Stefan And Elana get Their Ha...

By faithboken

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13 and up should read this . it's about stelena gets there happy ending some how read more to find out how. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
author notes
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 39
chapter 40
wedding day part one
wedding day part 2

chapter 38

29 2 0
By faithboken

Elena: We should be heading back to campus.

Stefan: Why don't we go home and then head back up tomorrow morning?

Elena: that's a better idea

Stefan and Elena left

At the boarding house

Damon: How did the dinner go?

Stefan: good actually

Elena: I'm gonna get my stuff together for tomorrow morning

Stefan: ok

Elena walks up to their room

Damon: this not gonna sound like me at all but I think I might have to feel for Bonnie

Stefan: wow you are for sure not my brother then

Damon: come on stef I'm serious

Stefan: well I could get Elena to find out if Bonnie likes you

Damon: Thanks

Damon left

Stefan walked into their bedroom

Elena: are seriously kidding me that your brother is like my best friend

Stefan: I'm guessing they have been talking when we are not here since Bonnie lives here.

Elena: fair point. The only for me to find out is on a girl's weekend

Stefan:  what about our trip to New York

Elena: I was thinking we could go as a group up to New York

Stefan: But are you able to do the date night?

Elena: yeah

Stefan:  you gonna talk to the others

Elena: yes

The next day on campus

Elena: I was thinking we do a group weekend away from town

Bonnie: I like that idea

Caroline: Where are we going?

Elena: New York

Bonnie: Are we visiting Lexie?

Stefan: yeah we gonna to go visit Lexi

Caroline: I wonder how she has been adjusting to being able to walk in the day now.

Elena: she is all good now with that i talk to her here and there

Bonnie: Are we skipping class to go?

There was a knock on the door

They all froze

Bonnie: Who is it?

Faith: It is faith

Elena: we will talk later about it

Bonnie opened the door

Faith: hi I know you all are probably still adjusting to the news but Tyler sent me to find you guys. He got into a fight with Jack.

Elena: where is he at

Faith: by the library

Caroline ran out the door fist

Near the library

Caroline: Tyler you ok?

Tyler: yeah but Jack he is dead?

Elena: What started the fight?

Tyler: I'm not sure Jack was coming after me think that I was dating his girl

Stefan: We need to head back to the dorms now?

Caroline helps Tyler get up

At the girl's dorm

Stefan: I think Jack was compelled but the thing is Jack was a werewolf so I don't think you triggered the curse.

Tyler: I guess we have to wait and see then if I trigger it or not

Bonnie: It has to be a human that you have to kill to trigger the curse. Since Jack was a werewolf already it wouldn't work. I was reading some of the spell books of my family in my off time.

Tyler: I didn't trigger the curse then?

Bonnie: no it has to be a human life for you to take

Tyler: Who does this then?

Elena: I can think of two people, Enzo and Lily are the other two vampires we know of.

There was a knock on the door

Caroline: Who is it?

Faith: it's me faith

Elena opened the door

Faith: Tyler, are you ok?

Tyler: yeah I'm all good

Faith: I was thinking we could go hang out at my house this weekend

Elena: We have plans this weekend

Faith: oh, what are your plans then

Elena looked at Stefan to come up with something

Stefan: We are gonna have a big family dinner and then we might get drunk as well.

Faith: well I was wondering if I could join you guys

Bonnie: our families don't like having outside people at the dinner

Faith: what about next weekend?

Caroline: we will let you know

Faith left the room

Elena: What we're talking about is going to New York to see Lexi. We are gonna miss Friday's class. Since we have been back here on Sunday night.

Tyler: Are sure I didn't break the curse?

Bonnie: yes Tyler I'm sure you didn't break the curse

Tyler: the only two people who have class on Friday are Bonnie and Stefan

Bonnie: one thing I can't miss is my Friday class it's my nursing class

Elena: That gets done at six right?

Bonnie: yeah

Stefan: we can wait then

Bonnie: then who is gonna stay up and drive

Elena: me and Stefan will take turns driving since we are the only two who can go without sleep.

Bonnie: who's  car are we taking then

Elena: mine is big enough to fit everyone in it

Bonnie: ok then

Tyler: So we are not doing family dinner?

Elena: No, that was a lie.

