Them and Us | Ateez

By Writer_gone_Astray

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-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- With old bones we craft this craft With hushed whispers... More

Once upon a time
In a dark room
He sat alone
Until someone appeared
Clad in coldness
Which he took
To use as leverage
When new times arose
Unknown to him
Yet deeply familiar
Differing by scent
And appearance
Still, he wanted to grasp them
What started as a
Unforseen struggle

With an outstretched arm

51 5 1
By Writer_gone_Astray

Truth to be told and not held back, Hongjoong really worries about Mingi's gums as the male didn't stop smiling all the way it took for them to meet in the middle of the yard.
"I passed." he tells the other through gritted teeth, so the high-pitched squeal wouldn't escape out in the daylight, as if the older wasn't the one delivering such news to him hours before.

"Who would have thought." Hongjoong says, patting the man's forearm.
"Can we wait for Wooyoung? He should be here soon." the male asks while bouncing up and down.
"With the speed of your movement you will be halfway to the moon before Wooyoung even appears. Who is he?"

"The first friend I made here!"
"What about Yeosang?"
The red-haired male chews on his lower lip.
"Well...he is more of an acquaintance. I find him a bit intimidating."
Hongjoong scoffs.
"Alright, let's wait for your new friend then."

Both males stand in the yard while other first years carry huge bags inside the main hall with hopes that someone is standing there and just waiting for a bunch of people asking them directions, which isn't really the case.
Mingi is glad he knows Hongjoong since it means he already has his first friend, a knowledgeable tour guide and someone to help him with homework for a price not higher than a cup of tea - all that in one sleep deprived person.

"Your eyebags look terrible." he comments.
"Starting off with affectionate compliments, I see."
The male only looks the other up and down.
"I will have to wear that aristocratic bullshit as well?"
"Mhm, if you plan on going to classes and being a member of this Academy, that is. If not, feel free to walk around in sweatpants and a hoodie."
"Sounds way better."

Hongjoong sighs. He wore the full package, which includes a white dress shirt, black waist coat and a black jacket with slacks.
With the new seeds staring at him, he is aware of his handsome looks.
The theme is black and dark around here anyways.
"Mingi!" a voice calls from the crowd.
The tall male turns his head to find the source of it. The boy coming their way is wearing a blue jacket that reaches his knees.

Hongjoong slightly raises his eyebrow as the two hug and spin around.
All that and they know each other for three days?
"I should try harder with Yeosang..." he says to himself, turning to look at the Academy before them. The vampire probably sleeps just like any other normal creature at this hour.

"Alright, how about we get moving?"
The blond male retracts one hand, which previously was around Mingi's neck and offers it to Hongjoong.
"Hello, I'm Wooyoung."
"Hongjoong." the black-haired male nods before shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you!"
"He's not the best partner in conversations in the mornings." Mingi says and follows Hongjoong inside, the blond male next to him.

"What are the names of your rooms?"
"And yours, Wooyoung?"
"Oh, we are in the same room."
"Really?" Hongjoong glances at them over his shoulder.
"I filled out the form..." the blond male explains.
"Most of us leave it to the teachers but I guess now Mingi has smaller chances at blowing anything up."
The black-haired male turns his head back and doesn't notice the stare both of the new students share.


Hongjoong leads them up the tower staircase to the fourth floor.
"I'm not sure if I should call them good news or bad news, but I'm on the same floor as you. Yeosang too. Your room is right next to his while I have the one on the corner just at the entrance. We just passed it." The male points behind himself, walking further down the hallway.
He stops them by a door with a small golden plate with the word Mist engraved on it. Their room is the second to last. His finger lifts again to point at the last door.

"Here you will find Yeosang. Even though he is more active in the evening hours, I still advise you to ask for his help rather than mine."
Mingi rolls his eyes at his friend's laziness.
Someone clears their throat. The red head is about to turn his head around until he notices Hongjoong's exasperated expression followed with a heavy breath.

The last doors in the hallway open and out peeks a head with black hair.
"One more thing before you settle in. The walls aren't particularly thick." a new voice joins their conversation.
"Hello." Mingi greets Yeosang as the male steps out of his room.
"Don't listen to him, walls here are even thicker than in some prison cells. He just has a better hearing than us." Hongjoong turns his head to Wooyoung as if the remark is only for him while Yeosang nods at Mingi's greeting.

His grey eyes slide to inspect the unknown person.
"You're a werewolf." he says.
"Ah, really? I thought you're a human as well."
The vampire only shakes his head at Hongjoong's words, still staring at the blond male.
" must be a vampire. My name's Wooyoung."

Both measure each other with their eyes.

