Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

361K 8K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


2K 40 0
By tonysnarky


The vibrant atmosphere of the Canadian Grand Prix paddock welcomed Alexandra and Tom as they arrived, anticipation and excitement coursing through their veins. They navigated the bustling scene, the hum of engines and the chatter of fans forming a backdrop to their journey.

Amidst the crowd, Alexandra's path crossed with Valtteri Bottas, the new addition to the Mercedes team. The introductions were brief, a polite exchange of words and smiles before they moved on. As they finally spotted Lewis in the midst of the activity, Alexandra's apprehension surfaced.

With a warm hug, Alexandra greeted Lewis, her unease subtly evident in her demeanor. She leaned in, speaking softly, "It's weird being back here, you know? Before, I was just your friend. Now, I'm that girl from the movies."

Lewis's embrace was reassuring, and he responded with empathy, "You don't have to be here if it makes you uncomfortable."

She shrugged off his concern, a small smile playing at her lips as she slipped on a pair of sunglasses and cheekily stole Lewis's baseball cap. "Nah, I'm good. Just gonna lay low this weekend, and stay out of everyone's way. Avoid the cameras."

Both Lewis and Tom agreed with a nod, understanding her need for a more subdued presence. As the trio exchanged thoughts and plans for the weekend, Alexandra voiced her intention to slip away to the canteen for a drink.

Lewis and Tom offered to accompany her, but Alexandra declined with a grin. "Nah, you guys would only draw more attention. I'll be back in a bit."

With a wave, she departed, disappearing into the vibrant scene, her steps guided by a mix of nostalgia, uncertainty, and a desire for a sense of normalcy in the whirlwind of fame and racing.

At the Mercedes canteen, Alexandra's presence seemed to blend into the background of the bustling paddock. She grabbed a bottle of water and made her way outside, choosing a small table and chairs that offered a view of the surrounding activity. She settled into her seat, the sun warming her skin and the soft hum of conversations creating a comforting backdrop.

Her gaze wandered, taking in the ebb and flow of people in the paddock. She observed the intricacies of the racing world, a mix of nostalgia and unfamiliarity weaving through her thoughts. Among the various garages and teams, her attention was drawn to the Ferrari garage, where familiar faces caught her eye.

Sebastian Vettel, an old family friend, was engaged in conversation with Kimi Räikkönen and a group of engineers. Through the lenses of her sunglasses, she watched as Seb's gaze shifted momentarily in her direction. His expression held a hint of recognition, a brief pause that suggested he was questioning the familiarity.

As he returned to his conversation, Alexandra felt a pang of guilt wash over her. She remembered the kindness and camaraderie she had shared with Seb over the years, and now, she was concealed behind a facade of unfamiliarity. The weight of her choice to remain incognito settled heavily on her shoulders.

She took a sip of her water, her thoughts a swirl of conflicting emotions. The decision to distance herself from those she once knew well felt necessary for her own healing, yet it came at the cost of the connections she had cherished. With a sigh, she continued to observe the paddock, grappling with the complexities of her past and the path she had chosen to forge ahead.

As Alexandra's thoughts swirled, the atmosphere around her seemed to shift. Familiar laughter drifted towards her from the side of the paddock, causing her to tense up. A sense of dread washed over her as she realized the source of the laughter – James.

Her heart raced as James emerged into her view, accompanied by another F2 racer. She watched in paralyzed apprehension as he paused upon spotting her, the connection between them momentarily frozen in time. With a mumbled excuse, his companion walked away, leaving James standing there, torn between his own emotions and the impulse to approach her.

Silence hung heavy in the air as James pondered his next move, his gaze fixed on his sister. Uncertainty flickered across his features, mirroring the complexity of the situation. The decision seemed to weigh heavily on him as if he was navigating a maze of emotions and choices.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alexandra offered a silent gesture, a beckoning movement that cut through the tension. James took a hesitant step forward, his movements cautious as he approached the table. He took a seat opposite her, the space between them brimming with a lifetime of history, both joyous and painful.

Alexandra's sunglasses were perched low on her nose, allowing James a glimpse of her eyes. He watched as her body trembled ever so slightly, a subtle sign of the fear that still gripped her. Seeing her vulnerability, his heart ached, a potent mixture of regret, guilt, and a deep desire to mend what was broken.

They remained locked in silence, the distance between them filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. As Alexandra's gaze met James's, the fractures of their relationship were painfully visible, a testament to the wounds that had yet to heal. At that moment, as her shivers betrayed her silent fear, James's resolve wavered, and the weight of his own remorse bore down upon him once again.

The silence was heavy, a tangible force that enveloped them both. Alexandra's voice was barely more than a whisper, choked with emotion, as she finally broke the quiet with a question that hung heavy in the air. "How... how are you, James?"

His initial response was a firm attempt at reassurance, his voice steady, but the weight of his emotions made his words falter. His gaze dropped for a moment, battling the emotions that surged within him. Then, as if shifting the focus away from himself, he spoke, his voice gaining more stability as he diverted the conversation. "I've been watching your movies and interviews. You're... you're an incredible actress."

