Little Divine

By civizeiro

38.1K 994 149

Divine; Godlike. Characteristic of or befitting a deity Little Divine was once born to a wealthy family by a... More

Author's note
1 - Lost
2 - Alleyway
3 - Random location
4 - Meeting the brothers
5 - Hatred
6 - A gift
7 - Nightmare's secret
8 - DNA test
9 - The truth
10 - I'm sorry
11 - Baking
12 - Ice cream
13 - Poisoned
14 - Failed attempt
15 - Friends
16 - First interaction
17 - Break in
18 - Mcdonalds
19 - Shopping
21 - Torture
22 - Relatives
23 - False Alarm
24 - Suspicious
25 - Anger issues
26 - Apologizing
27 - Christmas Deco
28 - School Party
29 - New Year (Very late + Part 1)
30 - New Year (Very late + Part 2)
31 - Kidnapped

20 - School day

679 17 5
By civizeiro


I was just sleeping on my bed when my alarm suddenly rang loudly and my eyes were wide awake. Great! It's Monday, so that means it's school day.

My brothers told me that school was very hard and frustrating at the same time, including the subject Mathematics as it was about solving numbers, maybe even letters too, that's what they said.

Xandro told me that he almost dropped out of school for not attending math class. He was good at excuses and the school just gave up and decided to accept his reasons. He said that until now, he was still the least favorite student at his math teacher's lists.

I mean, I wouldn't argue with my brother but he should've asked for help with the other brothers or mom and dad.

Xavrio was almost at the same situation as him but he barely skip math classes that time, although he had lower grades while his twin doesn't even have a single grading mark. Enzo was the one who showed their grades and he was the only one who had average marks than the twins.

For Dante and Andres, they are just smartie pants. Andres gave me their exam papers and they almost had a fifty and a hundred on math. Dante told me that if I get a perfect score on maths and other subjects, he'll give me a lot of presents and gifts.

My enthusiasm was feeling so giddy at that time that I was almost close at falling down the stairs. If only Andres didn't catch me on time then I would probably skip another week of school and stay at my bed.

I also noticed how sharp their senses are, like how they would perfectly guess someone's knocking type and footsteps. I wondered if they had special abilities or were they just strictly practiced?

That would be actually cool but what would it be for?

I heard the door opened in a blink and my eyes rolled down, seeing Enzo holding a trey of my breakfast. I gave him a small smile before jumping out of my bed.

"Guess what? It's monday, so that means it's school day," he walked inside my room and put my breakfast down to the coffee table. He sat beside me on the edge of the bed, "How was your sleep sweetheart?"

"It was good but now I think I feel lazy since I have a school for literally eight hours.." My voice had a hint of disappointment and he was only there, laughing, "It's not funny!"

It's clearly not funny. I'm literally getting lazy and I feel like sleeping in school, and since it's my first time attending one. I wasn't allowed to go to school last time.

My intrusive thoughts are probably growing right now. What if I don't fit in there? That's the first thing inside my mind.

What if I only get bullied? What do I tell to my parents? Maybe I should just keep it to myself or tell them? There's so much going on right now and I feel a surging activity of an anxiety hitting my chest.

My heart was now beating a little bit fast, but I tried to forget my thoughts and I held my spoon.

I could feel Enzo's expression towards me, but I couldn't quite explain how. I only started eating my breakfast which was a simple cereal with milk and a chocolate drink. It was rather sweet and tasty.

He was still staring at me while I was eating and it was making me quite nervous. Maybe he's also thinking what I'm thinking right now?

I just kept eating my breakfast. When I was done with my cereal, I drank my chocolate drink, then I wiped my lips with a tissue. I was a little bit startled when Enzo held my hand, "Yeah?" He was looking at me with a worried expression.

"There's no need to be scared or nervous on your first day of school. Everybody also experience the same thing as you are feeling right now, but some are also excited at the same time." I raise my eyebrows from his sudden words. His voice was gentle, but has also a cue of a sincere tone.

