Devil in Tokyo (ReaderxYuji I...

Por akvmawhcre

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Maybe if you didn't accidentally kill those chickens, you wouldn't have to go to war. slice of life of a vil... Más

I died.
Press of death
To be seen is the penalty
A rebellion built on hope
Man-made horror
All Power Demands Sacrifice
You Got The Devil In Your Eyes

A devil arrived in Tokyo

347 18 8
Por akvmawhcre

You were now packing your stuff for Tokyo. Your heart felt heavy as you looked around your cluttered apartment filled with a lot of memories. This was your home since birth. You grew up with your loving mother, the bunch of frames of you and your mom on the wall speaks for itself. This house hold such sentimental value to you, you just can't sell it away. Gojo reassured you about not having to sell it and you can always come back here whenever you like. Bills would be paid, not that electricity would be use while you're gone.

"If it's of sentimental value then we can turn this apartment into a really strong weapon" Yoru pipes in from who knows where as she folded her arms against her chest.

"I literally just said i can't sell it because it's way too precious and you want me to destroy it and turn it into a weapon" you scorned at her and she scoffed right back at you.

Well because of your sentimental trait, you couldn't resist to fit almost everything in your luggage. You ended up using two luggage. You wiped the sweat dripping down from your forehead after you had to violently sit and slammed yourself onto the luggage just to zipped it up. Sendai is quite far from Tokyo anyways, so you might as well and pretend like you're gonna move there.

You brought one backpack with you and one sling bag on your shoulder. You're ready, you got this. "I'll be back, please watch over the house for me" you smiled as if your mom was there in the room with you.

You opened up your front door to see Itadori, Fushiguro and also Gojo standing there.

"Yo!" Itadori greeted.

"Done packing up?" Gojo asked.

"No offense, are these all yours?" Fushiguro raised both of his eyebrows at the luggage that was half of your size. It concerned him that there was two of it too. "Did you put your whole interior in them?" he added.

You deadpanned and frowned at Fushiguro's remarks. "Now, now Megumi. You have to understand that y/n is a lady. It's good to prepare for a new environment, you wouldn't get it since you're not the one that's leaving your home to live across the city. Now why don't you be the gentleman that you are and help her carry one of her luggage"

Fushiguro sighs before reaching out his hand to one of the handle in your hand. However , his rude remarks from earlier made you felt slightly annoyed at him. Like any other passive aggressive person, you grip the handle of your luggage harder "its fine," Your tone was harsh as you glared at him.

Before you can turn to walk away, Fushiguro suddenly pulls back your backpack out of you, making you stumbled and almost fall. He was taller than you and physically stronger, so of course it was easy for him to pry your backpack away. Your hand instinctively left the handle of the luggage, balancing yourself against the door behind you.

Gojo smiles his usual smile, while itadori watches this with both of his arm resting from behind his head in amusement. You twist your head back to glare at Fushiguro. "Excuse me?"

But fushiguro is already slipping the straps of your backpack on one of his shoulder while his other hand pulled the luggage away with him. "Let's go. Don't want to miss the train now"

Your eyebrows pinched together as you glare at the back of Fushiguro's head. God, what is his problem really. Noway was he upset about you getting him an apple. What can you do, you're poor! "He's a tough nut to crack but he might fall for you soon" Yoru made her opinion known out of nowhere and you feel yourself physically cringed at that.

"Don't mind him! Megumi is actually kind! he's just having a hard time expressing his feelings" Gojo chuckles "No i do not!" The raven jeers despite already walking away.

"Here, let me help you too. You look a little silly carrying a luggage that's as big as you"

You muttered a thank you as you watch Fushiguro and Gojo walks towards the elevator. You glance at Itadori and he flashes you his usual toothy grin "Let's get going"


You sat down on one of the many seats in the train making yourself comfortable. You felt nervous for some reason. You're leaving your one and only home to live in Tokyo. It just doesn't sound right no matter how you think of it in anyway.