A small smile of gratitude curved on her lips, and she thanked him softly, her eyes momentarily meeting his before skittering away. She, too, had her own shield to bear, an armor she used to protect herself from the past.

As they exchanged words, the tension in the air was palpable, heavy with unspoken truths. He mentioned keeping up with her races, noticing the absence of affirmation that she had watched them. It was a quiet realization of her struggle, of her inability to face the world he inhabited. He understood the depth of her pain, how hard it was for her to reconcile with the brother who had once been her hero.

He ventured to offer her an out, suggesting that he could step aside from the weekend if it would help her find peace. The option hung in the air, his willingness to sacrifice his own aspirations evident. She considered it, the weight of the choice evident on her face, before she finally responded, her words tinged with a mix of courage and vulnerability. "No, don't. I'm trying... I'm trying my best to move on."

Her voice wavered, and a tear glistened in her eye, breaking free to trace a path down her cheek. His instinct was to reach out, to offer comfort, but he hesitated as memories of her flinching away from him flashed in his mind. He retreated slightly, giving her the space she needed as she collected herself.

With a determination that held a touch of sadness, he leaned forward, his voice a promise of understanding and safety. "You're safe now, Lexi."

As a tear escaped her, her confession echoed in the quiet space between them, a poignant acknowledgment of the scars that had marred their shared past. The truth laid bare, she admitted, "I can't remember ever feeling safe around my brother."

Their eyes met, a poignant connection forged in that moment, the weight of their shared history resonating in their gaze. And as the breeze swept through the paddock, carrying the echoes of the past and the whispers of a fragile reconciliation, they both carried a hope that maybe, just maybe, they could begin to rebuild what had been shattered.

James's voice was gentle, laced with remorse and vulnerability. "Lexi, I am so sorry... for everything. I never meant for any of this to happen."

Alexandra's gaze remained fixed on her hands, her fingers fidgeting with a napkin. "I know you didn't, James. But the pain... It's been so hard to let go."

He reached across the table, his hand stopping midway before retreating back. "I understand. I don't deserve your forgiveness."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked up at him. "Maybe... maybe forgiveness can come with time."

James nodded, the weight of his own guilt still etched on his features. 

"Take care, Lexi," James said softly, his gaze holding a mixture of sadness and hope.

Alexandra managed a weak smile, her voice tinged with both uncertainty and warmth. "You too, James."

After he left, her chest felt heavy, the remnants of their conversation stirring up emotions that had been suppressed for so long. With a deep breath, she excused herself from the table, hurriedly making her way to the nearest restroom.

Inside the bathroom, the fluorescent lights seemed too harsh, casting an unrelenting glow. She leaned against the sink, gripping the edges tightly, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The memories of the past, the fear, and the pain, all surged back with a vengeance.

She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself, but the panic attack was relentless. Her heart raced as her mind seemed to spiral, and a wave of nausea washed over her. Her hand clutched her stomach as she doubled over, retching into the toilet.

Tears mingled with the harsh fluorescent light, her body shaking uncontrollably as the panic attack took hold. It felt like an eternity as she struggled to regain control, her mind racing with memories and fears that had been stirred up by the unexpected encounter with her brother.

Eventually, the panic began to subside, leaving behind a deep exhaustion. She leaned back against the wall, her chest heaving, her body still trembling. It was a stark reminder of the scars that still lingered beneath the surface, the wounds that hadn't fully healed.

She splashed some water on her face, willing herself to steady her breathing. The reflection in the mirror showed a face etched with vulnerability and traces of lingering fear. She knew that healing wasn't linear, and that progress would come with setbacks, but she was determined to keep moving forward.

With a final deep breath, she pushed herself away from the sink and stepped out of the bathroom, her steps shaky but resolute.

"Get your shit together, Lexi." 


As Alexandra navigated through the paddock, the echoes of her earlier conversation with James still lingered in her mind. The encounter had left her feeling both emotionally drained and exposed, making her acutely aware of her vulnerability. Lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't notice the approaching figure until he was right in front of her.

"Hey there, beautiful," the F2 driver greeted with a flirtatious grin, his tone dripping with confidence.

Alexandra's discomfort was evident, her attempt at a polite smile faltering as she looked at him. She shifted uncomfortably, her guard instinctively going up.

But before the situation could escalate further, a voice cut through the tension. "Fuck off, leave her alone."

The F2 driver's attempts at charming her quickly dissolved as Kimi's presence loomed, his typically aloof demeanor carrying an air of authority. He muttered something under his breath and retreated, leaving Alexandra in a state of relief and gratitude.

"Thanks," she murmured, a small smile playing at her lips as she looked up at Kimi.

Kimi merely shrugged, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement. "No problem."

Just as Alexandra turned to make her escape, Kimi's hand closed around her arm, gently but firmly. Startled, she looked at him, finding herself pulled aside and hidden from the prying eyes of the paddock behind a large equipment box.

