A Twisted Tale- (EJ x Jeff)

By Strange_Ness

8.2K 261 182

When Jeff is sent out to collect the new resident for the mansion, weird stuff happens. - Language! -Murder... More

Prologue- Jeff's story
-Supply run-
-Evening pt.1-
-Evening pt.2-
-Evening pt.3-
-Late-Night Happenings-
-The Morning After-
Authors Note
-Next Day-
-Target (in more ways than one)-


127 3 10
By Strange_Ness


TW: SH scar mentions

Word count: 1117 :D


Jack groaned and rolled over, feeling the sharp stab of a stick as he did so. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. The ashes from last nights fire had been blown away by the wind along with his mask. Jack stood up and retrieved it, glancing around. Jeff was gone. His bag was gone. The camp was desolate.


Oh no, your little friend is gone. How sad.

Shut up.

Jack put his mask on and began walking around the camp site, searching for any unnatural broken branches or signs of a fight. Suddenly, he heard a crack from above. Looking up into the trees, he saw Jeff's crouched form. Blue eyes met black ones and Jeff raised a finger to his lips in a "sshh" gesture. Jack tilted his head quizzically. Jeff motioned for Jack to climb up the tree as well. Jack, still confused, scaled the tree trunk and settled next to Jeff whispering: "What the fuck man-"

Jeff clamped a hand over his mouth. "Shh."

Jack made a muffled noise of protest while Jeff whispered again: "I think someone's following us."

Jack turned his head and made another noise, Jeffs hand still over his mouth.

"I know. Weird right? We've been very inconspicuous."

Jack mumbled again.

"I do know big words, shut the fuck up."

Jack grabbed Jeff's wrist and tore his hand away from his mouth. "How do you know someones following us?"

"I have really good hearing. Plus I didn't sleep so I could hear them stomping around like a damn dinosaur."

"And you dont know who it is?"

Jeff stared blankly at Jack. "Yes I know exactly who it is."


"You asked a dumb question so I'm giving you a dumb answer."

The crack of a branch startled both of them. A hushed voice from down below muttered: "Be quiet."

Another voice that sounded more like a mixture of barks and growls than actual speech said: "'M trying, 'ts harder than you think."

Jeff froze, his eyes widening.

"What," Jack asked. "do you know them or something?"

Jeff whispered, his voice tight and small. "You could say that...."

The two voices came into view. One, the first voice, was a tall boy with shaggy brown hair down to his shoulders that looked like it hadn't been cut for years. He wore a black jacket and a navy-blue/gray striped scarf. His voice was soft and melodic, but with dark offputting tones. The second voice belonged to a scruffy brown and red dog that pattered alongside the boy. Jeff gulped as he took in the sight. Jack poked his arm. "Jeff? Do you know them?"

The boy turned and locked his emerald green eyes with Jeffs, the early morning light illuminating the deep scars along his face and hands. The boy grinned devilishly as Jeff spoke. "Thats- Thats my older brother: Liu."

Damn, Jack thought. He's kinda hot.

Liu snapped his fingers and the dog looked up, a giant toothy grin plastered onto its face. It bounded toward the tree and climbed up in seconds. Jeff pushed Jack over, "Go, go, go!"

"Where??" Jack struggled, and grabbed onto an upper branch, pulling himself up.

"I don't know, just go! I'll hold them off." Jeff pulled out his knife and motioned towards the grinning beast.

The dog snarled: "Why so courageous? Why not turn and run and leave like you left Liu?"

Jeff bared his teeth. "That was a long time ago."

"And you still think you can change?"

"Smile-" The dog lunged at Jeff. He dodged and sliced Smile's tough flesh. The dog howled in pain but turned around and sunk its teeth into Jeff's arm. He shook Smile off and kicked him off the branch, sending him hurtling towards the ground 30 feet below. Jeff stifled a sob as he watched his old friend and companion hit the forest floor with a thud, but there was no time to mourn. Jack was already in another tree, waiting for Jeff. He looked back at Liu running to Smiles' side and jumped to the next tree. "C'mon, we need to book it."

"Huh." Jack furrowed his eyebrows behind the mask.

"Jump and run." Jeff jumped down 15 feet, landing on some soft dirt and started sprinting away, Jack close behind.

They ran for what felt like hours, the sun was starting to set by now.

"Jeff, I think we lost them." Jack panted and touched Jeffs arm.

"You're-You're probably right." Jeff slowed and almost fell over. His arm was still bleeding badly.

"Oh shit man, we need to get you patched up." Jack led Jeff over to a tree and sat him down, picking up the backpack. Smile had bitten him high, between his shoulder and elbow. Jack reached to pull Jeffs hoodie off, but he winced away and smacked Jack's hand.

"Dude, this could be infected. I need to bandage it up. Quit whining, you're in shape to protest." Jack pulled the bloodstained hoodie off and tossed it on the ground. "Your T-shirt is in the way, I need to ither cut it, or remove it."

Jeff grinned. "Take me to dinner first, damn."

Jack rolled his eyes and tugged Jeff's shirt off. His pale chest was littered with deep scars, some white, others purple. His arms were no better with more jagged scars varying in length.

Jesus, what happened?

Jack filed it away to ask Jeff later. He stitched up the wound, wrapping it in fresh bandages. "Do you have any spare shirts?" Jeff shook his head. "Well shit, I can't put you back in that bloody mess of clothing...." Jack pulled off his own hoodie and handed it to Jeff. "Here, put this on."

Jeff grumbled but did as he was told, acting a little bit woozy.

Jack nodded and settled down next to Jeff. "Get some sleep, its late and they'll probably be closer tomorrow, so you'll need your energy."

"Its cold though." Jeff complained.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Jack rolled his eyes again and sharply inhaled when he felt Jeff's skinny arms wrap around his waist. "Um, Jeff?"

Jeff had fallen asleep.

"Really dude? I stop talking for 5 seconds and you pass out?"

Jack sighed and soon followed suit, falling into a deep sleep.


A/N: OMG FINALLYYY took me long enough T-T anyways, I'm very tired now, its quite late but I will do my best to update tomorrow as well. I love you all, thank you for the support!!

Q: Whats your favorite movie genre?

A: Probably horror el o el

Thanks for reading!

- C 

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