Halloween special

By FateGrand-overseer

947 74 222

???: Welcome to the Mansion everybody! hope you enjoy your stay in this luxurious home! when Goku, Neptune, a... More

OC submission [closed]
chapter 1:Lucky winner
chapter 2: Search
Chapter 3: Wandering
Chapter 4: Depths of Darkness
chapter 5: battle in the dark
Chapter 6: Nemesis rampage
Chapter 7: Fog
Chapter 8: Lurkers in the dark
Chapter 9: Impostors Among Us
Chapter 10: Lost in the dark
Chapter 11: within The halls
Chapter 12: Depths of despair
Chapter 13: facing the darkness
Chapter 14: Shadows of fear
Chapter 15: Attic
chapter 16: Phantom

chapter 17: Silent secrets

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By FateGrand-overseer

   As we stood before the narrow pathway, my hand instinctively reached for the nearby switch. With a quick flick, the room was plunged into momentary darkness before the lights slowly came to life, casting their soft glow upon our way. Before us, a small table emerged from the shadows, and on its surface  I noticed a torn page from a hidden diary, its paper brittle and its ink faded. My curiosity got the better of me, and I picked it up..

 'Get the key to the library! look for a chest,  what lies inside will help against-.'

what followed after was hard to read  as it faded like a gradient. I showed the message to the others as they took time to  analyze it.

Soejammy: hm to the library huh.

Shiro: hm..

Shiro trailed her line of sight across  the room as few feet away from her there was another hallway across. divided by another door revealed the other side.

A huge cabinet with a glass door sat there, gleaming in the darkness as the rain muffled from outside harmonized with brief flashes of light from the window. 

Soejammy and I were too busy focusing on the objects that laid around the room to notice. Slowly moving  to the eerie object, Shiro squinted her blue eyes at the glass door. 

Soejammy picked another diary flipping  the page.

name-  Stewart..

**February 15, 1998**

The darkness seems to loom thicker tonight, casting long shadows through these grand hallways. I can't help but feel a growing unease in my own home. Perhaps it's my imagination, or maybe it's the old place showing its age, but something is undeniably amiss.

**February 20, 1998**

I've begun hearing faint whispers, like distant voices carried on the wind. They echo through the walls, just barely audible. It's as though the very foundations of this mansion are trying to communicate something to me. I find myself waking in the dead of night, straining to decipher their cryptic messages.

**February 25, 1998**

The portraits in the drawing room have begun to shift when I'm not looking. I could swear the eyes follow me, accusingly. My nerves are frayed, and I'm beginning to question my own sanity. There's something inherently sinister about this place, lurking just beyond the edge of my perception.

**March 5, 1998**

It's getting worse. I've seen shadows darting across the hallways, fleeting glimpses of figures that shouldn't be here. My staff has fled, unable to bear the unsettling atmosphere any longer. I've considered following suit, but I'm drawn to uncover the truth of this mansion's dark secrets.

**March 10, 1998**

I've taken to exploring the mansion at night, lantern in hand. The whispers have grown louder, more insistent, but they remain unintelligible. There's a chill in the air that has nothing to do with the weather. I've stumbled upon hidden chambers and cryptic symbols etched into the walls.

**March 18, 1998**

I've seen them now, the spirits of the past. They drift through the mansion, their faces twisted in anguish. They beckon to me, pleading for something I cannot comprehend. I've ventured into the depths of the mansion, to a place where the walls seem to throb with an otherworldly energy.

**March 20, 1998**

The truth is unbearable, yet I must record it. The mansion is a vessel for unspeakable horrors, a gateway to a realm beyond our own. The spirits are trapped here, bound by some malevolent force, and I fear I too shall never leave. My every step is watched by something ancient and maleficent, and I have become a prisoner of my own curiosity.

Soejammy sat in the dimly lit room, the diary's ancient pages rustling softly as he read silently to himself. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, and the air felt heavy with the weight of the mansion's secrets.  Realization hit like a storm finally calming revealing clear skies.  

 Neptune, Noire, Vert and I watched in suspense, our eyes darting around the room as if expecting something to materialize from the shadows. Shiro, on the other hand, stood at the entrance of  the short hallway, her curiosity piqued by the glass cabinet at the far end.

Soejammy's voice broke the silence as he whispered

Soejammy: This diary... it tells of this mansion's dark past, the spirits that haunt it, and the unspeakable horrors hidden within it.

As he spoke, Shiro cautiously began to inch closer to the glass cabinet. Her fingers trembled as she tried to maintain her composure. The others remained engrossed in Soejammy's words. 

As Shiro neared the glass cabinet, she squinted at the blurry shape inside. It seemed to be a face, partially obscured by the dusty glass. She couldn't make out any details, but it drew her in like a moth to a flame.  

I noticed Shiro's increasing fascination and whispered, 

Me: Shiro, be careful. We don't know what's in there.

Shiro nodded, her eyes still fixed on the cabinet.

Shiro: I know, but I need to see.

Her voice wavered, but her curiosity got the best of her.

Just as Shiro leaned in for a closer look, a sudden, spine-chilling whisper emanated from the glass cabinet, causing her to jump back in fright. The others turned their attention toward the hallway, their faces filled with dread.