Tyler: ok well I'm gonna to go the nurse's offices

Tyler left

Caroline: I'm gonna go make sure Tyler is ok

Elena:  let us know what the nurse says

Stefan: Bonnie is 100% sure that Tyler didn't trigger the curse

Bonnie: yeah the witches were not misleading with the werewolf curse.

Stefan: ok

Elena: I need to talk to Stefan alone

Bonnie: I got class soon so I gotta get going

Bonnie grabbed her stuff and left

Elena: I was thinking we could Tyler set up a date in New York. He is thinking about getting Caroline a promise ring. Once he did get it I thought that.

Stefan: Sure, we can help them out. One thing, are you able to find out what Damon wants to know?

Elena: yeah

Stefan: ok

There was a knock on the door

Elena: Who is it?

Faith: It is faith

Elena opened the door

Faith: sorry to interpret but there is someone named Klaus and his brother Elijah look for you two

Elena looks at Stefan with fear

Elena: where are they at

Faith: library on the second floor

Elena: Thanks

Faith left the room

Elena: What do they want this time around?

Stefan: who knows but let's make peace with them

Elena: ok

Elena and Stefan walk to the library

At the library on the second floor

Klaus: glade you two could make it

Elena: What do you want?

Elijah: we don't want anything from you and no deals to be made

Stefan: Then why are you here?

Elijah: we are here because my and brother want to ask you something

Klaus: my girlfriend Hayley is pregnant we are wondering if you two want to be the godparents of this child?

Elena: Can we think about it?

Elijah: yes take all the time you need to come up with the answer

Stefan: Me and Elena will text you our answer. We also wanted to talk to you. We are wondering if we could put the past behind us all and make a new start to things. No deals, no making me turn my switch off.

Klaus: alight no more deal and no making Stefan go ripper mode 

Elijah: sounds like a plan then

Elena: we will give your answer but he needs some time to talk it over tho

Klaus: take all the time you two need

Klaus and Elijah left

Elena: wow that's a first

Stefan: we need to talk about the question we got asked later since you have class soon

Elena:  we should talk it over with everyone

Stefan:  we can arrange something then

Elena: we should head back

At the girl's dorm

Elena: we need everyone to meet at the boarding house tonight

Stefan: got it i sent a text in the big group chat

Elena: I'm off to class, thank you for texting it in the big group chat. 

Elena got her things together and went off to class

Text in the group chat

Stefan, we need everyone to meet at the boarding house tonight, please

Alaric, did something happen to Elena?

Stefan before everyone else asks about Elena, she is good. She is in class right now.

Jenna then what's wrong with you texting in the big group chat Stefan

Stefan and Elena will explain everything later we just need everyone to meet us at the boarding house tonight something came up and we need everyone's opinion on what we are gonna tell you

Damon, I'm also needed at the house.

Stefan yes Damon

Damon ok

Tyler what time do we need to be at the house by

Stefan eight pm

Bonnie Stefan, are you still on campus?

Stefan yeah

Damon Stefan, you didn't tell me you went back to college again

Stefan yeah I did

Alaric did something happen to someone

Stefan Alaric everyone is fine no one is that hurt

Alaric ok then what do you need our opinion on

Elena, I'm on break in class let's say it is something involving the originals

Jenna oh no did you have to make other deals with them

Elena nope no deal something else

Stefan hold the question off until later tonight please and thank you

End of the group chat text

Tyler and Caroline make their way back from the nurse's offices

Tyler: thank you for helping me get back my dorm care

Caroline: no problem

Caroline opened the door

Stefan: I will help him

Caroline: Thanks, I got to class anyway. if I run into Bonnie I will tell her you are in your dorm

Stefan: ok thanks

Caroline left

In the guy's dorm

Tyler: I just need some sleep is what the nurse said

Stefan: ok

Bonnie text Stefan

Bonnie Stefan, I need help

Stefan, where are you?

Bonnie is close to the dorm building

Stefan, I'm on my way

Outside close to the dorm building

Stefan: Bonnie what's wrong

Bonnie: I can't move for some reason I'm stuck

Stefan: Were you compelled not to move?

Bonnie: no because I have the necklace Elena gave me

Stefan: Did you use magic to make this happen?

Bonnie: no

Stefan: Was there a wet pavement sign near here?

