I'm In Love With a Dork.

By NumelgonThePegasus

94K 3.7K 1.1K

We all have had friends that we've drifted apart from, which has what happened to Kevin and Edd. But when the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Important Message!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Another Update Cause I'm Awful.

Chapter 13

3.4K 168 40
By NumelgonThePegasus

Edd and Kevin pulled away from eachother and stared into their eyes. Kevin grabbed Edd's hand.

"This is the best day ever."

"And I feel the same way."

Kevin pulled Edd into a hug, where the two boys begin to drift off to sleep.


The two boys would've slept much longer if Kevins mother had no come home, and so noisily. The two boys slowly opened their eyes, groggly.

"Oh hi Kevin sweetie! Who's this?"

"Uh, Mom. It's Edd."

"Eddward? Really? Come here!"

Edd got up, clumsily. He walked over to Kevins mom and stood before her.

"My, my, how much you've grown. Such a handsome young man."

Edd blushed, "Oh why thank you Linda! You look stunning yourself." Linda smiled. "Once a charmer, always a charmer." Linda patted Edds shoulders and went into the kitchen.

"Uh, we should go upstairs." Edd paused, then nodded his head. The two boys disappeared up to Kevins room. Kevin shut the door and leaned on it. Edd sat on the bed.

"So... What does this make us?"

"Wh-what do you mean Kevin?"

"We kissed. We like eachother. What now." Edd sighed and stood up, walking over to Kevin. He wrapped his arms around Kevins neck and pressed his lips onto Kevins. Kevin closed his eyes and kissed back. He could feel Edd now running his fingers through Kevins ginger hair. The two breathed in sync with one another as the kiss intensified. Kevin began moving his hands down Edds back, feeling Edd squirm slightly.

Edd pulled Kevins body closer to him, feeling the warmth of their bodies come together. Kevin held Edd tighter, with one hand on his hip and the other on his butt. The more the two kissed the more love drunk they felt.

Kevin opened his eyes and saw Edds beautiful, blue eyes closed. Kevin smirked and closed his eyes again. He snuck his tongue into Edds mouth, which made him jump a little.

The two began walking over to the bed where Kevin gently laid Edd on his back. Kevin fell on top of him and put his hand up his shirt while kissing him. Edd giggled while Kevin did this. Edd touched Kevins chest as Kevin was touching his. But slowly, Edds hand snaked down to Kevins belt buckle, Kevin gave a tiny moan as Edd attempted to un do it. Kevin began un doing the zipper on Edds pants.

As the two finally un did the others, a voice called the two boys.

"KEVIN! EDD! DINNER!!" Edd and Kevin stopped kissing, their faces red and erections popping out from their pants. The two smiled at eachother.

"Be my boyfriend Edd?"

"Oh yes Kevin!" Edd exclaimed, pulling Kevin into a kiss.

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