His hand covered my other cheek and slowly wiped some parts of my cheeks, probably because I missed some while I was cleaning my face with a tissue. His eyes were locked again to me, "You'll make a lot of friends there, just like me. I also have some.. colleagues." His voice at the end changed into a low tone and I squinted my eyes a little bit, but I only nodded my head.

What about his colleagues? Were they friends with them or were they only bullies at the past? I couldn't really explain his abrupt of changed from the demeanor of his tone.

I ignored my thoughts again and I nod my head with a smile. I know he's telling the truth. I know that I might get bullies but I'll also have a lot of friends that will be there by my side.

"Now, why don't you shower and I'll be the one to help you take care of your uniform and other things, yeah?" He smiled at me and I gave him a small thumbs-up, "Sure!"

"Go go or you'll be late for school," I stood up from the edge of the bed and I ran to the bathroom, not forgetting to close and lock the door.

After the ten minutes of the shower, I wrapped the big towel around my body and I went outside of my bathroom. My uniform and other clothes were already ready at the bed and it seems that Enzo had gone outside. The bag was also not here so he might have it on his back. Silly Enzo!

When I was done with my uniform, socks, shoes and hair, I walked outside of my room and into the living room.

Xandro and Xavrio was at the couch, sitting. They weren't wearing clothes but they were wearing a formal clothing which is surprising, since I don't see them in those kind of outfits. Well, except for Enzo who was wearing normal clothes.

"Hey little sis," The twins greeted me and I hugged the both of them once, "You're looking good today!" My cheeks slightly blush from the unexpected compliment from Xavrio himself!

"Thanks! You two are also looking great!" I compliment them back and they both laugh, but it wasn't a normal laugh.

I don't even get it anymore.

I waved goodbye to the twins while me and Enzo are walking to the huge garage. He decided to use his black lamborghini since he wanted to impress the other students there.

My eyes rolled down with a slight laugh before jumping inside the back seat of his car. When I closed the door, he was already at the driver's seat. He started the engine and was bow driving away from the mansion.

My backpack was at my lap and I checked inside just in case if I've forgotten something. I felt a wave of ease when my school supplies were complete and I closed my bag.

I would be in my grave by now if I've forgotten a single supply, even if it's my pen or notebook.

I gaze through the window, seeing how fast but normal we are actually right now. I could still recognize the trees and the cars passing by at the opposite side of the road.

Later, we were already at the parking lot of the school. Enzo helped me to get outside oft the car and he was the one who was wearing my bag which was kind of funny.

While we were walking to the entrance of the school, there were a few people looking at our direction. Some are gawking, some are too obvious that they're in love and others are.. intimidated?

I don't think he's that scary.

We stopped at the front gates of the school entrance and Enzo tucked my bag gently at my bag. He kneeled down to my height and fixed my hair for a little bit, "There we go. You're looking beautiful as always, sweetheart."

I feel myself fluttering from his kind and cute words, but I think I'm not that beautiful. I shake my head at his compliment but I also thanked him.

We only laughed together, but his face also changed to a serious, but genuine expression, "But seriously, you are beautiful sweetheart, and no one will change my opinion to that," He smiled and kissed the top of my forehead before standing up.

"Go inside before you get late. I'll be here later at 3:15 PM. See you later and stay safe sweetheart," He gave me a gentle head pat and I grin widely, "You too Enzo!"

I started walking inside the entrance until I was inside the school. It was really big just like a massive palace. The white walls were not only plain, but was also designed with much greater details.

I started walking at the school halls. There were a few grade sections scattered together and I felt a little anxious. I do hope I fit in right here.

There were also some students with their parents and school staffs. While I was walking, there was a tall guy in a black hoodie that passed beside me. He looked like an adult that just brought me bad vibes and goosebumps, but I shook it off from my head.

I didn't look at him, but I felt him looking at me. It was quite creepy and since I'm the only one without the protection of my family.

I see that this school is only for elementary and highschool, an because of how the students look like here.

Every section has color coding school uniform. I'm on grade five and I have a green-colored uniform, not really my favorite color but my outfit was also really cute.

