Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

362K 8.1K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


2.7K 54 1
By tonysnarky

As FP2 roared on at the track, Alexandra seized her moment of opportunity. With determination guiding her steps, she made her way through the bustling paddock until she entered the Red Bull garage. There, amidst the constant hum of activity, she spotted Max's engineer, GP, and offered a friendly greeting.

"Hey, GP. Can you do me a favor? Could you radio Christian for me and let him know I'm looking for him?"

GP nodded with a knowing smile. "Of course, Alexandra. I'll make sure he gets the message."

A few moments later, as the cars continued to roar on the track, Christian emerged from the hustle and bustle of FP2, meeting Alexandra with an awkward yet polite greeting. Their unspoken history lingered in the air, mingling with the scent of rubber and the roar of engines.

He gestured towards his office in the garage, but Alexandra hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "Actually, I was thinking... somewhere a bit more private."

Christian's understanding was swift, and he suggested, "My main office in the Red Bull building should be empty. Everyone's in the garage for the practice session."

She nodded, her gratitude evident, and they exchanged no more words as they slipped away unnoticed. Side by side, they navigated the familiar terrain in silence, the weight of their past and the unspoken tensions between them hanging in the air.

Finally reaching the office, Christian locked the door and pulled down the blinds, enveloping the room in a cocoon of privacy. He crossed to his desk and flipped a switch, illuminating a small light outside the door to signal to his team that he was in a meeting.

Turning towards Alexandra, he spoke in a hushed tone. "That should keep us undisturbed. Can I offer you some coffee?"

She nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Coffee sounds perfect, thanks."

With a sense of purpose, Christian efficiently prepared two mugs of coffee. The clinking of porcelain and the soft hiss of the coffee machine seemed to punctuate the tension between them.

Eventually, they found themselves seated on opposite sides of a small coffee table, each perched on a blue sofa. Alexandra cradled the mug between her palms, her gaze locked on the swirling steam rising from the cup. Christian's posture was more relaxed, though the lines of his face bore the weight of the years gone by.

As they sat there in intimate silence, both were acutely aware of the unspoken emotions that had led them to this moment. The room seemed to hold its breath as they grappled with the uncharted territory they were about to explore.

The silence between them hung heavy, each moment pregnant with the weight of years of unspoken truths. It was Alexandra who finally broke the quiet, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and curiosity. "Did you love her?"

Christian's reaction was subtle but noticeable, his body tensing ever so slightly. He seemed taken aback by the directness of the question, his eyes betraying the emotions swirling within. He took a deep breath, his gaze meeting Alexandra's as he wrestled with his response.

Tears glistened in his eyes as he finally answered, his voice raw with sincerity. "Yes, Alexandra. With every atom in my body, I loved Camille Heroux."

The truth hung in the air, a long-held secret finally revealed. Alexandra's eyes searched his face, absorbing the impact of his admission. She took a slow sip of her coffee, the warmth of the liquid mirroring the emotions churning within her.

For a while, neither of them spoke. The room seemed to cocoon them in a space of shared history and complicated emotions. It was Christian who finally broke the silence once more, his voice soft and filled with a mixture of nostalgia and regret.

"You know," he began, his gaze distant, "you look so much like your mother did when we first met. Those same fierce eyes and determination."

Alexandra's lips quirked in a faint, bitter smile, but she remained silent, allowing his words to settle in the space between them.

Christian took a deep breath, his expression pained yet earnest. "Camille loved you and James more than anything in the world. You were her world."

Alexandra's scoff was abrupt, her voice tinged with bitterness. "If that were true, she would've protected us from my father."

Christian's gaze met hers, and for the first time, his expression held a raw honesty. "Alexandra," Christian's voice was gentle, "sometimes, people make choices that they believe are the best, even if they hurt the ones they love. Your mother faced her own battles and struggles. But, her weaknesses don't mean she loved you any less."

Tension filled the air, their words a reflection of the tangled emotions that had bound their lives together. In this confined space, their shared history, grievances, and even the fragments of love they both felt were laid bare. 

Alexandra's sad smile lingered for a moment, a fragile bridge between their shared history. Her voice carried a mix of vulnerability and curiosity as she continued, her gaze unwavering. "Could you tell me about Camille?"

Christian's expression shifted, a mix of confusion and contemplation crossing his features. He seemed to be grappling with the idea of opening up about a chapter of his life that had remained closed for so long. Finally, he nodded, his eyes meeting hers as if silently acknowledging her need.

