Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner...

By anve71405002

5K 76 158

A girl arrives in the Glade. The only thing she remembers is her name. She's in bad condition and needs time... More

1// Waking up
2// Eating
3// Building
4// Drinking
5// Announcing
6// Dreaming
7// Falling
8// Talking
9// Meeting
10// Researching
11// Threatening
12// Suspecting
14// Thinking
16// Admitting
18// Running
19// Finding
20// Forgetting
21// Feeling
22// Hiding
23// Fighting
24// Gathering
25// Dating
26// Explaining
27// Sleeping
28// Loving

13// Discussing

174 3 3
By anve71405002







I woke up pretty early this morning, at the same time as the sun. It was when i opened my eyes that I remember I wasn't in my room. I was on the top of the treehouse, with Newt lying next to me.
He's still asleep at this moment. It's probably around 5.30 a.m.. No other Gladers are awake yet. But the sun is always awake at 5 a.m. and so was I this morning because of the light.

I like early monings in the Glade. The nights are always a bit cold, but the very first sunshine brings the warmth back. But still, it's not hot enough to be all sweaty. And the sound of the birds, and the sheep and goats waking up. There is no sound of boys yet, just the nature in peace.

Until you have a little heart attack from the sound of the Maze changing. Or worse, hearing a Griever. I'm totally used to the Glade, but i'm still afraid of the Maze. Sometimes, I'm curious about it. I wonder how it is. But I would never want to be a Runner.

I'll have to wake up Newt any minute now. We have to talk with Alby and Minho before he has to go run in the Maze. But Newt looks so cute asleep. No, not important now.

I give him a little push. "Hi, Newt. Wake up. We need to go and wake Gally, Alby, and Minho."

He slowly opens his eyes and looks in mine. "Good morning, Beautiful."
A smile appears on his lips. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thank you. Did you?"

"When you stopped talking in your sleep, yes."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What did I talk about?"

"Uhm, things like 'WICKED is good' and 'I can't go'. Do you still don't remember your dreams."

"No, I wish I did."

"I don't know about that. My most reculare dream is how I'm drowning and screaming. And people looking at it but not doing anything. I can't see their faces, though."

"Okay, maybe I should be happy. But you know, maybe if I did, I would know more about the creators. Or something that could get us out of here."

"We'll get out of here soon, Love. No worries. We should go now, wake up the others."

So that's what we do. We go back down the ladder and go to the other Gladers.
I wake up Gally and Alby, Newt wakes up Minho. We all meet in the hut that's used for the Gatherings.

"Okay, what do you three want to tell me?"

Gally is going to explain it: "It's about Rebecca, Alby. She's a problem. She threatened Y/n and hurt her. You see the cut in her arm, that's from Rebacca."

"Is that true, Y/n?" Alby asks.


"Why would she do that?"

"Because Y/n knew what game she's playing. Minho, tell what you told Y/n, please, about you and Rebecca." Gally sounds angry.

"Uhm," Minho looks confused. "Rebecca spends a lot of time with me. Then, she talks about how she needs me and how I make her feel safe. And that she would date me if there wasn't a rule against it."

"Well, Y/n also talked to me," Newt starts. "And I told her the same things. Because Rebecca was always telling me the same things, Minho. I'm sorry, she's playing with us."

Minho eyes go wide, and he looks shocked and disappointed. "W-what? She didn't kiss you, did she?"

"What? No, defently not."

"Minho, did you and Rebecca kiss?" Alby asks.

"Well, she kissed me, last night."

"Okay, let me get this straight." Alby says. "Rebacca is telling both Newt and Minho she likes them and would date them. And Y/n found out by just talking to them. What happened next?"

"I wanted to tell you and everyone about it, expose her. But before I could, Rebecca asked me to go to the Deadheads to talk. And there she told me to keep quiet or she would do something to me. She had a knife with her and cut in my arm with it. And after, I was too scared to tell anyone. So I lied about it to you, Alby, and Gally and Newt. I'm sorry for lying."

Newt lies his hand on my shoulder and gives me a little smile. "Last night, Gally and I took her to talk. We had this feeling she was lying. And she told us the truth, 'cause she was safe then. That Greenie is dangerous, Alby. We have to do something about it."

"Can you guys leave Newt and I alone for a moment, please? So we can discuss this."

We do as Alby says and leave them so they can decide what to do. We're not going too far away, we don't want Rebecca to find us.

But aperantly, it was too late for that. She's standing in front of us, looking very mad. "Y/n, what are you doing here? Where's Newt?"

"Newt is inside with Alby, deciding what they are gonna do about you," Gally replies.

She looks at me with a lot of anger in her eyes. "What did you tell them?" She's coming closer to me, but Minho takes a step forward to, now standing in front of me. He takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze.