Bonnie: no I would have seen one

Stefan: I will just pull you out

Bonnie: ok

Stefan goes and pulls Bonnie out

Bonnie: Thanks

Stefan: someone must have made the pavement wet for you to get stuck like that

Bonnie: I have no clue how is Tyler

Stefan: he just got back to our dorm not too long ago

Bonnie: ok what is the big news about then

Stefan: let's say me and Elena talked to two of the originals

Bonnie: witch two?

Stefan: let's see the two who made me make that deal with them

Bonnie: oh no please don't tell me you made a deal with them.

Stefan: No, I didn't make a deal with them. Me and Elena will say later what happened

Bonnie: thank goodness no deal with them. I don't think  Elena would survive if you left her again.

It was eight o'clock at the boarding house

Elena: I'm nervous

Stefan: it's ok

The doorbell rang

Damon: I got it

Everyone walks into the house and takes a set

Elena: We gathered you all here because well Klaus and his brother Elijah showed up at campus. They asked me and Stefan a question. We want to hear your opinions of the question we got asked

Stefan: Klaus told us his girlfriend Hayley is pregnant and he wants me and Elena to be the godparents of the child.

Jenna: Wow, that is big news. I say go for it since the both of you can't have kids of your own and I know Elena wanted to have kids.

Alaric: don't you think it's some kinda trap?

Elena: no it was the truth and if it was a trap one of them would have let me or Stefan know that one of them was being a jerk to the other one.

Damon: wow does that mean the Salvatore name gets higher in the vampire ranks than it is now?

Stefan: yeah Damon

Caroline: Wow, this is big. I can see the two of you being partners. You act like one of us is hurt, you both take care of us in your way.

Bonnie: Wow, this is big news. I'm a bit shocked by it. I do agree with Caroline. I saw it happen a bit today when I had a small situation. I'm also with Jenna and her statement as well.

Damon: wait a minute since Elena is half-human human does that mean she could have a kid or no

Bonnie: in all the stuff I have looked at Elena can't have a kid

Damon: then I say go for it

Tyler: I'm with everyone and what has been said.

Elena: we will let Klaus know tomorrow

Stefan: thank you all for your opinions and also let us do this

Elena: Yeah, thank you.

Damon: Why did he ask you two out of all the other vampires they know?

Elena: no clue i think they did it to get a new start then

Stefan: We are not sure why they chose us.

Elena: I will text Elijah and ask him why two out of the other vampires

Stefan: ok

Text with Elijah

Elena, we will be the godparents. Why me and Stefan out all the other vampires you and your brother know?

Elijah Haliy wants someone outside of the original family and since we don't have that many people we count as friends. We count you and Stefan as friends since you told my brother about himself.

Elena Caroline also told Klaus  about himself

Elijah we also chose you two since we felt bad for what we did. we want to make it up to both of you as well.

End of the text

Stefan: Why did they choose us then?

Elena: Hailey wanted someone outside the family. Then also they did it because they wanted to apologize for what they did to us. Also, we get a reward for telling Klaus about himself that he fixed.

Stefan:  All alright.

Elena: Are we still on for tomorrow?

Stefan: yeah we are still on for tomorrow

Elena: I should get a lot of sleep then

Stefan: I will but up there in a few then

Stefan walked to go find Damon

In Damon's room

Stefan: I wanted to let you know tomorrow, Elena and her friends are gonna go visit Lexi.

Damon: Are you gonna tell her about you and Elena being godparents of Michelson's child?

Stefan: Yeah, I'm gonna talk to Lexi about that.

Damon: Did Elena find out if Bonnie likes me yet?

Stefan: no Elena has not had the chance to find out. If there is this person named faith looking for us tell her we are at a family dinner

Damon: Who is faith and why lie to her?

Stefan: Faith is a girl on campus who told us something about herself and we all are still processing what she told us. Elena got to see the future and well we didn't tell faith about us because in the future faith tries to kill us.

Damon: got it lie to keep everyone safe then is the new idea you all came up with

Stefan: yeah well she is the only one who seems like she can hurt us. she already try to get to me

Damon: wow someone else like my brother and Elena got jealous about it

Stefan: yes Damon but I took care of it

Damon: well anything else I should know?

Stefan: not at the moment

Damon: ok

Stefan left Damon's room and headed back to his room

The next day at six o'clock

Bonnie walked back to the dorm

Elena: Bonnie we already packed your bag for you

Bonnie: Thanks, are the guys ready?

