Devil in Tokyo (ReaderxYuji I...

By akvmawhcre

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Maybe if you didn't accidentally kill those chickens, you wouldn't have to go to war. slice of life of a vil... More

Press of death
A devil arrived in Tokyo
To be seen is the penalty
A rebellion built on hope
Man-made horror
All Power Demands Sacrifice
You Got The Devil In Your Eyes

I died.

747 24 18
By akvmawhcre

Your frown went unnoticed by your class representative. He sat down next to the bench you were occupying with a smile on his face. It seemed genuine so you didn't think twice of it "come on L/n! You need to loosened up and enjoy nature once in awhile"

"Loosened up? every Monday morning, we get to school seven sharp and we go to this chickens coop just because Oikawa sensei wanted to play zoo keeper." Your class representative, Fujikawa Haruto, burst laughing like it's the funniest thing he's heard today.

Fujikawas was the only person that was willing to talk with you. You don't know if it was him doing his duty as the class rep or him secretly poking a fun at the lamest girl in the class or him just being a friendly guy.

In his hand were a fist of mixed seeds, handing them over on your palm "i genuinely have never seen you feed those chickens. You should give it a try come on— dont tell me you're afraid of them?"

Your eyebrows pinched together, out of habit honestly but you didn't like his accusation, not a bit. Of course that was his attempt of getting you out of your shell but you didn't know that. "fine, give me the damn seeds"

You both stood up, then he started running. It felt like it was the normal thing to do to run after him, well not really run but like those speed jog. He was ahead of you and thought it was a great idea to shout earning the attention of your fellow classmates.

"L/N is going to feed the chicks! move" his few strands of black hair bobs down his sweaty forehead, glancing to make sure you were still following him and you were.

The sudden change of atmosphere made you feel this weird feelings inside. Yes, you know you were socially awkward, it was one of the reason why you were sitting on the bench alone as you watch your classmates enjoying themselves. To tell the truth there was nothing wrong with you. You were just a bit introverted and.. awkward.

Sometimes, you get jealous when you see how easy it was for others to make friends, to have lunch buddies, to have someone walk you home.

When they starts walking together and blocking the hallway, you wish they would die. When you see a couple flirting with each other at the staircase you hope one of them cheats. When you hear the obnoxious group of friends starts laughing loudly and you just want them to drop dead right now.

Lost in your own sea of thoughts, you've forgotten that you were now jogging towards the chicken to feed them . Like its some sick youtube prank video, you found yourself levitating in the air— for a few seconds before gravity pull you down and your face fall flat down onto the ground. You could've sworn you tripped on someone's foot but it was too late for you to even think it through again.

You clenched your eyes shut as your whole being hit the grownd. Everyone gasp in terror and was now solely looking down on your back. Your class rep felt his heart dropped pondering how in the hell did you trip when you were fine earlier. His hand immediately extended towards your shoulder, in an attempt to lift you up. "L/n are you okay? can you stand up?"

Reluctantly, he lifted you up and sat you down before freezing in his spot. The smell of raw and irln did not get pass the tip of your nose. Other than your dirty red forehead, your uniform were also stained in red. in blood. You didn't know that the human body is capable of squishing 3 chicks on the spot (you find out the hard way) . You can see tiny little eyeballs rolling ever so slightly.

Oh god.

Your eyes watered. you were gonna cry. Your forehead hurts and it seemed like you had grazed one of your palm as you glance down to inspect the burning sensation on it.

"oh my god... she killed the babies!"

"Sensei help!!"

For some reason your classmates voices came out incoherently to your ears. You can't hear  them anymore.

Hypothetically, if one person in class had to jump off a roof, and that person was to be chosen in a vote, you think they would all vote for you. You'd vote for you too.

Tears escaped your eyes as you held back the urge to ugly cry like a little kid. It's gruesome to accidentally kill baby chicks and watch your body squished them to death. The worst part is that everyone was watching.

When your homeroom teacher finally got to you, his face was that of terror. He looks down at your pitiful self and felt bad for you and for the chickens. He proceeds to tell Fujikawa to send you to the infirmary room. When you stood up, your knees were shaking as the only place you were able to look at were the ground— the murder scene.

After fujikawa helped you to the infirmary and patched you up, he excused himself to report to your teacher. Then he gave you an advise that you didn't even ask for— which is, comeback to the classroom after you rest. LIKE HELL YOU WOULD!