A few minutes later, I was in front of my grade five classroom. I politely knocked on the door three times, waiting for it to open. A few seconds later, the door opened revealing a tall man and I think it's my male teacher. He offered me a kind smile and made me come inside the classroom.

"A little announcement everyone. We have a new classmate today! Please introduce yourself, little one," I nod my head and I take a few deep breaths before speaking.

"Hi, my name is Divine Ricci.." I introduced myself with a small grin. I tried my best to not stay awkward, but the nervousness was filing me.

"Alright Divine, you can sit beside Eros over there," He points to where the Eros guy was. I never thought I would be sitting beside a guy. I was expecting it to be a girl.

He was looking quite mature but also young at the same time. I don't really want to say he's handsome or my mind will think that I have a crush on this random guy. Let's say, he's quite a good-looking boy.

I walk towards the seat beside Eros and I sat on my chair, placing my bag down.

When everybody was settled again, the teacher started with his first class, "Today everyone, we will be starting with math class," I heard a few quiet groans from my classmates but mostly it was boys and the Eros guy beside me.

Remembering what Dante told me, if I got high scores on my school subjects, especially math then he'll give me lots of gifts. Now I do feel kind of motivated.

I held my math notebook and pen out of the bag and I put it on the long arm chair.

I was too focused on the class, topic and math that I didn't even notice how I'm the most that answers the teacher's questions. I look to Eros and he had an expression of.. an impressed one.

I looked at the teacher again and I could feel eyes around me, especially to the boys that are my classmates. I tried to ignore the stares and I only focused on the class. Later, we were given an activity only for today and I was already copying the equations on the board.

The equations were really easy to me and since I have a plenty of references from my teacher's examples. It was only five questions but I was confused on how they were having a hard time on answering.

I focused on the questions and I started with the first one, then the second one.. the third one...

I noticed on the corner of my eyes that this Eros guy had his gaze over me but I was mostly focused on the equations.

Not even twenty minutes later, I was already done and I think I just paid off my first, hard work! I put my pen down, looking and checking my answers just in case if it's right or wrong, but they were all great.

When the remaining minutes were spent, we all stood up to give our notebooks to the teacher. The bell suddenly rang and my classmates were now running outside.

My eyes were peered with confusion when I looked at my teacher, but he only chuckled and said, "That's your recess time, Divine," I only raise my eyebrows and I smiled.

I have a few snacks in my bag as my recess foods so I think I don't have to buy something on the cafeteria. But if I have money then I'll probably spend it, or no.

"What's your name again, sir?" I asked my teacher who was checking our notes. He looked at me with a warm smile before speaking, "My name is Lorenzo, but you can call me sir or mister Lorenzo."

He has a nice name, honestly.


It's weird how I'm only getting attention from my guy classmates. Well, some girls are looking at me but most of them are with envy. What did I do to receive this kind of recognition?

It's not like I'm popular or something. I'm just a normal girl with a normal life, except that my family's been suspicious ever since there was a shooting that happened on our house.

The bell of the school now rang, yay! It's home time! I can't wait to tell how I did on my classes today.

Honestly, my grades are all average but still great. I received a lot of compliments from my teachers about how my grade marks were completely high and how I've received an A to every activity I had today.

My most highest was math and I wonder how my brothers and my parents will react. I'm just an average on History while good marks on other subjects. But my most favorite was the art class.

While I was putting my notebooks and pens in my bag, I saw my seatmate Eros walking towards me. He was holding a similar pen that I had earlier, "Hey, Divine."

I look towards him with raised eyebrows, "Yeah?" He adjusts the pen towards me, "I think this is yours. You dropped your pen earlier when I was behind."

I took the pen and I examined it. I didn't know that someone would take this back to me and I only know that they would hide it and make it as their another new ballpen.

My lips form a small smile, "Thank you Eros!" He only nodded at me.

"Um, wanna be friends?" He suddenly asked me, but I only nod in agreement. I never thought a boy would be my first friend!