You leaned at one of the plastic glass at the side of your seat and starts thinking about things that has been happening in your life lately. To be honest you didn't say goodbye to your fickle classmates including Fujikawa. You didn't feel sad but you felt empty.

"Didn't you say you wanted to move school? You're moving now so stop complaining and smile," You look up to see Yoru standing infront of you with her hand holding a safety handle.

"Im not"

"Then you should be happy. almost half of your bucket list is completed. Changing school and getting a boyfriend— or boyfriends now that there's two of them, or three" she glances at the white haired adult making you grumble under your breath.

"That's not how it works and they're not my b—" Oops, you almost forgot you weren't alone. The choice to argue with the apparition of the Devilman who possessed your body probably isn't a shrewd call, and so you snapped your head back towards Itadori that was sitting next to you. Be natural. Be very natural.

Luckily you didn't get to finish your sentence but the fact that Itadori and Fushiguro seemed to have heard you talking to yourself was not going to be ignored. Well, at least Fushiguro is not the confrontational type that butts in peoples business "Who are you talking to?" The pink haired boy asked you.

"no one in particular sometimes i be talking to myself for no reason" You avert your eyes away from Itadori hoping that he would buy your lie. "cool," Itadori wanted to press on the matter if he was being honest. That wasn't the first time he's caught you talking to yourself but he figured he should let it go this time and maybe the next time if he was feeling generous.

Plus, he now has to worry about the bigger problem within himself, Sukuna. The guy was rather quiet ever since today. He was a lot more noisy yesterday.

You felt curious. You want to know how he deal with his own demon. "so, how do you deal with... Sukuna being inside of you"

Itadori drew his lips into a thin line, thinking. "Honestly i'm not sure. It feels natural to do so like you know when you fight back the urge to jump off whenever you're on top of a tall building? yeah it's kind of like that"

It amazes you that he described himself fighting his demon the same way he fights his impulsive thoughts.

"Is he loud...? do you hear his voices in your head?" The question came deeply from within you. You just want to be able to relate and feel less insane as if it's not obvious.

"Well he's.... listening as we're speaking. He doesn't say much unless it's necessary. Of course, when he wants to be heard, he'll make himself known" Itadori rubs his chin in deep thoughts.

"errr he's listening to us?" he's just like Yoru then.

"I am so you better choose your words wisely, little girl" The slits under one of Itadori's eyes suddenly popped open revealing the familiar red eyes from yesterday, a mouth appeared from under the eye.

You backed away from Itadori and screamed before covering your mouth with your palm. It caught the attention of Fushiguro and Gojo as they leaned their head forward to peak at your stunned form.

"Is everything good?" Gojo asked from all the way across, next to Fushiguro. "Sorry Sensei, it was just Sukuna appearing out of nowhere startling L/N" Itadori rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"awww~ you're already calling me sensei! My heart feels like it's skipping a beat" The white hair sorcerer cooes from his seat.

"My bad, i didn't mean to react like that" you tugs onto Itadori's hoodie to gain his attention with a somewhat apologetic face. "no, no, no! Im sorry for not warning you that he can appear out of nowhere! it's not your fault"

"No, but i—"

"This is why teenage kids are the worst" Sukuna cuts you off before Itadori slapped the mouth in an attempt to shut him off. Fushiguro sigh again, as if his whole body isn't in pain, he's now having a headache over you, Itadori and Sukuna... And Gojo Sensei too.

"That is very fascinating indeed," Yoru glances towards Itadori. "Who is this Itadori kid? blessed? cursed? he's got one hell of a strong mental and physical strength. He might be a genius"

"yeah," you mutter under your breath quietly. You watch as he awkwardly wipe his sweaty palms against his jeans, looking anywhere that's not your direction.

Yoru scoffs at your puzzlements as you think of a topic that you can bring to keep the conversation going but you find none. The awkward silence fils up the air but it wasn't that bad where you would be physically unable to sit still on your seat. Only the sound of the train moving fills up your ear.

