Everything Red | A Hawk/Eli M...

By C1assywritez

8.9K 160 746

A Cobra Kai • Hawk/Eli fan fiction With all the Valleys crazy, what could possibly go wrong? Missy Barns, d... More

The Beginning
Chapter 1 • Dear Diary
Chapter 2 • Ultraviolet
Chapter 3 • Back in The Game
Chapter 4 • Halloween Dance
Chspter 5 • Missy's Debut
Chapter 6 • Rebirth
Chapter 7 • House Arrest
Chapter 8 • Dog Bites
Chapter 9 • Crumbling Pedestal
Chapter 10 • Crumbling Pedestal Pt. 2
Chapter 11 • Cry Me A River
Chapter 12 • All Valley
Chapter 14 • Curtain Call
Chapter 15 • Coming Up Next: A Thief
Chapter 16 • John Kreese
Chapter 17 • She's Tory with a Y, and she's Missy with a problem Pt. 1
Chapter 18 • Hawk
Chapter 19 • She's Tory with a Y, and She's Missy with a Problem Pt. 2
Chapter 20 • Mall Fighters
Chapter 21 • Breaking Up
Chapter 22 • On Wards, and Backwards
Chapter 23 • D-Man2002
Chapter 24 • Moon's Party
Chapter 25 • A Really Bad Day
Chapter 26 • Because of Torys Rage
Chapter 27 • Morphine
Chapter 28 • My Enemy
Chapter 29 • Washing Away Our Sins
Chapter 30 • What Happens On The Soccer Field... pt. 1
Chapter 31 • What Happens On the Soccer Field... pt. 2
Chapter 32 • Revelation
Chapter 33 • Back In The Game
Chapter 34 • Eagle Fang
Chapter 35 • Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 36 • The Enemy of My Enemy
Chapter 37 • Greener Pastures
Chapter 38 • Indifferent
Chapter 39 • The Bridge
Chapter 40 • True Colours
Chapter 41 • Endurance Run
Chapter 42 • Swapping Sensei's For A Day or Two
Chapter 43 • What Happens At The Drive-In With Judas
Chapter 44 • Dirty Cheaters
Chapter 45 • Because Of Terry Silver
Chapter 46 • Suprise Bitch
Chapter 47 • Nothing Left
Chapter 47 • Reflections
Chapter 48 • Eagle Fang Take Two!
Chapter 49 • Prom
Chapter 50 • Friends Into Lovers
Chapter 51 • Aftermath
Chapter 52 • On The Way
Chapter 53 • To Being Better
Chapter 54 • Playing With Fire
Chapter 55 • Escelation
Chapter 56 • The Date
Chapter 57 • Revival
Chapter 58 • Welcome To The Jungle
Chapter 59 • Yanbaru Kuina
Chapter 60 • Blood Sweat
Chapter 61 • Celebrate Good Times
Chapter 62 • Incognito Pt. 1
Chapter 63 • Incognito Pt. 2
Chapter 64 • Stung
Chapter 65 • Winner And Losers

Chapter 13 • Stage Two

144 3 10
By C1assywritez

(A/n: okay so not going to lie I totally slept wrote and read that whole last chapter... I had a hard time writing it, so I kinda gave up, but this one will be much better. I hope.)


"Thanks dad" I say thinking about how my car was in the shop after my drive home from the restaurant. Somehow I popped a hole in my tire, and then the windshield cracked... I don't wanna talk about it...

It was a true nightmare for me to have to run around everywhere. Thankfully dad was kind enough to offer me a ride to Cobra Kai, even if he didn't like it.

"Really? Cobra Kai?" Dad takes a minute to put the vehicle in park, and glare up at the sign on the front door.

"You know it?" I ask suspiciously as I watch his change in expression.

"Missy you need to get out of it now!"

"Why?! I thrive here dad!"

There's a pause between us, like time suddenly froze. Neither of us knew what to say, but dad was holding something back. What does he know about Cobra Kai!?

"I thought you were cool with this..." I sighed, dropping my bag to the floor.

"I'm not cool with you being apart of Cobra Kai."

"Well it's too late. I've been training here for months now." I say as I opened the door, ignoring whatever my dad had to say next. I didn't even give him a chance to explain, as I closed the door on him.