Alexandra took a deep breath before explaining her perspective. "I never got to see my mother when she was happy, when she was in love. All I know are the struggles and the pain. I want to know who she was before all of that."

Christian's gaze held hers for a moment longer before he stood up, a sense of purpose guiding his movements. He walked over to his desk, his steps purposeful yet heavy with the weight of his memories. After a moment, he retrieved a small black-bound book and returned to his seat on the sofa, the book resting in his hands.

Sitting back down, Christian's gaze remained fixed on the book as if seeking answers within its pages. He cleared his throat before he began to speak, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and raw emotion. "I met Camille at one of Jacob's NASCAR races. James was just three months old at the time."

He recounted the scene for Alexandra, describing a tired and stressed Camille, struggling to soothe a crying James. Christian had approached her, worried about the baby's well-being, unaware of who she was. Camille had introduced herself as Charlotte, a name she used to maintain her anonymity.

As Christian spoke, his voice took on a wistful quality, painting a vivid picture of that encounter. "We spent about an hour or so together that day, talking and trying to calm James down. And in that short time, it was as if... something clicked."

He paused, his eyes distant as he relived that moment in his mind. "I can't explain it, but for me, it was pretty much love at first sight."

Christian's words hung in the air, a testament to the depth of emotion that had marked the beginning of his relationship with Camille. Alexandra listened with rapt attention, her own emotions swirling as she began to uncover a side of her mother that had been concealed from her for so long.

Christian's voice carried a mix of tenderness and vulnerability as he continued his narrative, recounting the unfolding chapters of his relationship with Camille. "After that race, Camille vanished once again. It wasn't until a few months later, in Barcelona, that our paths crossed once more. This time, she was without James."

The memories seemed to flow effortlessly from him as he shared the details of that weekend. "I remember going over to her, feeling this undeniable pull towards her. We spent time together, and I showed her around the paddocks. It was as if we were connecting on a level that was beyond words."

He spoke of the unspoken connection between them, a magnetic force that even Camille recognized. "Camille felt it too. We agreed to meet up later that evening."

Christian's voice held a mixture of longing and nostalgia as he described their evening together. "I took her out for drinks near the Barri Gòtic. The atmosphere was electric, and in that moment, it felt like time stood still."

A pause seemed to hang in the air as if he was reliving that night, the emotions of the past resurfacing. But then, as if shifting the focus away from himself, Christian continued, his tone more matter-of-fact. "We kissed that night."

He swiftly moved on, the memories flowing one after the other. "The next day, as I was walking around, I saw her. She was with Jacob, and that's when I realized that she had lied to me about who she was."

The weight of that revelation hung in the air, heavy with its implications. Alexandra listened intently, her own emotions swirling as she pieced together the story that had shaped her parents' lives.

Christian's story was like a tapestry, weaving together moments of joy, connection, and heartache. It was a story that had been hidden from Alexandra for so long, a truth that had finally come to light. In this intimate exchange, she was discovering a side of her mother that had been buried beneath layers of pain and confusion.

Christian's voice wavered as he continued his confession, his words heavy with a mixture of raw emotions. "What happened next... it was both the best time of my life and the one thing I regret deeply."

He spoke with a blend of vulnerability and honesty, his gaze fixed on the black book in his hands. "We kept meeting, at races, at events. Every time I saw her, I couldn't stop myself from wanting to be with her. She consumed my every thought."

Alexandra's expression remained understanding, a silent acknowledgment that she was listening without judgment. Christian took a deep breath, his determination to share his truth unwavering.

"We started spending time together," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and self-awareness. "At first, it wasn't romantic. We were best friends, companions who found solace in each other's company. I respected the fact that she had a child, and I understood that she and Jacob were navigating co-parenting."

He paused for a moment, his gaze distant as he recalled those early days. "Jacob was... controlling, possessive of her, even though they weren't together at the time. I thought I was doing the right thing by not pursuing my feelings for her."

Christian's voice wavered, the vulnerability in his admission palpable. "But as time went on, things changed. Camille started to see the relationship as something more than friendship. And I... I let it happen. I didn't think she'd get back together with him. I saw a future with her."

His hands trembled slightly, a visible sign of the turmoil within him. He continued, his voice heavy with self-criticism. "I was weak. I should have stopped it, should have known better. But I was just so glad to have her in my life that I... I didn't resist."

