we're not finished

Galing kay lanisfuturebabymama

10.2K 269 185

the follow up to "done talking" Higit pa

1. Mistaken.
2. My Go To
3. Rounds?
4. i think you need a...
5. i love you II
6. i wish i never did it
7. Can Have Everything.
8. All I Want Is You.
9. Escape.
10. Press
11. Hate the Club
12. melt into you.
13. All For You.
14. Get Away.
15. Main One.
16. chase
17. She Loves Me
18. Birthday Girl

19. let me remind you.

303 14 0
Galing kay lanisfuturebabymama


We're back from Barbados and it was one of the best times that I've ever had in my life.

I know I always tell Lani to keep it simple when it comes to my birthday, but I'm glad she didn't this time.

It was so amazing and I can't wait to go back there with them and Adeya one day.


"Yes, Keh ?"

"Come here." I walked up to them.

"What's up?"

"I'm about to go to the studio and meet up with Kiana, do you wanna come with me?"

"Who's gonna watch Adeya?"

"I called Jamie and Destin over to watch her just incase you wanted to come."

"I think I hear them outside." They knocked on the door and I let them in.

"Hey, y'all." Destin and Jamie both gave us hugs.

"Hey, how y'all been? I seen y'all was having fun on y'all lil trip." Destin said.

"Yeah, it was amazing, so beautiful. We all need to go one day." Keh said.

"Most definitely." Jamie joined in.

"Y'all look good, what y'all been doin?" I asked.

"Nothing, been workin out a lil bit, you see the muscles." Destin flexed.

"Boy, you ain't scarin no damn body with those things." Keh said. 

"Not too much. Where my niece at?"

"She in her room."

"Well if y'all don't mind us, cmon girl." Jamie and Destin went upstairs to Adeya's room.

"You ready to go?" Keh asked.


"Ight." We went outside, I locked the door to the house and walked to Keh's car.

They were holding the door for me as always, that's something that I never want to change.

"Thank you." I kissed their cheek and got in. They closed the door then got in. They started the car and started driving to the studio.

"You got anything written yet?"

"Yeah, just a lil bit though. I wrote a verse for this feature that she wants me to do."

"Lemme hear it." She started to sing. Whenever they sing, it's like butter spreading smoothly on a fresh piece of toast. So warm and comforting.

"I love that."

"I feel like I could tweak it a lil bit."

"Do what you want, but I think it's perfect."



"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You ready to sing some shit?"

"What you mean?"

"You know you gon end up singin just a lil bit every time I bring you with me."

"I mean, it's not every time, but I don't mind it at all."

"Damn, I'm excited."

We got to the studio a few minutes later where we met Kiana.

"Hey, Keh." Kiana stood up and started walking towards us.


"Oh my God, is that my bitch y/n/n?" She was gonna go hug Keh but hugged me first instead.

"Hey, Kiki."

"Hey, girl." She gave Keh a hug too.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good, how are you?"

"Tryna finish up this album, I gotta turn it in in three weeks."

"I know you got it, you're literally Kiana Ledé."

"You're my favorite, oh my God." She hugged me again.

"Do I just not exist anymore?" Keh asked.

"You can't be mad at us, I didn't know you were bringing her."

"Yeah, let us talk a little bit before y'all get to work."

"Whatever." She laughed.

We all walked over to the chairs and sat down.

"So how was your trip?"

"It was good, girl. I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful in my life. Next time we go, you're coming with us."

"Oh I'm so down to go to Barbados. Y'all know I love Rihanna, what if we see her down there?"

"Shit, we just might."

"Just let me know a week and I got you."

"Okay, cool."

"Alright. Keh, do you wanna go in first or do you want me to?"

"It don't matter to me." They said.

"Okay. Imma hop in then." She got up out of the chair and went into the booth. She put her headphones on and waited for her cue. Her producer was in the studio with us as well.

She started singing and I was taken aback.

I haven't been in the studio with Kiki in a long ass time, so I haven't seen her in her element in a while and she's gotten better. She was always great, but she got greater somehow.