You close your eyes slowly enjoying the somewhat comfy moment. You didn't realised that you had fallen asleep on Itadori's shoulder. He stiffened at the sudden weight leaning against him, drilling his eyes into your skull as a lighter shade of red crossing his face. The typical romance trope he's seen it dramas and mangas were now happening to him, how crazy is that? Well, yes he just met you but he it was his first time being this close with a girl before.

He also felt a sense of accomplishment when he could smell the sweet shampoo that emits from your hair. He was drowning in your scent, finding some sort of comfort in inhaling the smell of your shampoo.

He felt like a creep but he's way too content to care about his morality. It's not like what he did is wrong in a way.

The landscape flew by as the bullet train sped through at an incredible speed. When you finally arrived in Tokyo, there was a lavish black car waiting for the four of you there. You cant help the corners of your lips curling up, feeling somewhat excited of your new life. The new environment in Tokyo and not to mention how much cooler and prettier the city is compared to Sendai.

A man named Ijichi introduced himself as a manager to you and Itadori. You got inside of his car in the backseat, sandwiched between Fushiguro and Itadori. To someone like you who have never felt the touch of the opposite sex, especially in a small cluttered space like this, it just feels really intimate. It was not the most comfortable to sit between them since they both have a much bigger frame than yours.

You almost burst out laughing out of nowhere when you see Yoru sitting on Fushiguro's lap though. It's such a silly image and you were disappointed that no one else can see the sight.

When you arrived at Tokyo Jujutsu high  (which is located on the outskirts of the Tokyo) you can't help but admire the beautiful scenery. Although you were a bit disappointed that you were going to be a mountain girl rather than those flashy Tokyo girls you see on your social medias.

The school is built in a traditional architectural style like one of those ancient temples. You did remember that Gojo said the school disguised itself as a religious school.

Fushiguro was nowhere to be seen, according to Gojo he's now resting after being treated by a sorcerer in the place. As you walked towards one of the building, Gojo explained that you have to go through an interview first before you can officially become a student here. What the? this wasn't in the package? You didn't know there was an interview and the chance of you passing is probably 23% on a good day. Not so confident, unlike Itadori who had an actual reason to be here. You don't.

"What? So you're not the boss?" Itadori's demon make his presence known once again. This time you were less surprised, not trying to let him get to you. After all, you shouldn't be worrying about someone else's demon when you have your own.

"Any hierachy other than strength is worthless," he adds his two cents like anyone gives a shit. Immediately, Itadori slapped his cheek once again "sorry, sensei.. he just appears sometimes"

"Oh?" Gojo rests his fingers under his chin as if he's thinking of something. Next to him stood Yoru as she mirrors Gojo's although her face is that of a poker one.

"I owe you a favour after all," The voice reappears this time on the back of Itadori's hand.

"Not again!" Itadori whines.

"When i make this kid's body mine..." he paused menacingly "you'll be the first i kill!"

Even though the threats were not aimed towards you, you could feel your hair stand on your back. You're not sure if it was his voice, his tone or maybe the energy that's emitting from Itadori's body that scares you. Ever since becoming one with Yoru, you realised how sensitive you've become to things like these, energy and so on.

"It's an honour to be targeted by Sukuna," Gojo smiles.


When you entered one of the building where you were supposed to meet the principal of the school, sat a geriatric man on the floor with a bunch of adorable dolls surrounding him.

"Now i don't know what is deemed as socially acceptable in human society but i know for a fact that this isn't" Yoru points a finger at the man as he started talking to Gojo about whatever old people do these days. Honestly, Yoru is onto something because you completely agree with her.

As you stood there eying the geriatric man's every moves, you were contemplating wether or not this is a good idea. You're a fraud. Technically merging one or hosting a devil is a criminal offence right? If you get caught there's no third chance or fourth chances in life after that. You're not one to know about what's wrong and right, what matters to you is that it wont turn out to be another mistake. You suddenly have the urge to throw up your lunch and breakfast as you overthink this. The good choice was to probably come clean and admit that you killed someone and that you're not a human currently, but you were too deep in to care about what's deemed as moral and immoral, yet letting go of that inhibition is so sudden, yet so stifling. Yet if all you care about is how you comes off rather than what's virtuous, it just makes living life more easier.