A tense silence hung in the air as Christian's words lingered, the weight of his regrets and emotions settling over them. His gaze remained fixed on the book, his fingers tracing the edges of the pages as if seeking solace.

"After about a year," he finally continued, his voice laden with sorrow, "Camille sat me down and told me she was getting back together with Jacob."

The admission was like a punch to the gut, the final blow in a series of revelations that had shaken their shared history to its core. Alexandra's heart ached for both her parents, for the tangled web of emotions and decisions that had led them down this path.

Christian's voice held a mixture of anguish and regret as he continued to share the tangled web of his relationship with Camille. "Not long after Camille and Jacob got back together, she turned up at my door one night while she was in the UK. We... we slept together."

The admission seemed to weigh heavily on him as he continued, the memories resurfacing with a raw intensity. "She stayed with me for a few days. A few weeks later, she told me she was pregnant."

His words hung in the air, a quiet yet profound revelation. The impact of that revelation seemed to echo in the room, as Alexandra listened without interruption, her own emotions a whirlwind of empathy and understanding.

Christian's voice carried a mixture of pain and determination as he explained his next steps. "I broke off the affair immediately. I needed to know the truth. I asked Camille if she...if you...were my child. She told me you weren't."

The weight of those words seemed to hang in the air, heavy with implications. He continued, his tone heavy with the gravity of his choices. "We dropped out of contact with each other. It was like we were trying to bury everything that had happened between us."

Christian's expression was etched with a mixture of fear and vulnerability as he recounted the story as if each word was a painful reminder of the choices he had made. Alexandra's silence spoke volumes as she processed the revelations, her gaze thoughtful and contemplative.

"After about three months of silence," he continued, his voice trembling slightly, "we met again at another NASCAR event. Camille promised me that she was going to leave Jacob, that she loved me."

His voice wavered as he shared the moment when hope had been rekindled. "I believed her. I believed her so completely, and we... we started the affair again."

A heavy pause settled between them as the weight of their shared history loomed over the conversation. "One night," he finally continued, his voice quieter, "when you were almost three years old, we were together. And Jacob walked in, catching us."

Christian's eyes held a mixture of pain and regret as he continued, his voice almost a whisper. "He was rightfully angry, Alexandra. He demanded a paternity test."

Christian's voice carried a weight of resignation as he continued to recount the events that had unfolded in the aftermath of the affair. "I made the choice to walk away from Camille. I decided not to speak to her again. It was a painful decision, but I felt it was the right one."

He paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on a distant point as he revisited the memories. "After that, Camille fell into a deep depression. For about six months, we didn't see each other or have any contact."

The heaviness of the situation seemed to settle in the room, a shared recognition of the pain and heartache that had defined that period of their lives. Alexandra's silence spoke volumes, her thoughts and emotions a complex tapestry as she absorbed the truth.

She eventually asked the question that had been lingering in the air, her voice soft. "What happened next?"

Christian's eyes held a mixture of sadness and resolve as he continued. "I noticed that Camille was spending a lot of time with Sebastian. They were arriving and leaving races together, and... I thought she might be having an affair with him."

His words hung in the air, carrying a sense of doubt and confusion. "I confronted Sebastian about it. I asked him if he was involved with Camille."

As he spoke of that moment, his tone became more intense, reflecting his own feelings of uncertainty and suspicion. "Sebastian brushed it off, claiming that they were just family friends. He said he was looking out for her because she was going through a difficult time."

Christian's gaze seemed to darken as he shared his doubts. "I didn't believe him. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off."

A heavy silence settled between them as the weight of the past continued to unravel. Christian's voice held a mix of regret and pain as he confessed, "I didn't speak to Camille for over a year after that. Little did I know..."

"That my father was abusing her." Alexandra finished cooly. 

Christian's voice carried a mix of sorrow and regret as he continued his narrative, unveiling more layers of the story that had been buried for so long. "We reconnected at a Red Bull event. We started the affair again."

The weight of those words seemed to hang in the air, a testament to the complexity of their relationship and the emotions that had driven their actions. Christian's voice was tinged with a mixture of pain and resolve as he explained, "This time, Camille was actively talking with lawyers about divorcing Jacob."

He continued, his tone becoming more somber as he shared a painful truth. "She told me about the abuse she had been enduring. It was... it was heartbreaking."

