Unexpected love* KSI x Reader*

By SidemenFanFiction20

325 10 6

"Why I've always been Invisible" I said letting the tears fall from my face "not true" He said walking toward... More

Golden Hour Sweat
Start of Something New
Things change
A Bright New Day
Is It Worth It?
New Friends, Old Problems
Mixed Emotions
Unexpected Discoveries
will you?
The Party
The Better boy

1st Day for Chaos

23 1 2
By SidemenFanFiction20

Simon felt a pang of curiosity mixed with a tinge of concern as he saw the hesitant expression on Y/N's face. His ocean blue eyes locked onto hers, conveying a silent support, encouraging her to speak her truth. The sounds of the bustling hallway seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them in their own little world, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

As the sound of the school bell filled the hallway, it punctuated the air with a sense of urgency. Y/N and Simon exchanged a quick glance, their unspoken words hanging between them like a fragile thread. The polished marble floors, glimmering under the soft glow of the hallway lights, seemed to beckon them forward, their footsteps echoing with a sense of finality.

Simon leaned in slightly, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Is something bothering you, Y/N? You can tell me, you know."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Simon's compassionate tone, her emotions dancing like delicate butterflies within her chest. She took a deep breath, mustering the courage to share her secret with him, knowing that he was someone she could trust.

Their moment interrupted by the arrival of Jess and Lucy, their thoughts and emotions were momentarily suspended, like an unfinished melody. Jess, with her medium light brown hair cascading down her shoulders, approached Y/N with a knowing smile, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. Meanwhile, Lucy stood by her side, her doe-like brown eyes filled with warmth and concern.

As Jess and Lucy approached, a wave of relief washed over Y/N, grateful for the support of her two best friends. The polished marble floors beneath their feet seemed to echo with a sense of camaraderie, as if they were a united front ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Hey, Y/N! What's going on?" Jess asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"um nothing we were just about to head to class, right" Y/N said glancing at Simon.

Y/N glanced at Simon, her heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. She could feel the weight of Jess and Lucy's expectant gazes upon her, their presence amplifying the intensity of the moment. The polished marble floors seemed to gleam in the soft glow of the hallway lights, mirroring the uncertainty that swirled within Y/N's mind.

Simon nodded at Y/N's words, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Simon's gaze lingered on Y/N for a moment before he turned his attention to Jess and Lucy. His voice carried a sense of warmth and genuine interest as he greeted them. "Hey, Jess. Lucy. How was your summer break?"

Jess interlaced her arm with Y/N's, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, you know, the usual. Adventures, late-night movie marathons, and plenty of ice cream.

Jess giggled, her laughter carrying a melodious note that filled the air like a gentle breeze. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, reflecting the allure of her adventurous spirit. Lucy, standing by her side, arched an eyebrow playfully, a subtle challenge hidden in her gaze. Her eyes, full of warmth and understanding, held a depth that betrayed the wisdom of her tender years.

"Oh, you two are always up to something," Simon remarked, his voice laced with amusement.

"Always," Jess replied with a playful grin. "But enough about us. What's been happening with you, Simon? Any exciting adventures?"

Simon chuckled, glancing at Y/N before answering. "Oh, you know me. Just the usual Football practices and hanging out with these guys," he gestured towards Luke, who had been standing silently, observing the conversation.

Luke flashed a lopsided grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Yeah, same old stuff.

"Luke, I swear I saw someone kicking the Football yesterday," Lucy piped up, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and curiosity. Her words hung in the air, weaving a web of intrigue that seemed to capture everyone's attention. The polished marble floors beneath their feet seemed to shimmer with anticipation, as if eagerly awaiting Luke's response.

Luke's eyes lit up at Lucy's comment, a glimmer of excitement dancing within their depths.

"well sorry to cut this short, but we have to get to class, Professor will have our asses" Jess chimed in grabbing the two girl's hands as they walked away from the two boys.