Elena: yeah they are at my car waiting for us

Elena's phone goes off

Stefan hurry up faith might have seen me and Tyler

Caroline: Elena your phone

Caroline hands Elena her phone

Elena saw the text

Elena: we are gonna have to run to the car now

Caroline: Why?

Elena: Stefan texted he said faith might have seen the guys at my car

In the parking lot

Faith saw Stefan and Tyler

Faith: hi guys what are doing at Elena's car?

Stefan: we are waiting for Elena and her friends to here decided to take one car to go home for the weekend in

Faith: ok have fun at the family dinners

Stefan: we will

Faith left

Tyler: you are good at coming up with the right things to say right off the fly

Stefan: I used not to be good at it but over the years I have gotten better at it

The girls show up

Elena: Sorry

Stefan: it's fine I got it covered

Bonnie: Let me guess faith showed up?

Tyler: yeah

Elena: oh no

Stefan: I took care of it, no I didn't compel her. She asked why were in your car and then I told her we were taking one car to go home to the family dinners

Caroline:  well I mean she believed you since we came up with the family diner thing yesterday

Elena: I will drive up then Stefan will drive the way back if get tired or if something happens to me then Stefan will take over driving for me

Bonnie: ok

They got into the car

Stefan: I'm gonna text Lexi to let her know we are leaving now

Stefan, we just now left to come and see you

Lexi ok see you all in a few

Stefan you are gonna have to invite Elena in and I need to tell you something.

Lexi good or bad news

Stefan, I'm not sure good news for me Elena but I'm not sure how you are gonna feel about the news

Lexi  well I'm gonna go to the store for food then

End of the text

Bonnie: I'm gonna take a nap

Elena: ok bonnie

A few hours later in New York City

Elena: we are here everyone

Lexi walked outside to help get the stuff out of the car

Stefan: hey

Lexi: hi everyone

Bonnie: hi

Caroline: hi

Lexi: shall we head inside now?

Elena: yeah

Lexi: Elena you are welcome to come in

Elena: Thanks

Everyone made their way inside

Inside Lexi apartment

Stefan: Lexi you might want to sit down for this

Lexi: I'm worried now

Elena: nothing to worry about

Stefan: me and Elena are the godparents of Klaus's  child

Lexi: come again why on earth would the two of you do that

Elena: see since I'm still half human and Stefan can't have kids and are friends and family agree to go for it plus the Michelsons want to make things right with us. The last time Klaus was in town me and Caroline told Klaus about himself and he left and then he went and fixed himself.

Lexi: still I mean what happens if Klaus  shuts off his humanity switch

Stefan: he has all of his siblings back this time around so they will help him

Elena: I know you are worried about and stupid idea but we talked it over with Elijah and Klaus. We want to move forward and be nice to each other and no more making deals and no having Stefan turn off his switch.

Lexi: Are you, not some kinda trap?

Stefan: if it was then one of the brothers would have told us that the other one had gone mad.

Lexi: So actually think about wanting to make things right this time around?

Elena: yeah since my mind-reading powers are a bit out of control I read Elijah's mind and well he wants to make things right with us. Plus Klaus's girlfriend wanted someone outside the family to be the godparents.

Lexi: That means that we all have to be nice to the originals now?

Stefan: yes but I mean you can still hate them for the two times Kalus had me turn it off.

Elena: We need your help with something.

Lexi: Like?

Stefan: we need your help to get two of our friends to go on a date in the city at some restaurant

Lexi: I can see what I can do

Elena: thank you

A few minutes later

Elena: Caroline, you and Tyler should go out tonight we'll be fine here.

Caroline: are you sure you guys are gonna be fine

Bonnie: yeah you two have not gone on a date yet

Caroline: fine we will go

Caroline and Tyler left the apartment

Stefan texted Tyler where to go after they walked out the door

Bonnie: I'm shocked they have been together for a few years and have not gone on a date

Elena: yeah but Care is always worried about us

Bonnie: I know she shouldn't feel that way we are more worried about her since she is a human

Elena: Bonnie I got a question

Bonnie: What's up?

Elena: Do you like someone yet?

Bonnie: yeah but not sure how it's gonna work out

Elena: Who is it? Do I know them?

