Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi...

By SKralishyn

92.1K 5.5K 625

[COMPLETE] I'm Ava, a human who has been kidnapped from my home world and forced to live with an abusive scou... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50

Part 14

1.7K 119 22
By SKralishyn


Rigel and I were having fun, doing fancy flight maneuvers, swooping through the air, and diving toward the ground until out of nowhere, a group of large rahonis descended from the sky, completely surrounding us. Unlike our gentle Glow Ball, these rahonis hurt Rigel; whenever Rigel brushes against them, he cries out.

Suddenly, all the rahonis turn an angry red. Rigel seems unresponsive as we barrel straight for the ground.

I do not want to die, splattered on the ground of some obscure planet.

"Rigel, please, Rigel!"

When we are probably ten feet from the ground, his wings snap out. Briefly, we soar, until another scream comes from Rigel, and we drop.

We slam into the ground. From under Rigel, I crawl out. Initially, I thought cushioning was silly, but as I peel my protective suit from me, I am thankful for it.

Glow Ball gets out of the backpack on his own. I hug the little rahoni to my chest, inspecting him for injuries.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see them; a sky filled with glowing red rahonis streaking toward us.

Rigel still lies prostrate on the ground. I don't think he can sustain another attack, so I throw my body over him. Rigel is much larger than me, tall and muscular, with wide wings. I do what I can, tucking his wings in as much as I can and then laying over him, protecting his head, back, and part of a wing. In my arm, I hold a squirming Glow Ball.

Glow Ball escapes, and he flies over me, just out of reach. Fear surges through me. Compared to the other rahonis, Glow Ball is tiny.

Chasing Glow Ball would mean leaving Rigel defenseless, so I stay with Rigel.

I've never been one for prayer, but I need there to be a way out of this. If there is some force in this universe, please, protect Glow Ball, Rigel, and me.

The massive wall of red rahonis arrives, hovering over us. Are they going to sting us to death?

Glow Ball's tiny body is between us and the rahoni army, darting back and forth over us in the air. Is Glow Ball trying to protect us?

"Please, Glow Ball, come back."

Why won't Glow Ball listen to me?

Glow Ball trills and his skin turns to luminous yellow, making it easy to follow him when he flies toward the red wall of rahonis in the darkening sky: one tiny glowing yellow ball in a sea of red. Suddenly, it is like fire. The rahonis closest to Glow Ball turn yellow and I blink and then all the rahonis are a fluorescent yellow.

Oh no, is Glow Ball leaving us?

"Don't go," I call out. "Glow Ball, please... Please, Glow Ball..."

With all of them a bright yellow, I can no longer pick out Glow Ball. The rahonis ascend; they look like lanterns rising into the sky.

There is an empty hollow feeling inside me. Then it hits me. I'm alone.

Rigel moans. Maybe not completely alone. I go to Rigel.

Rigel's brow furrows and his eyes look empty. Lost.


He just lays on the ground. I'm worried. What if something is wrong with his brain or body?

If only I could call someone... I still have my backpack, which according to Kayla has emergency supplies.

I dump the contents of the bag onto the ground: water bottles, small packages of what looks like preserved food, an emergency blanket, a flashlight, and an object that looks like a toy walkie-talkie, with an antenna and a large button.

I press the big button. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"

There is nothing but static. Repeatedly, I try. Still, nothing.

I need to face the truth. The blue star has set, and the sky is darkening. With no one answering the communicator, it means...

Tonight, we must sleep in the canyon.

Rigel's state has not changed. I wish I knew more words in the alien language. The only words I know are words like scourge and the pet command for stay and come, which is not helpful.

Carefully, I lift his head and tilt water from one of the bottles into his mouth, stopping when it dribbles down his face.

With the blue star no longer in the sky, it is getting colder.

Something cold and wet hits my face, and then another and another. Rain?

I keep the flashlight out and clip it to me, scooping everything else, including the sleeping bag harness contraption into my bag. It's time to find shelter.

When we first hit the ground, I noticed dozens of pock-shaped holes in the nearest cliff face. I can only hope it means caves.

I look at Rigel who makes long, slow blinks at me and even though I tug at his hands, he won't stand. So I grab his ankles and pull him toward the direction of what I hope are caves.

When we get further away from the river, the ground underneath us becomes rocklike. I do not want to drag Rigel over this new terrain because rocks could cut into his skin.

"Rigel, get up."

He moans. I pull him by his arms. Fortunately, he gets to his feet. We start shuffling toward an entrance to one of the caves and he leans on me. Rigel is so heavy, I nearly collapse. Somehow, we make our way inside the honeycomb-like caves.

Rigel topples, falling onto the ground. His skin is ice cold.

Getting Rigel warm is my next priority. I lay the sleeping bag on the cave floor and then I roll Rigel onto it. I get the small silver-colored emergency blanket out of the backpack and drape it over him.

With the flashlight on, I check Rigel more carefully.

Rigel watches me with his blank stare.

"Please come back to me, Rigel. You are my angel, and... I can't live on a ship full of scourges without you."

Maybe it's exhaustion, or not knowing whether Rigel is okay or not, but I cry. He reaches his hand out, wiping a tear away. I should find it comforting but his blank gaze makes it worse, so I turn off the flashlight.

Rigel's skin is still cold, so I lay next to him, pressing against him, trying to give him some warmth.

I must be exhausted. Within minutes, I fall asleep.


I wake up to screeching sounds.

The inside of the cave is dark, but through several of the honeycomb holes of the cave, I see a luminous red. The fact that I can see this through several holes at the same time must mean... whatever is out there is huge. I gulp. Am I seeing a gigantic rahoni?

I shake Rigel. "Wake up, Rigel, please..."

Whatever is out there howls, shaking the inside of the cave.

Then when I suddenly see a giant eye looking through one of the many entrances that would lead to our chamber, I jump.

Now I am too frightened to call Rigel. The big eye moves away but the howling sound continues to shake the ground beneath us.

Why is it making that noise? Is it about to attack us? Or is it summoning others?

The howling gets further away, and the bright luminous red is no longer visible through any of the dozens of cave holes.

Why do I feel sad when I hear the howling?

I shiver. Rigel mumbles something unrecognizable in his sleep and places a wing over me.

My thoughts turn to Rigel. What will happen to him? Is he still hurt? What if he never returns to what he was?

I close my eyes and make a wish, clinging to some of his feathers. Please, please come back to me Rigel.

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