The Player's Daughter

By xxxxRYLEExxxx

98.9K 2.1K 306

Slowly I walked over to him and held out my hand. "Hi, I'm Cammei." He smirked, "Sam." "It's nice to meet y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

3.6K 103 13
By xxxxRYLEExxxx

"Thank you," I told Sam after pulling away from a lingering kiss, "this is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me and nothing could compare to this."

I could've sworn I saw a blush creeping up his cheeks as he replied. "Well, I do hope that the most amazing guy provided only equally amazing experiences.."

Just as I was about to respond, a loud grumble interrupted the silence. Two sets of eyes went down to my stomach. Sam curiously raised one eyebrow. "Shutup! I'm hungry, okay!" I defended myself.

He threw up his hands and chuckled in surrender, "Okay, okay! Just let me show you what amazing dinner I have for us."

I allowed Sam to pull me down onto the dark blanket after him and smiled as he dug containers and boxes out. A gasp escaped from my throat when he brought out one of my favorites: anchovies. He eyed me

which was soon followed by a smirk.

"Doesn't someone know their girlfriend," I mocked to him with a smile.

I pulled back the metallic tab that covered them, wincing at the sudden stench. I peeled one of the slender, slimy fish from the package and popped it into my waiting mouth. "Mmm.." I moaned in delight. I chuckled at the look of disgust on Sam's face.

"I can't even begin to describe how completely disgusting that is," he said bluntly.

I pursed my lips at him as I finished off the fish.

1 Hour Later

I slid out of my sandals and placed them by the front door as I walked in behind Sam. He let go of my hand and made his way upstairs, but not before throwing an award winning smile my way. I pushed my hair behind my ear and walked into the kitchen. I saw my mom sitting at what used to be the dining room table, but was now covered in yellow files. " 'Ello mom," I greeted her as I plopped down, sliding my left hand underneath my body.

"Hey Cam," she answered without looking up, "how was the date?" A smile crept onto my face. She looked up at my silence. "What happened?" She asked curiously.

I took a deep breath before shakingly placing my hand onto the wooden surface. "A promise. That's what," I told her.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed, grabbing my hand, her mouth ajar and eyes full of emotion. "A promise ring?!"

I jittered up and down in my seat as I shook my head. I could feel a beaming smile on my face. "Mom, it was the sweetest thing ever." I said more quietly.

Slowly, the smile faded from her face. "Oh, Cammei.." she trailed off. I watched as her gray eyes started to rim with tears.

"What is it?" I managed to choke out while I ran a hair through my dark hair. This wasn't going to be good.

"I don't even know how to make this easy, so I'm just going to say it," I watched as she covered her face with her hands, "Sam's mom called and said that she's coming back to America at the end of the week and is coming to take him home."

CLIFFHANGER! You guys I am so so so so so so SO sorry for the HUGE wait for this chapter, and as you can see, it's short! That is because I have stuff planned and wanted to give you guys a little teaser before the next actual chapter! I cannot believe this has over 10,000 reads!! You are all incredible! Can we get it to 15,000 before the next update (which is hopefully by Sunday. SORRY)? That would be incredible! I love you all.

Just in case you were wondering, my life is great! *note sarcasm* *maybe* Saturday was my school's 8th grade dance and I got to go with my best guy friend and we had so much fun! I hope that I can hurry and write the next chapter for you guys!

-Rylee xx

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