His Demand

By shyliekitten

46 2 0

I stumbled into his office looking for a job that would get me out of my home town. Instead I stumbled into h... More

Author's Note


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By shyliekitten

The Gala

Tonight was the night of the gala to say I was nervous was an understatement. I have never been to anymore so formal before other than my junior year prom. Which ended awfully for me because my date ditched me the second we got there and my dress got stained but the stupid bright red punch that they served. I told my mom that I didn't need to be wearing a white dress to such a event but she didn't care it was part of her vision.

I had just hopped out of the shower and put on a silk robe that was hanging up in Kaiden's bathroom. I've been staying here in Kaiden's house with him for my own protection even though I told Kaiden it wasn't necessary anymore once Quinn was in custody of the Seattle PD. But of course he argued that I'm still too vulnerable. I think at this point Kaiden is just making excuses to have my presence around the house. I walked downstairs to wear I found Kaiden relaxing not he couch in just a pair of pajama pants. Salem resting on his chest as Kaiden read Great Expectations.

I smiled at the both of them and I approached them sitting down on the smallest sliver of couch beside them. "My two boys look at them." Kaiden paused his reading and rolled his eyes at me while smiling. "And I thought you hated cats?" I questioned him picking on him. "Well that was before this big guy came here and I was graced by his feline character. Plus you got have to walk a cat and they don't bark." I smiled at Kaiden leaning over and kissing his forehead. "Exactly why I chose him." But Kaiden bookmarked his book and sat it down on the side table behind him.

"I will have to say you need to figure out some kind of diet for this cat. I can barely breath with him laying on my chest like this." I huffed picking up a purring Salem from Kaiden's chest. "Last time he was at the vet they said he only weighed 20 pounds." I pouted and Kaiden sat up looking at me shocked. "Only 20 pounds!" I laughed at him letting Salem to the floor. "Are you already getting ready for the gala?" Kaiden questioned and I looked at the time from the clock mounted on the wall. "Kaiden it is 5pm and we have to be there at 6. I'm not the one still in his pajamas!" I argued.

"Someone suggested I take the weekend off of work. Do you expect me to sleep in a suit even on my day off?" He asked and I rolled my eyes at him. "No I don't but isn't going to a gala considered work on the weekend?" I asked him and he smirked at me leaning back on the couch his arms propped behind his head. "Well I guess that means you don't want to go anymore. "I scoffed at him. " That's not what I meant." He laughed at my reaction. "I go to this gala once every year for the last few years. It's not special to me anymore... It may have been the first hundred times but not this time." I rolled my eyes at him. "Well I've never been to something like this so be excited for me." He shook his head in defeat. "I'll be up in a minute to get ready but don't let me keep you."

I kissed himont the lips sweetly and when I tried to pull away he pulled me back into the kiss. His hand rested on the bottom of my chin keeping me in place as he kissed me. He then deepened the kiss and I could tell he was hungry for me. I pulled away from him to catch my breath. "Ugh I could kiss those lips forever if I could." Kaiden breathed catching his breath as well. "I pecked him on the lips once more. "I'm going and getting ready and getting away from this distraction." I said turning and walking back upstairs to get ready.

I walked into Kaiden's bathroom where I had my dress hanging up and my shoes ready. I picked up my toothbrush that was right beside Kaiden's and brushed my teeth. Because I had been staying here with Kaiden he was comfortable with intermingling some of our things together. Our toothbrushes beside each other. Our clothes hanging in the same closet. His side of the bed and Mine with the pillow I grabbed from my apartment. Even my stupid dog halloween blackout that I always seemed to have with me and that I've kept as my comfort blanket. Before this blanket it owned a marijuana blanket when I was in the dorms of Uni. It was a inside joke for me and my roommate once other than school that was our biggest hobby.