As Y/N, Jess, and Lucy were led away by the insistent pull of responsibility and academics, their hurried footsteps resonated through the ornate hallways of the school, the click of their shoes blending harmoniously with the soft rustling of their clothing. The air seemed to crackle with energy, as if charged with the frenetic buzz of youthful enthusiasm.

"so what was that about Lad" Luke smirked at Simon.

"Ah, you know how it is, Luke," Simon replied with a nonchalant shrug. "Just trying to survive another day in this glamorous high school life."

Luke's eyes flickered with amusement, a glint of mischief shining through. He leaned against the lockers, his tall frame casting a shadow on the polished marble floors beneath him. "Surviving, huh?

Luke smirked and crossed his arms, his confident posture exuding an air of playful arrogance. "Well, surviving is for the weak, my friend. We were born to thrive in this high school jungle."

"Ah, the eternal optimist," Simon chuckled, his voice tinged with amusement. "But let's be real, Luke. High school is no walk in the park."

The boys made their way to their classroom already knowing their late.


Y/N, Lucy, and Jess settled into their seats, their minds buzzing with anticipation. The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting long, golden rays that painted intricate patterns of warmth on the classroom walls. The air, thick with the scent of new books and fresh paper, carried the excitement of a new school year.

Y/N glanced at her friends, their faces reflecting a mix of nerves and excitement.

"so Y/N are you gonna tell us" Jess exclaimed and I looked at her confused.

Y/N sighed, her voice weary yet tinged with a hint of anticipation. The sun, now fully risen, cast a warm golden glow on her friends' eager faces as they settled into their seats. The classroom, with its rows of desks neatly aligned, seemed to hum with the energy of the approaching school year. Y/N's mind buzzed with a mix of emotions, her thoughts a chaotic mess as she grappled with the decision to reveal her true feelings to her friends.

"what are you talking about" Y/N questioned.

Y/N's question hung in the air, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and curiosity. The sunlight, now fully embraced by the classroom, cast a warm golden glow on her friends' expectant faces. The atmosphere seemed to hum with anticipation, as if the very walls of the classroom were eager to unravel the secrets that Y/N held within her heart.

Jess glanced at Y/N, her eyes filled with excitement and a touch of impatience.

"we saw the way you were looking at Simon" Lucy said quietly so no one could hear.

Y/N's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise as Lucy's words hung in the air, her mind racing to comprehend the implications of what her friend had just said. The sunlight, now fully embraced by the classroom, cast a warm golden glow on the scene, illuminating the nervous energy that danced within Y/N's eyes. She squirmed in her seat, the weight of her secret bearing down on her like a heavy burden.

Y/N's face turned crimson as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her mind racing to find the right words. The golden sunlight, now fully embraced by the classroom, cast a warm glow on her friends' expectant faces, intensifying the pressure that weighed upon her. She took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper as she finally spoke.


Just then the door open and walked in was the professor.

"silence everyone" He demanded and the girls shifted in their seats.

The professor's entrance was marked by a palpable shift in the room, as the once lively chatter dissolved into a hushed silence. The sunlight, now diffused by the dusty windowpanes, painted soft tints of gold on the chalkboard, illuminating the intricate scrawls of mathematical equations that lined its surface. The air hung heavy with anticipation as the professor began his lecture, his stern yet melodic voice filling the room.

"you're not off the hook yet Y/N" Jess whispered as they paid their attention to the board.

Y/N's heart fluttered in her chest as she turned her attention to the professor's lecture, her mind still reeling from the weight of the conversation with her friends. The sound of the professor's voice, a mellifluous symphony of knowledge, washed over her, each word punctuated by the scratching of chalk against the blackboard.


Y/N, Lucy, and Jess leaned against their lockers, their tired expressions mirroring the exhaustion that pulsed through their bodies. As Y/N absentmindedly twirled a strand of her long, light blonde hair, her blue eyes hidden behind black square glasses, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her.

