Our love couldn't go wrong

By Aut_writes_fanfic

13.1K 217 99

She's starting to spiral and she knows it. It doesn't even take a split second for her mind to start going ov... More

Chapter One :
Chapter Two :
Chapter Three :
Chapter Four :
Chapter Five :
Chapter Six :
Chapter Seven :
Chapter Eight :
Chapter Nine :
Chapter Ten :
Chapter Eleven :
Chapter Twelve :
Chapter Thirteen :
Chapter Fifteen :
Chapter Sixteen :
Chapter Seventeen :
Chapter Eighteen :
Chapter Nineteen :
Chapter Twenty :
Chapter Twenty-One :
Chapter Twenty-Two :
Chapter Twenty-Three :
Chapter Twenty-Four :
Chapter Twenty-Five :
Chapter Twenty-Six :
Chapter Twenty-Seven :
Chapter Twenty-Eight :
Chapter Twenty-Nine :
Chapter Thirty :
Chapter Thirty-One :

Chapter Fourteen :

402 5 0
By Aut_writes_fanfic

Tw for mentions of abuse as a whole, and vomit

There's an awkwardness that lingers in the air as she sits between Shayne and Kari. Neither of them know what to say or where to start and whilst she's grateful for that, it means that she can't drift into the background like she hoped she could.

Her sister is the first to speak, taking her hand as she does so. The touch isn't unwelcome, but it does throw her off, a little - still jumpy from it all. But this is Kari; her kind, gentle, big sister who has only ever looked out for her. Kari practically raised her in a household where it was a constant fight for attention and approval and she knows she's safe with her, she always has been, but...nothing like this has ever happened before. They're closer than she is to any other sibling or family member, but there's definitely been a rift in the relationship. It makes her feel uneasy.

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you, Court, I'm sorry that I didn't do more to meet up for dinner or go out for drinks, to make sure that you were okay. I thought that you were just...living your best life without me and, well, that wasn't the case."

There's tears in her sister's eyes and her throat tightens in response. She can count the number of times she's seen Kari cry on her fingers and still have some remaining - but this is different, this is because of her. Guilt washes over her and she gulps, trying to ignore how dry her mouth feels, or how tense her body is.

It's weird, she thinks, to hear someone apologise to her, let alone for something they haven't done. And there's that little voice in her head telling her that this is wrong, this is all her fault, somehow, and she's the one that needs to apologise.

They don't get it. They don't understand.

Things are complicated right now. There's all these thoughts and feelings swirling around her mind and it's so overwhelming; she's tried to get it to stop but nothing seems to work. Maybe, just maybe, if she could somehow get it out and into words, they would understand. Shayne has been telling her that none of it is her fault, and that Jason's a bad person who has been hurting her, but it's not like that. And maybe if they understood, they'd be holding her accountable rather than speaking to her gently, but it's not that simple.

She fights back tears, urging herself not to cry for the hundredth time this weekend. She's always been a crybaby, but it seems to be getting worse recently - maybe if she was still in therapy, she could figure it out. She could figure this all out.

Jason loves her. He loves her and he's such a loving, doting, charming man, he just...he has a specific way that things need to be and sometimes she doesn't meet that. And sure, he can have a temper, but that doesn't make him a bad person, does it?

She heard the term abuse get thrown about at the hospital yesterday, and it didn't sit right with her.

She'd know if she was getting abused, right?

Abuse is constant arguments or beatings, harsh words and ever-present bruises. It's isolating and painful and...that's not what Jason is. He cares about her, he loves her - she knows it. He only does it because he loves her, he doesn't mean to hurt her and it's always her fault. So why can't Shayne and Kari understand that?

It's nothing like all of those educational photos or pamphlets. He doesn't like to hurt her, to leave bruises or marks. She isn't a scared woman, locking herself in a bathroom with a black eye and split lip. She doesn't dread going home every day, she doesn't constantly walk on eggshells around him, he doesn't buy her flowers or jewellery because of a broken arm. He...he isn't like that. He's never crossed the line, she's never been scared that he'll take it too far and kill her. Jason's not a bad man, she's just a bad girlfriend. That doesn't make it abuse.