I put on some light makeup and didn't do much with my eyes but add some sparkly eyeshadow to compliment my eyes and the dress. I put on some light pink lipstick and some blush. Kaiden walked in his pajama pants hanging low on his hips and I stared at him through the mirror. His sculpted body looked so perfect from this angle or infant any angle. I've really seem hm workout to keep up with his fit stature but I can only assume he wakes up extremely early and workouts while I'm still getting my beauty sleep. "You can't undress me much more than I already am." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Was it that obvious?" I asked Kaiden and he nodded smiling. "I could almost see the drool in the corner of your mouth starting to form." He mocked me and I slapped his bare arm. "Hush it! I don't drool for you like that!" Kaiden wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Oh you've definitely drooled from that's for sure." I groaned hiding my blushing face. "Ugh I wish I could not be part of this conversation right now!" I whined and he grabbed my hands moving them away from my face.

"Please don't be embarrassed I''m only picking you are always beautiful no matter what you do." He said and I smiled at him pouting a little bit. "Thank you Kaiden." He kissed my lips slowly and then licked my lower lips before whispering in my ear. "I wish I could get more of you." I drew back away from him slightly. "Right now?" I asked him. "We are going to be late." Kaiden turned me around so I was facing the mirror above the sink. "We can be fashionable late Dani there will be hundreds of people there no one will notice." He said bending me over and lifted my robe up to reveal my bare cheeks.

His hand careered my bare skin and I watched him through the mirror and I moaned. He was looking me over taking in my every move. Kaiden pulled down his pajama pants and let them rest at his knees. I could see him touching himself in the sigh of me and he moaned. "How does a man ever get his lucky?" He asked before smacking my cheek. I moaned loudly and unexpectedly. Kaiden reach down and he felt between all of my wet folds and he hummed. "You aways get so wet for me." He said and I smirked at him through the mirror. "Only for you." I breathed and he drew his fingers back and licked them humming.

I could feel him align himself with me before slowly pressing himself into me. I put my head down and moaned but Kaiden reach around and grabbed my chin making me watch through the mirror. "I want you to watch me as I take you Denali. I want you to know that I have all of you." I tried nodding but the pressure was too much I couldn't. He paced himself slow at first but then got faster and faster until I was overwhelmed. I moaned loudly again feeling him hit the deepest parts of me. I could feel the passion bubble up in my stomach and he didn't stop. That bubble popped and I lost it moaning that turned into screaming it was so sensitive.

"You're my girl you hear me?" He said between his teeth as I could tell by how tense his body was he was about to climax. " Yes sir please use me." I said and just like that he grabbed my hips and pushed as deep as he could three times before I felt him throbbing in me and he stopped. His held hung back as he was trying to catch his breath. He stood there for a minute before looking at me through the mirror. "Let me wash up you're going to get me pregnant if you just keep sitting there." I said trying to stand up but he forced me back down smirking. "I hope you do. I love to see a little Kaiden running around." He slowly brushed in me moving around all the wetness in me.

"Oh dear! I couldn't imagine having another one of you to terrorize me!" He began laughing as he pulled out. "I'm going to take a shower." He stated and I stood up straight and turned to him and kissed him. I ran my hands through his messy bed head. " I love you Kaiden." I said and he smiled at me too. "I love you too Denali." He said before kissing my forehead and turning to the shower. "Just give me a washcloth with soap and I'll be okay."

I was already and I slipped on my dress and walked downstairs my heels clicking on the marble floors. "Kaiden! Come on we are going to be extra late. You ate longer then a woman to get ready!" I yell upstairs for him and he was running down the stairs adjusting his cuff links. "I'm coming! Geeze I didn't realize you were this organized." I smiled at him grabbing my clutch. "I'm not but I'm ready to get this over with." He nodded at me while pulling out his phone from the inside pocket of his suit. "Trust me I am too but I don't think you mean it in the same way I do."

Kaiden dialed a number and it rang once. "Jack we are ready will you meet us out front we are coming down now." We walked hand in hand to the elevator and waited. One we got down to the bottom I saw the security guard from before he stood and smiled at us. "Have a good evening." The guard bowed his head and I smiled at the man. We walked out to the large SUV that was parked in front of the building and Jack opened the door for us to get in. The drive wasn't too back it was just about 20 minutes outside of the city.