You hit the pillow with both of the surface of your hands while screaming into it. You want to cry out and scream. You felt so guilty and horrible about the whole situation, you cant breathe. You will now be the freak in the classroom and undoubtedly become even more marginalised.

You didn't want to return to the class and face your classmates' evil glances, but you also didn't want to leave the school because of your overhead guilt so you choose the third option. Nap it away.


You woke up from your nap, to get off from the bed  and leave, considering how melodramatically depressing you've been for the past couple of hour. You checked your phone just to see the warnings indicating your phone is low and will be dying soon if you don't charge it. That's when you realised that it was seven thirty in the evening.

It seemed like someone had brought you your school bag and placed it down next to your bed. You felt relieved, really you wouldn't know what you were gonna do if you had to go fetch your bag back in your classroom.

It's hard to shake away those paranoia feeling when you think of a school building especially at night. You weren't the one to believe those urban legends of course but now that you are all alone, it was undoubtedly making you knees shaking. You slide the infirmary door open anyway and screamed feeling your heart leaping out of your body.

The girl infront of you returned a similar shocking scream until you realised that it was just one of your classmates. Shoulder length hair as her eyes widened before she wheezed, catching her breath. "god, you scared me!"

"Sorry, i figured you haven't gone home yet and Haruto said you were sleeping in the infirmary" she lowered her eyes down to the blood staining your uniform. It's rude to stare but you didn't have the energy to be a dick right now.

The inside of your mouth feels dry with only your tongue touching the ground as you stood there in awkwardness glancing at each other.

"wanna walk home together?" she asked— and thats when you realised you're not really sure what her name was. It's not that you have bad memories, it's just you don't think she's important enough for you to label her as a person with a name"sure"

So here you are walking down the dimly lit hallway with the lights flickering ever so slightly. You were grateful that she came to walk with you together but you cant help feeling as if something bad is going to happen.

"L/n did you know that Haruto san kept on apologizing on your behalf? he even defended you like his life depended on it saying it was his fault"

You quirked one of your eyebrow not sure where this is going "really? that's ni—"

"He's a nice guy isn't he?" She cut you off as she craned her jaw to look at you. she flashed you a somewhat unnerving smile, the smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

"you were always so quiet i don't get how he likes you" You pause in your walking to make sure you heard that right.

"Fujikawa doesn't like me? he's just being nice to me because he's the class rep. Stop assuming things you don't know" You barked a little too defensively. But wait a second. when you give it a second thought, could Fujikawa really be into you? well he's nice to everyone, you weren't special... but what if you were? You tried to shake away the ridiculous allegations.

"i was gonna let it slide until this morning when i saw you holding hands with him.. You seriously have no shame!" now she had turned her body towards you. confusion was an understatement. That 'holding hand was literally a brief moment when he passed you some seeds! How is that your fault? If she likes him so much then ask him out? why do you have to be the receiving end of her jealousy?

The flickering lights suddenly stopped and it was reminding you of those creepy backdoor rooms that were surreal. you found yourself engulfed in absolute darkness and nothingness when the lights shut off again. It was a disturbing and unnerving experience, and you felt a deep sense of anxiety as if something was waiting for you in the shadows.

The hairs on the back of your neck stood up to an end. Your heart rate increased but decided to retort anyways "how is that my problem? did you come all the way to meet me just to say these things??"

As the lights turned back on again, you found yourself in a strange and confusing situation. In addition to you and your classmate, there was now a third person—or thing—that stood behind her.

It was a demonic being, with six or so red hands that had eyeballs on the arms, all of which were now looking at you. This was a bizarre and disorienting sight, and you were confused and at a loss for words. You could hardly believe your eyes. W-what is happening? What is this thing?

Suddenly, one of the grotesque hands leaped forward in your direction. You reacted quickly and dodged the attack, just in time to avoid getting crushed by the walls behind you. As you coughed, inhaling in the debris of the destroyed walls, you felt a wave of relief wash over you.

You had survived the attack, but the danger was far from over. The demon was still standing behind your classmate, ready to strike again at any moment. This is a fucking nightmare. what is that thing, seriously ?!?!? is she possessed? is that some type of demon?

She then shoots you a creepy smile and gives you goosebumps all over your back. Before you can even catch your breath, the arm reach out to you again this time swiping you from under and sending you flying out of the building.