These days, it feels like I'm having to close the door on a lot of people lately.

In defeat my dad turns the engine back on and slowly pulls out of the parking lot, giving up on trying to convince me to go back home.

I was right though, it was too late. I had invested so much of my time, I wasn't just about to take it all back! I was now determined to get better, and be better.

Aside from all of that, I noticed there were new kids standing outside waiting for sensei to open the doors. They had no idea you could just walk in, as we knew Johnny was always for the most part early.

I also noticed my friends turn the corner. There was Miguel and Eli walking side by side. Once they saw me, Eli's expression suddenly turned cold where as Miguel was just confused.

Damn... he was still mad at me over the whole all valley thing. I should've listen to myself when I said I'd keep mouth shut.

"Looks like we got some new students" Miguel points out what I've been thinking for the last few seconds of standing here.

I didn't bother to move, instead I'd let them go in first to avoid awkward confrontation. Or just and awkward encounter in general. Having being said, today was going to be a stressful class... and I wasn't even close to being ready.

"Fresh fish." Eli slaps Miguel gently on the chest, and strolls up to the two boys posted up in front of the door.

"Look- it's the champs." One of the new kids points out as Miguel and Eli begin walking towards the door.

"Check this out."


"Hey mouth breathers move it!"

"Sorry about that, I'll get the door!"

"So you guys wanna be Cobra Kais huh?" Eli questions the newbies. Mohawk takes a step forward with his fist in the air, pretending to throw a punch. In reaction the two boys flinched over the fast motion, as it was something they weren't expecting.

"You got a long road ahead of you." Was his final message to him as they entered the building.

"Why'd you do that?!"

"I didn't do anything! Huh?"

I followed behind the crowd shortly after, taking my shoes off and sliding them to the side of the mat. Throwing my bag down next to them. Once I was settled I unzipped by duffle bag and pulled out my water bottle, taking one large sip before the training session.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself once I looked up from the ground, slowly setting my bottle down onto the floor next to my bag and shoes.

One of the mirrors was missing. That wasn't like that before? Something must have happened, because there was a mess coming from a burnt trash can, and droplets of water everywhere.

"What the hell happened here?" Miguel looks at me, Aisha, and Eli before looking at the mini dumpsters fire before him.

Aisha shrugged "I guess sensei threw a party" she stated.

"Must've been a pretty sick party" I chimed in nervously.

"Yeah especially if fire was involved!"

The three of us gave Eli a weird look before shrugging off the strange comment.

"Look how much glass there is?!"

The room was filled with murmuring teenagers before Sensei came out screaming "QUIET!" The usual way he would get our attention when we would get distracted. Only this time he was walking over to the new kids with a stern look on his face.

"The dojo is closed to new students today."

"We just wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament.."

"Do I need to say it again?! Get out!"

"Y-yes sir- sensei. Come on let's go..."

The new students groaned.

"Let's go move it. Come back tomorrow."

I don't get it? I thought he wanted people to join?

"Bring your check books!"



The room shuffled around into their lines, and face the front of the wall. Where sensei stood angry and frustrated all in one, waiting for us to open our ears and give him our full attention.

"Must've been a rager sensei!" Hawk comments in a giddy manner, while Miguel adds onto his comment, hyping up the idea.

"Ye we're you celebrating all weekend?"

"Celebrating what? That my students are a bunch of pussie?"

Excuse me what did he say?


Okay, this is new..

"Hawk, did you attack your opponent when his back was turned?"

Eli looked genuinely puzzled at the question, until he formulated his final answer. Sensei couldn't believe it took him so long. Leaving all of us to wonder why the hesitation?

"Y-yes Sensei?" Eli looks over at Miguel, confused.

I'm sensing a half motivational speech, half screaming at the class talk. I think today we were in trouble, and Miguel and Eli were about to get the worst of it.

Sensei Lawrence walked over to face Miguel, preparing to deliver his question. Similar to Hawks.

"Diaz did you purposely attack your opponents injury?"

"Yes sensei." That was a much smoother, much quicker response.

"You think that makes you badass?"


"What's the matter? Too tough a question? Maybe you need some help. Miss ROBINSON!"