I saw everyone still arriving and I noticed the time it was only 6:30pm everyone was still arriving. I looked over to Kaiden nervously and I didn't even have to say anything because he saw the expression on my face. "It will be okay just follow my lead. You won't have to deal with anyone except for me.... and my crazy mother." He said and I gasped at him and he grabbed my hand and lead me out of the car in front of the mansion. "Your mother is going to be here?!" I said in shock. "Yes she is there are several charities that are getting a cut my mother happens to be one of the smalls ones getting a cut." Kaiden explained.

We walked in and sure enough there were hundreds of people there talking and having drinks. I passed a waiter in the foyer and I grabbed a glass of red wine from his tray. "We've barely made it into the main ballroom and you're already drinking?" Kaiden scolded me but I took a tip of my wine and followed him linking my arm around his. "Kaiden it's just one drink I'll be fine. Plus I'm going to need something to encourage me to talk to your mother." I said and he scoffed leading me into this grand ballroom with table lining the edges of the dance floor. A large stage was at the opposite side of the room where there was a live band.

Kaiden lead me to a table where a woman was sat. The second she caught a glance of us she stood and closed the distance between us. She hugged Kaiden tightly swooning over him. There middle aged woman had dark brown hair and brown eyes just like Kaiden. "Kaiden it's so good to see you! You really should call me more often." Kaiden didn't say anything to her comment but noticed who wasn't sitting the table with us. "Where's dad?" Kaiden asked and his mother gave him a sad smile brushing his hair back.

"Daddy couldn't make it he has a meeting in Italy he had to leave for. But it's okay I was talking to him about possibly doing family dinner once no one wants to come see their dear poor mother. Hi! I'm Megan it's so nice to meet you!" She dressed me and Kaiden smiled in my direction. "Mother this is Denali Cooper my girlfriend." He said and she gasped at him. "I haven't seen him call someone his girlfriend since Miss Sophia walked into his life." She said and I looked at Kaiden weird and he quickly brushed it off and corrected. "Sophie - But let's not talk about her. Please Denali have a seat."

He pulled out my chair for me and let me sit down Megan began talking to us about some new family she was building a case on and talking about the economics of the money needed for these new cancer treatments. I glanced over feeling like I was being watched and I saw Mr. Brenner talking with a mother man but keeping his eyes focused on me. Another woman walked up to our table and distracted Megan in conversation. I turned to Kaiden and under the table I pulled his pants leg. "Kaiden do you see who is here?" I asked and Kaiden glance in the direction of Mr. Brenner as he sipped his water.

"Yes I do see. I was expecting to see him at some point tonight considering he one of the biggest contributors to the Thorn foundation. The Thorn foundation serves the funding for fighting against deforestation. The Thorn family also throws this gala and own this mansion they plan it in every year."Kaiden explained to me. I shook my head. "I wish to never see that man again." I said dropping my gaze. "I wish I could make him drop off the planet earth but I cannot afford to got the prison right now." He said half joking. I looked up to see Mr. Brenner with a woman who look far more ugly and displeased with her social environment. Her face was stuck in a expression like she just sucked on a lemon.

"Is that his wife?" I asked Kaiden and Kaiden looked up and took another glance in their direction. "Yes it is. The only reason why he married her was because he family also comes from a wealthy family in which once they die she inherits all their fortune." Kaiden said and I shook my head as I sipped on the soup in front of me. "No wonder he preys on other woman. He probably can't bare to look at that woman for too long." I said to Kaiden under my breath. "Hence why they have never had children." Kaiden and I snickered t his comment before his mother sat back down. "Dr. Thorn wanted me to dance with him if you don't mind." Kaiden waved his hand at her. "I think we will join you too."

Kaiden stood up and held his hand out to me and I smiled at him. "May I please have this dance Ms. Cooper?" Kaiden asked and I nodded taking his hand and we walked to the dance floor. "I have to make sure you experience this whole gala to the highest uttermost expectations." He said and I smiled as we began to dance around together. "Awe Kaiden you really don't have to go all out like this for me. I'm just enjoying being here." He looked down at me and smiled. "I have to so you won't want come next year." I looked up at him and smiled back. "So you're already taking me into consideration a year from now?" I asked him.

