Am I Dreaming: A Miles & Gwen...

By TheManHasWritten

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This is a fanfic made by yours truly, and this story is about Miles and Gwen reuniting a year after the event... More

Chapter 1: Let's Do This One Last Time-Part 1
Chapter 2: Let's Do This One Last Time- Part 2
Chapter 3: Calling
Chapter 4: Flashback Part 1
Chapter 5: Flashback Part 2
Chapter 6: How've You Been?
Chapter 7: Comfort
Chapter 8: Miles Meets George Stacy
Chapter 9: Feelings
Chapter 10: Love at its Finest
Chapter 11: How Are You Feeling!
Chapter 13: Home at Last
Chapter 14: A New Villain Emerges
Chapter 15: The Ultimate Surprise - Part 1
Chapter 16: The Ultimate Surprise - Part 2
Chapter 17: Regret
Chapter 18: The Wedding
Chapter 19: The Honeymoon Disaster
Chapter 20: Hobie and the Hospital
Chapter 21: One Amazing Night
Chapter 22: Home and a Whole Lot of Trouble
Chapter 23: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 24: Showered in Cravings and Hormones
Chapter 25: The Choice - Part 1
Chapter 26: The Choice - Part 2
Chapter 27: The Hunt for Blackout
Authors Note!
Chapter 28: The Final Showdown
Chapter 29: Welcome to the New World

Chapter 12: Dinner and a Nightmare

658 5 4
By TheManHasWritten

Gwen and Miles were at the hospital for hours on end talking with George, sharing laughs with each other and talking about how they both became spider people. Miles then got a message from his mom that read, "My hijo, you still bringing Gwen to dinner?" Miles then remembers about the dinner and says, "Shoot, I totally forgot!" Gwen asks, "Whats wrong sweetheart?" Miles replies, "My mom wanted me to invite you to dinner." Gwen says, "Really? They want to meet me?" Miles then says, "Well we talked this morning about me being Spider Man and they told me to invite you to dinner, but only if you want to of course." Gwen leaps into his arms and kisses him, she then tells Miles, "Of course I want to come to dinner!" Miles smiles and says, "Great! I'll tell them we're on our way." Miles goes out in the hall to call his mom and tell her that they're on their way, meanwhile Gwen is pacing across the room. George asks her if she is alright, she says, "I'm fine, I'm just nervous about meeting his parents. What if they don't like me? What if they don't approve of me? What if I say something wrong and Miles hates me? I can't lose him dad I just can't. I love him too much to lose him." George reassures her that everything is going to be okay. He tells her that she has nothing to worry about, she says, "You're right, it's gonna be okay." Deep down, Gwen was still panicking. But little did she know, Miles heard every word of her state, and he thought he was nervous meeting her dad. He didn't know that she was this nervous about meeting his parents but he said to himself, "When we're on our way to my house, I'll show Gwen that she doesn't need to be nervous." Miles re enters the room and asks if she's ready to go, Gwen nods her head and hugs her dad, as they're hugging George whispers in Gwen's ear, "Just remember what I said, no matter what happens tonight, Miles isn't going to hate you, I have a feeling this dinner will make your relationship stronger." Gwen says, "Thanks dad!" As she lets go, Miles stuck out his hand and said, "Always a pleasure sir, we'll be back tomorrow I promise." George smiles and says softly to him, enough so Gwen couldn't hear him, "I know, and I know you'll keep my daughter safe." He says with a wink. Miles smiles and nods. Miles takes Gwen's hand in his and they share their goodbyes to George and head to Miles' dimension. As the portal closes, George looks to the heavens and says, "Helen, our little girl is growing up and she's with the perfect man. I know he'll keep her safe always and I'm so proud to call him my future son in law." He says with a smile before falling asleep.

