It must've been the wind...

By DavidAustin33

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Jonas is a young man moving on with his life and starting on his own two feet. He has a stable job and a new... More

Chapter One: Moving In
Chapter Two: The New Girl
Chapter Three: Curiosity Killed the Cat
Chapter Four: A Strange Apology
Chapter Five: An Invitation
Chapter Six: The Friday Night Party
Chapter Seven: The Old Gravel Road
Chapter Eight: Andrew's Anger
Chapter Nine: The Ride with Andrew
Chapter Ten: Left on Read
Chapter Eleven: Nightmares and Concerns
Chapter Twelve: Mr. Hammonds Helping Hand
Chapter Fourteen: The Fight to Save Cassidy
Chapter Fifteen: Fighting for Life
Chapter 16: Locked Up and Buried
Chapter Seventeen: A New Beginning

Chapter Thirteen: Planning in the Wind

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By DavidAustin33

I race to the elevator to go up to the second floor to tell Cassidy the good news. I reach the second floor and as soon as the elevator doors open up standing right there outside the door was Andrew and Cassidy. I stop dead in my tracks not sure what to do. I froze, as Andrew and Cassidy get in the elevator, I just stand there motionless. "You healed up fast." Andrew said out of the blue. I keep my silence, not really sure if I should say anything. "What cat got your tongue? No smart remarks to make?" He said getting in my face. I decide to make a slick move and say hello to Cassidy. "How are you, Cassidy?" I ask. But nothing, she doesn't answer just stands there in silence. Andrew grabs me by my shirt, "Did you not learn your lesson last time?" Andrew said sternly. "She doesn't want to talk to you, so beat it." Andrew said as the elevator doors open to the first floor where he takes Cassidy by the hand and walks out the elevator. Cassidy looked back at me for a moment and looked away without a word.

I get up and dust myself off. I wanted so badly to follow them, but I couldn't do that without being seen. I feel like I'm losing time. Cassidy is probably getting hurt more and more by the day and it drives me insane not being right there to protect her. I go back to my apartment and turn on the TV and try to think about what to do. Time is running out, and for all I know Andrew is planning on moving away and taking Cassidy with him. I can't let that happen; I have to get her out of the situation she's in. I call up Derrik and ask if he wants to come over. About twenty minutes later Derrik shows up. "What's up J?" He asks. "Hey Derrik, look I need your help." I reply. I tell Derrik about how I talked to Mr. Hammond about the tapes and how we may have video evidence of Andrew being abusive. Derrik suggests that if Cassidy would just admit it, then the cops could look into it.

Derrik was right about that, but there was only one problem. Despite Cassidy having the bruises and possible scars to prove it there was no way that she would admit it. You can look at Cassidy and tell she's scared. "Wait, I may have an idea." Derrik continues, "What if you provoke Andrew?" I look at Derrik understanding where he was going with his idea. "If he's as hot tempered as we know he is, then it won't take much to make him blow his top. If you do that, I can have the cops on the way as soon as possible." Derrik said confident that his plan would work. I think about it for a minute, the plan may be crazy, but it might just work. "You know what Derrik? I think we will try it." I tell him. Derrik smiles, and I ask him if he'd like to stay over for the next couple nights so we can really go through the details of the plan. We might just be able to get Andrew caught red handed. Later that night, I'm lying in bed scrolling though my phone. As I'm lying there, I hear a crash above my head and Andrew yelling. It came from Cassidy's room, so I get dressed, and I walk out of my bedroom. Derrik is passed out on the couch, so I know he didn't hear it. I walk out and take the elevator to the second floor; I walk down the hallway and get ready to knock on the door.

I hear Cassidy sobbing. I knock on the door and Cassidy answers, she doesn't open the door fully only enough that she can peak through the door. "Cassidy? Is everything okay? I heard a crash and some yelling and got worried about you." I said showing my concern. She looks down, and said in a soft voice, "I think your ears are playing tricks on you." She continued to speak, "Thanks for caring, Jonas, that's nice of you but I have to go back in." I'm confused, she's acting like she doesn't know who I am. I ask her about the noise I heard, but before I can finish, she said, "Wish I could tell you about the noise, but I didn't hear a thing. It must've been the wind." She said to me. Cassidy then closes the door and locks it. I stand there stunned; it was like she didn't know me at all. I go back to my room; Derrik is still dead asleep. I try to lay down and go to sleep but I can't all I can think about is what happed. So once again I make my way to Cassidy and Andrew's room. I knock, and once again she answers the door the same way. I ask Cassidy again, "What was that noise earlier? Cassidy if you're in danger you need to tell me I can save you." I tell her. I want to just grab her and hug her. She looks at me briefly, repeating exactly what she told me earlier. "Your ears are playing trick on you. Thank you for caring it's nice of you but I have to go back in." Just then Andrew yells out to Cassidy, I couldn't tell what he said, but Cassidy tells me one more time before shutting the door on me. "It must've been the wind."

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