"Yes sensei!"

"Two cobras in the jungle, one kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. Which cobra do you wanna be?"

Sensei stops in front of Aisha.

"The one that kills the lion sensei."

Sensei moves back over, and stops in front of me.

Oh boy...

"Which cobra do you wanna be." He relays the question in a much deeper tone, showing how serious he is about this question.

"A-also the one that kills the lion. Sensei." I mean that was self explanatory in itself wasn't it? Now I think we all understood what he was getting at. At least, I did.

"Ladies and why is that?"

"Because it killed a stronger animal" I replied more confidently this time as Aisha nodded along.


Sensei begins pacing back in forth, eager to give us the message. Pounding it into our brains until it was engraved.

"Cobra Kai is about being badass! And the baddest badasses is the one who beats his opponent at his strongest!"

Sensei goes back and forth between Eli and Miguel, shouting into Eli's face,

"Not when his back is turned!"

Then shouting into Miguel's face,

"Not when he's injured!"

There's a moment of thick silence in the room before Sensei continues his speech. He looks around at all of us, analyzing our faces to make sure we were listening.

Sensei was making pretty good points, and I as always, finding a way to teach us something.

"Is that understood?!"


"That means no more cheating! No more fighting dirty. From here on out those are pussy moves, and you don't wanna be pussies do ya?"


"Good. That's why I had you wear your white belts, we're starting over. Diaz, Hawk, fifty push-ups on your knuckles. Miss Robinson, warm them up."

"Yes sensei." She replies.

Everyone let's out a heavy breath of relief, thanking the universe that the worst of todays lesson was over, while the two boys in the most trouble move to the side. Making room for Aisha.

"Fighting positions! Ready? Jab punch! HIYAH!"





"Jesus today was tough!"

"I know right!" Aisha replied to me in heavy breaths as we all exited the building, concluding todays session. Sensei had us going extra hard, and drilling for the whole day.

Once we've cleared the area, Aisha pulls up next to Sam. Who was parked in front of the building. They started talking but I couldn't quite make out what was being said. Instead I turned my attention to the boys who were goofing off in the parking lot.

Miguel and Eli were play fighting as the sea of students dispersed amongst the strip. Both of them still talking about Sensei's earlier rant about Robby Keene.

"Anyway, I'll meet you at your place!" Miguel lightly smacks the side of Eli's arm. "Later Missy!" He says before taking off, leaving Eli and I to bask in the awkward silence.

"Can we be cool about this?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"About what?"

"The restaurant thing.." I replied in hopes that he would remember our uncomfortable conversation.

"I mean... Im already over it" He shrugs.

"Oh.. are you sure?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Something about this conversation felt different. Like the emotion, and lively ness just wasn't there like it usually was. It sort of felt like I was talking to a brick wall.

"Look- I don't want to have this argument again" Eli stated before throwing his backpack over his shoulder, and hopping onto his scooter.

"I was just asking.. I don't want us to be mad at each other. Especially over something as stupid as what we're arguing over." Which was true, I mean really at the end of the day he was my best friend. Id rather not lose him over something that is going to be so insignificant in the future.

"I know, neither do I. But like, I don't know.. you just don't seem to be okay with who I am now."

"What? Boy I never said that."

"It just feels like it."

"Well it's not true, I just don't want you making irrational choices that will take you places you don't want to be! I'd be a crappy friend if I didn't tell you that."

Eli stood there processing my defence in the argument, which wasn't meant to be an argument... but it came out like one. I don't know why I have this compulsive need to explain myself, and it was strong here.

"I just care about you is all."

"I know..."

Is that all he could say right now?

"Honestly can we talk about this later? Gotta get back home before the others do to watch that movie Sensei was telling us about. You're free to come over if you want! But I'm really not in the mood to be patronized right now."

"Eh I got a hair appointment in twenty minutes so, I can't.." the one thing I had to look forward to for the rest of my day.

"Damn that's too bad, would've been nice to hang out with you. Without talking about this stuff."


"By the way where is your car?" He asks.

"In the shop, I had a break down on the way home a few nights ago after our victory party at the restaurant. Now I have to wait for my dad.."

