Avery's Heart #4

By Brezzy31

202K 10.1K 788

This is Avery the youngest Flores brother's story of love and loss. He wants love more than anything else in... More

CH 1 My Life
CH 2 Memphis
CH 3 WTF Memphis
CH 4 Catching Feelings
CH 5 Working Man
CH 6 OH Shit
CH 7 My heart
CH 8 Winning Avery's Heart
CH 9 Let's talk about Sex
CH 10 Home Sick
CH 11 Thanksgiving
CH 13 Memphis Broken Heart
CH 14 Avery has no plan
CH 15 It doesn't feel like Christmas
CH 17 Vegas Baby
Titan's Strength

CH 16 Moving On

10.1K 533 65
By Brezzy31

Avery's POV-- photo credit @grimkitty06

I stare at my closet looking at all my different clothing trying to find something to wear for my date. I still can't believe I said yes to a date, but it's time. I need to move on I'm sure Memphis wasted no time fucking some twink at Previlge as soon as he got home. Plus I feel like if I take this step it really is closing the door on our relaionship.

I given myself a month to morun our failed coupling but I still feel my heart race everytime I catch a glimpse of Memphis at work. I still feel that twinge of want when he looks at me and I need to kill these lingering feelings. In the beginning I thought if I avoided him I would somehow magically forget how good we where together for those all to short months we managed to have magic."

I can't belive we were only boyfriends for almost three months. I feel like it was so much longer but our five year friendship that predates the relationship makes it's hard to remember it was such a short time. I constantly have to tell myself to forget about Memphis because so many little things make me think of him. I feel like the universe is against me, I swear I have seen more men in cowboy hats in the last month than I have in my entire lifetime.

I shake my thoughts and finally decide on an outfit. Some grey skinny jeans and white v-neck will do for bowling. I smile a little at the memory of Davis asking me out. Last week I was at the book store and was trying to reach a book that was on the top shelf. I was standing on my tip toes just to brush my fingers across it when I felt a hard body come up behind me and a big hand brushed mine and pulled my book down.

I spun around and looked up at Mr. Tall dark and handsome. "Thanks." He smiled down at me and he a had a single dimple in his right cheek. "No problem. My names Davis nice to meet you." I reached for his hand and he rubbed my hand with his thumb and I swear I swooned."Avery."

"Umm I like that it fits you perfect. Are you single Avery?" I almost swallowed my tongue that this handsome man was actually asking me out. I couldn't help but compare him to Memphis as we stood there. He was tall like Memphis but other than that he was his complete opposite. Davis has dark hair and darker eyes with a biker bad ass look I wasn't sold on date but I gave him my number.

Davis was relentless with trying to swoon me he called and texted and begged and after a week of my brothers pressuring me I finally caved and let Davis take me on a date. When he called and asked I think I shocked him by saying yes but we made plans to meet at the bowling alley tonight at eight before he asked if I was serious and what changed. I didn't have an answer so I told him i could always change my mind and say no later he just laughed it off but up until an hour ago it was a real possibility.

I look in the mirror on my way out the door and walk through the kitchen and kiss my mom goodbye. "Bye mom don't wait up." My mom shakes her head. " I really wish you wouldn't do this Avery. It's too soon your not over Memphis and that's not fair to this new guy. I don't care what your brothers are saying I don't agree with this."

I sigh. "Mom I don't want to be late can we do this later." My mom throws her hands in the air. "Fine Avery but I warned you. I'm your mother and I know you better than anyone else when you get hurt you lash out and run. I think that's what you did to Memphis. He hurt you so you lashed out at him and ran. So just please be carefull ok."

I walk out of the house without answering and jump into my car and head towards the bowling alley. Aww I need to move out so bad now that I have my job and some savings I should go look at apartments soon. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve so I will have to wait until sometime next week before I make any appointments.

I park at ten minutes to eight and go inside. I look around and see Davis sitting at lane tieing his bowling shoes so I walk over to him. He looks me up and down. "Damn you look good Avery." I look down. "Thanks you look good too." He stands up and we hug akwardly. "Come on let's go get your shoes I wasn't sure your size."

We walk up to the counter and I get my size nine shoes. We put our names in the score keeper and we start bowling. We talk and get to know each other a little better but no matter how much I try I can't forget what my mom said. Did I really just lash out at Memphis for hurting me or was I making a decision to remove myself from a bad situation. I'm not really sure any more and it is weighing on me heavily.

Davis walks up behind me and tries to hold me but it just feels wrong so I pull out of his grasp and try to small talk again but I must fail because he can tell something is wrong. "Are you ok Avery you have been off all night."

Aww shit I didn't think I was being that obvious I have been really trying to have a good time my brain just won't shut off and I'm having a hard time relaxing. "I'm sorry Davis this is my first date since a really messy break up and I think I'm just over analizing everything. I'm sorry if I'm ruining our date."

