Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

39.9K 319 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

895 8 0
By srosee2000

Summer woke up and checked her phone. She was used to have course notifications, study group texts, or assignment reminders, but with summer break, she could finally relax.

She texted back Avery, who had sent her swimsuit options for the water park with her family, then sent Connor a 'good morning' text before she finally got up.

"Morning mom".

"Good morning" Susanna smiled as she cooked breakfast "slept well?"

"Mhm. Are we still going out for dinner to that new French place?"

"Yes, that's the plan. Had something else in mind?"

"No, just asking. We could go shopping if you and dad aren't working. I wanted to buy that Van Cleef bracelet set I showed you last night".

"I could always buy something. I'm sure your father won't mind. Can you go out back and get him, tell him breakfast is finished".

"Yea, no problem" Summer said leaving the kitchen and going to the back yard.
"Dad" she shouted walking off the patio and following Spencer's voice she heard along the side of the house.

"By the fire pit" Spencer shouted back. She passed the pool and the outdoor kitchen and grill area before reaching the fire pit and outdoor projector.

"Oh my god" Summer gasped as her father and Connor turned to her then rushed into his arms "how are you here?"

"I have a couple of days before I have to be back to work, I wanted to see you".

"I'll be inside" Spencer said then left the two of them.

"I missed you so much" Summer sighed, squeezing Connor even more.

"I missed you too, angel".

"My dad let you come? How did you even plan this?"

"When your father and I last talked, we exchanged numbers. Just haven't used them until now".

"Well then good for me. How long have you been here?"

"A little over an hour, I didn't want to wake you. Besides, your dad and I have been talking".


"Nothing serious, he said if we were gonna do this, then he'd like to get to know me".

"He said that?"

"Yea" Connor nodded and she smiled widely.

"My mom said breakfast is finished".

"Then we should probably go inside" he said. Summer smiled again before kissing him.

"Thank you, mom" Summer said as they sat down at the dining table.

"You're welcome. I hope you enjoy it, Connor, it's simple but I'm not sure what you like".

"Oh no, it's really good Susanna, thank you".

"I'm glad. We're going out for dinner, I don't know if Spencer mentioned it, you're welcome to come".

"I would love to. I check in to my hotel after 3, so I can meet you all over there".

"And Spencer, we're leaving a little early to go to the jewelry store".

"Sure" he nodded.

"Sorry if I'm overstepping, but Summer mentioned that your mother had surgery" Susanna said.

"Yea a few weeks ago, she's doing much better now thankfully. My sister took a little bit of time off to pick up where I left off".

"That's very nice. You have one sibling?"

"Yea, younger".

"Do your parents know about yours and Summers relationship?" Spencer asked.

"Know of it, yes. Not so much the details".

"Because they wouldn't approve?"

"Um, I don't know honestly. I'm sure the situation would be questionable, just like it was for you, but I don't really care if they approve. I'd just like them to just get their own impression of who Summer is without preconceived judgment".

"I see. Then if that time comes, I hope you make sure there is no preconceived judgments".

"Of course" Connor nodded.


Avery finished drying her hair after her shower then changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. She grabbed her phone to FaceTime Summer.

"Hi" Summer said.

"Hey, what are you up to?"

"Getting dressed" Summer said stepping back to show Avery her outfit "we're going to dinner".

"Very hot. You told me to call you".

"Mhm. Guess who was here when I woke up".

"I have a guess, but I'm so skeptical".


"Oh my god, Spencer let this happen?" Avery asked in shock.

"Apparently, Connor and Spencer exchanged numbers before".

"Shut up, so your dad's on board?"

"I think 'on board' might be a stretch right now but I think he's starting to understand that it's not just a teacher and a student being scandalous. Connor said my dad told him that if we were going to be together, he wanted to get to know him".

"Well that's good".


"What are you getting to eat?"

"French cuisine. Then I'm of course going back to his hotel. I need sex".

"I don't even know how you survived this long" Avery laughed with her.