"Did you know your friend here is a wolf boy?" The black-haired male leans to his red headed friend.
"I did, he told me that in our first meeting." Mingi answers.
"And you're sure you want to share a room with him?"
"He's nice."
"Yeah...the stare competition they have going on is nice as well but-" Hongjoong clears his throat before addressing his friend.
"Shall we let them unpack, Yeosang?"

The vampire's dark eyes flicker to the male.
Mingi frowns at the interaction but doesn't waste time to gently push the werewolf inside the room, closing the doors.
Yeosang turns to Hongjoong with a smile.
"Good morning."
"Who are you kidding right now?" The other grumbles, resting his back against the opposite wall.

The other shrugs his shoulders in response.
"What was that just now? You told me that the huge rivalry and hatred between vampires and werewolves was mostly fiction."
"And I will repeat myself again, it is. I was just checking him out, that's all."
The shorter male snorts.
"Not your type as far as I know or have your preferences changed?"
He receives a glare.

"Not that sort of checking out. Since he will be part of our friend group now, I want to make sure there won't be any complications."
"He will be in the group too? Consarn, for years it was just the two of us and now there will be twice as much?"
"Don't worry, Hongjoong, you will always be my favourite." Yeosang laughs.
"The two of them are obviously friends so if we decide to take care of Mingi, Wooyoung comes with him." he continues.

"Our dining hall table will break with Mingi's food alone..." the black-haired male sighs.
"So be it."
Yeosang rests his body against the wall as well, his shoulder touching Hongjoong's.
The air around them is cold as always, calming both of their souls.
"I want you to be careful this time around." the vampire says.
"What for?"
"Something tells me that danger is closer than before."

"Hmmm...well, I will start trying to do mind control this year. It may mess with my mental health." Hongjoong informs.
"No, I mean it feels like something physically dangerous is brewing."


The male turns his head to look at the necromancer, who has his eyes trained on the golden plate of Mingi's and Wooyoung's dorm.

"What are you scared of?"

The thing is, the vampire has faced so many things in his life, he was barely scared of anything. The question made him a bit offended even if he knew it was true.
The ugly feeling in his chest may as well be fear.
"Nothing in particular." he answers.
His grey eyes slide over the male's features and stop at his neck. A visible vein tells him that Hongjoong isn't completely in a relaxed state.

Did the human they killed was relaxed, hiding the vein they still found?

"If you say so." Hongjoong whispers.
Yeosang hums.
The doors open.
"We are done." Mingi says, exiting the room and waiting for Wooyoung to step out too.
"Unpacking or fighting for a bed?" The necromancer smirks.
"Of course, fighting. Who could unpack so quick?" The red head asks, locking the door with a key they found on the coffee table.
"Let's go. I'm sure you are just as hungry as I am." Yeosang straightens up and walks past them to the staircase.

Hongjoong smiles at the two new students, tilting his head to show them to follow his friend while his pitch-black eyes stare at the vampire.
He begins following them just as Wooyoung rushes after Mingi.
"Are we going to the cafeteria?"
"No, the dining hall this time."
As Yeosang and Mingi walk down the tower's staircase, a brunet emerges from the right side. Hongjoong flinches lightly, not having heard the male's footsteps. Their eyes meet, making the raven head furrow his eyebrows.

The look he is getting feels full of contempt.
His head snaps to the left, where Wooyoung is standing on top of the stairs, waiting for him.
"Coming." He answers, walking to the werewolf.
They climb down and Hongjoong listens on the sounds behind him.
He doesn't hear a thing.
"How's the food here?" The blond male asks.

"Good. I prefer the cafeteria because it's open the whole day. The dining hall offers food only thrice a day and if you miss the time, you can't eat so it's more for the punctual ones."
"Oh. You will have to show me where the cafeteria is in that case."
The male chuckles.
They have a slight gap with Yeosang and Mingi, who are walking in front, but it doesn't change much since Hongjoong knows the way.

Stopping by the open doors, the vampire and the human wait for the other two to catch up.
"Trays, plates, warm food - all of that is on the left side and on the right side you will find drinks and desserts if there will be such. Usually, they save the sweet things for dinner." Yeosang explains, already walking to take a tray.
"Smells good." Wooyoung comments as he inhales the smell of breakfast.

His tray fills quickly with various sausages, potatoes and pancakes. Mingi beside him places three eggs next to his ham slices. Both of them don't even spare a glance in the direction of the salad bowl, which makes Yeosang shake his head as he places a portion of greens in his tray.
Hongjoong successfully avoids the bowl and gets potato pancakes with sausages. He guides the two new students to one of the middle tables on the left side, placing his plate down to go and grab a cup of green tea. He is kind enough to take a bottle of water for Mingi and a soda for Wooyoung.