Good thing it was the first floor but the hand hit you right in your solar plexus. Your eyes went white as you clutched your stomach on your knees. "guh—uhukh,"

"The ghost in the bathroom stall told me 'trip her, she'll fall' and crush those chickens." She stands proud before continuing "I can't have you alive if i want Haruto all to myself. No hard feelings but i have to kill you" she walks out from the broken wall to head towards you.

Oh. so it was her.

"Ahahaha, i held back from bursting out loud, you should've seen how stupid you look,"

0.5 second before your impending death, you let out a relieve sigh. It wasn't you. She was the one responsible of killing those chicks. So, she was just jealous of you. It must be like that for everyone. Everyone's always jealous of somebody. You didn't have the time to smile but oh god that makes you feel so much better.

If you had known how precious life is, you would've lived more selfishly. Maybe you could have made some friends or even a boyfriend. Going out to party and have sex.

That was your last thought before the demonic arm charge you at full speed, slitting your throat open. Your blood painted a beautiful picture on the floor. How ironic. You died in the backyard a few blocks away from the chicken coop.

Your vision faded, and you felt your head fall down, rolling along the floor like one of those eyeballs this morning.

This time it was the girl that was laughing. To tell the truth, she was half possessed. It hasn't click with her yet that she has killed someone, or that whatever she's doing is an exclusive VIP seat in hell.

"If you want to live, your body is mine"

A voice echoed in your head. What head? your head got decapitated remember?

As you watched your classmate turn away, your hand instinctively moved in search for your severed head. Your body located your decapitated head on the floor and attempted to put it back on.

Suddenly, it was as if your head was re-attached to your body like those Barbie dolls head that can be taken off and put back on at will. Your body stood up and there was a distinct shift in the atmosphere, as the cold wind from who knows where hit the tip of your nose, carrying the few strands of your hair to float.

"Huh?" the girl asked, her head whipped back as she watched in horror the state of your body standing still, looking fresh as new. "W-Wh-at?! but I-I just killed you!"

Your body picked up a box cutter that was scattered on the ground. It must've gotten thrown out with you when she smashed the wall into pieces. "Box cut-ana" was the word that your lips uttered before the tiny small box cutter changed into a big katana that still maintained a box cutter look. It was weird to you because that voices doesn't sound like you, what's even weirder was the fact that you were watching this from a third point of view. Like a spectator, spectating your teammates after you got killed in the battleroyale.

With a swing, the box cutana transforms into an even longer 6-part segmented blade; with each segment wider than the one preceding it from the hilt. The weapon resembles a whip, a snake, a spine with how each segments are connected by an invisible stretchable thread.

The girl was too stunned to realize that one of her own limbs had fallen to the ground. Her reactions came too late (more like the blade was so fast she couldn't see that the swing already reached her) before she screamed in agony, clutching onto her now amputated arm.

'Your' eyes were now glaring at the demon this time. It was screaming and crying saying it hurts. It's not like its limbs that were cut off but worry not, 'you' wont make it feel excluded from the fun. You were not sure if this was your own thoughts though.

"what the hell are you!!" cried out the cursed demon . You can tell it was shaking in fear. "The hell am i?" you— or should you say your body that was being possessed shouted at the curse.

"Names The War Devil! Die for my warmup kill!"

"NOO! YOU DIE!" it shrieked as one of the hand leaped towards you again. The limb went flying as it was easily cut by your weapon. It was your turn to leaped towards it at full speed, cutting off all the limbs that tried to attack you.

You grabbed onto one of the limbs and utter "hand grenade" its hand funnily, morph into that of a hand grenade with still red and meaty texture to it.

"mY armmm—"

"you can have it back" The entity residing in your body spoke coldly, pulling out the pin attached to it before shoving it inside the girls mouth. 'you' smiled before walking away from the soon to be a murder scene.


The grenade exploded with blood splattered, organs scattered and bits and pieces of walls flying everywhere in the violent blast. The night sky was completely shrouded in darkness, and the air was filled with chaos, panic, and destruction. 'You' picked up your backpack that you dropped earlier in the hallway, not wanting to leave anything of your presences that could indicate you were here at all. Even your blood that painted the ground were gone.

"ah yeah, this is nice. I like this place. War and conflict is strong. i'll have some fun with new toys later on" 'you' gazed out the window looking at the moon hiding behind the cloud. you maintain a loose, relaxed stances as the moonlight illuminating your features.


When you finally woke up in sweat, you were terrified. You were home in bed and you hissed when you turned your head and a bright beam of sun that shine through your window, crossed passed with your overly sensitive eyes.