As Y/N absentmindedly twirled a strand of her long, light blonde hair, her captivating ocean blue eyes hidden behind her black square glasses, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. The weight of the day seemed to momentarily dissipate as she found solace in the familiar presence of her friends. The fluorescent lights above cast a harsh glare, illuminating the worn lockers and scuffed linoleum flooring.

"so are we coming over tonight" Jess asked as Lucy and her always come to Y/N's house for study sessions.

Y/N looked at Lucy and Jess, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Her heart swelled with a sense of belonging and comfort as she realized how fortunate she was to have friends like them. The fluorescent lights above cast a harsh glare, illuminating the worn lockers and scuffed linoleum flooring, but their presence seemed to fill the space with warmth and laughter.

"of course" Y/n squealed as then, Jess's twin brother Luke ,walked up to us.

As Luke approached the group, his towering figure cast a slight shadow over Y/N, Lucy, and Jess, a reminder of his height and physical presence. His dark brown hair fell effortlessly across his forehead, complementing the sharpness of his brown eyes. His athletic build was evident, even under the casual clothes he wore, a testament to his dedication to the soccer team. He sauntered towards them with an air of confidence, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"what's new girls" Luke said as Luke playfully swung his arm around his twin sister, Jess's face lit up with a warm smile. Her medium light brown hair cascaded gently down her shoulders, framing her face in a soft and natural way. Her brown eyes sparkled with a certain shine, reflecting the joy and love she felt for her brother. The flickering fluorescent lights above cast a mesmerizing glow on their faces, illuminating the deep bond they shared.

"not much other than boring professors" Lucy giggled as they all let out a chuckle

Luke chuckled, his deep voice resonating through the dimly-lit hallway. The sound seemed to bounce off the worn lockers and faded posters, filling the space with a warm and infectious energy. His eyes, a rich shade of brown, twinkled mischievously as he playfully tousled Jess's hair, his touch gentle and affectionate. Y/N watched the interaction, a soft smile gracing her lips as she admired the bond shared between the twins.

"Not much indeed," Luke chuckled

"what about you, anything happen today" Y/N asked gazing her attention to him.

Luke looked at Y/N, a twinkle of mischief in his brown eyes as he leaned casually against the locker next to hers. The fluorescent lights above cast a stark glow on his chiseled features, emphasizing the subtle smirk that played on his lips. Y/N felt her heart skip a beat at his proximity, her mind racing to remember what she had said. She marveled at how effortlessly his charm seeped into every interaction, making her feel both captivated and slightly nervous.

"oh wait actually there is something" Luke stated which caught our interest.

As the words left Luke's lips, a hush fell over the group. Y/N's heart fluttered, a mixture of excitement and nerves swirling within her, as she wondered what he might say next. The fluorescent lights overhead seemed to dim slightly, casting a soft, halo-like glow around the scene, as if the universe itself held its breath in anticipation. Luke leaned against the locker, his posture exuding a casual confidence, yet his eyes betrayed a flicker of vulnerability.

"well what is it big bro" Jess urged him as he let a little chuckle out before answering.

Luke's eyes sparkled mischievously as he took a moment to savor the attention he had captured. The hallway seemed to hold its breath, the fluorescent lights flickering with anticipation as he prepared to reveal his secret. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of excitement and curiosity coursing through her veins. Her fingers fumbled with the strap of her backpack, the weight of the moment settling upon her shoulders.

"well Y/N you're not gonna like this, because you're the center of all this" Luke started which caused me to question what could he possibly mean.

"what do you mean" Y/N questioned.

As Y/N's question hung in the air, Luke's eyes met hers with a mix of concern and hesitation. He seemed to choose his words carefully, aware of the weight they held. The hallway around them seemed to fade into the background, the harsh fluorescent lights above creating an almost surreal ambiance.

Luke took a deep breath, his voice filled with a mix of trepidation and determination. "Y/N, I overheard some rumors circulating around school, and they seem to involve you," he began, his brow furrowing slightly. Y/N's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. Her hands trembled, her fingers interlocking tightly as she leaned against the lockers for support.