He brushes my shoulder with his. "Naw I'm still having a good time. Just relax I won't push you for more than your willing to give right now." I relax a little after that and we start bowling our next frame. I'm up so I bowl down the lane and gutter ball it. I turn around and shrug my shoulders as I walk back to Davis.

Right before I get to the seats I catch Memphis out of the corner of my eye and cringe. Fuck what is he doing here. I look at him giving him a stern look ready go tell him off for interuppting my date. God damn Grey he sold me out he was the only one I told about where my date was I don't even tell my brothers. Memphis walks up to us completely ignoring Davis he drops onto one knee in front of me oh my god he is not doing this. I want to kill him.

"Avery Flores I love you more than life itself! I have loved you for last five years and I am not sure when I fell in love with you but I can't imagine my life without you and I would be ecstatic if you would do me the honor of being my husband." He opens the little black box in his hands and a nice white gold band gleams at me wit what looks like a million little diamonds.

Oh my god I think I'm going to hyper venilate. This is not happening right now. My heart feels like it is going to pump out of my chest. I slap Memphis' shoulder. "Only you would interuppt my date with a marriage proposal. Ugh you stupid neanderthal get up, get up."

Davis walks up beside me and I notice we are drawing attention. "What the fuck dude?" Davis asks Memphis who gets up off the floor. "Sorry man I'm not giving Avery up without a fight." I rub my temple and pull Davis off to the side away from Memphis "Sorry Davis I'm going to have to cut this date short and deal with this."

Davis grabs my elbow as I start to walk away. "Don't let him ruin our time Avery we can go somewhere else and lose this asshole" I try to pull my arm away and he squeezes my arm tighter. I cringe at the pain radiating up my arm. I don't even realize Memphis walked up to us until he decks Davis in the face.

I yell at Memphis. "Oh my god Memphis I can take care of myself. Come on you idot lets get out of here before he calls the cops or someone else does." I grab Memphis by the arm and don't even change out of my bowling shoes and run out the front door with Memphis by my side.

When we get outside I see Memphis huge ass truck and drag him towards it. "Get your ass in your truck and go home before you do anything else stupid." Memphis sits sideways in his truck with his feet on the foot step looking at me pleadingly. "Come with me Avery don't stay here with that asshole please just come home with me."

I sigh and dont want to chance the cops showing up if he stays here any longer. I look back at my car and figure it will safe for the night. "Fine but you better not piss me off Memphis." I go get in the passenger seat as Memphis starts the truck and peals out of the parking lot. The ride to Memphis' house is silent and the air is thick with tention.

When we pull up to the house I feel a pang in my chest because I haven't been here in a month when this was like my second home before we went to Texas. It's crazy how much you can actually miss a place. Man I feel homesick walking through the door with Memphis but at the same time it feels like nothing has changed.

I follow Memphis to the kitchen where he starts his coffee and makes me my hot coco. I hold the warm cup in my hands when he gives it to me. Memphis is standing leaning against the counter and I'm sitting on a barstool with the bar between us. I look at Memphis and he is smiling goffily at me. "What are you smiling for?"

Memphis shakes his head. "It just feels good having you back here in my house sitting there drinking your hot coco. It's good to see you period you have been diligently ignoring me the past month so I'm just happy your here that's all."

I smile a little myself. "Well I missed the place too." Memphis walks closer to me. "What about me? Did you miss me too?" I sigh because I know what he is doing, he is trying to break me so I will act like nothing has happen that nothing has changed but that's not going to happen. "Yes I missed you terribly Meme but that doesn't change what happened and we can't go back and pretend nothing happened."

Memphis stands next to me and I look up at him as he caresses my cheek. "Little man I don't care what I have to do to prove you belong here with me but I will do it. Hell Avery I went a bought you a ring and got down on one knee and asked you to marry me. By the way you never did answer my question."

I knock his hand away. "Memphis let's be serious we can't get married we couldn't even last two months dating." Memphis wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear."Yeah because you ran at our first fight. If we go get married you won't be able to run off the next time something goes wrong your stuck with me and we will have to make it work. Please Avery I have never wanted something more in my entire life than for you to be my husband."

I melt into Memphis comforting touch. I have missed him so much he was my best friend before we ever started dating and I can't believe I almost walked away from him and this feeling of comfort and home he gives me. I might be making a huge mistake but I don't think I'm strong enough to walk away from him a second time. I pull back and look at him."Fine let me see the ring again."

Memphis pulls the little black box out of his pocket and pulls the ring out. I look at it as Memphis grabs my hand and slips it on my ring finger. I hold it up looking at it sparkle on my hand as Memphis kisses my temple. "OK let's go pack a bag were heading to Vegas tonight." I squeak. "Tonight Memphis are you serious." He looks at me determined. "Dead serious."

OK one more chapter left and the series is completely over. Aww vote or comment and let me know what you think.

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