Your phone were perfectly charging on your table, for some reason. You don't recall charging it after going home, infact your memories feels like a blur, like those crazy dreams you had and waking up to not really remember what happens.

You stretched your arm with your fingers reaching out to touch your neck. "i... i was... my head was flying. was that just a dream? does that mean the chickens were still alive?" You thought out loud and for some reason you were more concerned about the chicks rather than your flying head.

That is until you saw a girl that looks just like you from the corner of your eyes. She was laying next to you with her hand supporting her head on the bed. her terrifying red ringed eyes looking straight into your soul making you unable to move "This is no dream, girl"

You shrieked with your hand covering your mouth. If you could make the blinking sound effect in real life, you probably would do that right now. Fluttering your eyelashes proves futile as she seemed to returned the blinks back to you. "w-who what are you?!?"

The spirit suddenly reached out for your phone unplugging the charger and start opening something. "The fuck? oh my freaking god im having delusions again— what the hell happened" you pinch your cheek as hard as you can in hope to wake up from this dream.

The spirit then showed you what's on your phone screen. "A highschool student from Miyagi Sugisawa high school died in bombing accident. The police were still investigating the matter as it seemed like a terrorist attack—" the reporter explained before the spirit turned off your phone.

"it's not a dream. We killed that girl together" she huffed, leaning her head further into you with an expression so cold like she has no regard of human lives. "N-no??? i didn't kill anyone!"

"You were the one that killed her you—" your eyebrows furrowed when you tried to push her away but your hand went through her, as if... as if she was a ghost!

"You can't touch me im not real" You has a terrified look on your face.

"i mean, i am but i dont physically exist. i am just your hallucinations and you're the only one that can see me"

Your jaw hung open as you look at her in disbelief. Your brain just can't take any of this at once, it's just too much. The fact that she looks like you? the fact that you are hallucinating? you've really gone insane it seemed. "what do you mean??"

"you died yesterday." She stated with no emotion on her face "I am the war devil. I have claimed your body"

"what....? if im dead then why can i move?" you looked down on your bandaged palm. The one from yesterday. so it's true that you did kill the chicken, and apparently your classmate too.

"That is because i claimed your body and we are now sharing it together," You still don't get it.

"I took over half of your brain to retain your soul and consciousness," Does that mean you became even stupider assuming that you only have one brain? if so, which one is yours? The left or right—

"Of course, i could just get rid of you and have access to your body at all time but im not so familiar with the human society." She crossed her arms involuntary.

"I don't really know what era this is let alone know what kind of society are you living in— so i've decided to stay low and learn first. Your role is to obey my every words wether you like it or not"

"Huh? how about NO!" you gave the Devil a curt and disapproving look.

"What do you mean no? You have no say in this. You should be grateful that im even letting you live. Be thankful that i revived you from the dead." The devil huffed, with her eyes remaining cold looking down at you as if you were beneath her. Maybe you are but that's besides the point?

"i... never asked to be revived now did i? What do you even want from me?" Your eyebrows furrow and you were glaring rather venomously, without even thinking about it.

"You have nothing to give me except for entertainment. I just want to reawaken war again, to relive the good days" she explained like it's the most normal thing to desire. What's so surprising anyway? that's a devil talking.

"Listen here, girl I think this is a win-win situation. In exchange for your life you help me achieve my goal. what was it that you regret not having? a boyfriend or was it sex"

You screamed at the devil in embarrassment. In an attempt to shut her up, you threw your pillow right through her as it hit the wall behind her instead.

"Right, you said you want to live a bit more selfishly. This is a rare opportunity, a second chance in life that i can offer you. All you need to do is listen to my every order and humour me" A smile that did not reach her eyes. It was the kind of smile that people use before they manipulate someone.


The day after, you found yourself clutching onto your school bag as you slowly make your way to school. You kicked the very few small rocks out of your way with your feet. There was this feeling inside of you. Was it guilt? no definitely not. Not because you killed your classmate but it was because you were going to meet up with the rest of your classmates after that chicken incident.

You let out a nervous whale sigh. You didn't want to go to school but The war devil threatened you with your life.

You still can't comprehend it all. She asked for you to continue living your life normally. How the hell were you supposed to do that? Too many events happening right now. You died, you got revived, you're hallucinating , you killed your classmate. There was only limited amount of traumatic information a human being can take for a day. As if It's not already the worst case scenario, you're an affiliate to a devil.