As Luke's words hung in the air, Y/N felt a wave of anxiety crash over her, threatening to drown her in its relentless grip. The harsh glow of the fluorescent lights seemed to intensify the tension in the air, casting an unnatural pallor over Y/N's face as she anxiously awaited Luke's response. Her heart raced, its frantic beats reverberating through her chest, as she desperately tried to brace herself for whatever revelation lay before her.

"what rumors Luke" Lucy asked curious and worried.

Luke took a moment to gauge the expressions on Y/N's and Lucy's faces, a mix of curiosity and concern written across their features. He knew that revealing the rumors would undoubtedly have an impact on Y/N, and he hoped to navigate the situation with both tact and honesty. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to close in around them, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on the worn lockers and scuffed linoleum flooring."

well..." Luke's voice trailed off as he locked eyes with Y/N, a mix of concern and apprehension etched on his face. He took a moment to gather himself, his hand absentmindedly reaching up to run through his dark brown hair. The hallway, bathed in the harsh glow of the fluorescent lights, seemed to shrink around them, the silence enveloping them like a heavy fog.

As JJ walked through the doors, his tall frame commanded attention. The soft glow of the fluorescent lights danced upon his features, casting an ethereal glow that only enhanced his magnetic presence.

Y/N's breath caught in her throat as her gaze met JJ's, a jolt of recognition and curiosity surging through her veins. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to fade into the background as their gazes locked, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an ethereal glow on their faces. In that moment, time stood still, and Y/N couldn't help but wonder what role JJ would play in the unfolding drama.

"Y/N you should know the drama involves a love triangle with you, JJ, and Simon" Luke exclaimed before JJ made his way over to them.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as Luke's words hung in the air, her heart pounding within her chest like a captive bird desperately seeking escape. A love triangle? Her mind raced to make sense of the revelation, her thoughts colliding in a chaotic whirlwind. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to close in around her, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on the worn lockers and scuffed linoleum flooring, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and tension.

"what do you mean "a love Triangle" Y/N questioned but before she could get an answer JJ approached them.

As JJ approached the group, his presence seemed to fill the hallway with an undeniable magnetism. Y/N's heart fluttered in her chest, her pulse quickening with each step he took. The soft glow of the fluorescent lights cast a mesmerizing halo around his blonde hair, the strands dancing in the air as if they held secrets of their own. His piercing blue eyes held a depth that seemed to draw Y/N in, beckoning her to explore the mysteries they concealed.

"so I take it you heard" JJ stated with no emotions.

As JJ's stoic words hung in the air, a palpable tension settled over the group. Y/N's heart raced, her mind racing to make sense of the situation at hand. She felt a surge of conflicting emotions welling up inside her, like a storm brewing on the horizon. Her ocean blue eyes, hidden behind her black square glasses, searched JJ's face for any hint of the truth, desperate to unravel the mysteries he held within.

Just then Simon walked out of the classroom with his buddies, his presence seemed to fill the hallway with an air of arrogance and entitlement. His perfectly styled dark hair framed his face, accentuating his sharp features and piercing gaze. The harsh fluorescent lights cast shadows on his chiseled jawline, creating an aura of mystery and danger. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as her eyes met his, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity swirling within her.

As Simon approached the group, a wave of tension seemed to ripple through the hallway, casting a heavy atmosphere of unease. Y/N's heart thudded in her chest, the sound echoing in her ears as she braced herself for the encounter. The flickering fluorescent lights above seemed to intensify, casting a stark and unforgiving glow on Simon's sharp features.

"look what we have here" Simon stated coldly which Y/N was taken back by.

As Simon's cold voice reverberated through the hallway, Y/N felt a chill run down her spine, her skin prickling with a sense of unease. The harsh fluorescent lights above seemed to cast an icy glow on the scene, intensifying the tension that hung heavy in the air. Her hands trembled slightly as she clenched her fists, her mind racing to process the gravity of the situation.

