TSOF: Revelation

By AluraJNyx

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The aftermath of everyone finding out Anselma is Loki's daughter. More

Getting To Know Each Other
Family Outing (Disaster)
Pointing Fingers
Author's Note
Odin and Tony
Frigga and Anselma
Questions & Doubts
All Together Again
The Case
221 B Baker Street
The Search
Godfather, God Father, and Father
Cold Fury
Author's Note
The third story

The Judgement

160 7 0
By AluraJNyx

Two nights later Odin was eager to tell his granddaughter the results of the trial. He called for silence halfway through the meal. Everyone turned to look at him expectantly. "I am pleased to say that the criminals Amora and Skurge have been given a fair punishment that begins tonight." All attention was now directed at the Allfather once he said that. "They have been stripped of their magic and banished from the Nine Realms to find their own home." Loki, Tony, and Thor looked very happy with the punishment. Clint and Natasha were whispering together; Anselma was one hundred percent certain they were discussing how they would have sentenced the two. She edged her seat a little away from the archer and closer to Bruce, who looked intrigued by what Odin had said. She could see he was mouthing the word 'realms' and smiled as the scientist in Bruce began showing. Steve was frowning at Anselma, his brow furrowed in thought. "Do you agree with the sentence?" He asked her suddenly, causing all other conversations to cut off and all eyes to fly to the teen. Anselma thought about it for a moment.

"Yes and no." She said slowly. "I'm glad that they don't have magic anymore because that was the worst par-" she cut herself off and cleared her throat as a flicker of anger crossed every face. "I'm just worried what they'll do to other people they come across now." Anselma glanced at Steve to see he was still confused. "Amora is filled with a lot of anger. And her state of mind is shaky at best." She explained. Understanding dawned on the supersoldier's face. "You don't want them to hurt anyone else." Anselma nodded. It was silent for a long moment before Odin stood quickly and disappeared. Frigga hurried after him with an apology. Everyone assured her it was fine. Anselma excused herself and slowly left the palace.

She wandered for a while before finding herself on the beautiful colored bridge. Glancing back she saw Charles lurking a few feet behind her, trying and failing to hide. But there was nowhere to hide on the bridge. Anselma warily made her way to the edge of the bridge and sat with her feet hanging above the never ending nothingness. Charles took a worried step forward before realizing she was just sitting there with no intentions of falling. Anselma silently held out a hand to him. Ever so slowly, Charles inched his way near and gently gripped her hand. Carefully, Anselma tugged him until he sat next to her. They didn't say anything for a long moment. They just sat there staring at the blinking stars. Sighing Anselma shifted to lean back on her hands. Charles relaxed slightly as she moved a little ways from the edge. After a few more minutes she turned to face her self-appointed bodyguard with a smile. "Mind helping me up darling?" Charles carefully stood and held out a hand to her. She grabbed it and began to rise. When she turned to face him her foot slipped. Anselma let out a startled scream as she fell over the edge. Only Charles' hold on her hand saved her. She couldn't take her eyes off the darkness threatening to swallow her whole. Charles lay on the bridge and stretched his other arm out to her. "Give me your hand!" He yelled. Anselma tried but they couldn't get a firm grip. They began to truly panic when Anselma's hand began slipping out of his. "Hold on!" Charles yelled while looking around for anyone that could help them. "I can't!" She said, fear coating her voice. She gasped as her hand fell away completely. Her scream echoed along the bridge.

For one terrifying second she was falling. Then suddenly she was rising up and was standing safely on the bridge. Clinging to her saviour Anselma looked up to meet gold eyes. She held even tighter to the watchguard and let out a sob of relief. "Thank you Heimdal." She whispered as Charles gently laid a hand on her shoulder. Slowly Anselma pulled away from Heimdal who watched to make sure she was steady. "It was no trouble my Princess." He rumbled. Anselma gave him a shaky laugh. Charles and Anselma watched as he made his way back to his post before the thunder of footsteps behind them drew their attention. Turning the found all of the Avengers rushing towards them.

Anselma opened her mouth to speak but before any words left her mouth she was enveloped in Tony's and Loki's arms. "Oh, thank God." Tony gasped, utter relief on his face. Loki pulled away and began examining Anselma with keen eyes. "What happened?" He asked in concern. "We heard you screaming." Anselma glanced at Charles and Loki's eyes flew to him. Straitening, Charles answered the question. "Princess Asta slipped off the edge of the bridge." Loki and Thor tensed while the rest stared worriedly at Anselma. "I did my best to pull her up but was unable to. Heimdal arrived and saved Princess Asta before she could fall completely." Thor disappeared along with Steve and Bruce. Most likely to go thank the watchguard. Tony's arms tightened around his little girl. Loki searched for any wounds while Clint and Natasha sagged slightly in relief that she was alright. Loki turned back to Charles and took a deep breath. "Thank you for your help in saving my daughter. I shall be sure to let the Allfather know of your courageous actions." Charles bowed his head slightly while Anselma gave Loki a small smile. Without another word they all turned and began making their way back towards the palace. Thor, Steve and Bruce caught up with them soon after. Odin and Frigga met them at the doors. Loki explained what happened to them. Frigga ushered Anselma inside and wrapped her up in a big hug. She didn't let go for a long while. Odin asked Charles to follow him to the the throne room. Loki, Tony and Thor went with them. Steve, Clint, and Natasha were asking Bruce if there was any way to put up fences along the bridge. He immediately left to find out. The other three trailing after him to pitch their ideas on how it should look. Anselma watched them go with a fond smile. "Are you alright sweetie?" Frigga asked softly. Anselma looked at her worried grandmother. "I'm fine." She replied. Frigga smiled and allowed Anselma to leave to her room, where she laid in bed and relaxed. She was glad that she wasn't hurt and hoped Charles was alright too. And that no one ever found out he had let her sit on the edge. She didn't think her family would like that at all.

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