"Minho, what are you doing?" Rebecca asks him, sounding like she's gonna cry. Like she's the real victim here. But that's Minho himself and Newt.

"Protecting Y/n, for freaks like you. Don't you dare put on another act now."

And Rebecca doesn't, but she keeps getting closer and gets out her knife again. We should never have let her work in the kitchen. Gally goes forward and takes her arm. She's long not strong enough for him. "Don't even think about it."

The door a little further behind us swings open, and I look behind me. It's Newt. "Put her in the pit, Gally."

"With pleasure, I'm gonna enjoy it."

~~Newt's pov~~

I watch my friends go away with the girl, putting her in the pit and locking her up.

I look at the others standing there, not moving, not knowing what to do, probally. Rebecca's knife is lying on the ground. That bloody knife. We should never have let her work in the kitchen.

Minho is looking down at the ground, he looks sad, which I completely understand. I see how he's holding Y/n's hand. It gives me a weird feeling.

But Y/n let his hand go, runs toward me, and gives me a hug. She really presses her body against mine, so I do my arms around her.
"It's gonna be okay, Y/n. She's going to get banished. She's never gonna hurt you again."


Now that all the Gladers are awake, they immediately notice that Rebecca isn't there. And how the Runners aren't gone. We gave them all a day off because Minho isn't in a good mood to run today. It's time for Alby to tell what happened and what's gonna happen.

Alby starts: "I received some bad news this morning about Rebecca. I'm sure you all have noticed she's not here right now, that's because she's in the pit."

Some of the Gladers get mad, asking why she would have to be there.

"Let me explain, please," Alby continuse. "Rebecca broke the rules. She has hurt other Gladers. She played with the feeling of Newt and Minho by telling them she liked them, but it were all lies. And she physically hurt Y/n with a knife after threatening her and saying she would kill her. Rebecca is clearly a danger for the Gladers. That's why she's gonna get banished this evening."

The crowd of teenage boys went quiet. Most of them adort Rebecca, finally another girl. Now they realize how fake she is. I wonder if there were other boys who she told the same things, too, or if it was just Minho and I.

I was there when Ably told Rebecca she's gonna get banished. At first, she started to cry. She said things like, "You guys really believe Y/n? She's the real problem here, she's lying! I would never lie to you, Newt."
I knew she was lying when she said that. We just left her like that, nobody cares about her anymore now.

I'll just try to be busy today, I don't want too much time to think. I just want to forget about it all as fast as possible. Minho is gonna need some time, though. Y/n is now with him to talk about everything. He really fell for that girl, now he's really hurt.


The doors are about to close soon. So it's time for the banishing of Rebecca. Most of the Gladers are standing by the doors already. Gally and Zart are with Rebecca, tying her hands together so she can't get away. 

They bring her to the doors. Every keeper, Alby and I have a pole in our hands. With those, she's gonna get pushed into the Maze. The doors will close, and we will never see her again.

"You have anything to say, Rebecca?" Alby asks.

"Yes, I do. You all have no idea what you're doing. And you have no idea what you're gonna miss when I'm gone. You'll need me more than you think."

"I don't think we need a lying shank that hurts other Gladers. You can at least admit it now," Gally says.

"Of course I was lying, you are all so stupid. The only smart one here is Y/n, and you suck."

The doors start to close at the right moment. We push her forwards little by little, but she keeps talking.

"I never liked any of you. Minho, you're just hot, I wanted a bit of fun while being here." 

She takes some first steps in the Maze, not trying to escape, just talking.

"I was more interested in Newt, someone with a bit of power in here. But you know, you were never mine."

For the last seconds that we see her, before the doors close, she's looking at Y/n and raises her eyebrown ones. With a loud bam, the doors are closed, and Rebecca is gone.
Minho immediatly let's his pole fall on the ground and goes away. Then most of the Gladers leave again.

I'm still looking at the doors, wondering what she meant with the last thing she said.

"Are you okay, Newt?" It's Y/n.

"Yeah, fine. I'm happy it's over."

"Me too. I'll go to Clint, let him check out my wound. See you later?"

"Of course, bye."

~~Y/n's pov~~

I'm with Clint, he's looking at my wound, now that Rebecca is gone. Because I tried cleaning it myself, but it's probably not done very well. So Clint will clean it out so it won't get affected or something.

"So, Y/n, tell me. Is there anything going on with you and Newt?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The way Rebecca looked at you when she said 'you were never mine.' I thought, maybe there's something going on between you and Newt."

"I have no idea why she said that Clint, or why she looked at me. I didn't think of it that way. 'Cause there's nothing between the two of us."

I'm not even one hundred percent sure of that. Not that I have feelings for Newt or something. But we had that moment last night, the way he was holding my face, and-
And I don't know.







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