"Simon..." Y/n tried to say but he cut her off instantly.

"No need to say anything, Y/N," Simon interjected, his voice dripping with a cold disdain. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to shrink around them, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on Simon's face, emphasizing the dangerous aura that surrounded him. Y/N's heart raced, her mind racing to find the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Y/N felt a mix of emotions surge through her, like a tempestuous storm raging within.

"what do you mean, I think we should talk Simon" Y/N tried insisting

"No need for talk, Y/N," Simon retorted, his voice dripping with a cold disdain that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to close in around them, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on Simon's face, accentuating the dangerous aura that surrounded him. Y/N's heart raced, her mind scrambling to find the inner strength needed to face the challenges that lay ahead.

"but" Y/N said but Simon turned to his buddies as they whispered something.

"sorry we have to go" Simon stated as they walked away from the group just leaving Y/N, Jess, Lucy, Luke and JJ.

As Simon and his buddies walked away, Y/N's heart sank, a mix of frustration and confusion swirling within her. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to echo with their departure, the lingering tension hanging in the air. She turned to her friends, her hands trembling slightly as she sought solace in their presence.

"What just happened?" Y/N's voice quivered with a mixture of anger and disbelief, her eyes searching their faces for some semblance of understanding.

"Guess he found out about the whole Love Triangle thing" JJ laughed as if he found this amusing.

As JJ's laughter filled the air, Y/N's heart sank deeper into her chest. Confusion and frustration mingled within her, like an unruly storm threatening to unleash its fury. She searched the faces of her friends for some sense of clarity, her ocean blue eyes shimmering with a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil that swirled within her.

As Luke took a step forward, his tall frame towering over the others, a mix of concern and determination etched into his features, Lucy glanced at Y/N, her eyes filled with empathy. Her dirty blonde hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of golden silk, shimmering under the flickering fluorescent lights. With a gentle touch, she placed a comforting hand on Y/N's arm, a silent gesture of support that spoke volumes.

"JJ how did that even start" Y/N asked angrily wanting to figure this out.

JJ let out a sigh, his blue eyes gazing at Y/N with a mixture of sympathy and frustration. The words hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable as the dimly-lit hallway seemed to close in around them, casting shadows on their troubled faces. he put his hands in his pockets, his lips twitching with a hint of a rueful smile.

"Let's say I had a little chat with the school's Biggest gossip " JJ smirked.

"what" Y/N yelled

"What do you mean you had a chat with the school's gossiper?" Y/N's voice wavered, a mix of anger and confusion lacing her words. Her ocean blue eyes, hidden behind her black square glasses, searched JJ's face for any hint of an explanation. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to close in around them, the faint flickering of fluorescent lights casting an ethereal glow on the worn lockers and scuffed linoleum flooring.

Luke's eyes narrowed as he looked at JJ, his face a mix of curiosity and concern. The hallway seemed to shrink in size around them, the flickering fluorescent lights casting elongated shadows on the worn lockers. He took a step closer to JJ, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

"well let's say I have one less thing to worry about this year" JJ stated

"and what would that be JJ" Jess questioned before Y/N could ask.

Luke glanced at JJ, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. A surge of curiosity sparked within him, mingled with a tinge of concern for his friend. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to hold its breath, the flickering fluorescent lights casting elongated shadows on the peeling posters that lined the walls, creating an eerie backdrop for their conversation.

"JJ, what did you do?" Luke's voice held a hint of disbelief, his mind trying to piece together the puzzle before him.

"nothing I just made things clear, oh and Y/N don't mess with my friends just to get my attention" JJ said as he backed up and started to head down the hallway to his next class.

As JJ's departing figure disappeared down the hallway, Y/N's mind spun with a whirlwind of emotions. Confusion, frustration, and a tinge of hurt mingled within her, threatening to consume her thoughts. The dimly-lit hallway seemed to close in around her, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on the worn lockers and scuffed linoleum flooring, intensifying the weight of her emotions.

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