"I love that you get me. I'm very excited. So how's it going there?"

"Good. Finished at the water park, that was fun and Chelle brought her girlfriend".

"Michelle has a girlfriend? Did I know about this one".

"No, this is the first I'm hearing of it. Apparently they met in Budapest, connected a little bit but Michelle was coming home before her. They've talked on and off, very casual, until two weeks ago when the girl asked Michelle to be her girlfriend. Her names Helena by the way".

"That's so cute. So they're long distance?"

"For some time. Helena lives in the states, but she's abroad for another year".

"Is she cute?"

"She is cute. I will say that Chelle has really good taste".

"You are not wrong" Summer laughed "send me a picture if you have it".

"Yea, hold on" Avery said picking up her phone and going to their messages "there you go. That's from today".

"You weren't lying and they look so good together, oh my god. The matching bikinis, I love it".

"I know. It's so cringy and cute".

"Speaking of the cringiest couple I know, when is your fiancé heading out there?"

"Funny. He will be here day after tomorrow, finishing up some work".

"Okay good. I miss you".

"Please, I'm going crazy over here. We head to Cancun in four weeks".

"Four weeks too long. Cancun is calling my name" Summer laughed and Avery agreed.

"You and me both. Well don't let me hold you up, have fun".

"I will. We'll talk in the morning".

"For sure. See you" Avery said before they ended the call.

Summer went to her bathroom and put on eyeliner and mascara before grabbing shoes and going downstairs.
"Hey, I hope you don't mind that I told Connor he could join us for shopping too" she said to Spencer who sat on his phone.

"That's fine, I know you want to spend as much time together as possible".

"Yea. Thank you for letting him come here".

"Well he was very eager, says you took off without telling him so he didn't feel like he had to leave Texas".

"I just wanted him to take care of his mom without worrying about me".

"I know. That kind of selflessness from both partners will take a relationship very far. I was impressed, I'll give him that" Spencer smiled.

"Yea. I don't think I've ever been selfish, but he makes it easy to be this way. I know he'll always make up for it".

"So I know it's way down the line, but this is what you want? Like you can see a future here?"

"Yea dad, I really can. I don't want to speak for him though".

"I get it, just seeing where your heads at. I will say that he is a good man and I appreciate the way he treats you".

"Thank you".

"You're welcome" he said as Susanna walked out of the room "ready sweetheart?"

"Yes, sorry. I took a call".

"No worries. Summer said Connor will be coming".

"Great" she said before they left the house. Spencer opened the doors for them to get in before they headed to the mall.
Connor checked Summers text letting him know what store they were headed to so he parked and went into the mall.

"Hi" Summer said without turning around as he grabbed her waist which made him smile.

"Hey beautiful, what are you looking at?"

"These, what do you think?" She asked pointing to a white and black set of Van Cleef bracelets.

"I like them. They look like your style".

"Is that right?" She said with a small giggle.

"Mhm. Getting them?"

"Yea, I think I might. Maybe I'll just get the black one, we'll see" she said then turned to him. He bent down to kiss her softly.

"Are your parents here?"

"Mhm, over there I think. Come on" she grabbed his hand and led him to where she last saw her parents.

"Hey, you made it. You clean up very nicely, Connor" Susanna complimented.

"Thank you".

"Dad, I saw the black and white one. Can I get both, or just one?"

"Do you want both?" Spencer asked her.


"Get both honey. Connor, grab a watch you like".

"Oh I'm okay, Spencer. That's too much".

"Not at all. It wasn't a question. You two go ahead, meet your mother and I at the register" Spencer said before he and Susanna walked off to continue looking.

"I'm not letting your father buy me a watch" Connor said.

"It's not a trick, Connor, it just means he likes you".

"He can like me without spending 10 grand on me. I don't feel right letting him do that".

"Something small even, a cuff link or something. I get where you're coming from, but my dad is very generous by nature and it's just something he likes doing".

"Fine, I'll get a watch. Something simple".

"Thank you" Summer smiled.

"Sure" he kissed her cheek.