Not like a bird hit my windshield or anything...

"He knows you're doing this?"

"Yeah. He's not cool with Cobra Kai, but he's cool with me fighting apparently. Which doesn't make any sense to me." I sigh.

"Have any idea why?"

"Nope. Not a single clue."


"Yeah, we'll anyways you have to get going. Maybe I'll talk to you later, I don't know. Might be asleep then." After today, a long nap was crucial and well deserved. I was tired as hell, and all I really wanted right now was to cuddle up in my bed, forget about my problems, and fall asleep.

For the first time in days he laughs for a short second before responding with, "okay, well I'll probably text you anyways so look out for that." He grins.

"Alright!" I wave him off as he gets back on his scooter, heading home.

Shortly after my dad pulled up into the strip mall, parking in the same spot that he dropped me off in. He unlocked the door for me, and I was able to throw my bag into the back before slumping down in the front seat. Exhausted.

"So how was it?" He asks while pulling out of the stall again for the second time today.

"Tiring, I'm ready for a shower and then a nap!"

"Haha right, hair cut first though, right?"


"Okay let your mom know, she thinks I'm at the grocery store before picking you up from study group."

Me and my dad have this agreement that all mom needed to know was I was fine, and studying my little heart out with a couple of my peers from school. We didn't say anyone in particular otherwise that would just make the whole thing complicated.

"Just texted her."

I know it looks bad, and the concept is hard to get behind. In fact I don't expect anyone to agree with my current morals, but eventually it would all pan out for the best!

At least that's what I told myself!


Fast forward an hour later and I'm sitting in this spinning chair, watching my hair stylist in the mirror work her magic. With that magical paint brush tool that brings my hair to life.

She smiles at me from time to time in the middle of our random conversations. I think other than my friends, she's the only other person who knows about my karate drama. Thankfully she doesn't cut my family's hair...

Right now, she was trimming mine. Restoring it to its former glory, chopping it off a few inches as well. Nearing the end she took the scissors to my bangs and started fixing them.

My hair was not at a nice comfortable mid length, with purple ends, and bangs to pull the look together. Luckily this was a look I could pull off, so I generally stuck with it.

Only changing the colour once in a while, but since my hair was brown, that shit was hard. Almost no other colour would show up properly in my hair. I had to do three appointments just to make the purple show out.

"Thanks a lot for this Nancy, you're a true life saver!" I say taking a long look in the mirror at my hair, admiring its fitting shape and glorious hue.

In the correct light, it would glisten in the best way and that's what I loved most about doing this. For the most part, I brought out my self confidence, and that was what I needed most right now.

"Of course babes, your hair is my favourite to work with."

Any other context that would've been weird, but I've known Nancy for a along enough amount of time to know she's not a creepy psychopath.

And if she is? Well shit.

"So tell me other than karate, how are you and Eli?" She questioned without looking up from her work, her eyes completely glued to my head making last minute finishing touches.

"Crumbling I think."

"Aw what? Why! Didn't you tell him you like him?"

"Nah we got into this argument over something kind of serious, and it all just feels different now."

"That's reality my dear, try not to get the two mixed up."

Nancy was right, the truth was often painful. And these days it was kicking my ass. I seriously need to find a new fixation besides Eli.

"I mean there just hasn't been anyone else, I don't know if I'll ever get over him."

"Oh honey, I promise he's not going to be the only one. In fact there's probably someone better for you, and you're young so you have plenty of time. Plus you got this cool Karate thing! Let that be your new fascination."

"Damn Nancy when did you become so wise!"

"It's called being old babes."

"Ppppft you're not looking a day over 25."

Nancy was actually 37, but she really didn't look like it. Plus the way she talks is like a woman from my generation. Like she was grown, but also hip and knew how to use slang correctly.

She laughed as she turned my chair around again to reveal the final look. With each visit I was always so fascinated, because she never failed to make me feel brand new and awesome. It was like I got the chance to shed my old skin, and grow into a new one until I had to come back for a touch up or a serious fixing.

"Nancy... you are truly an artist." I spoke with an overly dramatic tone and fake tears. She took amusement in my reaction and continued to laugh with me.

While her intern handed me the card machine she took a photo of my hair for her Instagram page.