The heaviness of their shared history seemed to permeate the room as Christian's story reached a critical point. "I was so angry. I wanted to go to the police, to make Jacob pay for what he had done. But Camille begged and cried, fearing she would lose custody of you and James if it came to light."

Christian's words hung in the air, a reflection of the painful choices that had been made in the name of protecting their family. He finally paused, the weight of the memories seeming to settle upon him.

After a moment, he reached for the black book, the same one he had been holding throughout the conversation. He handed it to Alexandra, a gesture of vulnerability and truth. She accepted it, her gaze focused on the pages as she flicked through the images captured within.

As she viewed the images of her mother and Christian throughout the years, a single tear traced a path down her cheek. The moments frozen in time seemed to tell a story of their own, a story of love, connection, and the painful decisions that had shaped their lives.

But it was the image that held all of them together – Camille, Christian, Alexandra, and James – that struck her the most. It was a snapshot of a moment that could have been, a moment that spoke of unity and love, of a family that might have been if circumstances had been different.

As Alexandra choked back a sob, her heart ached with a profound sense of loss. At that moment, the weight of her mother's struggles, the choices that had been made, and the wounds that had been inflicted all converged. It was a moment of reckoning, a reckoning with the reality of what could have been and what was.

As Alexandra's gaze lingered on the image that depicted a moment she couldn't recall, she pointed to it, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and sadness. "When was this taken? I don't remember."

Christian's expression grew somber as he acknowledged the gap in her memory. He moved to sit on the floor in front of Alexandra, his hand resting comfortingly on her knee. "After your mother's accident," he began, his voice gentle, "you seemed to forget a lot of your childhood memories, including the time we spent together."

A wave of emotions washed over Alexandra as she absorbed the truth. The realization that there were parts of her life that she couldn't remember, that had been lost to her, weighed heavily on her heart. She looked genuinely upset, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions.

"I'm so sorry, Christian," she said softly, her voice tinged with regret. "I have no memory of any of this."

He let out a sad laugh, his gaze filled with understanding. He pulled her into a hug, a gesture that conveyed warmth, forgiveness, and a sense of shared understanding. "It's okay, Alley Cat," he murmured affectionately, his voice a soothing balm. "You don't need to apologize for something you couldn't control."

She pulled away slightly, her gaze locked onto his as she searched for answers. "Alley Cat? What's that?"

Christian's smile was tinged with nostalgia as he explained. "When you were a child, I used to tease you about adopting you. And you'd always say that if I adopted you, I'd have to adopt a cat too."

Alexandra's laughter carried a mixture of genuine amusement and nostalgia as she responded to the old nickname. Christian settled into the seat beside her, their shared proximity a silent testament to the connection they were forging anew. As they continued to flip through the photo album, the moments frozen in time seemed to serve as a bridge between the past and the present.

Christian's voice carried a sense of reflection as he picked up the narrative thread once more. "Camille and I... we stayed together, even during the times when she was trying to rekindle things with Jacob."

He shared a glimpse into his mindset during that tumultuous period, revealing his hopes and struggles. "Each time she went back to him, I convinced myself it would be the last time. I believed that eventually, she would choose me, that the happiness we had together would prevail."

They both fell into a momentary silence, the weight of the past settling around them. Then, Christian continued, his voice tinged with a sense of melancholy. "As you kids got older, you got caught up in their fights."

Alexandra's acknowledgment of this reality seemed to resonate with Christian. He nodded, his expression pained as he admitted, "I wish you remembered the good times, not the bad ones."

He paused again as if steeling himself for what came next. "Eventually, I got tired of Camille's empty promises. I told her she had to choose: me or Jacob."

He continued his words carrying a mixture of resolution and sadness. "Camille got divorce papers and confronted Jacob. She told him about her plan, about how we were going to run off together and how I would be a better father to you and James than he could ever be."

Christian's voice trailed off, a heaviness in his words. "I had no idea she had said those things to him until the next day."

He met Alexandra's gaze with a mix of regret and honesty. "That's when Jacob stormed into the paddock, and... and he started a fight."

As the weight of their shared history hung in the air, Alexandra gently interrupted Christian's words, her heartache evident in her eyes. She enveloped him in a heartfelt hug, her voice carrying a sincere apology. "I'm sorry, Christian, for everything that led to that moment. For both of my parent's behavior."