"Sure!" I was feeling excited that I have made a new friend here in my class. I was nervous that I wouldn't make any friends and then my family will ask me if I made any.

"Let's go outside together," I grab my bag and I followed Eros outside of the school. We were just walking when we suddenly passed by the same guy again, the one with the hoodie.

I furrowed my eyebrows and I looked back. It was the same, similar guy that gave me goosebumps.

I walk fast until I was now beside Eros. I'm quite scared, he's probably a stalker or something. I didn't even notice how his arms were around my shoulders now.

"You alright?" I look towards Eros and we were a little bit close, but I adjusted my distance again, "Yep."

We both sat on the bench at the front yard of the school, so this is where the students wait for their school services.

I observe the surroundings to see many students from other grades and some of our classmates with their parents.

"I never asked this earlier but, what's your favorite color?" He asked and I smiled at his question. So this is where our friendship will start.

"My favorite color is yellow, what about you?"

"Hm, maybe brown or red," He chuckled as he run his hand to his curly hair.

"Do you have any brothers?" I asked and he nodded his head, "Three older brothers and two older sisters. I'm the youngest at the family. What about you?"

"Five older brothers only," His eyes narrowed in shock and I giggled at his reaction. It's not that really much, maybe more than six would be.

"That's a lot. I wonder how your mom is doing," I wince a little bit in a sudden thought of my mom giving birth to my older brothers and me. I should probably say sorry.

We talked for a little bit as minutes pass each seconds. I didn't even notice that my brother was already calling me.

"Divine!" I jump on my seat a little bit and I look at the distance to see Enzo in a.. suit?

Eros nudged my shoulder, "Man he is looking good," I laughed at his response.

Enzo was walking towards us with his hands on his pocket. I didn't know my brother could be handsome and pretty too.

He stopped in front of me and Eros, then he looked at my friend with furrowed eyebrows, "Who's this young man beside you?"

Eros was staring at him with a sort of admiration, then he cleared his throat before speaking, "Hello, I'm Eros, Divine's first friend," He says with a cue of prideness.

"First friend? Is this true sweetheart?" Enzo's gaze was locked to me and I nod my head with also a sign of pride, "Yes Enzo!"

He was both looking at us with a dumbfounded expression and it was clearly amusing to watch. I wonder what he's thinking right now. He's probably proud of me for having a friend.

"I- no- that can't be- okay, we'll go now sweetheart," He snatched my arm and started pulling me. My jaw dropped from the sudden action.

"Enzo! Eross!!" My friend was laughing while watching me getting dragged. Then I saw him with a tall guy and he started talking with him. It's probably his brothers or father.

Later, we were now inside Enzo's car and the atmosphere was awkward. None of us spoke for a while, but until he broke the tension.

"His name is Eros, right?" I nod my head and he only kept driving.

"Okay. You can be friends with boys but no dating, okay? You're still young," I gave him a thumbs-up while he was looking at the rear mirror above. He gave me a smile and continued on driving.

"How was school? Especially math?" I grinned widely before drinking my water.

"Math was easy! I had perfect scores on my first math activity!" I giggled in joy and he was still smiling, "Wow, I never thought you'd be like Dante and Andres. I guess you also got your knowledge from them," He started laughing.

"What about your other subjects?"

"It's good but I also had high scores! My teachers were complimenting me about my scores!"

We stopped at mcdonalds drive thru and I was confused, but then he told me that he'll buy me nuggets and ice cream as his reward for me.

He just gave me more motivation to continue.


Yaya we're close to 6k! 👾

I decided to write another chapter since I was dead for like more than 10 days last time soo I hope you enjoyed this long chapter! 💕💕

Question of the day! What's your favorite movie/series?

What do you think about Eros? Is he a good guy? 🥰

Also what do you think of this chapter's new book cover?! ( Also it's supposed to be "My family are my saviours and my life" but I couldn't edit it anymore )

Well that's it for today! Comment your opinions on this chapter! Goodbye and stay safe 👾

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