"Any dessert?" Spencer asked the table as he called the server over.

"The tiramisu looks good" Summer said.

"Get some for the table. Fruit tarts and ice cream too" Susanna told him and he nodded.

"Hi, can I get you anything else?" The woman asked.

"Yea, the tiramisu, fruit tart, and single scoop ice cream. Uh just make them the vanilla bean. Four orders of each please".

"Of course".

"Thank you" he smiled before letting her walk off "I'd say this place is pretty solid, huh" he said.

"Yea, might be a regular for us" Susanna agreed.

"It was really good, thank you for inviting me" Connor said.

"No problem. Where are you staying, Connor?"

"The Warwick".

"Ah, very nice place. Ever been to Philly?"

"Not until now. Honestly, it's nicer than I thought it would be" he laughed.

"I don't blame you".

"Where in Texas is your family?" Susanna asked.

"Houston, north side".

"I've been to Houston for work, very big city".

"Yes it is. Growing up there you don't really think so, but compared to other places, it's really something".

"Understood. Do you prefer Houston over Boston?"

"I wouldn't say prefer altogether but I can find parts of both I'd prefer compared to the other. Like the traffic and cost of living in Houston is better, but as far as job security and my field, Boston is a better fit for me" Connor explained.

"Would you move back?" Spencer asked.

"I don't think so, it just sort of depends on where life takes me".

"Okay, I get that. Summer, have you given anymore thought to your plans after graduation?"

"Not really, dad. Trying to just finish school".

"Yes honey, but it's important to have a plan".

"Uh for the time being, I'll be in Boston until I figure it out" she said and slightly looked over at Connor for his reaction, but she couldn't read anything.

"Okay then" Spencer said before their desserts started coming out.
They continued with small talk as they ate. Conversation was light, but productive.

"Anything else I can get you?" The server asked.

"I think we're okay, right?" Spencer directed to the table and everyone nodded.

"For the check, whatever it is" Connor said handing the woman his card.

"You're our guest Connor, dinner is on us".

"Don't worry about it. Thank you" he said to the server before letting her walk off.

"Well we appreciate it" Susanna smiled.

"Of course. Thank you for having me".

"You're obviously special to our daughter, it wouldn't be right if we didn't at least try" Spencer told him and they nodded in understanding of each other.
When they were set to go, they went their separate ways, Summer leaving with Connor this time.

"Your mom and I will be at work tomorrow so enjoy your day. If you're both up for it we can meet for dinner again or have it at the house" Spencer suggested and Summer looked to Connor for an answer.

"Sounds good".


"Good night" Susanna said.

"Good night" Summer answered before Connor opened the passenger door for her then got in himself so they could go.


"Thank you" Summer said as they got inside the room.

"For what, angel?"

"Just being so easy to like".

"Is that right?"

"Mhm, also dinner. Although I hope it wasn't because of the watch".

"It wasn't".

"Good" Summer smiled before standing on her toes to kiss him. His hands wrapped around her waist and pulled them close together. Their fingers fidgeted with each others clothes as they made out. She unzipped his pants and he did the same to her dress. Connor let her step out of it before laying Summer back on the bed.

"You're so beautiful, baby" he said softly as he took off her bra and watched her breasts fall from the cups. He replaced them with his hands and kissed her nipples, pulling them between his lips while they hardened.

"Please touch me, daddy" she moaned as his hands squeezed her thighs. He didn't have the patience to keep teasing her either, he's wanted to touch her, feel her, be inside of her for the last couple of weeks.

Connor took her underwear off and began rubbing her clit. She leaned back on her elbows with her legs spread and slightly lifted off the bed. He leaned over her and kissed her neck and chest.

Summer watched intently as his fingers moved along her pussy. Two of them teased her entrance, but every time she thought he would penetrate her he pulled away and went back to her clit.

"Please" she begged.

"You're pussy is so wet, baby. Did you miss me?"

"Ye- yes daddy" she moaned as two of his fingers pushed deeply inside of her.