Christian's embrace seemed to hold a mixture of comfort and shared understanding. He spoke with a voice tinged with regret, his words heavy with the weight of his own feelings. "I'm sorry too, Alexandra. I'll never forgive myself for not being able to save you and James from the toxicity of our situation."

His admission was raw and honest, revealing the depth of his own pain and guilt. He continued, his voice filled with a sense of finality. "After that fight, when Camille once again chose Jacob, I realized I couldn't keep going like that. I couldn't keep waiting for something that might never happen."

He recounted the moment when he had finally made the painful choice to let go. "I ended the affair. I tried to move on with my life."

Christian's gaze held a mixture of sadness and resolve as he shared his next steps. "I kept an apartment near your childhood home. I told Camille that if she ever needed to escape Jacob, she was always welcome there. I told her that if she ever decided to leave him, I would help her get out."

As he spoke of those moments, his words carried the weight of unfulfilled hope, of a love that had persisted even in the face of adversity. Alexandra's hug felt like a balm, a connection that transcended their history and spoke to a shared sense of healing. She thanked him for his love, even though her mother hadn't been able to fully accept it.

Christian's embrace tightened, his voice filled with a mixture of emotions. "I loved your mother, Alexandra. I always have, even if circumstances and choices got in the way. I wanted to protect her, to give her and you and James a better life."

As their embrace held an unspoken understanding, Alexandra eventually pulled back slightly, her voice carrying a touch of remorse. "I'm sorry, Christian, for not remembering your role in my life. I know you must have been a significant part of it."

Christian's gaze held a mixture of compassion and sadness as he listened. He offered a small, understanding smile before replying, "It's okay, Alexandra. I understand why the truth was hidden from you. It was a difficult situation."

She nodded, her gaze meeting his as she shared her thoughts. "I just wish that after my mother's death, you had told me the truth. I think... knowing the whole story would have helped me understand everything better."

The revelation seemed to take Christian by surprise. He smiled sadly, his voice tinged with a mix of emotions. "I wanted to, Alexandra. After Camille passed away, I wanted to tell you the truth. But James begged me not to."

Alexandra's confusion was evident as she sought to understand. Christian elaborated, his voice gentle. "James, Jacob, and even Sebastian saw it as a chance for you to have a fresh start, away from the traumatic experiences of your childhood. They wanted you to have a second chance, a different perspective on life."

He continued his words carrying a weight of emotion. "So, I respected their wishes and stayed away. I watched from a distance, hoping that you were finding happiness and healing."

As the truth of those years settled between them, Christian's gaze held a mixture of emotions – regret, understanding, and a genuine desire for Alexandra's well-being.

He went on, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Camille's death... it broke me. If it wasn't for Geri, my wife, I think it would have destroyed me."

Christian's smile held a depth of emotion as he spoke of his current partner. "Geri is the love that fixed me, Alexandra. While Camille was one of the great loves of my life, she was also the love that broke me. Geri is the one who helped me heal."

Alexandra's heart seemed to swell with a mix of emotions as she listened to Christian's words. She enveloped him in another hug, her voice sincere. "I'm glad, Christian. I'm glad you moved on and found someone who makes you happy."

The silence that enveloped them seemed to hold a quiet space for reflection. As they continued to flip through the photo album, Alexandra's gaze settled on a picture of herself with her mother. Her finger traced the outline of her mother's figure with a mixture of longing and sadness. With a tentative vulnerability, she began to open up to Christian.

"I've always seen my mother as this innocent woman," she began, her voice soft and contemplative. "Someone who always put her kids first, who tried to protect us."

She paused for a moment, her eyes fixed on the photograph. "As much as I hate that gossip blog and what it brought to light, in a way, I'm grateful for it. It led me to the truth."

Another pause followed as if she was collecting her thoughts. "Christian, I love my parents. I truly do. But now that I know the truth, I can't help but hate them, too."

Her words carried a mix of disappointment and frustration. "They never considered us, their children, or even the feelings of their friends and family, above their own desires and mistakes."

Alexandra's voice wavered slightly as she continued, the weight of her emotions evident. "I'm glad I don't remember the truth, but I'm glad I know it now. It's... complicated."

With a hint of gratitude, she turned her gaze towards Christian. "Thank you for trying to protect me all these years, Christian. Even if it meant staying away, you were always there, watching over from a distance."

Christian smiled sincerely. 

"Anything for you, Alley Cat." 

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