Soejammy, realizing the sinister nature of the diary's revelations, closed the book with a sense of urgency. The temperature in the room dropped, and the shadows seemed to deepen. The group's collective unease grew. 

In the adjacent room, we began to notice strange occurrences. Objects shifted on their own, and the sound of faint, ghostly laughter filled the air. The mansion itself seemed to come alive, confirming the malevolent history described in the diary.

Shiro clung to me , her fear more pronounced now.

Shiro: I... I don't want to be here. We need to get out of this room, now."

With our resolve strengthened, we hurriedly left the dimly lit room, leaving behind the ominous whispers and shifting shadows. We now sought the library within the sprawling mansion, guided by the cryptic note we had discovered earlier. The flickering candlelight cast eerie silhouettes on the walls as they made their way through the winding corridors, the air filled with an unshakable sense of foreboding.

I  led the way, clutching the note with the faded warning that had been discovered inside the diary, which  we believed to be among the keys to survival against the unknown supernatural entity that lurked within the mansion's dark depths.

As we ventured deeper into the mansion's labyrinthine passages,  we encountered rooms shrouded in gloom and passages that twisted and turned, as if the very architecture of the mansion conspired to confuse us. The walls seemed to whisper secrets, and the portraits they passed by bore silent witness to their journey.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity,  we reached a grand double door that led to a large, dimly lit room. Inside, we found  ourselves surrounded by towering bookshelves, their shelves laden with dusty tomes and ancient manuscripts. This was the mansion's library.

Neptune, Noire, and Vert fanned out, searching for the chest mentioned in the note. The air was heavy with the scent of aged parchment and old leather bindings. Every creak of the wooden floor seemed to echo through the room, adding to the sense of anticipation and dread.

As we scoured the library's vast collection, the  flashlight played over the faded spines of countless books. With my  hands trembling, I  pulled a thick volume from a shelf and glanced at its title, hoping it might contain the answers  we might be looking for. But it was just another dusty tome filled with obscure knowledge from a bygone era.

Shiro, still visibly shaken from the earlier encounter, stood guard at the entrance to the library, her eyes darting around the room nervously, her gaze flitting from shadow to shadow. With each passing moment, the weight of the faded warning note grew heavier in our minds. We were tantalizingly close to uncovering what lay within the chest and what it might reveal about the malevolent entity that haunted the mansion. But the note's final words remained a haunting mystery, left to our collective imagination.

In the library's dim light, we continued our search for the chest, determined to uncover the key to facing the unknown supernatural entity that lurked within the mansion's sinister depths.

Noire called out excitedly from a corner of the room,

Noire: I think I found it!

  My flashlight beam fell upon a chest covered in dust and cobwebs. The chest was old, ornate, and covered in intricate carvings, hinting at its long-forgotten importance. 

I rushed over to help Noire open the chest, and together  brushed away the years of neglect. Inside, nestled among moth-eaten tomes and musty scrolls, we found a collection of items.

Neptune: There's a strange-looking dagger, a vial of shimmering liquid, and a cryptic old journal. This must be what the faded note was referring to.

Vert carefully picked up the journal, and as she flipped through its aged pages, she noticed that the text within was written in a language we couldn't decipher. The symbols seemed archaic and mystical, filled with diagrams and drawings.

Soejammy: I think this journal might hold the secrets we need, but we can't read it without translation. Let's take it with us; maybe we can find someone who can decipher it." 

With the chest and the cryptic journal in hand, we gathered in the well-lit room, the warmth of the flashlight contrasting with the chilling atmosphere of the mansion. As we contemplated  our next move, Noire pointed out a crucial piece of information.

Me: Noire's right, "Corvus is the only one among us who might have the knowledge to decipher the journal's content. We need to find him and the others."

Neptune nodded in agreement, her typically cheerful demeanor replaced by a sense of urgency.

Neptune: We can't just leave our friends behind in this creepy place. They might be in even greater danger than we are. 

As we moved through the mansion's oppressive corridors once more, the sense of unease grew, amplified by the knowledge that Corvus and the others had been missing for some time.

At last, we stumbled upon a room shrouded in darkness. The walls were adorned with eerie paintings that seemed to depict a scene of ancient despair. In the corner, we spotted Corvus's distinctive  equipment.

Dbz,Elise, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan,Krillin, and Kiken were nowhere to be seen.

My  heart sank as I examined the room and found a series of notes strewn on a table. The notes were hastily scribbled, and  revealed that the others had been conducting their own investigation within the mansion before they vanished.

Goku's note read, "We found something... something big, something ancient. We have to explore deeper."

Vegeta's note said, "Corvus seems to know more than he's letting on. We need to be cautious."

Krillin's note simply stated, "The shadows are closing in."

Elise's note was the last, and it read, "Corvus insists we follow him. We're going deeper, but I don't think he's telling us everything."

We realized that our friends had uncovered the same malevolent force that we had, and Corvus might hold vital information.  We decided to retrace our  steps described in the notes and make  way towards the heart of the mansion, where we hoped to find Corvus and the others.

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