"Denali I told you I wish to never have you leave my side I meant that. I have only told you a year in advance but I have already thought of you 40 years from now." Tears welled up in my eyes. "Kaiden stop I'm going to cry my makeup off." I said and he smiled at me quickly clicking away his own tears. "I love you Denali." - "I love you Kaiden." We finished this dance and we all sat down to eat. Kaiden talked to the other people at our table about business and his mother talked my ears off about Kaiden when he was a child.

As we ate they raised money for all sorts of charities and I watched this wealthy people throw hundreds of thousands at these pledges. The night was starting to end and at the end of the fund raiser they annoyed they will start a last dance soon. "Will you dance with me on this last dance?" Kaiden asked and I nodded my head at him wiping my mouth and taking a sip of water. "I have to use the ladies room I'll be right back. I promise I'll be back in time." Kaiden nodded smiling. I wondered around for a moment trying to find the ladies room and I did. I freshened up and washed my hands before walking out of the bathroom.

At the end of the hall which was the only exit back into the ballroom I saw Mr. Brenner coming in my direction. To avoid him I hung my head down and I tried to pass him into hoping he wouldn't notice me. Mr. Brenner grabbed my forearm as I passed by stopping me in my tracks. "Let go of me!" I said snatching my arm back. "Listen Denali I know we didn't get off on a good foot but I really think we could turn our relationship back around. I've been watching you all night and I just know how embarrassing this all has to be for you. The I thought ' she probably doesn't even know why she's here' I thought you needed to hear it from someone so you don't embarrass yourself anymore than you already have." Brenner said in a condescending tone. I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about old man?" I asked and He laughed lightly. "Ah feisty one I remember. Look Denali you are a spitting image of Kaiden's previous wife Sophie. Sophie was notorious for coming to this gala with Kaiden every year and it truly was the only event he would come to each year because of her. Plus the really the only reason he's with you is so he can save his reputation on the matter. You know once everyone thinks he killed his wife and all. He needs to redeem himself with everyone thinking he's innocent." I shook my head at him. "Killed his wife what?" I said still confused cause all I was told is that she went back to France or something.

"Yeah he didn't tell you? No? She died in a horrific car accident. She wasn't even recognizable to anyone even her own husband. I can't believe he never told you?" He said in shock. That's when Kaiden came looking for me and got between between us. "Leave her alone." Kaiden grab my arm pulling me closer to protect me but I got out of his grasp. "Is that really why I'm here?" I ask Kaiden and Kaiden just looked at me dumbfounded. "What?" Mr. Brenner had a large smile on his face. "You only want me here because I look like Sophie! Why would you never tell me that she's dead!" I yelled.

Some people were beginning to look our way in the hallway. Kaiden's face fell quickly all the pigment in his face left it. He was caught off guard and his walls dropped his eyes began to water. "You know I thought she left you and took some kind of divorce money from you and went back to France where she's from but no she died?! How could you not even tell me this Kaiden? What the fuck!" I said running away but Kaiden ran after me he grabbed my arm stopping me. I looked at him tears in his eyes.

"Please I can't lose you too Denali." We were quiet for a moment people were starting to stare at us. "Take me home." Is all I said to him and he nodded his head quietly. He went and found Jack and told him to take us home. We sat in the car in silence and only sound were my sniffles here and there. I knew Kaiden was crying too because I saw him wipe tears every few minutes trying to hide his emotions. He couldn't hide his emotions on this matter though not anymore. He had so many chances to tell me about what happened and he chose not to. Now I'm left looking like an idiot trying to fill in the place of his wife.

Everyone at that ball must have been watching us all night. No wonder Kaiden wanted me to dance with him all night. He must have wanted everyone to see me with him at least once. When we got up the apartment it was pouring rain and Kaiden got out with an umbrella and held it over me. I hugged myself as we walked in the rain into the building. When we made it up to his penthouse I instantly went to the guest bedroom and I changed into some pajama pants and a large t shirt. I didn't want to see him I didn't want to talk to him. How could I? I have no idea what I could even say to him in the this moment. I was just in utter shock of what Mr. Brenner had told me. I laid in bed crying for a long time. Part of me felt like I didn't even know the man I had been in love with all this time. Part of me felt like there is more to the story than what I had been told. I fell asleep crying but was awaken by the sound of glass breaking.

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