Crossroads : ( Chris Brown St...

Por NooFakeIshh

475K 10.3K 1.7K

Chris and Brielle are at a crossroads in their marriage. Stuck dealing with an old past and trying to begin s... Más

Crossroads : Prologue
Crossroads ₪ I
Crossroads ₪ II
Crossroads ₪ III
Crossroads ₪ IV
Crossroads ₪ V
Crossroads ₪ VI
Crossroads ₪ VII
Crossroads ₪ VIII
Crossroads ₪ IX
Crossroads ₪ X
Crossroads ₪ XII
Crossroads ₪ XIII
Crossroads ₪ XIV
Crossroads ₪ XV
Crossroads ₪ XVI
Crossroads ₪ XVII
Crossroads ₪ XVIII
Crossroads ₪ XIX
Crossroads ₪ XX
Crossroads ₪ XXI
Crossroads ₪ XXII
Crossroads ₪ XXIII
Crossroads ₪ XXIV
Crossroads ₪ XXV
Crossroads ₪ XXVI
Crossroads ₪ XXVII
Crossroads ₪ XXVIII
Crossroads ₪ XXIX
Crossroads ₪ XXX
Crossroads ₪ XXXI
Crossroads ₪ XXXII
Crossroads ₪ XXXIII
Crossroads ₪ Epilogue

Crossroads ₪ XI

10.6K 307 72
Por NooFakeIshh


"Morning baby," I said trying to give her a kiss. Brielle sat on the bed with her laptop in front of her, but she moved her head. "Why you always do that?"

She glared at me for a couple of minutes. "Tell me when did I missed the memo that you owned my pussy?"

I laughed. "Chill, how did you find out about that?"

"You go out and put it on display for the whole world to hear, making me look like a damn fool. How could I not find out about it Chris? It went viral soon as you did it, people blowing up my phone telling me to look at what Chris said about you."

"It's not about you."

"How isn't it? That's our thing, that's a personal moment shared between you and I."

"You need to calm the fuck down."

"Who the fuck do you think you talking to right now?"

"You done yet? I can't take it back." I shrugged.

She exhaled deeply. "It's a lot of shit you been doing you can't take back, but let's make something clear. You don't own this, you renting. Trust and believe I can have a permanent tenant, who deserves to be making claims like that."

"Brielle, don't play yourself. Your ass ain't stupid to do some shit like that."

"You ain't stupid either but you vastly getting there, don't ever talk about our personal life like that. talking about you better say that shit to her cause she could be fucking another nigga, you have some damn nerve. I swear Chris you take 10 steps forward and 9 back. I'm telling you now! If something don't change with you and soon. You will be seeing a change within me, remember that." She said closing her laptop and walking out the bed room.

I already knew that argument was coming when I came home and sobered up, it's true I have made that song up for us. Whenever we have sex once in awhile I spit that song to her, I swear she be wetter than usual when she hears it. She been running from the dick, that's how into that song she gets. But I ain't apologizing and I ain't saying I was wrong, that message wasn''t directed towards her but it was definitely to let those niggas know who she belongs too even to those everyday nigga that smile in your face.

"Daddy, why didn't you play with me last night. I waited for you, I wanted to play with our spider gloves together." Mijo said in his little angelic voice, had me feeling a little bad the way he was looking at me.

"I'm sorry man, daddy had business to take care of."

"Momma and I waited for you, she didn't look too good when you left."

"Why what happen?"

"She looked really sad."

"How do know?"

"Cause when she sad she always come in my room to play with me, she stay with me till I fall asleep when you're gone."

"Awe, man I'm sorry I couldn't be here last night I really am."

"Mommy said she didn't want to kiss you last night."

"Why would she say that?"

He shrugged his little shoulders. "I dunno, I asked her why she didn't kiss you goodbye and she said she didn't feel like it."

"That's because she didn't want daddy to leave either, but daddy had to go do something . Remember when I told you my job is going to have me away from home a lot, well that's what I was doing I was working."

Mijo climbed into my lap and laid his head on my chest. "I don't want you to work anymore, I want you to stay home."

"I know man, but that's what you have to do when you're a grown up. You work to feed your family, I got to feed you, mommy, and Caeden. That's what a man does, he provides for his family. Daddy wouldn't be a man if he didn't keep clothes on your back and sneakers on your feet."