"Good girl. I missed you too. God, I can't wait to fuck you baby".

"Mhm daddy, I want it so bad".

"You sure?"

"Yes baby, oh my god".

"You gonna cum for me first?" He asked teasingly as he shook his fingers inside of her quickly.

"Yes, don't stop" Summer moaned. She put her head back, allowing Connor to kiss her neck more while moans escaped her throat. Her toes curled and her legs shook as she reached her climax. He continued until her orgasm ran through her then he pulled his fingers out. He licked them off quickly before bending down and licking Summer's pussy a few times.

Summer caught her breath while he got off the bed to take off his clothes and grab a condom. He rolled the condom on and stroked his erection. She sat on her knees on the bed, kissing him and reaching down to replace his hand with her own.

"I want you so deep in me daddy, I miss how you fill me up" she whispered into his ear as her grip tightened "your long dick baby, it's so perfect" she praised as he moaned softly.

"You like it baby?"

"Mhm. Just fuck me" she said seductively. He grabbed her waist and lifted her into his arms until putting her back up against the wall. He hooked his arms under her knees to hold her up.

"Put it in" he told her sternly so she reached between them and lined his dick up to her. Summer gasped and grabbed his shoulders as he roughly pushed into her pussy.

"Just like that, baby, it's so good" she moaned as Connor thrusted into her.
She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him a bit closer to kiss his neck and moan in his ear. He moved inside of her at a steady pace and touched her gspot with each thrust, bringing her closer and closer to her second orgasm. The feeling of being pressed between him and the wall helped too.

"You feel so good around me" he told her as he moved "tell me what you want".

"I want you to make me cum, please" she whined, lightly scratching his back and shoulders.

"Go ahead baby, cum for me" he said moving one hand and using it to rub her clit until she came. She leaned her head against the wall and let her moans fill the room. Connor pulled out slowly when she finished and set her legs down on the floor while they made out some more.

"I missed you so much" Summer said after they moved back on to the bed and she got on top of him.

"I missed you, angel" he said then started moving again. He thrusted up into her, holding her hips steady and staring up at her. Summer put her hands on his chest, keeping herself from losing her balance and falling over.
"Oh my god Summer, ride that fucking dick baby. I'm so close" Connor moaned as he slapped her ass.

She shifted her weight to get comfortable before moving her hips up and down. Her ass slammed against his thighs each time and each time he felt it through his dick. She squeezed around him perfectly as she moved up, making sure he could feel it.

His hands grasped her waist and helped her along as their moans sounded in unison and filled the room. Everything that they'd been missing being apart, the intimacy, the harmony, the roughness yet the gentleness, was felt between them.

Connor sat up, putting one hand behind him to support him and the other arm wrapped around Summers waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her chest and neck, sending butterflies to her stomach.

"I'm gonna cum" Summer moaned shakily as she started to slow down a bit. He turned them over, laying Summer on her back as he started thrusting into her. He wasn't too far himself.

"It feels good baby?"

"Yes, daddy".

"Good girl. Cum for me, angel" he said softly.
He continued until Summers hands squeezed his shoulders and she climaxed. Her toes curled and her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head, masturbating all this time didn't do this justice.

"Oh fuck baby" Connor groaned as he came shortly after her, filling up the condom slowly. He pulled out when he was finished and they caught their breaths.
Connor went into the bathroom first to throw the condom out and get in the shower. Summer followed shortly after, using the restroom before joining him.
They showered quickly and laid down with the television on.

"I love you, Summer" Connor said as she laid on his chest.

"You can't take that back, Dr. Griffin" she smiled looking up at him.

"Never planned to. I love you and I mean that".

"I love you too Connor. I was worried you'd never get there".


"Wrong word, I've just felt this way for a while. Didn't want it to be one sided".

"It definitely wasn't. I wanted to say it a few days ago, I just didn't want it to be over the phone".

"Good, I'm glad I could hear it in person" she said leaning up to kiss him before laying her head back on her chest.