I love being able to witness my close peers' growth, whether that be Kiana, Meg, Jhené, Victoria, Ambré, Destin, and even Keh.

I swear when I met all of these amazing people, we was all at a similar point in our careers, expect Keh, they've always been poppin. But besides Destin and Ambré, me and all those other girls came up together.

It's moments like these that are bittersweet for me whether they know that or not, I just really love my friends at the end of the day, that's what it really is.

I spoke into the mic from the outside so she could hear me.

"Ki, you sound good."

"Thank you." She smiled and then continued to sing.

I turned to Keh.

"I just know you bout to flow right over this beat."

"Yeah, I fuck with this one."

A few minutes passed by and Kiki was done. Keh went in the booth next and Kiki sat back next to me.

"I'm ready." The producer gave a thumbs up and started the song for them.

They were so focused. One thing about Keh when it comes to the music, they're very serious about it. Like everything has to be perfect, and if you fuck up, they'll tell you straight up to your face. They've done it to me once, but that's only cause I kept laughing at something that had happened before the session.

They take it very serious and will be 100% focused on the music once they're in the booth.

Me and Kiki started talking to each other.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She said.

"I know, I feel like we barely see each other anymore. Our lives are the ones that are so different from everyone else schedule wise."

"Yeah, I've been tryna hang out with you guys for a while now, but it seems like someone's always doing a show or festival or they're either just not available and it kinda sucks cause I wish we had time for each other."

"Yeah, I feel that 100%, I feel as of recent, things have calmed down a little bit more and slowly each of us are getting more and more free time."

"And I'm glad. After this week, cause I'm tryna get as much music done as I can, I'm gonna take a break for a little bit to relax."

"Oh really? If you're not busy and no one else is busy, how bout we all go somewhere for the weekend?"

"Oh, I've been wanting to go to New York for the longest."

"Me too, and you know that me and Lani have the house down there, we could stay down there for the weekend, or even a couple days."

"I'm down."

"Me too."

"What are y'all talking about?" Keh asked from the booth.

"We'll tell you when you finish, we don't wanna interrupt what you got goin on."

"You promise?"

"Of course."

"Ight." They went back to singing and me and Kiki went back to conversing.

"Okay, so since me and you are down, and I know that Keh's gonna wanna go too, who else should we invite?"

"Meg, Victoria, Ambré, and Jhené for sure. Is this a girl's trip or...?"

"It doesn't have to be."

"Okay, Destin too, that's my boyfriend. And then Jamie can come too."

"Okay so if Meg's going, then Bri's probably gonna come with us too."

"Oh my gosh I've been meaning to ask someone, what's goin on with those two?"

"You haven't heard? They're dating."

"Like, for real?"

"Yes, bitch, I mean they in love type shit."

"Awwwww, I'm so happy for them, I hope they're treating each other right."

"Me too, you wouldn't think so, but they're perfect for each other, the way they balance each other out is so cute."

"That's really amazing."

"It is. What were we talking about?"

"How if Meg's going then Bri's going too."

"Oh yeah, then if Jhené goes, she'll probably bring Sean."

"Wait, isn't Jhené pregnant?"


"Is it really the best idea to bring her on a trip when we're gonna be drinking and doing all this shit that she can't do?"

"You're right, but I'll feel bad."

"Me too, but I think the morally right thing to do would be to let her stay at home and rest."

"Yeah, so forget that then. Do you wanna bring anyone with you?"

"I mean..." She started smirking.

"Hold on."

"What?" She held the smirk and looked around the room.

"You got something to tell me?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"What's up?"

"I've been talking to this girl, we actually went on a date last night."

"Oouuu, how did it go?"

"I think I fell in love, bitch."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Do I know this girl?"

"I don't know, do you?" Her smirk was so intense.

"Tell me who." I was so invested at this point.

She mouthed the name at first.

"Who?" And then she whispered.



"Who is it?"

"I just told you."

"No you didn't."

"You must have not heard me, well that's too bad cause I ain't sayin it again."


"Oh my gosh, fine, but don't tell nobody."

