catching sight of the sweat on my forehead from running to answer the door. "What are you doing?"

"I was trying to clean up this place," I panted, wiping the perspiration off my brow.

She glanced inside my room, noticing the chaos, and then looked back at me. "I just heard a very loud noise."

"I nearly tripped and died," I admitted.

She glanced once again at the messy apartment, her eyes returning to mine. "That doesn't surprise me. It looks like you haven't even started cleaning."

"Yeah," I shrugged, trying not to show my discomfort. I couldn't concentrate after accidentally locking eyes with her, causing me to break into a sweat. "To be honest, I don't know where to start."

Determination flickered across her innocent face. "Let me help you clean the room. I can't stand the thought of living next to a dump. Living on your own is no joke. Especially for someone like you."

Never in my life had I felt so judged in such a short span of time. What was wrong with her?

She had just called my apartment a dump.

So savage.

Dealing yet another blow to my ego, she added, "This wouldn't have happened if you had cleaned regularly."

Reluctantly, I had to admit she was right.

"You're absolutely right."


As she tied her blonde hair into a ponytail, tucking some strands behind her ear, I couldn't help but stare. She wore a white sweater with a light blue skirt and black leggings. I marveled at how well-coordinated she looked.

Grabbing the vacuum cleaner, she turned to face me, a stern expression on her face. "Just a warning, we're going to clean this place thoroughly."

"I know."

"Let's get started then. I won't settle for anything less than spotless."

She began instructing me non-stop as we embarked on our cleaning mission.

"...Tie up all the magazines you don't need..."

"...Break down the cardboard and stack it up..."

"...Separate the plastic bottles and their caps..."

"...Cleaning starts from the top. Put all the dirty laundry in the basket for now..."

Rosé was about to clean the top of the air conditioning unit when she slipped on a shirt lying on the floor, losing her balance.

I rushed over, catching her before she could fall. Her arms instinctively wrapped around my neck as our bodies collided.

A wave of heat surged through me as I felt her pressed against me. I fought to push away any thoughts about what this might mean.

Her breath tickled my skin as she murmured, "Y/N... this is exactly why we're cleaning this place."

"I... I apologize... should we continue cleaning?"

"Sure, let's," she replied, releasing me slowly and stepping aside to let me start mopping the floor.


It was almost dawn when we finished cleaning. My apartment finally looked decent. No more dirty clothes on the floor, no empty bottles thrown in the rubbish bin, and everything was sparkling clean.

I was feeling really good about everything that day. Maybe it was because I found someone who cares about me and was willing to help me.

"It's all clean. Never thought it would take us a whole day." Rosé said sarcastically while shaking her head with a smirk.

"That's because this place was a pigsty." I murmured defensively while crossing my arms.

"You're the one who did it." She pointed out and I felt another arrow shoot through my ego.

"So true. I don't feel like going shopping now. Let's order pizza for dinner."

She looked hesitant before eventually saying, "All right, pizza it is."

After ordering a pizza, I decided to change into something more comfortable while Rosé changed too, taking off her sweater and replacing it with a simple white dress.

We now sat in my apartment. Staring at the hot pizza sitting between us.

She gazed at it curiously, "So... this is a delivery pizza."

"You've never ordered delivery before? Are you parents strict when it comes to food?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"We had a housekeeper that cooked for us."

"A housekeeper? You must be pretty rich."

She nodded slowly, biting her lip slightly before placing her hands in front of her, "I suppose so. We're fairly well off."


She must not be used to eating junk food.

"I'm not sure if it will measure up to what you ate, but go ahead and dig in." I gestured towards the large plate with the pizza slices stacked high.

I watched as she hesitatingly picked up the pizza slice and began to bite it slowly.

The satisfied expression she wore made me smile faintly. It seemed like I have accomplished something today.

I couldn't tear my eyes away as her brown gaze locked with mine. A smile tugged at the corners of her beautiful face, and my heart skipped a beat.

"What's on your mind?" Her voice was soft, and I could feel the warmth radiating from her eyes.

My heart fluttered as I gazed into her warm gaze. "Nothing, really. You just look like you're really enjoying yourself."

"Please don't stare at me like that." A light blush dusted her cheeks, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"You know, you really don't have any charm," I teased playfully.

She responded with a slight frown. "I'm perfectly fine with that."

She's such an enigma. At school, she's sweet and nice to everyone, but with me, she's her true self - honest and unfiltered.

"I guess that's okay. I'm more comfortable with the Rosie who hangs out with me here than the one at school. I prefer this side of you." I confessed, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"You mean the side without charm?" She shot me a playful glare, causing me to chuckle.

"Are we still on that topic?" I raised an eyebrow, amusement lacing my voice. "Even if you're a bit unfriendly, I find it easier to approach you when you're honest about your feelings."

She paused for a moment before replying, "Is the way I act at school really that bad?"

"It's not about that. But don't you ever get tired of putting on that act all the time?" I asked cautiously.

She shook her head. "Not really. I've been like this since I was little." Her gaze shifted away from mine.

Her words hit me hard, striking a chord deep within my heart.

After a long silence, I finally found the courage to speak up. "That's tough, isn't it? Well, isn't it nice to have a place or a person where you can just relax?"

She took a deep breath before answering, "I can't relax at all when I'm around you. You always manage to keep me on my toes with just a look."

I couldn't help but admire her brutal honesty.

"I'm sorry about that," I replied sincerely.

Her smile softened. "Don't apologize. I was just teasing."


Rosé stepped out of my apartment, ready to call it a day. "Thanks for the dinner."

"Can I ask you something?" I blurted out, stopping her in her tracks.

She turned slightly, crossing her arms. "What is it, Y/N?"

"What do you gain from cooking for me every day?" I asked cautiously.

"Self-satisfaction. It's not a big deal, really. I just enjoy cooking for others. I like that you appreciate my meals without any ulterior motives. And, I get worried when you're not eating well. So, mostly self-satisfaction," she explained.

A warm feeling blossomed within me as her words sank in. "Is that so?"

"It is. So, consider yourself lucky and enjoy it." She smiled, her lips curling into a cute little grin.

I returned the smile, my heart feeling lighter. "Alright."

"Well, goodbye then." She waved goodbye as she walked away.

I stood there, watching her figure disappear into the distance. My smile faded, but a sense of anticipation lingered in the air. Is that really it?

And that's how...

my life with the angel began.

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