A Destroyer Journey

By Masamune

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Destroyer of Worlds That's what they called him but he didn't mind that after all he did destroy some worlds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas special

Chapter 4

856 31 47
By Masamune


Kyu was seen in an unknown forest while the DecaDriver was on his waist. Kyu's face showed no emotions as he continued to walk.

"What do you need from me?" Kyu asked before stopping and looking up at a tree.

"Takashi." Takashi was sitting on one of the branches while holding a blue gun. Takashi smirks before dropping in front of Kyu.

"Nothing much but I am quite curious." Takashi said.

"With what?" Kyu asked.

"Why haven't you destroyed this world yet?" Takashi replied.

"Oh, that! Nothing much I'm just curious about this world." Kyu said as he pocketed his hands.

"Usually a world only has one or two worlds merging. But this one has multiple worlds in it that I'm curious about how it hasn't collapsed." Kyu explained while walking in front of Takashi.

"Oh~ I'm quite curious as well but on the other hand have you noticed him?" Takashi asked.

"Him? I noticed him a while ago." Kyu replied before turning around. Kyu stared at seemingly nothing but in the far distance, a man with a hat could be seen.

"Don't think I haven't noticed you." Kyu said as the man suddenly disappeared.

"The prophet."

Kyu then summoned an aurora curtain walked through it and disappeared leaving behind Takashi who soon disappeared as well.


Ayane had just arrived at the cafe. Entering she saw Kyu hasn't arrived yet which is weird considering he sometimes lives here.

"He's not here that's odd?" Ayane muttered before going to the counter. Ayane suddenly heard the door opening and looking up she widened her eyes.


"Ayane Sakuya we meet again."

The man she met before in another world has reappeared again in front of her. The man stood there quietly before he started talking.

"From here on out Decade won't hesitate to destroy the world In front of you." The man said before disappearing and reappearing behind Ayane.

"Please stop him... He has destroyed enough worlds." The man pleaded to Ayane as she turned around to look at him but the man had already disappeared.

"Who was that?" Ayane muttered before going back to work.

Unbeknownst to her the man was watching through the window while a mechanical white bad float beside him before an aurora curtain appeared and went through them.

When the two vanished Kyu was seen standing behind them with an uncaring look on his face.

"Trying to use her against me huh? Oh, how low you've come Prophet." Kyu said as he walked into the cafe.

"Yo! Ayane! Isn't this a surprise you came earlier than me?" Kyu said now with a visible emotion.

"And you're late! Hurry up and prepare!" Ayane told Kyu while the latter shrugged and did as he was told.

Kyu entered the storage room and closed the door. Making sure no one was eavesdropping him Kyu brought out a picture of him with a white-haired girl hugging each other with a word written above their heads.

On Kyu it said photographer but it was crossed and changed into Destroyer. While on the girl it said Tuna.

"Just wait for me... I'll find my way back home."

Suddenly something glowed in Kyu's pocket. Kyu pulls out a card that has a figure with a Spaceship as its face.

"How strange? You of all people helping me Fourze." Kyu said as the card glowed before showing Kyu a vision of a school.

"That's Miyamura school? Then I guess it's a zodiarts if you're the one reacting." Kyu said as he pocketed the card and walked out.

"You and I will never get along not because you hate me but because you hate what I do." Kyu muttered as he continued to work.


Takashi was exploring the world that Kyu resided in. Takashi was very interested in this world but he was also disappointed.

"A school made for training heroes? How cliche." Takashi muttered after seeing a picture of the school.

"U.A. was one thing but this is extraordinary. How can this world manage to withstand multiple merging without collapsing." Takashi questioned with a smile on his face.

"This world also fascinates you too right? Foundation X." Turning around Takashi saw multiple people wearing white clothes.

"Diend why are you here?" One of the members asked.

"Nothing much. Only here to check on my best buddy." Takashi replied while still maintaining his smile.

"We are aware of Decades presence in this world." The member said.

"So go bother him then." Takashi replied before walking away.

"We can't afford to have two riders on this world especially one who can summon other riders." The member said before taking a USB.

"Suit yourself but don't blame me for what's about to happen." Takashi replied before taking out his gun and a card.


With Kyu

Kyu was about to close for the day and about to do his vigilante work. Kyu turned to Ayane who was getting her stuff and was about to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow bye!" Ayane said before walking out the door as Kyu waved at her.

"Now then let's get down to business." Kyu coldly said as he summoned an aurora curtain and it went through him changing his clothes to a magenta and black suit.

"Now. Let's see what's going on at Miyamura school." Kyu muttered before going through another aurora curtain and arriving at the school.

Kyu grabbed his camera and took a picture of the school. Kyu looked at the photo and as usual, it was distorted but in the photo, a Kaijin was seen in the window.