He comes back, sitting between Yeosang and Mingi, having a good view of the werewolf in front of him at the same time.
"Have a good feast." Yeosang wishes them all.
"You too."
"Have a good feast."
"Thank you."
Mingi lets out a pleased sound as the warm slice of ham melts on his tongue.
The vampire opposite of him looks pleased with his salad and eggs.

"I actually have a question." Wooyoung says.
"Just one? I'm impressed." Hongjoong answers, chewing on a pancake.
"On the other hand, I have tons."
The black-haired male sighs, not expecting anything less from Mingi.
"Go on."
"I read that I am a rose, what does that mean?"
"Maybe one of the teachers wanted to flirt with you?"
Hongjoong's hand itches to smack the red head.

"It's one of the ranks here, which you would have known if you opened your email once a year, Mingi."
"What are the other ranks?" Wooyoung asks.
Yeosang decides to take on the role of an explainer this time.
"There are seven ranks in total, each displaying on a scale to one to seven how capable you are. Skills get evaluated once a year and you are able to jump over a rank or two if you have improved, just like Hongjoong did. He has never been a fox since he skipped the rank altogether."

"So, rose and fox? That's how the ranks are called?" Mingi scrunches his eyebrows.
"Yes. First rank is rose, second one is bee, third one - fox, then comes deer, raven and snake."
"That's six." The red-haired male is about to point out Hongjoong's bad maths skills, but the male manages to speak first.
"Who would have thought? When you reach the seventh rank, you can make your own emblem with whatever you want on it."

Both males instantly look at the jacket that Hongjoong is wearing before turning their heads to Yeosang.
A black raven is on the emblem on Hongjoong's jacket while Yeosang has a deer's head with huge antlers.
"Woah." Wooyoung gasps.
"So, everyone can see your rank by just looking at your clothing."
"Indeed, but we can wear only the dress shirt and waistcoat without the jacket, basically the choices are endless as long as there are no t-shirts or sweaters. Those are allowed only on weekends and after school."

The werewolf leans closer as if that would help catch every word Yeosang spills.
"When will we get our uniforms?"
"I mean, some lessons have already started, most of them beginning tomorrow. Your clothes will arrive tonight or tomorrow morning so you can start. Did you receive a sheet of lessons available?"
"I looked at it for a split second, but it didn't make any sense." Mingi swallows a piece of egg.

"Maybe next time dedicate two seconds for the task and it will."
The vampire smiles at Hongjoong's words. He has always been an amusing human.
"It may be confusing since you can choose which lessons to attend. Of course, the more the better, if you fail some subjects or don't show up at all, you will get kicked out but otherwise you may study on your own when you want."

The black-haired male already noticed the spark in his friend's eyes, so he rushed to add something.
"Mingi, most important lessons for necromancers are held in the evenings before or after dinner. Even if you miss some morning ones, it doesn't mean you can sleep all day. I will drag you to them myself if needed."

The human mumbles something incoherent.
"Under Hongjoong's guidance you will jump ranks daily." Yeosang laughs.

"His tyranny knows no bounds."

"Do not paint me worse than I actually am."
The black-haired male smirks at his friend before piercing a salad with his fork. "My apologies."
They finish their breakfast soon after, Wooyoung leaning on the back of his chair while patting his stomach.
"Tell me again, which rank was above rose?"
"All of them."
"Manners, Hongjoong." The black-haired male almost sings in amusement.
"Perspective, Yeosang."

Mingi huffs before getting up.
"What do you want to do now?"
"Unpacking would be nice." Wooyoung answers instead.
"Well, I don't offer my services in that department." The necromancer says with relief shining through his tone.
"I suppose I should offer them since I'm closer anyways." Yeosang joins the conversation as they begin the walk back to their floor.

"That would be nice." The werewolf glances at the vampire next to him.
Hongjoong and Mingi end up behind the two quietly conversing species.
"I will probably go to a lesson. Either text or come get me later."
"Will do." The red head smiles.
"Good luck and be ready tomorrow morning for a lesson."
That makes the taller male whine.
"How early are we talking here?"
"Hmm...about five?"

Mingi doesn't notice the mischievous glint in the black orbs and gasps in surprise.
"What? Are you insane? Don't answer. Why so early? Answer this one." Hongjoong laughs at his flood of words.
"I will meet you tomorrow at eight o'clock." He says with a smile before waving and turning into one of the side hallways, leaving Mingi to speed his pace to catch up with Wooyoung and Yeosang.

"Ya, Kim Hongjoong!" The necromancer still hears behind him.

Laughter fills the empty hallway.

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