"Good morning" Avery said answering Summers call.

"Morning, how are things going?"

"Good. Relaxing today I think. I don't have anything planned at least. How was dinner?"

"Really good".

"And post dinner activities?"

"Perfect. He said it after sex".

"He said it? I hope we're talking about 'I love you' before I get too excited".

"That is what we're talking about" Summer laughed a bit.

"How do you feel?"

"I honestly couldn't feel better about it. When he said it, my stomach just turned in knots and my heart raced and I couldn't stop smiling. God, I love this man".

"Aw that's so cute. I'm happy for you".

"Thank you".

"So you've got a plus one to my wedding huh?"

"If you ever plan it, of course" Summer teased.

"Oh whatever, we're getting there".

"I know, I know. It's not like you don't have time".

"Exactly. What are your plans for today?" Avery asked.

"Nothing special. Connors out getting breakfast now and we're gonna hang out in the city then go to my house for dinner".

"Okay good. He's liking it there so far?"

"I guess, he hasn't complained. Yesterday, my dad brought up if I would stay in Boston. I said for the time being, then I'd see where things take me and Connor didn't really react about it".

"So. Aside from the fact that your ultimately stuck there, whether you like it or not, for another 5 months. Maybe he's not freaking out about your decision just yet".

"You're right and I really don't think I will just up and leave after I graduate, but I wish I could get some kind of clue about how he hopes his future looks".

"Trust me, you will be where you need to be. Don't stress about things you can't control, Summer".

"You're right" Summer said shaking the thought from her head "I'm gonna get up and shower before he gets back".

"Yea of course. Talk to you later" Avery said then they said their goodbyes and ended the call. Avery cleaned up herself then went downstairs.

"Good morning honey" Deloris said as she got down.

"Good morning. Where's everyone?"

"Your fathers out at the store. Michelle went to get breakfast with Helena. I guess it's just us" she giggled.

"No problem. Want to go out today? I could use a touch up on my nails before my fiancé comes".

"Why not. What time do you want head out?"

"After breakfast, I'll cook" Avery suggested and her mom nodded.

"Thank you. So have you and Darren come any closer to setting a wedding date?"

"Not really, haven't thought much about the logistics. Just enjoying being engaged".

"I understand, but things have to move along eventually. Being engaged is great, I get it, but being married is even better".

"I know and I promise we'll get to it soon" Avery said and Deloris nodded.
She got up to make breakfast soon after then they ate and got ready to leave. They went to the nail salon then grabbed lunch before returning home.

"Hi sweetheart, how was grocery shopping?" Deloris asked Craig as they got back inside.

"Successful" he joked "where did you two go?"

"To get our nails done".

"Oh very nice. Honey, your fiancés here".

"Really?" Avery asked.

"Mhm, kitchen" he told her so Avery continued through the house.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" Avery smiled as she joined Darren, Michelle, and Helena were.

"Was able to do a showing early, so I came out to see you".

"Now he's here bothering us about brownies" Michelle laughed.

"I just asked her to make them" Darren said putting his hands up in playful surrender.

"Yea sure. How was breakfast?"

"Good, we got crepes. Your sister got me this" Helena said holding up her wrist to show off the simple charm bracelet.

"How pretty Chelle".

"Yea I do what I can, besides I've gotta give her something to remind her of me back in Budapest".

"Along with the sex, yea this will help".

"I'm gonna say that's our cue to get out of here" Avery laughed with them.

"I will let you know when the brownies are finished" Michelle said as they left the kitchen and headed out back.

"How was your flight?" Avery asked ad they sat on the patio swing.

"Good, thought you'd be here to surprise".

"Well I figured your bank account would appreciate me getting new nails".

"Oh it does" he said and watched her giggle.

"So, my mom brought up the wedding again. Said we should at least think about a date".

"She's not wrong".

"I mean getting into planning means we don't stop. And I'm not saying I'm scared of getting married to you, it's just I don't know if I'm ready for all of that stress".

"I know and I get it, baby, but whatever it is we'll figure it out together".