Kyu looked at that window and saw a male student talking with his friends.

"So that's the one." Kyu muttered with interest.

"Well let's get this started then." Kyu brought out his DecaDriver and put it on his waist as a belt form. Kyu opened the belt brought out the Decade card and inserted it into his belt.



Kyu had transformed into Kamen Rider Decade. Decade took out a card with a Decade that was transparent on it and inserted it.


The decade body was now invisible. Decade walked into the school cautiously careful not to make too much sound.

On his way to the boy, Decade saw his friends talking with each other. Decade stared at them for a while before he continued walking.

"Stop thinking about the past! You'll reunite with her soon enough!" Decade berates himself in his thoughts as he continues searching for the boy.

Decade eventually found the student and waited for the right time to strike. Waiting for a while the boy stopped talking with his friends and entered the bathroom with Decade following behind.

Just as the boy was about to enter the toilet an aurora curtain appeared in front of the boy and took him somewhere.

"What just happened?!" The boy yelled in confusion as the surroundings changed into an empty coliseum.

"Yo!" The boy turned his head around in a hurry and saw Decade sitting on one of the seats.

"Who are you?!" The boy yelled.

"Just a passing through Kamen Rider." Decade replied as he got up from the seats.

"Kamen Rider? You're the guy that they warned me about!" The boy yelled while pointing his finger at Kyu.

"Oh~ then I guess that saves me the trouble to explain myself. Then go ahead and use it." Decade said as he changed his ridebooker into its sword form.


"If you want to live then try your luck and fight me! And who knows maybe you'll be able to defeat me."

The boy grits his teeth before taking out an item and pressing the switch. The boy transformed into a Kaijin with goat horns.

"Aries Nova. It seems you haven't mastered that power yet. What a pity." Decade mocks the Zodiarts.

"I'll make you regret saying that!"

The Zodiarts rushed at Decade and tried to punch him but Decade sidestepped and punched the Zodiarts in the face before he slashed it in the chest.

Aries Nova stumbles back before recovering and tries to kick Decade but the Rider blocks it with his sword before he punches the Zodiarts in the chest.

Decade turns his sword into a gun before firing it at the Zodiarts. Aries Nova was hit by multiple bullets as sparks emitted from its body. Decade stopped firing his gun and watched as Aries falls to the ground and turned back into the student.

"That was pathetic." Decade coldly said as he walked to the boy.

The boy tries to grab the switch but the steps on the switch and crushes it. The boy widens his eyes before looking at Decade in fear.

"W-What a-are you going to do to me." The boy fearfully said.

"I'm going to destroy you." Decade said as he grabbed the boy by the neck and lifted him up.

"W-wait you already beaten me! Please let me go I don't want to die!" The boy pleaded but Decade didn't listen and snapped the boy's neck.

Decade drops the boy's corpse on the ground as the body fades away into Magenta particles. Decade undid his training and returned to Kyu who had a dark look on his face.

"Now that's the real you." Kyu turned his head to the left and saw Takashi watching him.

"And what are you doing?" Kyu asked while crossing his arms.

"Nothing much just bored. But anyways I see you're still trying to find a way back." Takashi said as the atmosphere started getting tense.

"And what of it?" Kyu replied coldly.

"Are you sure she won't be disgusted at what you have become?" Takashi asked with a smirk on his face.

"It doesn't matter as long as I can find my way back." Kyu replied.

"Then take this." Takashi threw a card at Kyu. Kyu looked at the card and saw there was a location written in there.

"That's a location to one of Foundation X lairs. Go there you might find what you need to return home." Takashi said.

"...Thanks." Kyu thanked Takashi before he walked away into an aurora curtain.

"Always the same. We both know neither of us can return back when we accepted this power so why are you still trying?" Takashi muttered before he disappeared into an aurora curtain.


It was night and Kyu was seen in his Decade armor scouting the area. Decade jumped onto another roof and continued scouting until he found what he was looking for.

"Found you Foundation X." Decade whispered to himself before taking out a card that had the word ghost on it. Decade then inserted the card into his belt.




A floating parka hoodie appeared before it went into a decade and changed his armor into an orange and black one.

"I'll let my life burn bright!" D-Ghost said before he sighed at himself.

"Yeah... Saying catchphrase at the start of battle isn't my thing." D-Ghost said before he turned invisible and phased through the roof like a real ghost.

D-Ghost appeared behind one of the members and killed him silently before turning invisible once again. D-Ghost then phased through multiple walls and entered a room with a huge computer.

"Let's see what you're planning." D-Ghost said as he floated to the computer.

"That's enough Destroyer of Worlds!" Just as D-Ghost is about to do something with the computer a high-ranking member of Foundation X appears.