Bonnie: yes you do know them but I can't say who I wanted to tell you and Caroline at the same time.

Elena: ok

Lexi walked into the room that Bonnie and Elena were in

Lexi: I thought I could come back to town and pull off being a college student.

Stefan: Why on earth would you want to do that Lexi?

Lexi: Since you guys are always busy to see me and sometimes I get lonely even though I have a boyfriend.

Elena: I think that would be a good idea in a way.

Stefan: Lexi you hate faking learning things that you already know about. Plus you are a bit older to be a college student, no offense.

Lexi: true but I was thinking of living at the boarding house

Elena: The more people the better. Caroline and Tyler have their room since they sleep over a lot at the house.

Bonnie: Yeah, it gives me someone new to talk to when I'm not busy with homework or classes.

Stefan: I forgot to mention Damon is back from the society of vampires. They kicked him out for some reason

Lexi: I have dealt with Damon being good before

Stefan: When was that?

Lexi: It was after I helped him get his humanity back on he was all nice to me.

Stefan: umm Damon is gonna kill me to tell you but he liked you at one point in time

Lexi: excuse me

Stefan: Damon told me not to tell you that he liked you as more than friends at one point in time

Lexi: So after I helped him he liked me?

Stefan: yeah

Caroline and Tyler come back

Caroline: hey guys we are back

Tyler: What did we miss?

Elena: nothing much

Lexi: I'm moving into the boarding house after I talk to my boyfriend about it

Caroline: that is good news

Bonnie: I have news to tell all of you. I don't want any of you to freak out at me but I kinda like Damon.

Elena: I knew it

Caroline: Since when and how?

Bonnie: When Elena and Stefan are not around I don't have anyone to talk to besides Damon.

Elena: I put it together when we talked not long ago about it

Lexi: I was thinking of talking to my boyfriend tonight when he comes over.

Bonnie: Is a vampire as well?

Lexi: yeah but he doesn't have a daylight ring

Bonnie: if you give me a ring I can spell it for him

Lexi: thank you i got something that would work

Bonnie: a bracelet also works you just have to make sure it has lapiz in it

Lexi: I have a bracelet that has that gem in it I just have to find it

Lexi went around to find the bracelet

A few minutes later

Lexi: I found it

Bonnie: can I have it to do the spell

Lexi hands Bonnie the bracelet

Bonnie spells it

A few hours later

Lexi's boyfriend finally shows up

Lexi: hi Mark we need to talk

Mark: what's up

Lexi and Mark go into Lexi's bedroom

Lexi: I'm thinking about moving to Mystic Falls with Stefan and his friends. We can stay at the boarding house.

Mark: What about the blood bags that we have here?

Lexi: I'm sure Stefan has a cooler with him

Mark: ok but what about this place?

Lexi: I get a job in Mystic Falls then I will keep paying for this place when I get off tired of Damon we can come back here. 

Mark: but what about a daylight bracelet or ring for me

Lexi: I had Bonnie spell a bracelet for you

Mark: So Bonnie is a witch then?

Lexi: yeah

Mark: Would you be fine if I stayed here?

Lexi: Why would you do that?

Mark: this is the only place I'm used to and I don't know your friends

Lexi: you can get to know them there is lots of room in the boarding house

Mark: Will they not mind other people staying there?

Lexi: no they will be ok with it

Mark: are sure you want to move to Mystic Falls for a bit

Lexi: well instead of Stefan or Damon coming here to get help or to see me I decided to stay with them

Mark: Do the brothers have feelings for you?

Lexi: no Stefan has a girlfriend and Damon is single but he might have feelings for the witch

Mark: I'm coming with you then

Both Lexi and Mark come out of the room

Lexi: we both are moving to Mystic Falls

Stefan: ok well we have rooms for both of you

Lexi: We will be packing what we need but leave the rest here. I'm gonna get a job in town and then keep paying for this place. Once I get tired of Damon I can come back here

Stefan: ok

Elena: well we are happy you are coming with us

Lexi: Do you have a cooler on you?

Elena: yeah I put one in my car

Lexi: Is it full?

Elena: nope

Mark: we are gonna put out blood bags in there then

Lexi: I don't have a cooler in my car and Mark doesn't have a car yet

Elena: ok

The next day

Elena: Are we all ready to go back home?