In honestly, you haven't fully believed that you died and is now sharing your body with a devil. This sounded way too fictional— no you felt like you've already gone insane. Will there ever be a person out there that would listen to your story and not dial 911 so that they can lock you up in a mental asylum? "hey, you dare say a word to anyone about this, watch as i made your head flying the second time" The devil whispered, her lips an inch away from your ear.

"You can't hide your thoughts from me. I AM you. Whatever you're feeling, whatever you're thinking, i feel them too. Do you understand?" You hesitated to nod. There's not much of an option anyway, the only thing you could do was just agree and not let her get into your head (she's already in there). It truly is an unfortunate event knowing she can hear your every thought. What a bummer, you have no privacy at all even in your own head.

"Anyway, we're here. Take a deep breath and go to your class like nothing happened. Don't act suspicious" Her cold eyes glancing towards the school building right infront of you. You were so busy thinking about the matter, you didn't realised you were now at the entrance of the school gate.

Anxiety took over your legs, as you find your shoes interesting to look at "i... changed my mind... i don't want to go back in class"

"I will seriously kill you if you don't. Quit being a baby and just go" The Devil ordered coldly.

The images of your classmates face appeared in your head. It pained you just thinking about it "hell no. after... the other day? i cant— i dont want to see them—" you cowered as you stared off into the distance, watching the back of the other students walking inside.

"Are you stupid? I said you'll die!" she grunted with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"i'd rather die... then going back inside"

"Urgh, what a pain!"

"Uhm, excuse me" A masculine voice called out to you. When you glanced up to him, you noticed how tall he is for someone who looks your age. His black hair is making a statement with how rowdy it is. Then, you reach his face and he was like a specimen that god hand crafted himself. He's freaking hot.

"Im a transfer student, i just have a few questions. This is Miyagi Sugisawa high school right? Did the bombing accident really happened here?"

A transfer student? Why would he ask about that though. Well, who wouldn't be on edge about going to school that has terrorist attack. You were not about to entertain this guy though.

"Who are you even?"

"Right, my name is Fushiguro Megumi. I just wanted to make sure that the incident was from this school,"

Pang, you felt your palms sweating. Just hearing about that news made you want to puke out all of your food from yesterday. You felt sick you were gonna barf,

"Are you okay? you look pale" He asked, lowering his head to observe you closely.

"he's quite the chatterbox is he not? Girl, ask him if he wants to be your boyfriend"

"What the hell? shut up!" you whipped your head to your left, where the War devil is standing.


"oh uh sorry, i wasn't talking to you— there was a, bee yeah a bee in my ear it made me feel sick" Was your attempt of an excuse to convince this new student that you were totally sane.

"lame" The devil scrunched her nose unimpressed like she's always been "fine, ill do it myself" Before you know it, your soul was suddenly ripped out of your body, as if pushed to the side.

To your horror, you noticed a large, ugly scar around 'your' actual physical neck, the same scar that the War Devil had. The same scar that was a constant reminder of your own death.

The war devil placed her palm dangerously on Fushiguro's chest "Hey, how about you become my boyfriend?"

Your eyes widened, your heart dropped, your jaw hung open "wHAT ARE YOU SAYING???!?"

"what?" Fushiguro genuinely feel confused as if his ears were playing a trick on him. "becoming your boyfriend..?" he repeated her words in his lips. He was confused almost freaked out at the thought of that. He barely knows you not to mention how you invaded his personal space like this. He actually came here to investigate about wether or not that bombing incident has anything to do with the missing curse object in this school. He didn't expect to receive a love confession or whatever the hell you're saying to him right now.

"Yes you heard that right. Be mine"

The air in the air were so awkward, every color in your body drained like you were an unfinished sketch on a manga panel. Your feet frozen to the ground watching as your body being used for the wrong thing. As if you don't already feel suicidal, this makes you want to repeat the history and bomb Japan once again. Now, the new transfer student would blap about how weird and embarrassing you are and that you were the first student to confess to him.

"Seriously? I didn't come to school for that crap. Im sorry but im not interested"

He rejected you. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. stopppp!!!!!!!!

"Anyway, if you're feeling unwell you should go visit the nurse. We're going to be late for class, so i'll go first." he averted his eyes away when he caught your eyes that remained cold and unfeeling.

Not once did he ever smile at you and now his back is facing you as he descends into the school building leaving you to your own device.