"Heh~ looks like you're starting to get serious." D-Ghost said.

"We cannot let you interfere with our plans any longer. This is your end Decade." The man pulls out a USB stick with the letter M on it.


The man inserted his USB stick into his neck and it was absorbed by him. The man turned into a fire Kaijin the Magma Dopant.

"The Magma Dopant. How interesting." D-Ghost muttered.

The dopant rushes to the rider and tries to attack him with a fireball. D-Ghost phases through the fireball and kicks the dopant in the chest.

D-Ghost then followed it up with a punch to the gut and a kick to the side. The magma dopant stumbled back before recovering and punched D-Ghost in the chest sending him back.

"Not bad I can see why you were given that memory." D-Ghost praised the man as he dusted his chest.

"But that Gaia memory won't be enough to defeat me." D-Ghost said before bringing out a different sword.


D-Ghost slashes the magma dopant in the chest causing sparks to come out. D-Ghost then follows it up with a slash to the side before he stabs the dopant in the gut.

D-Ghost changed the sword into its gun mode and shot the dopant causing it to be pushed back. D-Ghost throws the sword away and brings out Ghost's final attack card.

"This is the end." D-Ghost said as he inserted the card.


An orange circle with a symbol of an eye appeared behind him. The symbol went into D-Ghost's right leg before he floats into the sky and delivers a rider kick.


The kick hit the dopant straight in the face sending it crashing into the wall before the dopant exploded.

The dopant turned back into a human while the memory split into two before it exploded. D-Ghost then went into the computer and saw what he was searching for.

"After so many years I can finally return to that world once again." D-Ghost said before grabbing a normal USB stick and copying the file from the computer into his USB.

"Decade... You can never return to that world." The dying man said as he lay on the floor.

"We... failed to enter that world." The man said before finally dying D-Ghost stared at the man as he reverted back to Decade.

"Even so I have to try." Decade said before entering an aurora curtain and leaving the place.


Kyu was typing on a laptop with a USB inserted into the laptop. Kyu then went to the blank picture brought his hand out and closed his eyes.

"Please let this work." Kyu muttered as his hand glowed magenta along with the picture.

The picture started to make an image as Kyu continued. Kyu smiled thinking it was going according to plan but suddenly the picture image stopped and returned to its blank state. Kyu took a step back and opened his eyes.

"Damn it! I was so close!" Kyu yelled while punching the wall.

"Why won't it work!" Kyu fell to the ground and brought out the same picture of him and the white-haired girl.

"Please wait a little longer ...I promise I will return to you." Kyu said as he eyed the picture.

"I miss you... Kiana."

The next day

Ayane was with her friends chatting in the cafe. Kyu was in the storage room looking for something.

"Hey! Did you hear a student went missing today." A girl with short yellow hair said.

"Yeah, I heard the kid was in your class right Sengoku." A male with purple hair said.

"Yes, but it's really strange how he just disappeared." A male with red hair whose name is Sengoku replied.

"Man, I wonder what happened?" Miyamura questioned.

"Whatever happened isn't probably all too good." Hori replied.

"Anyways how are your days going?" Ayane asked trying to change the topic.

"Nothing special How's yours Yuki." Hori asked the yellow-haired girl.

"Same you Tooru?" Yuki asked the purple-haired male.

"Surprisingly good after what happened yesterday." Tooru said while eyeing Sengoku who just looked away nervously.

"Breaking news!"

Suddenly they heard the TV and their focus shifted to the news.

"Last night a building was suddenly destroyed and multiple people were murdered. Police checked the CCTV footage but it was corrupted but they managed to find this message written in blood."

The news shows a picture of a writing written in blood that said 'Beware the Destroyer of Worlds Decade.'

"Our heroes and Union will try to find out who is this destroyer and what will he do. That's it for today and we'll keep you updated next time."

The news ended Ayane widened her eyes at the message. She looks at Kyu who had just gotten out of the storage room.

"First the vigilante and now a destr-" Hori's words were cut off when suddenly everything stopped moving.

"This soon? Ayane let's go!" Kyu yelled as he threw his apron away.

Ayane followed Kyu and they went to the secret room where the pictures were. Kyu pulls down the chains and a picture of a train in space is seen.

Ayane and Kyu went out and saw they were now in another world but this time they were in a city with a blizzard around it.

"Hey! Where's the others?" Ayane asked seeing that her friends weren't there anymore.

"Don't worry their still in the cafe back in your world. Their body can follow us through another world because they're frozen in time." Kyu explained before his clothes changed into a guard armor.

"Now then let's see if this world is worth saving or not." Kyu said to himself as he walked into the city with Ayane by his side.


Yo! Surprise! Here's some backstory for Kyu's origins.

Anyways I have to leave in a while and as always


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