Am I Dreaming: A Miles & Gwen...

By TheManHasWritten

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This is a fanfic made by yours truly, and this story is about Miles and Gwen reuniting a year after the event... More

Chapter 1: Let's Do This One Last Time-Part 1
Chapter 2: Let's Do This One Last Time- Part 2
Chapter 3: Calling
Chapter 4: Flashback Part 1
Chapter 5: Flashback Part 2
Chapter 6: How've You Been?
Chapter 7: Comfort
Chapter 8: Miles Meets George Stacy
Chapter 9: Feelings
Chapter 10: Love at its Finest
Chapter 12: Dinner and a Nightmare
Chapter 13: Home at Last
Chapter 14: A New Villain Emerges
Chapter 15: The Ultimate Surprise - Part 1
Chapter 16: The Ultimate Surprise - Part 2
Chapter 17: Regret
Chapter 18: The Wedding
Chapter 19: The Honeymoon Disaster
Chapter 20: Hobie and the Hospital
Chapter 21: One Amazing Night
Chapter 22: Home and a Whole Lot of Trouble
Chapter 23: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 24: Showered in Cravings and Hormones
Chapter 25: The Choice - Part 1
Chapter 26: The Choice - Part 2
Chapter 27: The Hunt for Blackout
Authors Note!
Chapter 28: The Final Showdown
Chapter 29: Welcome to the New World

Chapter 11: How Are You Feeling!

542 7 0
By TheManHasWritten

Miles finally gets to Earth-65 and finds the hospital Gwen and George are at, he gets to the front desk and tells the lady behind the counter, "Hello I'm here to see George Stacy." The lady says, "Are you family to Captain Stacy?" And just as Miles was about to say no, a familiar voice says, "Yes he's family, he's my boyfriend." I look up to find the voice coming from Gwen, the nurse says, "Great I just need you to sign in dear." Miles and Gwen exchange smiles and Miles signs in. He goes to Gwen and says, "Hey my love!" And gives her a very passionate kiss which Gwen returns as well. Gwen tells Miles, "Sorry about that, I forgot you can only visit if you're family, but you're part of my family now Miles, please never forget that." Miles now with tears of joy in his eyes hugs Gwen tightly and says, "Just you saying that makes me fall more and more in love with you, you're always going to be part of my family too Gwen, now and forever. Never forget that either." Gwen wipes his tears with her thumb and holds his hand as they go to George's room. On the way there Miles says, "By the way are those my clothes?" Gwen says, "Yeah, sorry I took a shower at you place and I didn't have anything to wear. That and they just make me feel safe and comfortable." Miles chuckles and says, "No no no don't be sorry, honestly they look way better on you then they do me." Gwen giggles and kisses him and they head to George's room.

Miles and Gwen walk into George's room hand in hand and exchanging laughs, they stop laughing when they hear George start clapping and start crying. Gwen asks, "What's wrong dad?" George responds with, "Nothing, absolutely nothing. I'm just happy for you and Miles that's all." Gwen smiles and hugs her dad and Miles walks over and shakes his hand saying, "Good to see you again sir." George asks Gwen, "Hey Gwen, could me and Miles have a quick talk? I just want to get to know him some." Gwen nervously looks at Miles and Miles mouths to her, "I'll be okay I promise." Gwen then nods and kisses his lips and tells Miles, "I'll just be out in the hall, love you guys." They both respond simultaneously, "Love you too Gwen!" Gwen smiles and exits the room. Miles then looks at George and George could tell that he was nervous and looked a little uneasy, so he reassured him, "Don't worry Miles you're not in any trouble, I just wanted to talk man to man that's all." Miles eases a bit and says, "Ok" George starts off telling Miles, "Look Miles, you're a great guy and I know how much you love my daughter and I know how much she loves you. Before I continue I should just let you know now that I do know you're Spider Man..." Miles accidentally interrupts and asks, "So sorry to interrupt but how do you know I'm Spider Man?" George then says, "Well truth be told, Gwen was asleep one night a few months ago and I went in her room to get her laundry and that's when I found her picture of you two, not to mention she mumbles in her sleep when she's dreaming, but that night she mentioned something about a kid named Miles and him being Spider Man, so I kinda, you know, put two and two together." In his head Miles said, "She has dreams about me?" In reality he said, "Oh." George then continues, "I know how much Gwen loves you and I know how much you love her, so I just want you to know that I approve you guys dating. Keep this between you and me but you have no idea how much she talks about you, just this morning when she was here, she told me about last night and how you expressed your feelings to each other. She also told me that she fell asleep in your arms. Also I don't know if she told you about it but she told me that last night she had a nightmare and woke up crying, she told me that she didn't want to wake you you up but when she laid back on you she felt you petting her head and whispering to her that it was okay and that I'm here and you're safe with me." Miles didn't even know that happened, all he remembered was going to sleep with her in his arms and waking up this morning and that's it. Miles said, "I didn't even know that happened, but I just want to let you know that...I know it sounds kinda cheesy but, last night when Gwen was asleep, I made a vow to myself to keep her safe at all times, whether we're on a mission together or just hanging out together, I promised myself that I will forever and always keep her safe. Even in the off chance her and I don't seem to work out and go back to being friends, I promise to still now and forever keep her safe." George tells Miles, "I'm really glad to hear that, I am. When we have a responsibility as officers, we make a vow to protect and to serve." Miles responds with, "Yeah, I made the same vow to myself when I became Spider Man officially." George tells Miles to go to the closet and grab the object in his pants pocket, Miles nods and goes to the closet, he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small box. George says, "Open it." He does and sees a very beautiful ring, Miles confused says, "I don't understand." George tells him, "This is the ring I proposed to Gwen's mom with, and I know its only been a day but if you and Gwen ever decide to tie the knot, I want to pass this ring down to her. Like I said before, you mean the world to her and I can see it clear as crystal. You have changed her life for the better whether you think so or not. When her friend Peter died, she refused to make friends, but after meeting you, she's been like a ball of sunshine and never stops talking about you. You've changed my daughter's life, and I could never thank you enough. So if you guys want to get married whether its tomorrow or years from now, you have my blessing to marry my daughter." Miles shocked as ever says to him, "Wow George, thank you, I mean I know we just started dating and we haven't even thought of marriage, but thank you for your blessing. Believe me, your daughter changed my life for the better and I will be forever indebted to her for it. I love her so much and I would go to the ends of the earth for her." George says, "Thank you Miles, but please keep this between us, okay?" Miles responds with, "Of course!"(zips his lips shut). Miles texts Gwen and tells her that they are done talking and says she can come back in. Without a moments notice, she enters the room and hugs Miles and kisses him saying, "I missed you!" Miles kisses back and says with a little chuckle, "I missed you too even though its only been 10 minutes." Gwen says, "Being away from you for 10 minutes feels like 10 years." Miles smiles and hugs her again, both of them don't notice that in the background, George smiles heavily and says in his head, "Yep I was right, Miles is definitely the right guy for my little girl."

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