"waaaaah— uwahhhhhhh!??!!!?????" You were throwing a tantrum like a petulant child having a mental breakdown "WHY, WHY, WHY WOULD DO THAT, YOU UGLY???"

"why are you calling yourself ugly?"

"NO IM SAYING YOU— YOU AS A PERSO— i mean you as a devil— god i knew i shouldn't have trusted you!" you face palm yourself as you suck in the painful cold air inside your lungs.

The war devil eyes you carefully. Her eyes gave off uncanny vibe with the red irises and several ringlets originating from the pupil. The words coming out of her mouth sounded almost like a whisper, like she doesn't want the other students passing by to hear her "I have the power to turn what's mine into weapons. If that boy fell in love with me, become my boyfriend, he would technically be mine, no?"

The strong wind blew tendrils of her hair to the side "I want to turn as many human into weapons. I want to create the most powerful weapon in the world, a power so destructive that can even break hell"

This was a wake up call for you. You realised how serious this situation is now. A devil, a war devil is (which is by the way, such a terrifying name to have) preaching about turning everything, turning humans into a weapon just so that she can go to war. Perhaps you wouldn't have cared if a war did happen, but the issue was that she was planning to use your body in order to achieve her goals. Wether you like it or not, there was nothing that you can do. All the choices you have has the same outcome. Die or die. Was it smart to choose the death option that extends your life for a little bit? selfish. So what. This is what you wanted. To live a bit more selfishly.



"Join the manga club now~~"

"Are you interested in joining the art club?"


It was lunch time, club members were busy passing off their flyers to convince people to join their clubs. Going to class was hell, you couldn't handle the pressure of your classmates looking at you. In reality, they've probably forgotten about it however, you feel nauseous surrounded by everyone in the classroom. The good thing is, the transfer student doesn't seemed to be from your class and that was the only good thing that happened to you this week.

The cafeteria were too crowded for your own liking with a bunch of students handing out their club flyers. Well whatever, you figured this was the time to check out the clubs since you haven't joined a club yet and it's mandatory in your curriculum.

"you should join a club. How about the social science club? maybe it'll help improve your social skill," The devil's definition of social skill must be loose, but then again she thrives off the worst manmade invention, so her views on what's acceptable aren't something you should ever take into consideration.

"hey! hey you! You!!" A boy that seemed to be your age shouted. Spiky pink hair that is styled in an undercut. He's tall, skin slightly tanned , honey brown eyes as he eagerly pointed a finger at you. "yes you! you look like you'd be interested in joining the occult research club!" he beamed with a bright smile it almost blind your eyesight.

"excuse me? the hell do you mean i look like an occult member?" you scrunched up your nose, over exaggerating his words.

"what!? no, i mean you look like you'd be interested in it! we do paranormal activities here. Isn't that exciting?"

You slowly shook your head at his attempt on convincing you to join his sketchy club. "he seemed easy. You should give the club a try and make him fall in love with you" The war devil suggested with her fist on her waist.

Ugh this weirdo and her obsession with making things hers. You narrowed your eyes towards her before looking back at the flyer boy. She's so annoying, your head physically hurt from listening to her nonsense. But as you watch the guys brightly smile with his teeth, an idea popped into your head "so do you guys do exorcism or something?"

"uh.... uhmm... hmmmmm YEAH!!" He pondered a little too long before answering you. Why is he a club member but don't even know what his club does? "you hesitated before answering" you called out his bluff.

"s-sorry it's just that im also a new member and we're in an emergency and our club really need one more member! There's the three of us but somehow my application form is void due to..... circumstances. We really need a member by today before they disband it!" His eyes never leave yours as if he's studying the every inch of your irises. With how desperate he is, you get the impression that he doesn't have the straightest clue about personal space.

"of course, i don't want to force you but if you do join, i'll owe you yeah?" he flashed you a toothy grin.


"...okay fine i'll join" he doesn't seemed that bad. You could use an amicable guy in your too depressing life. Plus you really need to join a club.

"Sweet! i owe you dinner then" He laughed a bit too carefree flashing you a genuine sweet smile "Oh right, my name's Itadori Yuuji. nice to meet you" you bowed back to him out of politeness and maybe awkwardness.

"(l/n y/n)" you filled up his application form.