Stefan: no but I know we have to go back

Lexi: I'm ready

They all get into Elena's car

Lexi and Mark get into Lexi's car

A few houses later at the boarding house

Damon: no came to the house looking for y'all

Lexi: I decided to move here for a bit and I brought my boyfriend as well

Damon: oh ok

Elena: well I got to talk to Damon about something

Damon: You do?

Elena: yeah

Caroline: I'm gonna head to the dorm

Tyler: got to cheek on my parents then I'm gonna go to the dorm

Bonnie: I'm gonna go back to campus as well

Elena: ok see you when I get there

Elena's friends left the boarding house

Elena: now I can say

Damon: I'm guessing you found out? 

Elena: we did

Stefan: She likes you back but she is not sure how it's gonna work out since you can't die and she can.

Elena: unless there is a way to change into a vampire but she stays a witch a the same time

Stefan: no Elena there is no way you can do that one

Elena: well I was only thinking that because I am now

Stefan: that happened because your powers were affected in your transition into a vampire

Elena: well I was thinking if we could find a way then I sit and talk to Bonnie about it but at the same time she hates the idea of becoming a vampire because once her mom and grams are found they will freak out big time.

Damon: I mean what do I do now

Elena: wait until Bonnie tells you that she likes you

Damon: ok

Elena: I'm gonna head up to campus since I have class tomorrow

At the campus in the girl's dorm

Elena: I'm back

Bonnie: What did I want to talk to Damon about?

Elena: I was gonna let him know that he didn't need to get blood bags since Lexi brought a whole lot with her. then I need to talk to him about finding a ring for Stefan for when we get married.

Bonnie: oh ok

Caroline: I'm helping plan the wedding

Elena: I know we agreed to let you help plan the wedding

There was a knock on the door

Caroline: Who is it?

Faith: it's faith can I come in?

Elena opened the door

Faith: hi I know it's late but I wanted to let you know I'm gonna be moving soon

Elena: Why are you moving?

Faith: my parents don't think it's safe for me to be here anymore. Plus they want me to find rich guys since the two people with the biggest house have taken already. My mom is letting me choose who to date my dad is against it and I'm not sure how to talk to him about it

Bonnie: I can't help

Caroline: I would tell him that you need to talk to him

Elena: Then you just say Dad look I know you want the best for me but it feels like you are taking my choices away from me by picking who I should date.

Faith: thank you

Faith went to give Elena a hug

Elena: I don't do hugs right now I'm sorry

Tyler came into the girl's dorm

Tyler: oh hey faith

Faith: hi Tyler

Faith walked out of the dorm a bit upset

Tyler: I will be right back

Tyler walked after faith

In the hallway

Tyler: Look, Elena doesn't like people who are not close to her to hug her. Lately, she has let no one hug her. She has issues with people hugging her.

Faith: how did I know I'm upset by that?

Tyler: I saw Elena's face the way you walked out the door so I figured it was about you trying to give her a hug

Faith: yeah but do you know why she only let her close friends hug her?

Tyler: Well it's just she is not a big hugger to begin with and lately she has issues with being sensitive to certain things and hugging one of them. She doesn't hug as much since she lost her dad a few years ago.

Faith: I had no clue

Tyler: no it's ok don't tell her i told you she doesn't like it when people find out that her parents passed away

Faith: well thanks for letting me know

Tyler walked back to the girl's dorm

In the girl's dorm

Elena: Thanks

Bonnie did you see anything

Elena: yep

Tyler: Welcome

Caroline: What did you see?

Elena: the same thing when I zoned out

Bonnie: oh

Elena: yeah but I think her parents made her part robot to help find the supernatural people and kill them

Tyler: Elena I think you fried the robot part of her tho

Elena: Why do you say that?

Tyler: she seems like she was having a hard time walking back to her dorm

Elena: it a good and bad thing then 

Tyler: yeah

Elena: how did I fry the robot part of her she didn't touch me

Tyler: she didn't have to touch you but she had to get close enough for your power to reach her

Elena: oh ok well I didn't want to hug her because I'm hungry

Elena went into her room to drink a blood bag. when she finished it she came back out.

Caroline: What do we do now?

Elena: not sure I'm gonna to go sleep

Bonnie: sleep sounds like an idea to me

They all went to sleep

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