"My name is Itadori Yuji. Im into girls like Jennifer lawrence! nice to meet you!" Itadori bows down to show his respect. You raises your eyebrows at his introduction. Not that you care what kind of girls he's into but was that really necessary to go and tell your school principal?

Things went horribly wrong after that as you watch Itadori getting his ass whooped by a bunch of adorable little dolls. Sure it was kind of funny at first and Yoru was as entertained too but now you know it was going to be your turn next. You glanced at Yoru a little hoping that she could help you come up with even greater bullshit so you can get in.

As much as Yoru would love to switch with you, she had a gut feeling that it's not the most wise idea to do it in the home base of sorcerers. It's like walking into your enemies territory and expecting to leave unscattered.

"and, what about you? ( L/n Y/n)" he says and though he sounds calm, it also comes out a bit aggressive"What is it that could interest you by attending Jujutsu High? heard you were caught in between the crossfire" The way you haven't even introduced yourself and he already knew this much? Gojo must be quick to report things.

"What? don't tell me you were fascinated by seeing them fight and thinking you could do the same too?" And apparently this old man is also a mind reader. How did he know that was your motive all along— wait but that's not all!

With an awkward cough into your fist, you straighten your back to seemed way more serious. "Well i suppose, the fight was great but that's besides the point. Im here because i think i belong here and can contribute to this organisation" You say with confidence in your chest. To be honest you were just citing from Yoru but it's not like they know you were cheating.

"You belong here? elaborate." The man you now know as Yaga pinched his eyebrows together at your statement.

"If im being honest, i don't know much about curses and sorcerers and whatnot but im willing to learn. When i saw Gojo san fighting Sukuna on the rooftop yesterday, i felt like i could do the same. I mean, i can't just go on about my life after seeing something like that" But Yaga doesn't seemed impressed by your answer at all.

Initially, you wanted to go for a sob story on how your mother died getting cursed or something along the way. You were prepared to get on your knees and sob and suddenly starts acting like an avenger that will kill every curse so that no one can suffer a motherless life you did. But you figured it wouldn't work since Itadori tried it with his grandfather and he was guilt tripped instead.

The old man is now holding a thin metal needle in his hand, diligently sewing the back of a mint green plushie as if he was bored and that kinda annoys you a little. "So is that your sole reason to become a sorcerer ? because you want to feel accepted? could do the same as Gojo? what a joke"

The crease between your eyebrows deepened with irritation. Calm down y/n he's just trying to get a rise out of you. Try to analyse his interview with Itadori. "So what? are you making fun of my feelings? i don't know what's right and what's wrong all i know is that i don't want to make mistakes. I don't want to mindlessly obey orders but at the same time i don't trust myself with decisions. I want to able to figure things out which is why im here. Especially after meeting Itadori and Fushiguro. You won't see things the way i do anyway, so as long as i have the will to fight that's all that matters."

"And i don't care about those dying crap. I don't fear death anymore. If i die in the process, that just means im not strong enough and if i survive it just shows that my will is greater than everybody else," This time it was all you. Yoru didn't tell you to say this infact she feels like you're probably going to get expelled on your first day here.

"How can you confidently say that you don't fear death? How can you say you don't have any regrets if you die in battle? do you want to receive the Yuji treatment too?" The man questions while extending his palm towards one of his dolls. Oh no not the Itadori treatment please anything but that!

"Because i have nothing to lose," For a second, Yaga saw the slightest bit of strange rings within your eyes staring back at him. The cold, unfeeling look as if it's telling a story of the war that has been going through your mind. As he tries to read you, you struts forward, stopping to bend down and picked up one of the plushie that was wrestling with Itadori earlier. "Can i have this?" you say so suddenly and Itadori was trying to figure you out. Why were you suddenly interested in that? that's not the time for that.