"Okay" she smiled "sometime next year spring?"

"March 30th?"

"Ballpark, sure".

"See, easy. After your Cancun trip, we'll start looking for available venues if you'd like".

"I would love that" she said leaning her head on his shoulder then he kissed her forehead.


"Thank you, Susanna" Connor said as she served dinner for everyone.

"You're welcome. How was your day, did you get to see the city at all?"

"Yea, Summer took us downtown".

"Mhm. Liberty Bell of course. We got cheesesteaks for lunch and ate it in the park. Went to the market and got some samples there too. A lot of our outing was food, but we walked it off" Summer giggled.

"I'm sure you did. You don't leave tomorrow do you Connor?" Spencer asked.

"No, day after. Late afternoon".

"Good. We've got tickets to the Phillies game if you two are interested".

"Yea if you're okay with that, angel".

"Sounds good to me".

"Great. It's a plan then" Spencer nodded then they continued small talk with dinner.

After a few hours Spencer and Susanna called it a night after their long days and left Connor and Summer alone. They finished the movie they were watching then headed upstairs.

"I love that they're getting more comfortable with you" Summer said sitting in front of him as he leaned back on the headboard.

"Me too. I know they're very important to you, so I'm glad we can get along".

"I'm gonna miss you when you leave" she groaned then he sat forward and kissed her.

"What do I get, three days before you head to Cancun".

"Unfortunately, yes".

"Then we'll have to make the best of that time, just like we'll have to do now".
He pushed her back softly until he was leaning over her. He kissed her neck, pulling the skin between his lips as his hands traveled down her body.
Connor sat up to unzip her jeans and pull them off of her legs.

"Babe, my parents are down the hall" she said with a flustered laugh.

"I know, angel".

His hand moved into her underwear and pressed against her clit making her moan. He continued that way, watching her face turn redder and her nipples harden through her thin cotton tshirt. She put one hand to her breast, squeezing it herself while she attempted to quiet her moans.

Connor continued until his fingers glided easily over her wet pussy. He removed his hand and got off the bed. He pulled her to the edge and took her underwear off to fully expose her to him.

He bent down, kissing the inside of her thighs while positioning one leg over his shoulder and pressing the other to the bed. He immediately licked a long stripe along her pussy then started eating her out.

"Oh my fu-" Summer started but cut herself off by pressing her hands to her mouth. She felt his tongue move in methodical figure eights around her clit, slipping into her pussy every few seconds.

She knew that Connor gave good head, but every time impressed her more than the last when she realized how quickly she could orgasm if she let herself. Yet, she always held it as long as she could. She just didn't want it to end.

"You're gonna have to be quiet, beautiful, I just got on their good side" he said, leaning over her with a smirk.

"That would've been much easier if we waited to get to your hotel room" she said shakily as his fingers slowly penetrated her.

"I couldn't wait. Besides, I like this better" he said, the slow thrusts of his middle and ring fingers now speeding up "watching you struggle to stay quiet while I play in your fucking pussy. Feel good baby?"

"Yes daddy" she whispered breathlessly.

"You're pussy tastes so good. I just love eating it. I love how easy I can make you mine".

"It's your pussy, baby".

"Is that right?"

"Yes, oh my god. Please make me cum".

"I will, angel, don't worry" he kissed her before bending down again.
He continued penetrating her with his fingers as he started sucking and licking her clit again. Her foot rested on his shoulder, just how he liked it. She moaned for him and came for him, god he loved that.

Summer pulled at the sheets and used the pillows to muffle herself as she came. Her orgasm ran through her. Her body shook, her toes curled, her stomach turned, her breathing sped up. It was in perfect unison.

Connor stood again and kissed her a few times before carefully lifting her off the bed so not to get anything on the comforter. He set her legs down and laughed a little himself as she shook.

"I'm gonna shower" she said turning to see his amusement.

"I'll be here, angel".

"I know. I love you".

"I love you too" he smiled before she continued to the bathroom.

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