"I won't." I said that knowing damn well I was gon tell Keh when we got home.

"Okay, so I'm talking to Beyoncé."

"Don't piss me off."

"I'm sorry, okay. Imma say it for real this time."

"You better."

"Okay. It's JD."

"JD like Jean Deaux?"


"Oh my gosh. You're deadass?"


"I never saw that coming, I thought you were gonna say someone else."



"That is my friend, nothing more."

"I respect that."

"But yeah, me and her been talking for a lil while."

"I would have never guessed, I talk to Jean all the time and she hasn't mentioned it."

"Maybe cause we're keepin it on the low."

"Well I'm happy for y'all."

"Thank you."

"Is it good?" Keh asked.

"Yeah, everything's good." The producer said.

"Ight." Keh stepped out of the booth. They came and sat next to us.

"So what we're y'all talking about?"

"We wanna go to New York this weekend." I said.


"And we're gonna stay at the house."


"And we're bringing all our friends."

"Not all, just some." Kiana jumped in.

"Yeah, just some."


"And you're going."


"Wow this was easier than I thought it would've been."

"You're lucky Adeya's goin with her dad this weekend otherwise I would've said no."

"That's fair."

"How many people?"


"Damn, luckily we can fit that many people in there."


"So what day are we leaving?"

"I gotta check with everyone first but if they're all in for it then I'm thinking we could go Friday."

"What day is it today?" I tapped my phone.

"It's Tuesday."

"Ight, I'm down."


"Now that we said that, you gon sing?"

"I don't even know where to begin."

"Oh, I got a perfect song for you." Kiki said. She grabbed her computer and pulled up this song.

"Listen to it." She hit play and the intro started.

"Keep it one mil, you know you gotta keep it real..." I started bopping my head to it. Then the verse started.

"I can tell that shit is changin, you ain't gotta say it, I can tell how by you movin, only doin shit on occasion..."

"This goes, Ki."

"Yeah, I love it, but I don't have a hook yet, just the verses."

"So what you tryna say?"

"You tryna help a bitch out and do this hook for me?"

"I mean, hell yeah, play the rest first." She played the rest of the song and while she did, I was thinking of different lyrics that I could use until the right one came to mind.

"I think I got something."

"You gon freestyle that shit?" Keh asked.

"Yes, I gotta one up you. Lemme remind you who who Kiki's og go to was." I got up from the chair and got into the booth. I put the headphones on and the song started to play.

It was time for the hook.

"Oh, baby, tell me if you wit it or if you ain't wit me cause I need to know this now, if not, then I'm gone, I'll find me someone else who won't do me wrong, won't have you waste my time, if so, I'll go, but you gotta let me know, you gotta let me know"

I did that twice.

"What y'all think?"

"It's perfect." Kiki said.

"Why that sound personal?" Keh asked.

"It's not, it just fits the song, that's all."

"If that's the case then I love it."

"Thank you. Imma do the background then I'll be out."

I did the background vocals for the hook, and a little for Kiki's verses.

I got out the booth and sat back down.

"Damn, that was good." Kiki said. 

"Thank you. I cant wait to hear the finished product."

"Yeah, baby, you sounded amazing."

"Thank you, my love."



"Y'all are too cute. Are you guys hungry?"


"I could eat."

"Good, cause I'm craving some Pad Thai."

"That does sound good right now."

"Right? We should go get some."

"What about him?"

"I tried to get some with him earlier but he didn't want it."

"Oh, damn."

"Are we just gonna leave him here all alone?" Keh asked. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine, y'all go along, have a good one." He said.

"Okay, you too." We all got up and walked to Keh's car. They opened the door for me while Kiana got in the back.

"How romantic."

"I know, makes my heart flutter every single time."

Keh got in and started driving to the nearest Thai restaurant.

chapter 20 coming soon🍯.

hey y'all

it's been a couple of day since i have updated, i apologize.

how are y'all though, y'all feel good?

i hope so

im just chillin, living life rn

i hope that y'all are good and taking care of yourselves.

i love y'all and have a good day


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