"I don't want sneakers, I want you." He said looking up at me with his big blue eyes, kid damn near broke my heart.

I hugged him tight. "I might be going out tonight again, I'll try and see if I can change it."

"Okay," he said holding his glove in his hand.

"Anytime you feel like this, anytime you have something that you see mommy or daddy doing that makes you unhappy you let us know."

"Does this mean you'll quit?"

"No, I still got to feed you. But I promise you I'll be home more often, even when I'm not I promise I'll take you with me."

He smiled, "Okay daddy."

Now I feel like shit, my own damn son feels like I've gone ghost in the house. That's bad as it is that he sees through how Brielle and I are starting to act with each other. I don't ever want my son to think that I don't want to spend time with him or that I'm purposely trying to make his mother sad. That's defintely not how I'm trying him make him see me as. I love my son, excuse me I love my sons to death. They are apart of me, when I die that's the one thing I'll be happy knowing I left behind to carry the torch. Last night honestly wasn't a personal night for myself, I had a reason for going out and clearly it showed. I would never want them to think I'm purposely doing something to make their mother unhappy, that is my wife. If I didn't love her I wouldn't be with her, I wouldn't put us through that hassel for sticking together for the kids. In the end that would still cause pain on us and definitely for boys. I'm a man and I'm going to do what ever the hell I want to do when I want to do it. Sometimes to me it'll be a good idea but once it's said and done I might regret it later, that's the choices I make. But I really do need to start thinking about how it affects others around me.

"Daddy, can I ask you something else?"


"You and mommy going to get a divorce?"

I stood him up on my lap to look at him at eye level. "No, why would you ask me that?"

"Cause Papi told me that him and Nana are getting a divorce, he told me that means when two people who love each other end up leaving each other because they don't want to be together no more. He said no matter what they will still always love me and I'm still their nino."

"Remember after Caeden was born, you walked your mommy down the aisle in this big building, with Papi, Nana, Grandma, and everybody else sitting behind us while mommy and I stood together?"


"You remember what I said to her?"

"No," he said shaking his head.

"I told her that she had looked more beautiful to me than she ever did that moment standing there in her white dress. I told her it took me a minute to realize that she was the one person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I never would have imagined it would be her standing before me to take on my last name, I couldn't really imagine it being anybody but her regardless. It was as if she was already mine to begin with, the only thing we was missing was the ring I placed on her finger that day. I told her that this ring ends all doubt of the way I feel about her, I promised to love her through the up and down, through sunny and rainy days, and fortune and tragedies. After I take this final moment to reel in my last free minutes as a free man I want to say how much I love and how I'll continue to love you after I say I do. I will love you today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. I told her after that day she was going to be mine for life, cause we will never be apart. That's exactly what I told her, those what you call vows."


"No vows, it means to us that divorce isn't a option. We don't believe in divorce, so no matter what we are going to stay together forever and forever. You don't have anything to worry about, alright?"


After that heart to heart with Mijo I went and got Caeden and we played all day, then chilled out downstairs on the couch and watched t.v together. Both of them fell asleep on my lap, as I feel asleep along with them. When I woke up I debated if I really really needed to go out tonight, since they are sleep I don't see a problem doing what I have to do. I put them in their rooms one by one, as I walked past my bedroom I saw Brielle standing in the front of the mirorr spaying perfume on her as she wore one of those fancy ass bra's and tight leggings.

"Where the hell you think you going looking dressed like that?"

"Out," she said not looking at me.

"No you not, put a shirt on what's wrong with you?"

She chuckled to herself, "That was funny."

"Brielle, I'm not playing where you going like that?"

"Out, you watch your kids tonight. Bad enough you missed Caeden first time going to the bathroom by himself, I don't want you to miss anything else tonight." She smiled walking past me patting my cheek on the face as she walked past me.

I followed her down the stairs and she open the front door. "Hold up, is that Keeis?"

"I got to go baby, don't wait up for me. I don't know when we'll be back, you can lock the door I have my key. Bye!" She said walking out the door.


Soon as I got into the car Keeis was grinning. "You trying to get me in trouble tonight looking that damn good, guarantee he mad right?"