Surely not.

Blinking harshly, she forces herself to come back into the conversation they were clearly continuing about her, without her. Shayne mentions something about picking up some of her things and coming back to his, and something about the thought of returning to her apartment makes her chest tighten uncomfortably.

"I-I don't wanna go back there, not yet. I know I need to, I just...I don't know, I need time, I-I need some space to-" She's cut off by a harsh cough, chest burning and lungs spazzing.

"Court?" Shayne's voice is barely audible over everything going on right now, the initial shock of her coughing fit wearing off and turning to complete panic as she tries and fails to breathe.
Her wheezing intensifies and she can hardly make out the feel of hands on her back, pushing her forwards slightly so that her head is hanging forwards, over her knees, just in time for her to gag. It brings up a mixture of bile and phlegm, which would disgust her in any other circumstances, but she's too focused on breathing now. Each breath is shaky and short, but she doesn't care. All oxygen is good oxygen at the moment.

"There we go, it's okay, you're okay," It's her sister soothing her, arm loosely wrapped over her shoulder and rubbing against the material of her sweatshirt, "Is this an...injury thing, or something?"

That question is directed at Shayne, but she shakes her head slightly, leaning into her sister's touch. She hopes he'll get the message and figure it out, especially when he raises his hand to her forehead.

"She's burning up."


He was worried that Courtney might've come down with whatever had been making its way through the office last week, but that thought hadn't crossed his mind since last night. Right now, he regrets that, though, watching as she slumps against Kari and closes her eyes. Her cough had sounded harsh, painful, and he was horrified to watch her practically spew up afterwards, but it isn't until he feels her forehead that the concern truly kicks in.

"She's burning up." Shit. What should he do?

Kari is quick to feel her forehead after him, eyebrows raised once she realises just how warm Courtney is. "Fucking hell, Court, were you gonna tell us you were sick?"

All they're met with is a low whimper in response and he watches her sister's face soften slightly, pitifully. "Okay, I know, you're not doing too good right now. How about you try and get some sleep, see if that helps? Can you take any meds right now or are you on a prescription..." He nods his head, moving to the kitchen to grab her pills off the side and fill up a glass with some water for her. He hesitates by the fridge for a second, knowing she's meant to eat with them, but also knowing she'll refuse any food put in front of her right now. He opts for a Gatorade, instead, hoping that might help a little.

"Alright, here we go." Placing the items on the table, Kari reaches out to open the Gatorade bottle and offers it to Courtney. She's reluctant but she takes a sip, before holding her hand out for her pain meds. He doesn't know how much they'll help, but he knows they'll make her drowsy and maybe the sleep will help her more...

It takes a little while for her to drift off, moving to cover her with the throw blanket she bought him when they used to have their Netflix watch parties every Friday.

Kari looks up at him once she's sure Courtney is fully asleep, intense, blue eyes boring into him. "So, which one of us will keep an eye on her whilst the other grabs her shit from her apartment, because if I come across that piece of shit who did this to her, I think I'm going to jail for a very long time?"

It's not very often he fully agrees with Kari, but he supposes that circumstances are different this time. "I'll go. Not a misogyny thing; I fully believe that you could take this man in a fight with how angry you are, but I know her place better than you do. Plus, I can fit all of her stuff in my truck."

"Fair enough. Just...take someone with you, maybe. Just in case."

He won't knock the idea, it's smart. "I'll call Damien. He probably needs to know, anyway," He agrees, grabbing his phone and keys from the kitchen countertop, "Can you...clear that up whilst I'm gone, please?" He asks, gesturing at the still messy floor from where Courtney spat up after her coughing fit.

"Yeah, yeah. Now go, so that you're back before she wakes up." Kari waves him off.

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