Gwen and Miles get to his dimension and he takes her to his apartment. As they're walking, she starts to tense up and Miles notices. He stops and Gwen says, "Why'd we stop Miles?" Miles then plants the most passionate and most caring kiss ever on her lips and she kisses back. Miles then breaks the kiss and say to her, "Gwen listen, I know you're nervous about meeting my parents and I just wanted to let you know that no matter what happens tonight, nothing is going to make me stop loving you. I am always going to love you no matter what, so no matter if this dinner goes good or goes bad, I could never hate you ever." He takes her hand into his and says, "I love so much Gwen and I always will, I promise you with every ounce of everything inside and outside of my being that I will protect you and keep you safe, from now on when someone messes with you they mess with me. You're enemies are my enemies now. As long as I'm alive and breathing, you're not alone anymore. Promise me you'll never ever forget what I just said, promise?" At this point Gwen was on the verge of tears, she clings to Miles and kisses him with passion and after a few minutes, she breaks the kiss and says, "Miles you have no idea how much that meant to me. I love you so much Miles Morales and I'll never stop loving you either. And I promise I'll never forget what you told me, I promise. Miles takes Gwen's hand and kisses it and embraces her, he starts to feel Gwen's nerves going down and going away. She then grabs Miles hand into hers and they walk to his apartment.

They arrive and Miles opens the door, they are greeted by a very excited Rio and the first thing she says is, "Hi Gwen so nice to finally you!" Rio goes to hug Gwen and Gwen returns the hug, Gwen says to Rio, "It's so good to meet you too Mrs. Morales." Rio says, "Please, call me Rio." Jeff then enters the room and says, "So, this is the girl Miles doesn't stop talking about." Miles says, "DAD!" Gwen laughs and blushes before Jeff says, "I'm just messing with you Miles, but seriously he does talk about you a lot." Gwen says to Jeff, "Good things I hope Mr. Davis." Jeff then says, "Oh very very great things, you have no idea how in love he is with you and please, call me Jeff." Miles says again, "DAD!" Rio laughs and then says, "Well dinner should be ready in a moment, you two go get washed up and we'll call you when it's ready." Miles responds with, "Ok mama." Miles and Gwen gets washed up and then Miles asks her, "Want me to take you on a tour of mi casa mi amor?" In her head she says, "Why does his Spanish sound!?" Miles tries to bring her back to reality with, "Gwen...Gwen...GWEN!" Gwen breaks out of her trance and Miles smiles and says, "You got a minute?" Gwen responds with, "Hey that's my line!" Miles says, "Too late mine now!" They both laugh and then Miles says, "So do you want that tour?" Gwen says, "I would love one!" After about 10 minutes of showing Gwen around his apartment, Rio calls out to them that dinner is ready. They both head to the dining room, Miles pulls out a chair for Gwen and says in a very flirty and chivalrous way , "I believe this chair belongs to you m'lady." Gwen laughs and kisses him on the cheek and then says, "Miles you're too cute!" Miles laughs and pushes her chair in and then sits in the chair next to her. Rio and Jeff sit at the table too and 2 minutes later, the talks unfold...

Rio starts off by asking Gwen, "So Gwen, tell us a little about yourself." Miles could sense that she was still a little nervous about talking to his parents, so he grabbed her hand into his and squeezed it which made Gwen smile and their hands stayed that way until the conversation ended. Gwen starts, "Well I grew up in Queens and I currently live here in Brooklyn too." Rio says, "Thats nice." Jeff then asks, "So, I really do have to ask, not just as Miles' father but as a police officer, do you know his secret?" Gwen nods and says, "Yeah." And then Gwen says, "I don't know what all Miles told you about during your little "talk" this morning, but I do live in Brooklyn...just not this Brooklyn. Rio and Jeff look at each other in confusion and Gwen shows them her gizmo and continues, "The truth is..." Gwen was hesitant about finishing her sentence and Miles could sense it again, so he gave her the biggest smile and said to her, "Its okay, they will understand." Gwen smiles back, rubs her thumb on Miles' knuckle(both still are hand in hand) and she then continues, "The truth is..I...I'm Spider Woman, but from another dimension, Earth-65 in fact. About a year ago I was sent here because of your Fisk's attempt at bringing back his family using a dimensional collider. Miles and I found each in this dimension, along with other spider people that were also sent her because of the collider. Miles was able to embrace his powers and finally become Spider Man and he was able to send us all back to our dimensions. When I was in my dimension after all this time, I realized that I really missed Miles and I needed to see him, but there was no way for me to, but then a guy named Miguel O Hara who is also Spider Man of his dimension gave me this watch that lets me go to different dimensions, and that's how Miles and I found each other again after a year." Rio and Jeff were both still confused but after a few more moments of explaining, it all made sense to them. Jeff said, "Well look at you Miles, pullin' the ladies from other worlds!" Miles says, "DAD!" Gwen laughs and then kisses Miles on the cheek. After what seemed like hours of exchanging conversations, it was late. Gwen got up and said she had to go back to her dimension and Miles walked her to the door. Rio said to Jeff, "I like her, she's perfect for our son." Jeff responds with, "Agreed!"