"Uh, sure but—" Yaga quirked one of his eyebrow in confusion. If you were really interested in his dolls, he can just personally make one for you but that's not the time for that "Im not done with you. So you have nothin to lose? Let's play a game"

"Not again," Gojo sighed but he was still maintaining the cool and relaxed smile on him.

"do you know how to fight?" Although Yaga already know the answer to that.

"No" you reply "but bring it on. Don't go easy on me"

The corners of the old man's lips tug upwards. He likes that answer from you. Impulsive and arrogant.

"Hey, Yoru. How do i make weapons again?" you muttered under your breath quietly so that everyone within your radius couldn't hear you.

"Just call for it's weapon name"

You look at the cute ugly curse corpse in your hand. It's cute, something that teenager girls would keep in their bedroom. Not that you know what kind of animal it was supposed to be, a dog? cat? baldy? Yaga's got some creepy hobby "Cathy—mah—chete" you call out while holding her legs.

Before you know it there was at least 5 dolls jumping you. Hey, isn't that a bit unfair? You would assume that this geriatric old man hold deep grudges on you as if you were to kidnap his daughter or something.

Cathy on your hand, had turned into a funky looking machete. The blades looks like it's made of teeth and she was fidgeting in your palm. Kind of gross not gonna lie but you swing it towards her fellow corpse members, slashing at least three of those poor cuties.

Yaga stood up in bewilderment. He blinked and his beloved Cathy suddenly turned into a machete and you were now using her to slash his other creations that he spent his blood sweat and tears in sewing them together. "what did you do to Cathy!?!? NO!"

The playful smile on Gojo suddenly shifts into a more neutral resting lips.

"dodge, jump, step on the doll, attack" You listened closely as Yoru orders you what to do.

You cross your arms, blocking a punch from one the dolls. Itadori weren't acting when he was being attack earlier, because oh boy, the punches thrown by merely dolls, felt like a punch from a gymbro who deadlifts. You find your back hitting one of the many pillars in the room, after the punch. One of the corpse launch itself towards you at an incredible speed. You jumped up, a bit too early so that when it finally nears you, you could use the doll as a stepping stone to jump even higher in the air. Your eyes were on your prize, the dragon doll.

"Bring your weapon from the back and swing last second," She commands from the ground.

It all happened too fast and Yaga wanted to tell you to stop since he already lost 3 of his precious babies. His mouth felt heavy. He didn't say anything to you and decides to watch behind his sunglasses.

You swing at it, cutting off the head with the plushie machete. For the first time you felt in control of your life. Your feet met the ground as you examined your palms in amazement. Your moves were sloppy, of amateur, but because of the weapon, you became of advantage. What does this means? weapons are strong— (you'll continue having this woke philosophy thoughts later since you have to get back to the principal)

"what did you just do?" Principal Yaga asks. His face is stoic, he doesn't looked freaked out, infact he looks calm as if he figure it all out already.

"i don't know," you shrug "i just do whatever i like" claps echoes through the room and Gojo freely laugh as he nears you "That was amazing (y/n) chan! that's one hell of a curse technique you got!"

You stared at Gojo in silence before craning back to the principal waiting for some kind of response. So like are you in? or are you getting expelled?

"you have talent." He admitted " Welcome, to jujutsu high" and your cheeks felt so warm when it stretched to your ears! you made it!

"no way!! im in?" you screamed and twirl around and accidentally hugged Gojo in excitement. "WEEEEEEE" He grabbed you and twirled you around like a baby. (This is not very canon of you but lets pretend that it is)

" (L/N), You have the power to help people and you're right, it's hard to tell what's right and what's wrong and you cant just mindlessly follow orders. You're still young and you're still trying to figure things out so that's why we are all here. We will help you" The principal extends his hand towards you for a handshake and you happily take it.s

(Late update bcs i was out getting bitches nd i lowkey kinda forgot how this story was supposed to go but its alr)

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