"This is good news. Let's meet after school so i can introduced you to the rest of the club member, ight?" He took your signed form, scanning it for a few seconds with his brown orbs. "1-C? cool, ill pick you up from your class"

"uh, no need. You don't have to. I'll just find my way to the club myself" And before Itadori could convince you any further, you had already made your way back to your class. If he visit your classroom, he would know that you were the loser being excluded from the rest. You had assumed that you were going to be his friends at least and he need not know about how pitiful you are.

Unbeknownst to you, Itadori is a tough guy. He ignored your request and rushed towards your class, scared that you might left already. Most people would skip their club and went straight home and he didn't want that to happen.

"yo!" he announces his presence, sliding the classroom door open with an airhead smile on his face. Your eyes widened seeing the all too familiar yellow hoodie. Oh no, Stop it!!!!!!

"is l/n y/n) here?" The whole class could hear his voice perfectly and went quiet.

Honey eyes landed onto yours. Eye contact, eye contact. It sends an unfamiliar feeling down your stomach you're not sure what it is "There you are! im scared you were gonna bail so i thought about it and decided that we should go together after all"

You immediately stood up, packing your stuff in a hurry to get out of this predicament. You held your breath, feeling the nauseous in your lungs. Now they were definitely going to say some something and they did.

"would you look at that"

"even after what she did, she had the nerves to flirt with a guy"

"losers like that has a boyfriend lol..."

Fujikawa stared at you, shocked.

"shhh she can hear you, hahahaha"

You didn't want Itadori to hear anything anymore. You grabbed his hand and forcefully dragged him out of the classroom and into the hallway.

"woah- woah hold on!"

You halted into your step. "i told you not to come." you spoke softly but that did not get pass from his extraordinary hearing. "what was that about?"

Damn curse this guy. Why would he even mention that? fucking hell, you dropped his wrist aggressively. "Let's just go, let's get this over with"

Itadori decided to leave it alone for now but he'll surely ask you later about it. After all, he was gonna spend his club time with you so in other words, you guys will become close and he would have the urge to look after you.

The Occult research club was something else. The war devil said it's a total bullshit, stupid and a waste of time. Not to mention they were busy happily talking about spiritual energy, spirits and ghost.

The devil look at you with an unimpressed expression "They clearly have no idea what they're doing. Dumb children that would one day dig their own graves. But it's hilarious . Let's kill them and claim their body."

You want nothing to do with them or the paranormal activity.

"If they continue this stupid ritual, they might ended up summoning evil spirits. I think that will be fun to witness."

You shudder at the thought.

"Don't tell me you're scared of ghosts" She taunts, intrigued to learn that you're a chicken.

Ugh, It's not that you were scared of ghosts (you are). You haven't even recovered from your encounter with that demonic thing the other day.

You were more than grateful that the war devil decided to represent herself with your face. Sure, it was annoying watching her talk her shit with your face but it was better than an ugly deformed looking monster.

Somehow the club leader seemed to heard you thinking out loud when she suggested something beyond crazy "So for our first activity, we will gather again in this club room at 10pm"

"why?" Itadori tilted his head to the side.

The club leader, named Sasaki by the way, suddenly pulled out a small wooden container. When she opened it you felt goosebumps all over your body. There was this ominous waves- of energy emitting from the artefact that were wrapped around by some type of seal. You had a bad omen about this, you felt uneasy and suffocating just by being exposed to such object– cursed object.

If you were your normal self you can't probably sense something was wrong with it but thanks to the devil you felt overly sensitive. Honestly one doesn't need to be blessed with the ability to see ghost to know that something is completely off about the cursed item. That is if they're not stupid unlike your club members.

"That smells really nasty, how disgusting" Your eyes immediately glanced towards the war devil. Your mouth hung slightly to say something but you changed your mind last second.

"wow! that's so cool!!" Itadori inspected the item, taking it out from its little box holding it mid air. "i know right? you gotta check it out it's definitely cursed or something " Sasaki said before  flinging the box towards Itadori for him to catch it.

"you can keep the box for the meantime. I'll hold onto this item though" Sasaki flashed a mischievous grin before pulling the item out of his hand.

"what do you think is inside?" the other member that you were not bothered to remember what his name was, asked. "i don't know maybe a nail?" The club leader answered, rubbing her chin.

"a finger" The devil spoke. "huh?" you manage to uttered.

"It's a finger belonged to an ancient cursed spirit"

"hmm? what do you think is in there? L/n" Itadoris attention were now on you, eyes of curiosity, trying to get to know the kind of answer you would give.

"a finger?" you answered, sounding more like a question rather than an answer.

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