Miles and Gwen walk to the door but then Gwen was taken aback when Miles hugs her tightly, she returns the hug and says, "You alright babe?" Miles says, "Yeah I'm good, I'm just so happy you came tonight, I know for a fact that they loved you, but not as much as me." Gwen laughs and says, "I really like your parents, they're fun." Gwen then says, "Well as much as I want to stay like this forever, I unfortunately have to go back home..."(she drops her head and a tear forms in her eye). Miles notices and grabs her chin by his thumb and places a very soft kiss on her lips and says to her, "It's alright sweetheart, I promise I'll come visit tomorrow, I promise." Gwen smiles and then leaps back into Miles' arms and says, "I love you Miles, so much." Miles says, "I love you too Gwen, forever and always." Gwen then lets go and opens a portal to her dimension and walks through.

Miles goes to bed after a couple more hours because he spent that time sketching him and Gwen in his sketchbook. Miles goes to sleep and after an hour he hears his phone going off. He looks to see that the call is from Gwen, he immediately answers it and says, "Gwen babe are you okay whats wrong?" All he hears on the other end is crying and sniffles and after a few moments he finally hears, "Miles, I'm sorry for calling late...could you maybe...come to my apartment?" Without a moments notice he set his gizmo for her earth and landed in her bedroom. When he closes the portal he sees Gwen curled up in the corner of her room crying her eyes out. Miles quickly goes to her and wraps his arms around her and she wraps her arms around him and cries into his chest. After a few minutes she finally calms down and tells Miles, "I'm really sorry I woke you up, I just couldn't be alone anymore." Miles says, "Sweetheart its okay, what's wrong?" She lets go of Miles and they both sit in her bed, she says to Miles, "I know this is going to sound a bit childish but...I had a nightmare. You and me were sitting on the Empire State Building watching the sunset when all of a sudden Rhino starts reeking havoc, so we eventually stop him and you web him up. We are about to swing away when he escapes and runs up and stabs you in your chest with his horn, and you die in my arms." She then starts to bawl again causing Miles to embrace her tightly, they stay like that for a while until Miles says, "Baby it was just a nightmare, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He grabs her chin with his thumb and finger and asks her, "Remember the promise I made you today?" She nods her head and then Miles said, "I meant every word of it, I'm not going anywhere, you and me are in this together forever, I'm never leaving your side as long as I'm alive and breathing. Okay?" Miles hugs her again and she says, "Okay." They stay embraced for a bit until Gwen breaks the silence and says, "Could you possibly stay here with me tonight?" Miles says, "Of course my love, just let me send my mom a text letting her know that I'm here with you so they don't wake up in the morning and wonder where I am." Gwen nods her head and lays down in her bed. After a few moments Miles hits send and gets a reply from Rio that says, "All good mi hijo, you and Gwen sleep well and remember, use protection ;). I'm just teasing you, goodnight mi hijo." Miles walks back into Gwen's room and lays on the floor next to her bed and he hears Gwen say, "Miles, could you maybe sleep in my bed...with me?" Miles shocked, nervously says, "O.o..ok my love." He gets up and lays in front of Gwen and wraps his arms around her and she curls up closer to him and lays her head in his chest, Miles smiles and kisses her head and says, "Goodnight mi amor, I love you." Gwen smiles and whispers back, "I love you too Miles." And they both drift off into sleep, all while from behind Gwen's closed door, a certain someone says to himself, "Thank the heavens Gwen has someone like you in her life Miles, I can't wait till you become my son in law, you are the perfect guy for Gwen." He then heads back to bed.

*WHAT!? GEORGE IS OUT OF THE HOSPITAL!? Find out when he got out in the next chapter coming soon.

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