Leaning in, his voice dropped to a whisper, his words directed at her and her alone. "You're Camille's daughter, aren't you?"

Alexandra's heart skipped a beat, her instincts urging her to deny it. "I don't know what you're talking about," she replied, her voice shaky.

Kimi's gaze was unwavering, his eyes seeming to see beyond the facade she tried to uphold. "I see the resemblance."

She attempted to deflect again, but the weight of his scrutiny seemed to pierce through her defenses. It was as if he had a sixth sense, an ability to read between the lines.

With a resigned shrug, he finally relented. "Fine, keep your secrets. Just be careful, alright? And enjoy the race."

As she walked away, the encounter with Kimi left a lingering sense of curiosity and a dose of reality. He was right, after all—her past was a part of her, whether she acknowledged it or not. And as his muttered words reached her ears, she couldn't help but smile wryly at his assessment.

"That girl is a magnet for trouble."

Walking away from their brief exchange, Alexandra carried with her a reminder that even in the whirlwind of the paddock, there were those who saw beyond the surface and recognized the threads that connected her to her past. And as the engines roared and the anticipation of the race filled the air, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises this weekend held in store.


The party was alive with pulsating music and vibrant conversations, the atmosphere buzzing with energy. Amidst the swirling crowd, Alexandra found herself at the bar, leaning against it with a drink in hand. Lewis and Tom were by her side, engaged in their own animated discussion. It was a night of celebration, of letting loose and forgetting the weight of the world.

As the drinks flowed and the night wore on, Alexandra felt herself growing more and more relaxed. She'd exchanged a few words with some of the drivers earlier, but for the most part, she had kept to herself, content in her corner of the world.

Turning to Tom, she chuckled at something he said, their laughter mingling with the music. As they finished another round of drinks, Alexandra excused herself and made her way back to the bar.

It was there that she felt a presence beside her, and she turned to see the familiar face of the F2 driver who had approached her earlier in the paddock. Her heart sank as she realized that he was the same guy who had tried to flirt with her relentlessly.

She offered a polite smile, her guard up as she tried to subtly distance herself from him. But he seemed undeterred, stepping closer and engaging her in conversation. His attempts at charm were blatant, his words dripping with insincerity.

Unsure of how to extricate herself from the situation, Alexandra found herself trapped in an awkward exchange. She glanced around, hoping for some kind of rescue, but Lewis and Tom were too far away to notice her discomfort.

His advances grew bolder, and her attempts to steer the conversation away from flirtation were met with persistent advances. Her patience waned, and finally, she spoke up with a firm tone. "Look, I'm really not interested. Can you please just leave me alone?"

The F2 driver's expression shifted from his attempts at charm to one of irritation. He seemed to take offense at her rejection, his frustration evident. He reached out toward her, his fingers curling as if to grab her arm.

"Listen, bitch-,"

In that instant, her body tensed, and her heart raced. Memories of Jackson's menacing presence flooded her mind, the fear and helplessness resurfacing. Without thinking, she flinched away from the F2 driver, her movements instinctive.

The F2 driver seemed taken aback by her reaction, his anger momentarily replaced by confusion. Alexandra's breath caught as she forced herself to stand her ground, her eyes locked onto his.

"Leave. Me. Alone," she said, her voice steady despite the tremor in her chest.

Amid the chaos of the party, Alexandra's patience had worn thin, and her survival instincts kicked in. As the F2 driver made another attempt to touch her, she reacted without hesitation. With a forceful push, she sent him stumbling backward, her voice rising as she demanded that he back off.

The commotion drew the attention of those nearby, but before the situation could escalate further, James appeared like a guardian angel. With a fierce determination, he stepped in and knocked the F2 driver back to the ground, his expression hardened and intimidating.

His attention quickly shifted to his sister, and he tried to reach out to her. "Lexi, are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

But her response was laced with the bitterness of alcohol. "Just leave me alone," she slurred, her words heavy and laden with emotion.

Lewis rushed over, a mixture of worry and anger flashing in his eyes as he assessed the scene. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice firm.

Lewis swiftly arrived at her side, his protective instincts kicking in as he asked what had transpired. James quickly explained that he had witnessed the F2 driver trying to grab Alexandra, his tone suggesting a dangerous undertone.

The hollow sound of Alexandra's laughter cut through the tense air, the bitterness in her voice palpable. She turned her gaze towards James, her words heavy with the weight of years of pain and anger. "Your fault," she began, her words slurring together. "Terrified... of being touched."

The realization of the impact of his actions hit James like a punch to the gut. His face went pale as he struggled to comprehend the depth of his sister's pain. She continued her words pouring out with a raw honesty that left him stunned. "I get...nightmares...every time I close my eyes... everything... you put me through."

Lewis's presence became a reassuring anchor as he gently guided Alexandra away from the scene, his protective arm around her. He shot James a look that spoke volumes – an unspoken apology for what had transpired and a silent plea for him to give her the space she needed.

Amidst the echoes of the party, the shattered fragments of their relationship hung heavy in the air. 

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