"Please, he's boiling!" I said putting on my seat belt.

"You going to get in trouble tonight!"

I laughed. "Nah I'm good, I don't care how he feelin'. After that stunt he pulled last night, I'd say karma is a bitch."

"I got to admit, when he said that I was a bit pulled back from it. I was like damn did he really just go there, you think he did that purposely?"

"No, what would give him the reason?"

"Nevermind, imma just speak less on it."

This wouldn't effect Chris much if I was going out with Mel or Chyna, but since I'm kicking it with a dude that's one of his friends. I know he sitting at home thinking what the fuck! Since Keeis and I had those two nights together that it ended up being one of the greatest that I had with any friend of mine. I wanted to create that same thing tonight, Keeis really is good company to be around I swear I don't stop smiling when we chill together because he's always saying some shit that makes me laugh.

He knows how bad been I wanting to go out and just have fun and drink a little something, so course I said yes if he asked if I could step out the house tonight. We went out to the club he opted to pay for drinks, we spent some time in the v.i.p section but I'm a people's person so I had no problem going down to the floor with the rest of the people and dancing . Keeis and I danced together but it wasn't close, always kept a space between us. Taking a break from the floor and went back up in my section to drink.

"You good?" He asked.

"I'm feelin' real great, why you ask?"

"Cause you starting to stumble."

I laughed a bit. "Let me put this shit down then!" I said putting my glass on the table.

"You want to go home now?"

"Hell no, why? Do you want to go home?"

"Nah, it's just that it's 2:29 AM. I still got to look out for you."

"Time don't mean nothing to me tonight, when you ready we can leave. Thank you though for taking me out, you don't know how bad I needed this."

"Anytime Slim, you know I got you!"

Suddenly another throwback I'm sure is one of Keeis's favorites came on, I know cause as soon as it glared through the club he gave me that look. I turned my head the other way crossing my leg over the other as I buttoned my lip with a slight smile.

"Slim don't do that, you know damn well what I'm going to ask you."

I laughed. "Do know what this song is?"

"Yeah, Sex Me. Now what you waiting for?"

"I can't Keeis, this is a slow song compared to the others we danced to. I'm still married, it just not looking right in my head."

He smirked. "It's a dance, one little dance!Come on, you know this is my shit." He said extending his hand out.

I smiled thinking for a minute. "Alright, just don't be grabbing on my booty." I said as I grabbed on to hand as he lead us to the floor.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck, I was laughing very little in the beginning till I got comfortable. As the song progressed he spun me into a one 180 so my back side could be posted up in front him, he pulled me close to him as he had his head rested in the nape of my neck and his arm wrapped around my waist. It was easier for him to do that than Chris, Keeis was the right height for it compared to Chris's giant ass. Keeis gave me a feeling that I been trying to recieve from Chris, he made me feel welcomed it's not the right word but it's a close as I can come. After Keeis and I left together I had the munchies so we stopped at a convience store and piled up a snacks. Brownies, ho - ho's, cookies, M&M's, my favorite snickers and cheese doodles.

"You got chocolate on your face." I smiled.

"Where?" He tried getting it off but it hands were sticky as it was.

"Right there!" I pointed.

"Get it!" He said, I licked my thumb and wiped his cheek. "Hold the hell up, no you didn't just lick your thumb and touch my face."

I laughed, "You told me to get it."

"You couldn't use a napkin?"

I laughed harder, "My bad?"

He smiled. "I'm playing with you, it's all good."

Those car ride be on point, I swear that's one other persons that leave me feeling like I'm twelve after a single conversation. I didn't get home will about 4 in the morning, I honestly thought Chris would be asleep but he was up.

"What so damn important you had to come in the house a 4 in the morning?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't play this game right now, lower your voice before you wake them up." I said cracking the door.

"You put this shit on to go chill with that nigga?" He said pulling the strap to my bandeau.

"Stop, so what I want to go out looking nice I ain't know it was a problem."

"You got niggas staring at your body, it's a damn problem."

"Lower your voice."

"Don't play these games with me Brielle, cause it can turn around and bite you in the ass."

"If I want to go out with a friend and come home whenever the hell I feel like then dammit I will, get out my face!"

"Aight you want to play these games, fuck it go head. When I start playing back don't say shit."

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