"Is it cool if I put these up?" She asks every time before posting, which I appreciate a lot.

"Hell yeah go for it!"


A few moments later I returned the card machine back to the intern and placed my debit card back into my purse, stashing it away for safe keeping.

"Alright Nancy, until next time." I say standing up from my chair.

"Until next time little homie." She winks and waves as I exit the building.

Because I love my stylist so much, I was actually sad that the appointment was over. It didn't matter how tired I was now, even though I was still kind of happy to have nothing to do the rest of the night.

Later I'd probably catch up on that movie "Over The Top" and eat snacks. Thank god for summer, that was the only homework I had!


Unknown number: hey.
(Read at 12:30am)

In the middle of watching over the top I got a text message from a number I didn't recognize, half expecting it to be Eli or some kind of prank. For a moment I paused the movie to contemplate what I should do about this, and after a long enough time I decided to respond,

Missy: Who's this?

Unknown number: oh right! Sorry this is Moon!
(Read at 12:37am)

Well this is also new. Moon and I never talked, I wondered what she wanted. Probably to ask about Eli.

Missy: oh hey Moon!

Moon 🌙: we're going to play some beach volleyball tomorrow, you wanna come?
(Read at 12:40am)

Missy: who's we?

Moon 🌙: Demetri, me and Eli.
(Read at 12:41am)

Well I had nothing better to do.

Missy: yeah sure, why not.

Moon 🌙: Cool 😊 we're meeting up at 12pm, if you want I can pick you up! Eli told me your car is in the shop right now.
(Read at 12:46am)

Missy: oh he did?

I guess this was me fishing for more. What else was he saying to her.

Moon 🌙: haha yeah! We've been talking a lot lately, I hope that's okay! I know you're like his best friend and I don't want to get in between anything.
(Read at 12:50am)

Was she asking me if I had feelings for him? Or did she actually have some concern for our friendship.

Missy: it's cool! You're nice and I don't control what he does so, if you like him go for it.

And I did I just seriously give her the freaking green light?!

Moon 🌙: sweet! Yeah I think I like him, but I'm not really 100 percent sure yet. I mean he's really hot but I just hope we fit, you know?
(Read at 1:00am)

I was running out of things to say... but I figured, what's the worst that can happen here? They try and it doesn't workout? At least they tried right? I'd do the same.

Plus because I know he really likes her, at the end of the day he was my best friend and I wanted him to be happy. Also it kind of felt nice that's she was comfortable enough to share this information with me. I haven't had a lot of girlfriends...

Missy: yeah I get it, just make sure you actually like him because he's been into you for a while now.

Yes I said that. I know she's not going to reject him, so it was fine. Ha. Maybe I'm the dumpster fire.

Moon 🌙: really?! 🫢 so you're saying I have a chance?!

Missy: yup!

Moon 🌙: so should I go for it? Like should I actually try and see where it goes?

Missy: trust me, Eli is actually really sweet. He will do his best to treat you righty, if you're worried about that.

Moon 🌙: okay I'm gonna try, this is so exciting! Also how come we've never talked like this before?! You're actually really nice. Like at first I'll be honest you scared me, but not anymore. 👀

Missy: yasmine...

Moon 🌙: oh yeah. Right... yeah I'm not really close with her anymore anyway. I don't subscribe to her way of treating people by the way. I mean I told you that already. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Missy: hahah no worries homie, i understand.

Moon 🌙: we should hang out, like just you me. You're really sweet.

Missy: aww my ego thanks you! Jk jk of course we should. 😎

Did I just make friends with Moon? Yes, yes I did.

Moon 🌙: alright well I'll see you tomorrow! Send me your address so I can pick you up.

Missy: (instert address) her :)

Moon 🌙: awesome, good night girlie!

Missy: goodnight Moon!

Around one thirty am I put my phone down on my nightstand, feeling much more hopeful in my social life and life in general. When I talk to Moon I don't get bad vibes from her, maybe we would be long term friends. Just like I hope Aisha and I stay connected for a while. Having them as friends bring good feelings and energy to the soul, and I hoped they felt the same.

(A/n: y'all my nose is so plugged rn it's crazy.)


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