Izuku Yagi - The New Yamato W...

By FatedGil

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Izuku Yagi, tormented by the Bakugo twins for something he couldn't control, his only solace from this bullyi... More

Characters' Bio
Prologue: Quirk Test
Chapter 1: Aldera
Chapter 2: Yamato and Training
Chapter 3: Izuku's Vengeance
Chapter 4: 10 months later, UA entrance exam
Interlude: Katsumi, Izumi, and Shoka designs
Chapter 5: Apprehension test and Heroics Class Part One
Chapter 6: Heroics Class Part Two; Ryoshi's Fun and Izuku's Hell on Earth
Chapter 7: Panic Attack
Chapter 8: The LoV's First Move
Chapter 9: Yakuza Elimination Plans
Chapter 10: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 11: Sports Festival Battles Round Two
Chapter 12: Sports Festival Battles; Round Three and Final Round
Chapter 13: The Yakuza Dies Tonight.
Chapter 14: Aftermath and a Conversation With a Friend
Chapter 15: Kidnapping
Chapter 16: Internships
Chapter 17: Stain and a New Devil!
Chapter 18: Finishing Internships
Chapter 19: Off to the Training Camp
Chapter 20: First Official Day at the Training Camp!
Chapter 21: Betrayal?
Chapter 22: Kamino Ward
Chapter 24: Big Chicken? Archer?
Chapter 25: Retiring the Number 1 Hero

Chapter 23: Closing Hours

890 21 10
By FatedGil

(3rd person POV)

Izuku stood staring at his two former friends, both of who were revealed to be secret Jashinists. Izuku was furious. He grabbed Katsumi by the head and threw her at her brother.

Izuku: I assume that she is immortal as well?

Katsumi: I don't even know, let's test!

Izuku was forced to dodge a slash from behind as Katsuki pulled his sword out from the ground by the rope attached to his waist. Ryoshi looked at Izuku and knew that something was wrong. There was a weird look on his face. Izuku put away his Beowulf and brought out his Yamato. He drew the sword and pointed the tip of the blade to his chest. 

Izuku: Heavy chain that does freeze my bones around!

Izuku plunged the katana into his chest, earning a scream from his sister and girlfriend. Izuku was split in two. He managed to say one more thing before he transformed.

Izuku: Let's see how you handle a true king of the underworld!

(Urizen POV)

I was brought out into this world again. I looked around and saw V. He was laying on the ground, barely conscious. I imperceptibly nodded to him before turning to look at the two small immortal kids in front of me. I could sense their ties to that blasphemous god Jashin. I growled and levitated the Yamato, turning it into a crystal in the process.

Urizen: Izuku was smart to let me out. I am the only one who can kill you two.

Katsuki: I would like to see you try you rip off titan!

I shook my head, before kicking some pebbles at them, although those 'pebbles' were the size of their heads.

Urizen: Let's see what you can do!

The twins ran at me and I teleported behind them, shooting down a blast of energised ordinance on them as I passed. Katsuki tried to hit me, but I just blocked it with the crystal. Katsumi shot a condensed explosion at me. I punched straight through it. I started whaling on the two. I started to laugh. Katsuki grabbed my leg and threw me into a building. I pulled myself out of the building only to be met with a double howitzer impact to the face. i realised that this may not have been the best idea as my larger size caused me to be a bigger target, but no matter.


I launched the two back with my shout. I watched as Katsuki licked something off his blade, before cutting his wrist open and drawing a symbol with his blood. He then stabbed himself in the chest which involved in me vomiting up blood.

Urizen: *GACK* S-smart move, using your immortality like that. But don't worry. V will bring back Izuku.

I said as I watched V flying cane first at my chest. The cane penetrated the eye on my chest and a massive blue light exploded.

(Izuku POV)

I was not mad. I expected that to happen. He was a bigger target, and it was a 2v1 anyways. I activated my SDT and set my power to 30% I had no words to say to the two traitors. I slashed at Katsuki. He ducked under the blade. I realised that I may need to go above 30.

Izuku: I can't believe Jashin has this level of power to gift to people.

Katsuki: Thanks...

Izuku: Allow me to release my limiters.

When hope is gone,

undo this lock,

and set me forth,

on a moonlit walk.

Release restraint level: Zero!

I felt a massive surge of demonic energy and started to laugh at the sheer power.


I slashed at Katsuki's face. I was too fast for him to dodge. His head flew off of his shoulders. Most of the buildings behind him evaporated. I saw his body grab his head and try to run away.

Izuku: You can't fix yourself if you are just mist!

I slashed at Katsuki with the full intent of killing him. That was before a giant chicken blocked the slash.

Gil: Sorry for the lack of updates. I have ideas of how Kamino Ward will end now! so I hope the wait wasn't too bad. and I hope you all enjoyed the Hellsing reference. Btw, I am planning on posting an Alucard deku sample if you all will be interested in it? Tell me if you think I should do it. See you all in the next one

And as always;

Have fun, enjoy life, and much love!

This is Gil, signing out!

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